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How To Use Diffused In A Sentence

  • But the mood has been building for several years, diffused through a host of single issue campaigns, through numerous signs of dissent and discontentment.
  • And it is nothing wonderful; if the devils are proved to cause those to be much worse hated who live not according to a part only of the word diffused ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • However, it is an impersonal god, without name, without history, immanent in the world, diffused within an innumerable plurality of things…
  • The morning light was diffused to a mucky orange by the pollution of the shuddering city.
  • Rather, the smell of the place urges me indeterminately, diffusedly, to truantry. Journeys to Bagdad
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  • Combined together, the inner layer appears diffused and gauzy, successfully creating the illusion of depth and reflection.
  • Apart from foliate designs, Renaissance patterns diffused relatively slowly through northern Europe and Spain.
  • The history of the house has been diffused through family legend.
  • The wavelength, or the number of oscillations per second, in the light thus diffused is here the same as in the original ray of light. Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 - Presentation Speech
  • As spacing between casimir plates formed by cavities in Rayney nickel gets smaller the vacuum fluctuations and therefore any matter diffused therough them twist on the time axis trading spatial parameters for temporal but maintaining the same quadric volume. Worldchanging: Bright Green
  • Reflected daylight enters through clerestories, bounces up into the shimmering vaults and is then diffused down onto the exhibits.
  • Most low-voltage lights cast a localised beam or a diffused glow.
  • So it's a diversion from jail and you've got that saving, and the main aim is to save those diffused costs which are borne by victims.
  • I no longer thought of God in the analogy of a human body, yet I was constrained to conceive thee to be some kind of body in space, either infused into the world, or infinitely diffused beyond the world -- and this was the incorruptible, inviolable, unchangeable substance, which I thought was better than the corruptible, the violable, and the changeable. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • In contrast, ‘reform’ as a determinant of the electoral outcome has been largely diffused.
  • He played with the melancholy which the phrase diffused, he felt it stealing over him, but like a caress which only deepened and sweetened his sense of his own happiness. Swann's Way
  • The caries located at the top of the root of the second premolar diffused to the first molar and finally caused and abcess in the jaw. a-Tarter located at the border between the crown and the roots of the incisors of the maxillar. b-Infection of the bone tissue causing recession of the alveolar bone. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Biological Anthropology Report 1
  • Most curcumas do well in a shady or diffused light location on the landscape or as a patio plant in a decorative container.
  • The fibers are at first somewhat widely diffused, but as they descend through the corona radiata they gradually approach each other, and pass between the lentiform nucleus and thalamus, in the genu and anterior two-thirds of the occipital part of the internal capsule; those in the genu are named the geniculate fibers, while the remainder constitute the cerebrospinal fibers; proceeding downward they enter the middle three-fifths of the base of the cerebral peduncle. IX. Neurology. 1F. Pathways from the Brain to the Spinal Cord
  • Anyway, in the age of General Ludd, the device of a deliberately diffused and "anonymized" voice of hidden radical orators and leaders was conventional. Shelley, Adorno, and the Scandal of Commited Art
  • The lights were diffused, casting a soft peach-shaded glow over everything.
  • If taken in large doses, the pinkroot is said to produce narcotic effects that may cause enhanced heart action, giddiness, lightheadedness or vertigo, unclear or diffused vision, muscular spasms, convulsions and even prove to be fatal. Find Me A Cure
  • The ideology of royal power was already widely diffused in Charles's kingdom after centuries of Merovingian rule.
  • But just caught the newly-refurbished Midland Hotel bathed in diffused late afternoon light. Chez Moi
  • Ultraviolet visible diffused reflection measure showed that composite carrier widened TiO2 response range towards light, establishing the favorable foundation for photo catalysis reaction.
  • The ideology of royal power was already widely diffused in Charles's kingdom after centuries of Merovingian rule.
  • It was necessary to explain things at great length, diffusedly and tiresomely, to the superintendent, a coarse and insolent man, who bore himself to all the tenants in the house as toward a conquered city; and feared only the students slightly, because they gave him a severe rebuff at times. Yama: the pit
  • Applying pressure to the garment The pressure comes from the head of the pressing machine, while steam is diffused through the bottom.
  • The breeding tank should have plenty of gravel, lots of fine-leaved plants, and lighting diffused by floating plants.
  • This diffused hysteroid condition may be illustrated by the results of a psychological investigation carried on in America by Miss Gertrude Stein among the ordinary male and female students of Harvard University and Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • It is one thing for right-wing Republicans to deny Darwin, or sexual orientation, or even climate change, where the consequences can be fuzzed up via junk science and the impact of science-denial is diffused or delayed. Robert Kuttner: The End Game: Saving Obama From Himself
  • -- E.] [Footnote 314: It will be seen in other voyages, that the Malays, who are widely diffused over the Indian archipelago, often live under a kind of aristocratical republican government; even where they are subjected to kings, partaking much of the feudal semblance. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
  • Responsibility for the crisis was diffused; there was a passing reference to "greed and irresponsibility on the part of some" (who remain unnamed), but the emphasis was put on "our collective inability to make hard choices. Jerome Karabel: The Democratic Debacle of 2010: A Premature Postmortem
  • These are new antagonisms which emerge as social conflict is diffused to more social relations.
  • The gecko glowered at Nawin with appetite and fixed interest as if he were an esculent appetize -- the gecko crawling on the railing of the BTS Skytrain station looking down at the small womanly morsels and traffic below and amorous Nawin doing the same but as he glanced up dizzyingly at the facade of the colossal Intercontinental Hotel with its eerie pale-blue light diffused throughout, he felt like he was falling into a deep - blue eternal space. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • No one who knows the qualities and traditions of the French people and who has a conception of the solid, widely diffused wealth and of the natural advantages and resources of that beautiful and aboundingly favoured country -- not to mention the immense value of its North African and other Colonial possessions -- can be tempted into any misgivings as to the future of that great and brilliant nation. An International Survey
  • You can even choose a prismatic block to deliberately direct light onto a light coloured ceiling where it is softly diffused around the room.
  • Knowledge and power are both diffused downward throughout the system.
  • These are new antagonisms which emerge as social conflict is diffused to more social relations.
  • At this moment the daylight, that was stintingly diffused through the small, heavily-leaded window-panes, tinted the assembly with capricious tones and powerful contrasts from the chequered light and shade. The Exiles
  • From there, the Unfield culture spread over the continent, and then the Hallstatt culture dispersed across the Urnfield settlements and later La Tène diffused through the Hallstatt.
  • There is only relative simplicity and not being, or at least being is diffused irrecoverable by its ‘own’ labyrinthine construction.
  • In this circumstance of their possessing a one-celled heart, and colder and darker blood, they approach to the state of fish; which thus appear not to acquire so much oxygen by their gills from the water as terrestrial animals do by their lungs from the atmosphere; whence it may be concluded that the gills of fish do not decompose the water which passes through them, and which contains so much more oxygen than the air, but that they only procure a small quantity of oxygen from the air which is diffused in the water; which also is further confirmed by an experiment with the air-pump, as fish soon die when put in a glass of water into the exhausted receiver, which they would not do if their gills had power to decompose the water and obtain the oxygen from it. Note V
  • In some galleries, diffused light is supplemented with direct daylight.
  • A diffused brightness, a kind of high crosslight of conflicting windows, rests for me at all events on the little realm of Mr. Pulling Jenks and bathes it as with positively sweet limitations. A Small Boy and Others
  • How, then, do the artificial images produced by art fit into this context? ... scholars have tried to remove the apparent opposition between the devotional image and the imageless devotion by assuming that mysticism, when diffused outside the spiritual elite, tended to become more tangible. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • It should be cultivated in moderately diffused or artificial light.
  • Whereas their illumination is reliant upon an interior light source concealed and diffused through an exterior, these lamps instead generate light directly from their entire exterior surface. Halloween Decor : Noose Hanging Lamp
  • Or perhaps sometimes for the purpose of diffusing a part of it over the dry membranes of the fauces and pharinx; in the same manner as tears are diffused over the cornea of the eye by the act of nictitation to clean or moisten it. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • These by frequent nictitation are diffused over the whole ball, and as the external angle of the eye in winking is closed sooner than the internal angle, the tears are gradually driven forwards, and downwards from the lacrymal gland to the puncta lacrymalia. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The Rhizocephala remain astomatous; they lose all their limbs completely, and appear as sausage-like, sack-shaped or discoidal excrescences of their host, filled with ova (Figures 59 and 60); from the point of attachment closed tubes, ramified like roots, sink into the interior of the host, twisting round its intestine, or becoming diffused among the sac-like tubes of its liver. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Liquid Dreaming by lorrainemd is just plain pretty - especially that swathe of red material behind the model which looks more like ink diffused in water than fabric.
  • It can have at once, the concentration of a craniate animal and the diffused vitality of an amoeba.
  • It was an exquisite room, possibly thirty-five by sixty and rising to a lofty trussed ceiling where a warm golden light was diffused from a skylight of yellow glass. CHAPTER XV
  • One, two, three, the hurrying mules passed, leaving the smell of dung diffused in the gray air.
  • So diffused is present day public ownership of stocks and bonds that the direction and control of corporations lies in non-ownership hands, - i.e., management. Quebec—Problems of Growth
  • They watched 2935 float over to the white square of plastic mounted in the far corner of the tank, watched it extract a waterproof pen from its holder, watched it scrawl three clumsy question marks on the square while brown and yellow patches rose and sank on its skin, then watched it shudder, spasm, and sink as the ampoule of anesthetic diffused through the tank. 365 tomorrows » submission : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Then the airflow is diffused, only to be recompressed and diffused again as it moves along the underside of the car past the muffler and the fuel tank.
  • While he never diffused an aura of vanity, he held his fine features at a haughty tilt as though regarding himself dispassionately in an invisible looking-glass.
  • These services have been positioned against a particular segment within the diffused travel market, and are promoted accordingly.
  • Made from a voile fabric in a honeycombed Venetian style, these blinds create a lovely window feature, while allowing diffused light to get through.
  • The messages were most evident in the main building's light court , which provided a setting bathed in diffused light .
  • There was well-marked expansile pulsation, purring thrill along the jugular vein and over the tumour, and loud machinery murmur widely diffused along the whole neck and into the thorax. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Confused by the mind and diffused by the senses, we seek pleasure and lose the great treasure called life. RVM 
  • As agriculture developed, agricultural ideas diffused across Europe.
  • The Second World War produced the weapons which characterized all post-war conflicts, and diffused this technology world-wide.
  • With sovereignty diffused from the king's body out into the multiple bodies of the nation, the old codes of readability broke down and new ones had to be elaborated.
  • Phosphorous is then diffused onto one side to create an n-type semiconductor layer and a p-n junction where the two semiconducting surfaces meet. Photovoltaics
  • In its more moderated and diffused form it blamed the absence of democracy in totalitarian regimes not on the dictators but on the democracies.
  • Dhurapati sat in the other chair, her white duty suit immaculate, diffused light setting the small ruby in her nose asparkle. The I Inside
  • Therefore, when the endoscope is used for illumination, softer and diffused light rays can exist, when the luminous source is used as the illuminating lamp, better brightness can exist.
  • They were under-represented in the gold and other mining regions, and were diffused widely in rural areas.
  • As in many Asian countries, Indians had highly diffused and fluid self-understandings, which made it possible for them to identify easily with two or more fuzzily defined communities.
  • Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.
  • So the drawing-room looked lovelily, and a fine rose-odor was diffused. Memories of Hawthorne
  • Power, especially economic power, has been diffused.
  • Lighting also differs between the spaces, from diffused light in the narrow galleries to reflected light onto the concrete haunches of the wider galleries.
  • When British ministers introduced new measures to raise larger revenues from America, colonial political awareness was stimulated and diffused and intercolonial co-operation increased.
  • The latter perfume, with the fostering aid of boiling water and lemon-peel, diffused itself throughout the room, and became so highly concentrated around the warm fireside, that the wind passing over the house roof must have rushed off charged with a delicious whiff of it, after buzzing like a great bee at that particular chimneypot. Our Mutual Friend
  • In a period of time varying from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour, according to the amount of albumen present, a delicate opalescent zone forms at the point of junction, and if mucin also is present, a more diffused haze higher up in the urine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • His style is nervous and original, not harassingly pointed like a chestnut-burr, but full of _esprit_ or wit diffused, -- that Gallic leaven which pervades whole sentences and paragraphs with an indefinable lightness and palatableness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • A block distribution in a word's occurrence is usually suggestive of a term diffused by borrowing across neighboring societies. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • On sunny days, the rooms glow with diffused light filtering through translucent shoji screens.
  • Even though hysteria as a disease may be described as one and indivisible, there are yet to be found, among the ordinary and fairly healthy population, vague and diffused hysteroid symptoms which are dissipated in Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • And each of the colours was diffracted and diffused by the dancing waters. At The Spaniard's Convenience
  • The breeding tank should have plenty of gravel, lots of fine-leaved plants, and lighting diffused by floating plants.
  • The public discontent was soon diffused from the centre to the frontiers of the empire. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • If a diffused edge is preferred on the image, the mask can be placed on top of the glass rather than under it.
  • What we call diffused light on Earth, the grateful result of refraction, the luminous matter held in suspension by the air, the mother of our dawns and our dusks, of our blushing mornings and our dewy eyes, of our shades, our penumbras, our tints and all the other magical effects of _chiaro-oscuro_ -- this diffused light has absolutely no existence on the surface of the Moon. All Around the Moon
  • Miller's paintings are about light - not white, diffused light, but rich, life-giving chroma.
  • She stretched as much as she was able and the sun embraced her completely, as much as it was able, diffused by the ugly architecture and the barren trees.
  • Even the diffused light of a cloudy day provides enough energy to produce a current.
  • My expensive anastigmatic and my several diffused lenses standard tools for the Pictorialist photographer seem destined to contemptuous neglect, though it may be that I shall dust them off for an occasional portrait head. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by cloud.
  • You can even choose a prismatic block to deliberately direct light onto a light coloured ceiling where it is softly diffused around the room.
  • Dance-music was pouring from the arched recesses above the doorways, and chandeliers of coloured Murano glass diffused a soft brightness over the pilasters of the stuccoed walls, and the floor of inlaid marbles on which couples were rapidly forming for the contradance. The Valley of Decision
  • His heart sank, fear spread and diffused through his body.
  • Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World.
  • In a diffused light of sufficient intensity the same varieties form exquisite growth of long bright green leaves.
  • In the strategic domain Delhi's relations with the USA, China and Russia in the first instance and those with the EU, Japan, the Gulf states, ASEAN and Brazil at a remove warrant an infusion of politico-strategic directivity that has been diffused since mid 2008. Security Challenges for New Government
  • A plant of this kind is not the less dominant because some conferva inhabiting the water or some parasitic fungus is infinitely more numerous in individuals and more widely diffused. II. Variation under Nature. Wide-Ranging, Much Diffused, and Common Species Vary Most
  • Oil droplets penetrated or diffused into plants via both stomata and the cuticle of leaves and stems, and then moved within intercellular spaces and into various cells including phloem and xylem.
  • diffused light
  • Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.
  • In the lowest organisms we have a kind of tactual sense diffused over the entire body; then, through impressions from without and their corresponding adjustments, special portions of the surface become more responsive to stimuli than others. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • Another similar continuous flow catheter also includes a diffuser for the dispensing of fluid in a diffused manner.
  • Polycarbonate is lightweight and ribbed to provide a diffused, UV protecting light which enhances plant growth and helps aid in temperature control.
  • The morning light was diffused to a mucky orange by the pollution of the shuddering city.
  • May my life be laid down for the transgressions of such as transgress against Thee, for through them the breath of Thy grace and the fragrance of Thy loving-kindness are made known and diffused amongst men. Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
  • The craziness is diffused by a quirky sense of humor that misses the mark more often than not, with cartoon captions and not-so-witty asides masquerading as footnotes. Rabid Reads: "Arguing with Idiots" by Glenn Beck
  • When such is the case, the beam projected will be highly diffused and of amorphous shape, indicating that it's being bounced off the side of the bore.
  • The febrile paroxysm is fully formed, whilst the preternatural heat kindled in the heart is thence diffused by the arteries through the whole body along with the morbific matter, which is in this way overcome and dissolved by nature. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
  • There was about her, in George Eliot's lovely phrase, ‘the sweet presence of a good diffused’.
  • A liger a giant lion with diffused stripes.
  • Primitive is grounded upon the supposition that the mind, when it is withdrawn and collected into itself, and not diffused into the organs of the body, hath some extent and latitude of prenotion; which therefore appeareth most in sleep, in ecstasies, and near death, and more rarely in waking apprehensions; and is induced and furthered by those abstinences and observances which make the mind most to consist in itself. The Advancement of Learning
  • Our silk combination curtains were the solution: Their sheer tops let in diffused light, while solid shantung bottoms offer screening.
  • The conductive contact will electrically connect with the diffused region through the landing pad.
  • During such movement, oil molecules diffused into the cytoplasm of both palisade and spongy cells.
  • He felt the scene of his entrance beforehand: the joy beaming diffusedly in the blind face like the light in a semi-transparent lamp; the transient pink flush on Romola
  • The wind quickly diffused any toxic vapors that may have leaked out.
  • It is initially absorbed into the fat layers under the skin, then is diffused into the capillaries where it enters the blood stream as needed.
  • Many of the rooms retain their original frescoes and stained glass windows - the diffused light is excellent for afternoon siestas.
  • Tamm is an outstanding theoretical physicist, and his early researches were devoted to crystallo-optics and the quantum theory of diffused light in solid bodies. Igor Y. Tamm - Biography
  • Thoughts of suspicion diffused outward from his center, and he purged himself of tensions.
  • This uneven album is at times brilliantly psycho, yeah, but a healthy kind of psycho all shook up and diffused by the healing beat.
  • Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.
  • In the main dining room, clusters of luminous glass globes float over diners; and in private rooms indirect luminance is diffused by suspended plates of translucent glass held in metal frames.
  • Another symptom may be referred pain in a related dermatome or myotome; for example diffused pain in the buttock or thigh.
  • During this unwinding period the alkali diffused into the viscous lysate to give a final pH of 12.4.
  • The method diffused rapidly and initiatives developed up and down the Central American isthmus during the 1990s.
  • Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.
  • With the 24-second shot clock down to one, he diffused the Celtic comeback with a back-breaking jumper just before the buzzer. One Season
  • It was a clear, cold night, not over-cold, -- not more than forty below, -- and the land was bathed in a soft, diffused flood of light which found its source not in the stars, nor yet in the moon, which was somewhere over on the other side of the world. CHAPTER 18
  • If he is far less smooth, he has not the monotony which accompanies and, so to speak, dogs the "skipping octosyllable"; and if he cannot, as Chrestien can, frame a set passage or show-piece, he manages to keep up a diffused interest, and in certain instances -- the story of Rouwènne (Rowena), the Tintagel passage, the speech of Walwain to the Emperor of The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • This is indigenous to Brazil, where it is known as aroreira, but since the 19th century has been widely diffused in other tropical areas.
  • Remedy can be provided by an appropriate arrangement of the lighting fitting, whenever possible, objects of work should be mat (diffusedly reflecting) and not bright on the surface in order to avoid high lights. 4. Electrical Energy
  • The innovative Colorcoat roof oversailing both the playing area and the pavilion is cleverly engineered to let in diffused natural light, with an inner lining of white-coated steel to maximize internal reflectivity.
  • In other words, what we, as human beings, perceive as matter (material) is inseparably connected to and sustained by electrical charges (energy) {fused, diffused, distributed and released by nitrogenic combustible gas mixture}. EzineArticles
  • Unfortunately, the majority of cancer deaths are due to metastases from malignant cells that have stealthily diffused into adjacent tissues and into organs far from the primary.
  • This causes light to be reflected evenly rather than being diffused by empty pores, creating a shinier surface.
  • The kitchen stove diffused its warmth all over the house.
  • It has diffused a wider lack of confidence on the part of investors and consumers, accentuating the trend towards recession.
  • Thus when a wave of water escapes from the branchial cavity, it immediately becomes diffused in this network of hairs and then again conveyed back to the branchial cavity by vigorous movements of the appendage of the outer maxilliped which works in the entrant fissure. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Above her, from an indefinable source, shone the low red glow, diffused through the muslin drapes. COMPULSION
  • Lighting should be subdued, and diffused through floating plants.
  • As agriculture developed, agricultural ideas diffused across Europe.
  • First, we can note that experiences and reactions can become diffused and adopted by others outside the social location that most pressingly experiences the frustrations Merton identifies.
  • The light, as it filtered through endless creepers and blossoms, lost still more luminosity, until finally it became hopelessly diffused. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • This is an indication of how nineteenth-century nationalist martyrology diffused throughout Ireland and was integrated into local tradition.
  • Knowledge of science, too, was only just beginning; botany, geology, and geognosy were very slightly diffused; glacier theories were undreamt of. The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
  • The references to ocean life continue with lighting overhead that is diffused by a thin nylon net, which appears to be luminescent tentacles, evoking a stray shoal of jellyfishes or sea anemones. Olivomare Restaurant by Pierluigi Piu
  • The principal supplies of petroleum are not diffused between the planes of stratification, but are collected in cavities more or less sunken in the strata; whence the oil is less liable to be carried away by running water. The Action of Oil Wells
  • Confused by the mind and diffused by the senses, we seek pleasure and lose the great treasure called life. RVM 

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