How To Use Digestive tract In A Sentence

  • Instead, eat food first, then drink afterwards for optimal health and digestive tract function.
  • The mouth is typically the only opening to the digestive tract, they use the same opening to both ingest food and egest waste. Platyhelminthes
  • Heal a digestive tract after illness or overindulgence with glutamine or a course of probiotics. Times, Sunday Times
  • IBS is one of the most common disorders of the digestive tract, with about a fifth of people in the UK experiencing occasional symptoms.
  • Fiber, also known as roughage, comes in two types: soluble fiber, which dissolves in water and may form a gel that carries food through the digestive tract; and insoluble fiber, which doesn't dissolve in water and rapidly passes through the digestive system largely intact. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
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  • Total digestive tract mass was the summed masses of the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, and large intestine.
  • The gallbladder is a small organ that receives bile from the liver and concentrates it before sending it to the digestive tract to aid with fat digestion. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • A malignant neoplasm in the neck can arise as a primary tumor or as metastasis from the upper aerodigestive tract or a distant site.
  • Contrast medium appears opaque on X-ray film, providing a clear outline of structures such as your digestive tract or blood vessels.
  • Sugar, on its own, is not only tasty to us humans, but bacteria like it too - it can cause problems ranging from tooth decay to yeast infections, resulting from the growth of candida in the digestive tract.
  • Their digestive tract is adapted to break down fairly large bones such as the femur of the chamois, the small, goatlike antelope of the Alps.
  • The embonate salt of pyrantel is poorly soluble in water, which offers the advantage of reduced absorption from the gut, allowing the drug to express its high nematocidal efficacy directly within the digestive tract.
  • Any part of the digestive tract can be affected by Crohn's disease, but most often it affects the ileum, which is part of the small intestine. EHow - Health How To's
  • The digestive tracts of herbivorous fishes may contain protistan and bacterial endosymbionts that aid in the digestion of the plant material. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • The digestive tract was removed from each specimen and dissected it into the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, liver, and pancreas.
  • There are several physiological changes that occur in the digestive tract of the young pig from birth to eight weeks of age.
  • After initially seizing and beginning to swallow a newt, many snakes subsequently release the newt after as much as one hour of holding the prey item in the mouth and upper digestive tract.
  • However, he adds, it is still possible that orally administered resveratrol can prevent cancers along the aerodigestive tract. NutraIngredients-USA RSS
  • In fact all blood and lymphatic vessels, air alveoli of the lungs, tendons and cords of the whole system, the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, the stomach, the bladder, and indeed every organ or tissue which has the function of expansion and contraction, must be made of gelatigenous (rubber-like) tissue. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • National Institutes of Health and conducted by the University of California at Los Angeles, also reported that lifetime use of cannabis was not positively associated with cancers of the lung or aerodigestive tract, and further noted that certain moderate users of the drug experienced a reduced cancer risk compared to non-using controls. Paul Armentano: If Pot Prevented Cancer You Would Have Read About It, Right?
  • Sometimes he spoke of vague theories—something about toxins, the digestive tract, the “vagotropic nervous system,” and the “restoration of balance.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The routine use of Triphala each morning is thought to detoxify the body and restore the integrity of the entire digestive tract, with a perfect balance between its astringent, demulcent, digestive, and aperient properties.
  • Magnesium hydroxide is less likely to irritate the digestive tract than a stimulant laxative such as senna.
  • But pollywogs must grow legs, lose a tail, and completely reconfigure their jaws and digestive tract to prepare for a life of eating flies.
  • As the food you eat passes through your digestive tract, your body takes nutrients and water from the food.
  • It's clear that bezoar stones are now thoroughly explained (like a pearl, bezoar stones - as opposed to another kind of bezoar, like a hairy bezoar - are usually caused by the initial introduction of some irritant into the digestive tract). Weird Stones
  • Inulin is a "prebiotic," a food ingredient that selectively stimulates the beneficial bacteria in the human digestive tract to increase the beneficial effects of probiotics.
  • The endoderm is the innermost layer that lines the digestive tract. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Even though it is natural, senna is harsh and can irritate the lower digestive tract.
  • Dendritic" (treelike) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts, where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow.
  • Previous reviews of long-term cannabis smoking have noted similar respiratory complications, though an association between cannabis use and lung and/or upper aerodigestive tract (UAT) cancers has not been found. Main RSS Feed
  • Chewing the gum is certainly less harmful than smoking cigarettes, but nicotine can be irritating to the digestive tract, causing hiccups, heartburn and nausea.
  • Mink are monogastric animals with a digestive tract more similar to that of humans than that of rodents as there is no cecum at the junction of the small and large intestine. Mink
  • The initials of the French name are also the first 4 letters in the European spelling for the first part of the digestive tract, the oesophagus, so the acronym is very appropriate.
  • Vomiting of Blood may be a sign of Bleeding ulcer or digestive tract disorders.
  • Diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of one or more small bulging pouches in the digestive tract called diverticula.
  • IBS is caused by a polymorphism of the serotonin receptors lining the digestive tract, causing digestive dysfunction based on mood. The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
  • Because I'm no longer ingesting solids, every morning I have to chug a gag-inducing litre of warm salt water to flush out any leftover solids still hanging out in my digestive tract.
  • A barium swallow can also show the refluxing of liquid into the esophagus, and it may show whether the esophagus is irritated or whether there are any physical abnormalities in the upper digestive tract.
  • A newer version called immunochemical FOBT iFOBT is supposed to zero in on colon growths better than an older version known as guaiac FOBT -- which often picked up bleeding originating in the upper digestive tract, such as from a stomach ulcer. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Carrots clear out excess cholesterol from the system, while ginger is wonderful at calming the digestive tract, helping to quell the feelings of nausea that some people experience when detoxing.
  • Dust mite allergens are proteins that come from the digestive tracts of mites and are found in mite feces.
  • One definite kind of contiguity, consisting of mutual approximation of the mucous membranes of the lips in the form of a kiss, has received among the most civilized nations a sexual value, though the parts of the body concerned do not belong to the sexual apparatus but form the entrance to the digestive tract. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • All this then enters the digestive tract and begins its passage from esophagus to stomach to duodenum to small intestine to colon.
  • Every time you eat, your gall bladder releases its reserve of bile through ducts into the digestive tract.
  • These procedures create a direct connection from the stomach to the lower segment of the small intestine, literally bypassing portions of the digestive tract that absorb calories and nutrients.
  • As for pooping, the larva only poops once in its childhood, in that, the feces is stored at the end of the digestive tract as a superconcentrated pellet, and is only released after the molt of the second to final instar before pupating. Brachynemurus abdominalis - The Panda's Thumb
  • All fiber goes through the digestive tract unabsorbed until it reaches the colon where it is acted upon by colonic bacteria (I suppose you could loosely call it fermented) that convert it to short chain fatty acids, one of which is butyrate (a four-carbon fat). Resistant starch | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The colon is the large intestine or lower bowel and sits in the abdomen, forming the last part of the digestive tract.
  • Different regions of the digestive tract are concerned with storage, secretion, the processes of food digestion, absorption, and the elimination of waste products.
  • They actually have a balancing effect in the digestive tract, for whilst stimulating the flow of digestive juices, they can counteract excess acidity in the stomach.
  • It usually occurs in the lower part of the small intestine called the ileum, but can affect any part of the digestive tract. Undefined
  • Multivitamins, folate, and green vegetables protect against gene promoter methylation in the aerodigestive tract of smokers. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Green Veterinary Medicine: Veggies for Pets
  • The gastroderm is the innermost layer and lines the digestive tract. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Most people who are aware of the need for "colon cleansing" do not realize that this layer of toxic waste called mucoid plaque can build up throughout their digestive tract from stomach to rectum. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Named after Coxsackie, New York, where they were discovered, the coxsackie viruses are part of the enterovirus family of viruses (which also includes echoviruses, polio, and hepatitis A viruses) that live in the human digestive tract.
  • The end-to-end anastomosis he cited certainly sounded like a desperate improvisation: attempting to circumvent her blocked digestive tract by taking a lower, cleared loop of bowel and hooking it up to her stomach. A Happy Marriage
  • Doc said it could be a major malfunction in his digestive tract, requiring surgery.
  • Certain beard worms, such as Riftia pachyptila, live at ocean floor thermal vents and have no digestive tract; instead they supply hydrogen sulphide and methane to bacteria in their trophosomes, which oxidise the hydrogen sulphide and methane on behalf of the worm. Natural Kinds
  • An animal with renal failure that is vomiting may benefit from herbs that calm the digestive tract and function as anti-emetics, such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger, and wild bergamot.
  • New research shows that adding inulin, a prebiotic food ingredient, protects probiotics during processing and transit through the digestive tract.
  • Ingested cysts hatch into trophozoites in the small intestine and continue moving down the digestive tract to the colon.
  • Candidates are sought to join a basic and translational research program focusing on squamous cell carcinomas of the upper aerodigestive tract, recently funded by an Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • There are several physiological changes that occur in the digestive tract of the young pig from birth to eight weeks of age.
  • Conversely, research evidence indicates that some of the gossypol that is bound may be released as free gossypol during digestion, which can be absorbed by the digestive tract.
  • Excessive bleeding, including heavy menstrual bleeding, gum bleeding, bleeding within the digestive tract, or nosebleeding The World's Healthiest Foods
  • The digestive tract consists of a mouth, buccal cavity, esophagus, stomach, two-section intestine, and anus.
  • Inulin is a ‘prebiotic,’ a food ingredient that selectively stimulates the beneficial bacteria in the human digestive tract to increase the beneficial effects of probiotics.
  • The latter are produced in a region of the rabbit's digestive tract called the cecum, a blind-end pouch located at the junction of the small and large intestines. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The digestive tract was removed from each specimen and dissected it into the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, liver, and pancreas.
  • The animals became ill and lost weight as multiple regions of their digestive tracts became inflamed.
  • Palm oil or palmitic oil, a source of fat in some formulas, binds with calcium in the digestive tract. Baby Bites
  • The digestive tract consists of a mouth, buccal cavity, esophagus, stomach, two-section intestine, and anus.
  • Dendritic" (treelike) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts, where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow.
  • Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract.
  • But for all the insufficiency of Rheinberger's digestive tract, this is an enjoyable disc.
  • Soybeans contain a naturally occurring compound called daidzein that certain bacteria living within the human digestive tract can metabolize, or convert, into S-equol THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Or it could simply be activity in the digestive tract.
  • Throat is a term popularly used to describe the area that leads into the respiratory and digestive tracts. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • A number of groups, such as phoronids, ectoprocts and entoprocts, bear horseshoe-shaped tentacle rings and ‘U’ shaped digestive tracts.
  • Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract.
  • In small doses it serves as a stimulant for the entire digestive tract, associating it with bitter tonics, or other restoratives.
  • Scientifically defined as a "prebiotic," inulin has been shown to stimulate good bacteria in the digestive tract.
  • Dust mite allergens are proteins that come from the digestive tracts of mites and are found in mite feces.
  • The onion family (including leeks, chives and scallions) is rich in allyl sulfides, which can help lower high blood pressure and show promise in protecting against cancers of the stomach and the digestive tract.
  • The three main reasons for the "revisional" bariatric surgery were: unsatisfactory weight loss after the initial procedure; severe nutritional complications such as protein malnutrition; and intolerable side effects such as blocking or narrowing of the digestive tract. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The hemal system parallels the water vascular system and probably distributes nutrients from the digestive tract.
  • It is a globulin known as legumin, and is acted upon mainly by ferments working in alkaline solutions, as in the lower part of the digestive tract. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Objective To analyze the causes of infantile hemorrhage of digestive tract.
  • Proponents of colon cleansing, or "detoxifying," claim that the practice removes built-up toxins, rejuvenates the digestive tract, and can even fight cancer. Q&A: Could colon-cleansing teas be harmful?
  • Probiotics such as lactobacillus GG are "helpful" bacteria that are found in the digestive tract and have been scientifically proven to prevent eczema. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Gastrointestinal autonomic neuropathy may cause paresis anywhere in the digestive tract, with damage to small myelinated and unmyelinated splanchnic nerves.
  • The hemal system parallels the water vascular system and probably distributes nutrients from the digestive tract.
  • The colon is the large intestine or lower bowel and sits in the abdomen, forming the last part of the digestive tract.
  • It's an effective calming agent for the digestive tract, reducing acidity and helping indigestion and heartburn.
  • The illness that had aged her so rapidly was sprue, a form of tropical anemia that attacks the mucous membranes in the mouth, throat, and digestive tract, making it difficult to swallow or digest food. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • Total digestive tract mass was the summed masses of the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, and large intestine.
  • At the bottom of the box, her famous sugar-free honey-oat cookies, a carton of wheat germ, Sun Life Colon Health Fiber Biscuits, and Sun Life Colon Health Fiber supplements with a detailed pamphlet about caring for my digestive tract. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • A number of groups, such as phoronids, ectoprocts and entoprocts, bear horseshoe-shaped tentacle rings and ‘U’ shaped digestive tracts.
  • Feeding flatworms extend a long pharynx out of their mouths. This tube leads directly into the digestive tract.
  • It's the adjective of coelom SEE-lum, which Merriam-Webster said is "the usually epithelium-lined space between the body wall and the digestive tract of metazoans above the lower worms," which told me basically nothing. COELOM.
  • In Western medicine, a hormone preparation must be injected because of the concern for the change in its properties if it is passed through the digestive tract.
  • It is one of the best digestive herbs available, protecting and soothing the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, reducing excess acidity and easing nausea.
  • One such body function is the occasional need to eliminate accumulated waste gases from the digestive tract.
  • Between 50% and 75% of the phosphorus present in cereal grains including corn, soybeans, barley and wheat is present in an indigestible compound called phytate that passes through the pig's digestive tract. BBC News - Home
  • During pregnancy, hormones relax the muscles in your digestive tract, including the valve in the esophagus.
  • Maw might be a bit archaic nowadays; in the Anglo-Saxon leechbooks "maw" seems to refer to the stomach more than the mouth, though I take it to mean the digestive tract from mouth to stomach. Archive 2005-12-01
  • All this then enters the digestive tract and begins its passage from esophagus to stomach to duodenum to small intestine to colon.
  • They also alkalize the digestive tract and bloodstream, a highly desirable benefit in this day of chronic acidosis. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • Gastrointestinal autonomic neuropathy may cause paresis anywhere in the digestive tract, with damage to small myelinated and unmyelinated splanchnic nerves.
  • There are several physiological changes that occur in the digestive tract of the young pig from birth to eight weeks of age.
  • The anal canal ends at the anus, which is the external orifice, or opening, of the digestive tract.
  • Subsequently, the bolus is transferred to the digestive tract where it is chemically reduced.
  • To cross deeper or broader stretches of water, armadillos gulp air into the digestive tract and swim like a dog.

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