How To Use Diffusion In A Sentence
Sampling of gases and vapors by active sampling on a solid adsorbent or passive sampling by diffusion is routinely done and well documented.
The author performed immunoprecipitation with immunodiffusion, using Petri dishes that contained 15 ml of 1.2% agarose in a barbital buffer.
He was a diffusionist, plain and simple.
Others have attributed the transmission of common motifs and themes to a process of diffusion, whereby ideas are carried from culture to culture by humans involved in such activities as war and trade.
In most cases the model assumes that the activated molecule is diffusible, and the washout occurs whenever the rate of diffusion exceeds rate of formation of the molecule.

Substantial, wholesome, and clean -- though generated by a wet, helpless creature having no personal charms, and which, having passed the phase of life in which it enjoyed the gift of locomotion, has become a plant-like fixture to one spot -- the gas mingles with other diffusions of the reef, recalling villanous salt-petre and sheepdips and brimstone and treacle to the stimulation of the mental faculties generally.
My Tropic Isle
Modern improvements in the means for the diffusion of knowledge have not brought about the millennium, but they have reduced the old statecraft to a condition of inglorious futility.
It is important to recognize, however, that many linguists do not agree on the validity and accuracy of glottochronology and lexicostatistics in determining linguistic diffusion.
Are you related to the Aztecs?
The simplest type of diffusion is Brownian motion, (also termed a Wiener process), which is a simple random walk in which the increments between random variables St have a normal distribution with a mean value of zero.
Archive 2009-01-01
Radial immunodiffusion may be used as a means of demonstrating measurement of immunoglobulin levels.
A separate American diffusionist school of thought, led by Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber (both students of Boas), also arose in the first few decades of the twentieth century.
He received the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on the diffusion of light and discovery of the Raman effect.
Such a location is compatible with the ready diffusion of ethylene in both aqueous and lipid environments.
The primary types of specialized transport mechanisms are: facilitated diffusion; active transport; and endocytosis (phagocytosis and pinocytosis).
Absorption of toxicants
The storage dynamics in doped lithium niobate are studied. It gives that the equations of the migration of charges is due to diffusion or drift and photovoltaic effect.
Since its launch in 2006 Target's Go International programme has been joined by the Designer Collaborations series, working with established designers such as Posen also revealed earlier this month that he is set to launch his own affordable diffusion line, named Z Spoke, to his womenswear offering.
This restricted diffusional space would account for a decreased gH in various gA channels in GMO / decane in relation to GMO / squalene bilayers.
The new associating hard sphere chain equation combined the hard sphere chain model (HSC) of self-diffusion coefficient with the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT).
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
There is a like discrepancy in the views on the possibility of its diffusion by drinking water, on the influence of conditions of soil, on the question whether the dejecta contain the poison or not, and on the duration of the incubation period.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
Owing to diffusion gas escapes with extraordinary rapidity, and if the fabric used is not absolutely gastight the air finds its way in where the gas has escaped.
British Airships, Past, Present, and Future
Because there's such a high concentration of electrons in the n-type region, the diffusion currents are extremely strong, and electrons flow at an enormous rate.
After a passivation layer, including suitable diffusion barriers, has been laid over the structure, it is over-filled with a suitable soft metal (typically copper or one of its alloys) and then planarized in the usual way.
In 1971, Rotta, Lancefield, and associates developed a double-diffusion agar method for identifying M-type GAS strains using unabsorbed M-type antisera 56.
One of the most interesting points to emerge is a recognition that with hindsight, European radicalism has once again written itself as a form of diffusionism, its sources and impetuses exclusive unto itself.
`The fancy term for pre-Columbian travel to and from other continents is diffusionism.
Screen shots show the use of the curve, light diffusion and terracing to invite the player.
The continued increase in ouabain effect following washout is likely due to slow tissue diffusion of the hydrophobic drug.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Ions and molecules move through these induced gaps of the SC by diffusion and electromotive or electro-osmotic transport.
This is compatible with a genuine antagonistic action of the drugs during their gradual diffusion and washout.
It is quite possible that the diffusion of bioactive antibiotics would be hindered by the thickened pleura.
Nonetheless, conceptions of Australian science have largely remained bound by the top-down perspective assumed by the diffusionist model.
The bimolecular quenching rate constants are less than that of diffusion controlled and decrease as the one-electron reduction potential of the donor radical increases.
Carol Johnson took the podium of a lecture hall one recent morning to walk 79 students enrolled in an introductory biology course through diffusion, osmosis and the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes.
Putting a Price on Professors
the diffusion of knowledge
A glass-made diffusion pump unit as a physical model of vacuum system was provided for those college students who only major science.
In the same year, the Englishman William Rivers discarded evolutionism in favour of diffusionist theories to explain the historical spread of customs and belief systems.
This remarkable cultural diffusion clearly illustrates just how far north Hispanic influences spread.
Formerly slavery was looked upon as peculiarly pernicious to the diffusion of wealth and the progress of national greatness; now the South is intoxicated with ideas of the profitableness of slave labor, and the power of King Cotton in controlling the exchanges of the world.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
Respiratory function tests generally show a persistent slight-to-moderate hypoxemia and a reduction of carbon monoxide diffusion.
Pulmonary function tests in older children includes spirometry, whole body plethysmography, single and multiple breath nitrogen washout, carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, respiratory muscle strength and lung compliance.
Pulmonary Function Lab
When an object reflects light with little diffusion it is said to have a glossy or optically smooth surface.
A production of Twelfth Night, starring John Wood as Malvolio, was made by Rediffusion for its schools programming in the afternoons.
Lost tapes of classic British television found in the US
The problem involves materials of different densities, different viscosities, with very large variations in local Reynolds number (convection divided by viscous diffusion) and hydraulic conditions.
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
The present bibliography does not include all of the approximately 3,900 diffusion publications 75 percent empirical and 25 percent nonempirical currently available, as such a complete bibliography would itself constitute a very large book.
Diffusion of Innovations
Under the assumption that landforms unaffected by drainage channels are degraded according to the linear diffusion equation, a procedure is developed to invert a scarp profile to find its ‘diffusion age.’
The high temperature treatment effaces the strains, coalesces the sulphide films in the ferrite which embrittle the steel and produces homogenity by rapid diffusion.
If our economy is to be about more than the diffusion of others inventions, we must ourselves innovate more and invent more.
For instance, the detection of the slow ejection kinetics may be impeded by the photobleaching effect and the possible diffusion of the probe through the permeable capsids.
Indeed the wide diffusion of letters in the States, that favourite theme for boasting and bragging over the unenlightened and analphabetic Old World, has tended only to exaggerate the defective and disagreeable side of a national character lacking geniality and bristling with prickly individuality.
Arabian nights. English
A crystalloid, e.g. common salt, is characterized in that it passes in the dissolved state readily through membranes such as parchment paper or collodion films and also that it exhibits a rapid free diffusion.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1925 - Presentation Speech
Accordingly, the I-V characteristics of N and P type DBRs due to three kinds of current mechanisms:the drift-diffusion, pure drift and thermionic emission currents, have been analyzed theoretically.
J'hésite à parler de livre électronique, car le mot "livre" désigne aussi bien le contenu éditorial (quand on dit qu'untel a écrit un livre) que l'objet en papier, génial, qui permet sa diffusion.
Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
Interconnectedness also contributes to the rapid diffusion of ideas and technology.
In this paper, a two-dimensional flow equation and a thermodiffusion equation are used to simulate the diffusion feature of the cooling water drained into Puyang River by Xiaoshan Power Plant.
It was not possible to accurately derive diffusion constants directly from the measured recovery times, due to the inhomogeneous distribution of microtubules in three dimensions.
Uranium for the first atomic bomb and for nuclear reactors was enriched in the 235 isotope, as compared to the more abundant 238 isotope, by gaseous diffusion.
Based on diffusion theory, they calculated the magnetic particles in the glass to be about 1000 atoms across.
On the contrary, if the water potential of the soil is lower than that of the roots, water can be lost to the rhizosphere by diffusion.
The mean square displacement of these cells compared to the fibronectin movement scales with time, indicating that cells exhibit a 'random walk'-like diffusive behaviour, with the diffusion of cells relative to the fibronectin following a posterior-to-anterior back-to-front gradient.
Randomly growing an embryo. It can work. - The Panda's Thumb
No one has yet examined the question, What is the condition as regards average distribution of kinetic energy, which is ultimately fulfilled by two portions of gaseous matter, separated by a thin elastic septum which absolutely prevents interdiffusion of matter, while it allows interchange of kinetic energy by collisions against itself?
Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
Analyze the feasibility of the single radial immunodiffusion(SRD) on fast and accurately determining the content of hemagglutinin antigen(HA) in influenza vaccine.
A glass-made diffusion pump unit as a physical model of vacuum system was provided for those college students who only major science.
Only the articulation and diffusion of dangerous ideas was still limited.
I rang up the man from Rediffusion, when his number I had found.
WalesOnline - Home
Croft became a script editor for Rediffusion, and was then a light entertainment producer for Tyne Tees, writing many jingles.
The Guardian World News
Patients receiving injections into the neck muscles for torticollis may therefore develop dysphagia because of diffusion of the toxin into the oropharynx.
High efficiency light reflecting system and diffusion foil assure 95 % or more light evenness.
These proteins allow diffusion of ions and even large molecules of the size of several hundred daltons.
Some parts are painted white to assist with light diffusion, but the essential texture and character of the material is still legible.
Despite critics who say that money in developing countries is better spent on books and teachers, placing such devoices into the hands of children is a worldwide diffusion of knowledge for a cost so low the savings are scarcely imaginable.
In this paper, a two-dimensional flow equation and a thermodiffusion equation are used to simulate the diffusion feature of the cooling water drained into Puyang River by Xiaoshan Power Plant.
Of particular interest in these studies has been the ability to map singlet oxygen diffusion across an interfacial boundary into a different phase-separated domain.
The carburization then goes on for several hours before the furnace is cooled below the effective carburizing range, securing an ideal diffusion of carbon between the case and the core of the steel being carburized.
The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
Also, since air retarders and vapor diffusion retarders serve different functions and have distinct characteristics, it may be more practical to install them as separate systems.
Theoretically, conductivity should not be dependent on the path length of diffusion over which conductance is measured.
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics.
Our results indicate that different types of social network connections can have opposing impacts on diffusion.
Alternatively, the thick mucus lining the airways could result in poor diffusion into the gaseous phase.
The antibacterial activity of the extract from Psidium againstbacteria was studied by disk diffusion method.
Differences between the three principal components of R (diffusion rate tensor) up to an order of magnitude signified anisotropic motion of the spin label at some locations.
Broadly, productive economic activities and notions of long-term investment became sidelined in favour of immediate consumption and resource diffusion.
Prior research on interlocking directorates has focused on how overlapping board memberships can promote mimetic isomorphism in a population by facilitating the diffusion of individual policies and structures between firms.
This approach could be particularly clinically useful in patients with impaired antibody production, such as individuals with HIV infection, where immunodiffusion techniques are inadequate
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It was now long after nightfall, yet the interminable forest through which he journeyed was lit with a wan glimmer having no point of diffusion, for in its mysterious lumination nothing cast a shadow.
But notice that the success of the joke depended on the tension that preceded it, and the secretary may have minded the tension more than she appreciated its diffusion.
The usual diffusion random walk treatment does not consider any interaction between the particles.
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
In this paper, the cause of speed of KT-150 diffusion pump are analyzed in the construction with using the theory of aerodynamics.
After this fact one need not be surprised at the diffusion of the far lighter and smaller sporules of cryptogamic plants.
An initial exponential decay of current corresponds to the inactivation of monomer channel conductance and a longer time scale quasi-steady-state represents the diffusion of ions to a bimolecular surface reaction.
In its functional role as a relative, not absolute, diffusion barrier for small solutes, the pine nexine resembles suberized and/or cutinized cell walls and Casparian strips.
In this paper, a class of system for nonlinear reaction diffusion of the predator prey in the biomathematics is considered using the method of differential inequalities.
Similar to previous diffusion studies, innovativeness plays a critical role in predicting consumer adoption of new media technologies.
What this actually points to is a marked, though still limited, diffusion of prosperity and a radically changing social and occupational structure.
It implied a diffusionist view of history whereby high civilization was brought from the Fertile Crescent and then made its way down to the Lower Nile Valley by white or near-whites of the Caucasian family.
Sound Diffusion ordinary shares were suspended in December at 22p and the group asked its bankers to appoint a receiver.
And those who believe in the idea of the ultimate municipalization of most large industries, will continue to find in this non-localized class, working especially through the medium of Parliament, a persistent and effective obstruction to all such projects, unless such a rectification of areas can be contrived as will overtake the delocalization and the diffusion of interests that has been and is still going on.
Mankind in the Making
We showed that the autocorrelation profile not only contains information on diffusion timescales but also on relaxation timescales.
Results One strain was highly suspected of metalloenzyme-produced. Conclusion The disc diffusion synergy test can be good indication of metalloenzyme.
In this paper the optimal design problem of the diffusion-fission cross section for a dynamical reactor is considered on the basis of the simple energy static diffusion approximation equation.
And we found with 11 hours of practice over about a month, IBMT changed the white matter connectivity as measured by fractional anisotropy, the diffusion of water along the pathway ...
Meditation For A Stronger Brain
Examples include the distribution of counterions on DNA, micelles, polymer diffusion, and liquid mixtures.
The diffusion of rye and oats, mainly reserved for animal feedstuffs in antiquity, was slow at first, accelerated from the seventh century onwards, and expanded dramatically in the tenth century.
This paper documents some aspects of this trend, and proposes policy diffusion as a set of mechanisms that explain the clustering in time and space of liberal policies.
Cheese Graters cast more shadows than light because they're given to light patterns and light diffusion - core ingredients of mood lighting.
Image processor using both dither and error diffusion to produce halftone images with less flicker and patterns
Considering the manner in which acetylcholine must reach the motor end plates of the muscle fibres, if it were indeed the transmitter of motor nerve excitation - that it must appear with a flash-like suddenness, in high concentration, simultaneously at every nerve ending - we concluded that the ordinary method of injecting acerylcholine, so that it reached the muscle by slow diffusion from the general circulation, could not possibly reproduce this abrupt appearance at the points responsive to its action.
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
As for the development of agriculture and sericulture by the establishment of state institutions to promote the diffusion of the best available techniques, such policies had a longer history in China than in the West.
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
Proline-rich proteins' coat the teeth with a thin layer - pellicle - that serves as a protective diffusion barrier on the tooth surface.
The updated models considerably outperform the DGBAS forecast and the pure diffusion index models (that do not account for the DGBAS forecast) in both the in-sample and out-of-sample comparisons.
The diffusionism viewpoint does not have a following today, owing to the extreme claims of the diffusionists that all social change could be explained by diffusion alone.
Diffusion of Innovations
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
Mixing by diffusion would take practically forever, so most of the mixing is via deep sea currents which then upwell various places, such as along the Chilean coast and downwell in places like the arctic ocean.
KTH, Stockholm Conference « Climate Audit
Dilution and diffusion were used to demonstrate the antibacterial and antifungal chemotherapeutical activity.
Chapter 12
Her theories are reminiscent of the diffusionist theories that argue that Native Americans were descended from the lost tribes of Israel, the Welsh, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, and/or the Chinese.
Equally effective in the general diffusion of Christian ideas and Christianity in general was the monastic movement.
Some are pores that allow molecules of certain types to flow across the membrane at a controlled rate through a process called facilitated diffusion.
Scientific Blogging
A second patent followed after he began to study the diffusion of infrared light.
Thus, while the use of the new technology is indeed still extremely limited in India, and diffusion that can make a difference to the quality of life must wait, there are signs of change.
After this fact one need not be surprised at the diffusion of the far lighter and smaller sporules of cryptogamic plants.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Twenty-four hours after treatment, leaves were ground with a mortar and the expressed leaf extract was analyzed for proteinase inhibitor concentrations by radial immunodiffusion as described previously.
With sufficient forward bias, the diffusion capacitance can easily exceed the space charge region capacitance.
The focus is on ideas, idea diffusion, brands, marketing, persuasion and web design.
Colors in the agate are due to traces of iron and manganese oxides or to light diffusion in colloids.
An ID proponent, citing Dembski in No Free Lunch, insists that diffusion is not possible inside of living cells.
College professor: "Flunk the IDiots"
Intellectually this was a muddle, from ‘diffusionism’ to ‘cultural adaptation to environments’ to ‘post-processual’ symbolic interpretations.
Silicon crystals are drawn as a boule from molten silicon (requiring large amounts of energy and time), are sawn into wafers into which dopant diffusions are implanted (again in furnaces requiring energy and time).
Thin Film Solar Companies Raise Hundreds of Millions in Financing - Bits Blog -
Steady-state diffusion of water along the two defined pathways depends on the concentration gradient and on the diffusivity of the substance.
With the FCS simulation, the recovered diffusion constant is within 95 % accuracy of the simulated value.
The permeance is a composite quantity consisting of the diffusion coefficient, the partition coefficient, the membrane thickness, and the tortuosity of the diffusional path length.
This was also the beginning of a diffusion of English ideas into Indian diet.
Popov and Poo measured the diffusion of fluorescently labeled lactalbumin, ovalbumin, and bovine serum albumin in neurites of growing Xenopus neurons after protein microinjection into the soma.
The half-life times of sugar exchange with the central capsule are three orders of magnitude larger than half-life times expected for their diffusional exchange with a spherical equivalent volume of unstirred water.
I thought I might exploit lateral diffusion in lipid layers for the purpose.
Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
Imaginative diffusionists used such similarities to speculate on the origins of the Maya.
But diffusion of ideas does not mean they are implemented; it only means they are talked about.
We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.
But while it created room for the diffusion of authority it did not have a place for individualism.
He was a ‘diffusionist’, and through his studies he attempted to illustrate how and why similar games appear in different cultures.
In scientometrics field, however, there are few scholar studies about it, especially about knowledge production and diffusion in citation network.
The same holds for the application of a transmembrane potential that is limited to the generation of a diffusion potential by the usage of ion-specific ionophores.
Without reliving the controversy of the last few decades, it is safe to say that the accurate and devastating criticisms leveled by him against cultural diffusionism and migration theory have not been completely answered.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the disc diffusion method on the clinical antifungal susceptibility test for yeast - like fungi.
The most common in vitro assay for toxigenicity is the Elek immunodiffusion test.
There are data on the rates of diffusion of molecules.
Random diffusion comes in a number of different varieties, so the first question one might pose is to ask which particular type is being suggested here.
Archive 2009-01-01
Now that the principle of the interindividual diffusion of feeling has been stated and explained, we may return to our main line of research and examine its bearings on the expressional impulse.
Introduction to the Science of Sociology
The MU radar can measure the diffusion coefficients in the mesopause region by observing meteor echoes.
The diffusion of goods, ideas, and people works continuously to erode uneven development, but never succeeds in doing so.
Studies the stability in total variation norm of the diffusion process with jumps under conditions of Lipschitz and linear growth by the method of coupling.
Eddy diffusion is apparent in the dissipation of smoke from a smokestack.
After the respective diffusion time, sporopollenin capsules were sedimented by centrifugation.
Because cartilage derives its nutrition by diffusion from the perichondrium, necrosis and consequent structural deformity occurs.
The leading theories of adhesion include the diffusion, electrostatic, surface energetics, and mechanical theories.
Taking the effects of space charge and carrier diffusion as well as injected current pulse width into account, an analytic expression of a transit angle of 8 mm Si DDR IMPATT diode is derived.
In photochemistry and photobiology, it is often assumed that the noncovalent association of a photosensitizer to its target will lead to more effective damage because diffusion-limited processes are eliminated.
Red blood cell with a biconcave disc shape is to provide a large surface area to volume ratio to facilitate the diffusion of gases.
He provided funds for the collaborative restudy of Saucío, with Fals Borda and his students at the National University of Colombia in Bogotá, using a diffusion approach.
Diffusion of Innovations
The new associating hard sphere chain equation combined the hard sphere chain model (HSC) of self-diffusion coefficient with the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT).
Purposes may be to minimize fouling, modulate hydrophilicity / hydrophobicity, enhance biocompatibility, create diffusion barriers, provide functionalities, mimic biomembranes, fabricate nanostructures, etc.
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The rate of diffusion is determined by the difference between the tension in the blood and that in the surrounding tissue.
Physiology or Medicine 1920 - Presentation Speech
The halation to which he referred is a further diffusion of light that can occur around highlights, as well as around other areas of brightness in a projected camera image.
In our case, the thin peripheral rim of restricted diffusion may represent an active edge of demyelination.
When adjusted to account for in vivo tortuosity, diffusion coefficients in gels matched previous measurements in four human tumor xenografts with equivalent collagen concentrations.
Positioning research puts the diffusion researcher in the role of designer or at least a codesigner of the innovation.
Diffusion of Innovations
In fact, the pace and diffusion of IT innovation is now held to be so rapid that businesses must ditch all plans for next year and instead compete on internet time, putting the accent on agility rather than strategy.
The diffusion of particles in a polymer solution has been investigated on numerous polymeric systems.
No directional flow of water molecules is observed; instead, water molecules appear to follow a random diffusion mode, from one residence site to another.
There are three main transport mechanisms: molecular diffusion, vascular transport of gas through plant roots, and ebullition.
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on function of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
My work in Leiden in 1947 and 1948 resulted in establishing the nuclear spin relaxation mechanism by conduction electrons in metals and by paramagnetic impurities in ionic crystals, the phenomenon of spin diffusion, and the large shifts induced by internal magnetic fields in paramagnetic crystals.
Nicolaas Bloembergen - Autobiography
The electric and magnetic fields the probe measured built up a more detailed picture of the magnetopause, including the flow of electrons in the diffusion region.
Carol Johnson took the podium of a lecture hall one recent morning to walk 79 students enrolled in an introductory biology course through diffusion, osmosis and the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes.
Putting a Price on Professors
The author performed immunoprecipitation with immunodiffusion, using Petri dishes that contained 15 ml of 1.2% agarose in a barbital buffer.
This allows us to observe water diffusion that occurs beyond the structural changes, often entailing water influx and outflux, at the outset of the MD calculation.
The effect of temperature on the permeance of the uncharged species of benzoic acid can be attributed to an increase of the mean free volume available for diffusion due to increased thermal chain motion with rising temperature.
There are two processes that change: advection (i.e. transport of the water vapour by the air flow) diffusion (i.e. spreading out by molecular effects)
Measurements of the rotational diffusion coefficient of proteins within muscle cells were also employed to obtain information about the physical properties of sarcoplasm.
Due to smaller contact metal diffusion through fewer dislocations, it also reduces degradation caused by high currents.
`The T-shirts and the graffiti stuff are for a diffusion collection.
Diverse classes of biochemicals might be involved in reaction - diffusion mechanisms.
The art is merely Geomancy in its rudest shape; a mode of vaticination which, from its wide diffusion, must be of high antiquity.
First footsteps in East Africa
The ink dot sharpness, text feathering , and Ink-jet Dot Quality Index by expressing the behavior of the penetration and diffusion of ink were used to evaluate the printing quality.
One means of differentiating the various possibilities would be to examine the anisotropy of DHPC diffusion.
They shunned the Impressionists' hazy unemphatic diffusion of colour.
However, for this calculation, data on the diffusivity of tritiated water in water vapour (self-diffusion) and data on the molar fraction of water in helium at different degrees of water saturation are required.
Again, on long timescales and large length scales, the dynamics is just diffusion with drift.
The former model tends to use physical analogies like the diffusion of light or the growth of a plant.
Preceding any associative protein-protein reaction, an initial diffusional encounter is required, which may limit or at least partially influence the bimolecular rate constant.
Since simple diffusion of the vesicles seems unlikely to vary greatly with their charge, this early stage probably represents some process other than simple transport across an unstirred layer.
The diffusionism viewpoint does not have much of a following today, owing to the extreme claim of the diffusionists that all social change could be explained by diffusion alone.
Diffusion of Innovations
The present work extends these findings by demonstrating that three-dimensional analyses of diffusion tensor MRI data can be used effectively to map complete glossal myoarchitecture.
Today's edition is 'une rediffusion' rerun from one year ago.
Le haricot - French Word-A-Day
This capacity is due to the presence of stomates on both leaf surfaces, permeability of tissues for CO 2 diffusion and an intense Rubisco activity.
The term diffusion applies both to dissemination of information about a new technology and dissemination of the technology itself; for instance, new cooking stoves.
1. Rural common property resources: a growing crisis.
We have direct evidence that only a small part of the acetylcholine so injected actually reaches the muscle end plates by diffusion from the vessels; and we argued that, in any case, it could not reach them simultaneously, but only in rapid succession; so that the response, in spite of its superficial resemblance to a rather slow twitch, must actually be
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
The gravimetric technique is less sensitive than the radioactive technique, but it has an advantage in avoiding the corrections for tracer diffusion.