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[ US /ˈdaɪˌdʒɛstɝ/ ]
[ UK /da‍ɪd‍ʒˈɛstɐ/ ]
  1. autoclave consisting of a vessel in which plant or animal materials are digested

How To Use digester In A Sentence

  • The digesters of such plants are usually made of masonry, with paraffin or bituminous paint applied to the gas-flled area in order to make it gastight. 5. Biogas technique
  • The manure digester is sound science and makes good sense. Sound Politics: King County Bullshit Alert
  • A disproportionally large gasholder combined with a larger digester would correspond to this peak demand. 2. Biogas technology
  • Every biogas dissemination programme for household plants can and should restrict itself to standard sizes regarding digester and gasholder volumes (e.g. VD = 6, 9, 12, 18 m³). 3. The biogas dissemination programme
  • The consultation also found there are not enough incinerators or anaerobic digesters to turn food waste into energy because of difficulty with planning permission or "nimbyism" and a lack of funding. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • In the digester, a big stainless steel container, a solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide is poured over the carcass.
  • The wood chips are placed in the digester and are cooked in a highly corrosive alkaline solution.
  • The wood chips are placed in the digester and are cooked in a highly corrosive alkaline solution.
  • Some cleaning is also required but digesters exist that produce sufficiently clean biogas for conventional engine cogenerators, as well as a high grade compost for agricultural purposes.
  • During the decomposition process in the biodigester, the waste is also sterilized. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Renewable Fuel
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