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How To Use Differently In A Sentence

  • We've seen how things turned out for Scotland's national football manager; matters are organised no differently in the more modest context that is Scottish shinty.
  • The face muscles set differently when we think we are observed; it becomes habitual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ballmer was asked the classic teaser question: what he would have done differently.
  • As a postscript your readers may have noticed that this individual has been allowed to have two letters published in the same edition, although she describes herself differently in each letter.
  • After making the sauce, I thought both potatoes and chickpeas sounded good, so on a whim I made a potato with panch phoron side dish -- but next time I would do 2 things differently. Archive 2009-04-01
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Master English with Ease
  • Like great artists they see the world differently.
  • In what follows I shall claim that postmodern cultural forms do indeed signify, only that they signify differently.
  • Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.
  • The Pythagorean doctrine that one soul can not only transmigrate from man to man, from man to beast, but also indifferently to plants, serves as the basis for the soul's secular progress.
  • She speaks earnestly, thoughtfully and funnily about how we are all ‘differently abled ‘in one way or another.’
  • No doubt if I'd been friendlier to you in the past you'd have responded differently. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The two in fact are related: the ideas resonate differently in different parts of the world, exemplifying with remarkably clarity the issues introduced in the previous sections.
  • Even within the world of mass-produced culture, it is possible to approach the question of standardization differently.
  • People have called me "alm" as in "alms for the poor" in the past, and I thought it was funny how I read it in my head one way and everyone else had it differently. honeychild because honey is natural, durable and versatile. and we are all children -- that child in us never leaves -- the outer casing just grows up and gets older looking. lol stories: News
  • she shrugged indifferently
  • Some causal relationships between morphology and hydrodynamic performance have been established for macroalgae, through theoretical studies and hydrodynamic comparisons of differently exposed thalli.
  • Of course, he has to comport himself differently than the rest of us do when somebody makes an allegation against him.
  • For this reason, sounds within this resonant cavity are heard quite differently, appearing fuller and louder. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • It is also well known that men lie somewhat differently to women, doubtless for sound reasons of evolutionary biology. Times, Sunday Times
  • No convincing reason has been given for treating onshore and offshore workers differently - often by the same company.
  • The individualist anarchists saw land economics differently.
  • Our colors are the same, although they are differently combined on our flags.
  • The temperature difference is so contrastive that I have to dress differently in a day.
  • As the whole RaceFail bunfight proves yet again, writers need repeatedly to be reminded that the world isn't just story-fodder -- there are all kinds of people out there, made differently, thinking differently and feeling differently. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • Herta starts to breathe differently as we kiss; she is always self-possessed; every move of mine is coldly monitored.
  • Laurie and Ken Graff are using The Maize's services on their family farm and ranch in Hondo, Texas, for the seventh year--though they do things a little differently.
  • Maybe you had better swatch just a little, to be sure the yarn goes with the jabot fabric once it's in knitted form (light is caught differently), before beginning to knit the actual lace. Jean's Knitting
  • Kaia and Kevin both rave about having "total control" over the publishing process, and yet each of them defines the term differently. Arielle Ford: Selecting a Self-Publisher Is Like Finding the Right Nanny
  • Next time I am going to box differently with regard to speed and power.
  • The content of the release Does the release need to be angled differently for the different sections of the list?
  • My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • It's our belief that people behave differently on the Internet than they do offline.
  • So if the UK reacts differently to changes in the world economy from the rest of the eurozone, the only lever left to stabilise the economy is fiscal policy.
  • The first clue came from the olinguito's teeth and skull, which were smaller and differently shaped than those of olingos.
  • He said his client admitted he had done wrong and would behave differently if he had his time again.
  • It is possible that individualism and collectivism operate very differently at the individual level than at the cultural level.
  • Write down the dialogue of conversations roughly as you remember them and think of ways in which you could have handled the situations differently. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • It examines two powerful queens, how they used their power differently and how they suffered in love; two women imprisoned by the powerful roles they inhabit.
  • These rotations further suggest that forces acting on the nearshore edges of large floes behave differently from those acting on offshore edges.
  • very soon you will know differently
  • Sound behaves quite differently to light.
  • He was dressed differently — in slacks and a sports jacket. Sunday Reading
  • They are referred to as go karts, go carts, go-karts, shifter karts, gokarts and many other differently spelled variations.
  • But she did see that her parents treated her differently from her brothers, and she did notice the disgustful looks of those who had been in charge of her care.
  • Every political system defines its boundaries of legitimate action differently.
  • Sue had commented how differently from my father I spoke, she said that all my sentences were perfectly formed as they came out, with my voice modulated.
  • Viewed differently from German-Americans and Italian-Americans, Japanese residents were singled out for special treatment.
  • The moon visits your talk chart and if you wish a conversation had gone differently then a fresh try should go better. The Sun
  • They seem to me to treat one quite differently. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • The palace, they argue, should have invited gay partners to this evening's reception; last week in Glasgow, the Queen should have sat differently, her lady-in-waiting should have worn a different hat, and so on.
  • Minority rule is now the consensus notwithstanding the majority, and heretofore the laws hold differently.
  • People are talking differently about the man that they thought of as an affable neighbour, pleasant cabbie, reliable friend and dutiful father. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rhodium - plated Y - necklace with 2 differently sized Blue Zircon crystals; snake chain.
  • I don't know if it's more to do with me (that is, if I express emotion differently in one language more than the other, that is, if English is my critical/facultative language and Spanish my emotional language) or the fact of Spanish being one of those languages with a formal (usted) and informal (tu) second person. Breakfast in Bed
  • (For beings possessing the power of understanding but with different forms of intuition, the categories would be schematized differently from ours.) 1.5 The Second Step of the B-Deduction Kant's Transcendental Arguments
  • All in a huss (Barbarism for “hustle & bustle”, just conjugated differently to fit the context there), I popped my Claritin, grabbed my water bottle (don't leave home without it) and flung the door open. Moments
  • In Sejima's work, the envelope becomes fabric stretching between differently-sized slabs.
  • He is wonderstruck by the fact that the camera, a machine, responds quite differently the moment it is placed in different hands.
  • It's not just about telling me not to become conceited, but keeping things normal and not treating me any differently. The Sun
  • While he was visiting his father in El Paso they would either eat in, taking turns cooking; or try one of the apparently hundreds of local Mexican restuarants which were all differently arranged, but which all nonetheless appeared to share the same menu of tacos, frijoles, nachos, burritos, tortillas in abundance, enchiladas and, infrequently, chiles rellenos. Tortillas
  • It may seem illogical that he treats his sons differently but people are inconsistent, with different emotional triggers. The Sun
  • This operational capability requires commandos to be trained and equipped differently to conventional infantry soldiers.
  • They will take chemical stains differently, too, if that's what you intend to use.
  • Contrast, adaption, think differently, that all I want to say.
  • They claim that Judaism was the growth of the post-exilic period, but we reformers interpret the term Judaism altogether differently. The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915
  • This limitation effectively limits the iMac to accepting video input from recent MacBooks or other computers that produce DisplayPort video, which works significantly differently from earlier analog VGA or digital formats such as DVI/HDMI. AppleInsider
  • The encounter often leaves us looking at the world a little differently for the presence of the medicine man.
  • Yeah, different segments are affected differently by the situation forklift, which is a piece of that is really seeing the biggest impact commercial, industrial it's more a weather in more weather impacted so you don't see quite this affect there at least so far. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • They behave differently when you're not around.
  • Can't you think of it differently?
  • The change in practice means that investigations into nurses and midwives will be dealt with differently to those made against doctors. Times, Sunday Times
  • They acted so differently from civilized people in Rome! Christianity Today
  • Pushed to describe what general movement he witnesses among Millennial drinkers, Jacobus says, "The current generation are definitely drinking differently."
  • One major counterargument is that by forcing people to act differently, there may have been essentially forced opportunities to re-evaluate stereotypes. The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion, Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Cells from the same species and of the same type can glycosylate differently.
  • Oh, I wanna see this guy, I wanna hear this music live, I wanna see if they're gonna remix it or funk it up differently when I see them.
  • We built roads and roundabouts differently and improved street lighting. Times, Sunday Times
  • ONE SHOULD never call a person disabled, they are differently and distinctly abled in all respects.
  • But in Neanderthal society, things are done differently.
  • Opaque shampoos have different chemistries and may even affect the cuticle of the hair differently.
  • It is a team sport but sometimes you have to treat individuals differently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schoolchildren are quick to gang up on anyone who looks or behaves differently.
  • But benign essential blepharospasm challenged me to look at the world differently. Muffins and Mayhem
  • She was his foam-born Goddess of those leaping waters; differently hued, crescented, a different influence. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.
  • Different materials behave differently; acrylic plastic is soft and easy to do work with but can melt quickly if you overdo things.
  • Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently
  • She made 10 differently shaped plywood objects, each meant to represent a stage in her life, then painted them with a light-sensitive coating and printed the photographs directly onto the wood surface.
  • Guy says: gwjd: C.J. – “For everyone who gets the vapors whenever any Justice takes a peek at foreign law or practice, do you really think those Justices, or any other, would decide any case differently if they didn’t take apeek?” The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Sotomayor, Graham, and International Law
  • What is the White House doing differently now to react to what is obviously a terrible political period for this presidency?
  • He was deathly pale and obviously still in the first shock of grief but it had taken him differently.
  • There is no policy of transliteration: the same Bengali word is spelt differently in the text and the notes.
  • Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett 
  • Ever a non-conformist to the point of being termed an iconoclast in thought and approach, he was distinctly different and differently distinctive.
  • Later critics have also emphasised the way in which viewers interpret advertisements differently, depending on their experiences and cultural knowledge.
  • In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.
  • It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Warren Buffett 
  • Although the term ecumenism is widely used outside Catholic circles to refer to efforts at mutual understanding among all religions, or even between religion and atheism, the Catholic Church treats relationships with non-Christians very differently, because non-Christians have a fundamentally different relationship with Catholics than do other baptized Christians. - What You Need to Know
  • Both neurotics and perverts, therefore, were fixated at early stages of sexual development, but dealt with this fixation differently.
  • Do you feel like you go out there and guys are looking at you a little differently now?
  • The integrity of such a purpose requires commitment to retain that understanding while seeking harmonious relationships with those who perceive such matters differently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each vehicle handles differently and I found that some just didn't cut the mustard.
  • Children experience trauma differently according to developmental level.
  • The truth is that human beings are more alike than we are unalike and a number of non-black people think that the problems which befall black people are not like the problems which befall them, and that black people would respond differently to an onslaught of certain elements than whites. Theo Spielberg: Dr. Maya Angelou Launches Black History Month Special
  • The male bird has a differently shaped head.
  • Paul Hill: you'd also think he'd notice the other Blaydon is spelt differently, seeing as how he picked you up on spelling. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It is stated differently but amounts to the same thing.
  • Since each woman is unique and reacts differently to natural treatments, try them out for yourself.
  • Since everyone knows that people of different backgrounds speak differently, why this selective appreciation?
  • I've seen both Merchant of Venice and Time Stands Still; the latter could play differently now thanks to new cast member Christina Ricci, the former I imagine will be much the same as it was, minus the magic of the park. Cara Joy David: On the Verge of a New Fall Season
  • Such a line-out jack requires you to buy expensive $50 fibre optic cables with two differently shaped ends, or an adaptor plug that will connect to common speaker wires.
  • ‘The problem is that the machines are geared differently,’ he says.
  • The search for a comparison is important because the high court has handled indecency cases differently depending on the medium.
  • The cursor position at the time an event occurs (such as a click or a mouseover) gets stored on an event object, which is handled slightly differently by the different browsers.
  • Furthermore, demonstrative nominal and demonstrative pronominal anaphors appeared to function quite differently in expressing differences in transition stages of discourse referents.
  • Boys and girls may behave differently.
  • We just felt we had to do things a little bit differently.
  • You reject suggestions on how to do things differently because you are sure your way is best. Your One Week Way to Mind-Fitness
  • Toward the end of the night I really think I was carrying myself differently.
  • Their sliding-block puzzles often featured differently shaped pieces in rectangular trays.
  • Furthermore, the same acoustic information can be perceived differently depending on its higher-level context.
  • Mahler performing at the piano solo is going to do things differently than Mengelberg leading an orchestra, but there are approaches to the same material that are going to remain roughly constant, regardless of media. Mengelberg's Mahler
  • As I remarked, no font distinguishes the functions by consistent uses of these differently shaped glyphs.
  • To put it differently and a little reductively, we have two sets of desires, and they issue in at least the two responses.
  • If you are wondering whether the combined talent on display can improve the pedestrian material, the answer is indifferently negative.
  • We share our female reproductive organs, but have four ovaries, and we appear to ovulate differently. Joined
  • The minds of persons are differently constituted; and it is no praise to mine to admit that I am apt to receive less of what is called edification from human discourses on divine subjects, than disturbance and hindrance. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Students may study and prepare differently for the initial and make-up exam.
  • The different scales of manufacture can give products which behave differently on stability tests.
  • Everyone says that people vote differently in a general election. Times, Sunday Times
  • `You can't unlearn what you know from being in love,' she lamented, `and that's why you see things differently. THE MANANA MAN
  • Well, it turns out that while there is general "line" that anencephalic have no consciousness and are in no way comparable to other newborns, some experts think differently. What Experts Know, What Doctors Know, What Moms Know
  • You just need ten differently numbered tokens. The Sun
  • But I thought, gee whiz, I want to do things differently.
  • Said differently, Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, that album that so momentously marked my arrival to the world! Michael Gilmour: Bob Dylan And My Workingman's Blues: Confessions Of A Religion And Literature Professor
  • The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
  • Just to complicate matters a bit, α-actinin-2 is also differently spliced in different tissues, producing a couple of isoforms from a single gene. α-actinin-3 is not found in the brain or heart, but only in skeletal muscle and specifically in type II fast glycolytic muscle fibers. α-actinin evolution in humans - The Panda's Thumb
  • The words are spelt differently and they mean quite different things.
  • Today's increasingly mobile workforce uses the office differently to previous generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • In what ways will bosses act or behave differently?
  • Men and women use their brains differently, but that their brains may actually be designed differently
  • The following company examples show how two firms approach this issue differently. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • He had a different channel to set up and he was determined to do it differently.
  • He looked indifferently upon subjects that did not interest him.
  • And the fact that he was succeeding in doing things differently was clear from the way he won the trust of the horse. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • Both swingmen play the same position, but oh-so differently.
  • The leaves of various kinds receive the water very differently: some are completely bathed, showing a smooth surface of varnished green from stem to point, like the lilac of the garden, for instance; on others, like the syringa, the fluid lies in flattened transparent drops, taking an emerald color from the leaf on which they rest; while the rose and the honeysuckle wear those spherical diamond-like drops, sung by poets and sipped by fairies. Rural Hours
  • I think if you were a woman you might feel a mite differently.
  • What if everyone sees everything differently?
  • An ergative system is one in which the subject of an intransitive verb is treated grammatically like the direct object of a transitive verb, while the subject of a transitive verb is treated differently.
  • In the other province with country coastal southeast, also degree is put differently in similar case.
  • I dinned it into him that he had to manage things differently.
  • The cars feel more responsive and less sluggish plus each motor handles slightly differently too. The Sun
  • In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.
  • All further ideas about it, such as the oneness or manyness of the spiritual substance on which it is based, are therefore void of intelligible meaning; and propositions touching such ideas may be indifferently affirmed or denied. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • Different people might interpret events differently.
  • Support is hedged with caveats about how he must act differently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, among protists, a radiolarian may capture and ingest, more or less indifferently, a bacterium, an autotrophic flagellate, a herbivorous oligotrich ciliate, or another radiolarian (Fig 2E). Marine microbes
  • It has been previously shown that the expression of integrins is differently diminished in a chain-specific manner in human colorectal cancer.
  • Men and women use their brains differently, but that their brains may actually be designed differently
  • Womanhood, according to the theory, is a manifold phenomenon as different women live and behave differently in different circumstances and conditions.
  • This argument is based on the proposition that where a draftsman of a document has expressed himself differently in two places, there is a presumption that he did so because he intended two different effects.
  • If you can't leave the house without eyeliner then use it slightly differently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.
  • Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently
  • Thankfully there were others who thought differently and these players became sport legends. Times, Sunday Times
  • A differently composes Court of Appeal rejected an appeal by the local authority on the substantive questions.
  • Charlene was acting differently to how she acted at school, she was being loud and vulgar, speaking her mind on anything and everything.
  • Men in liquor must be handled differently.
  • So even as Boomers fret about their parents frittering away their inheritances, there's no assurance that they will behave any differently themselves.
  • There's a sense that possibly everyone knows who you are, yet wearing a mask (even a domino!) allows you to act differently from the way you might normally act.
  • If there is a conversation you wish you had handled differently, talk again today for a better outcome. The Sun
  • This state of doubt in which I was plunged was not due, as I flattered myself for a time by supposing, to a sentiment which a man of fashion would not have felt and which, consequently, a writer, even if he belonged apart from his writership to the fashionable caste, ought to reproduce in order to be thoroughly ‘objective’ and to depict each class differently. The Guermantes Way
  • I remember those little dial controllers and how you could make the “ball” move differently by blipping the paddle * just* as the “ball” hit it … my brother and I could play against each other for hours! Pong love « Lab Kat
  • With hindsight, we'd all do things differently.
  • Put differently: text sucks, and legal text sucks more.
  • There are about half a dozen types of tiles in the game, each of which is scored differently.
  • They behave differently than their guilt-ridden parents.
  • Here's an effort to identify people who are very, very good and title them differently to kind of elevate them from the crowd. Assistant coaches collect titles as way to get financial security
  • Different strains and hybrids respond quite differently to a given dose.
  • It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Less obvious to many parents is that children comprehend what they see very differently also.
  • The enzyme behaves quite differently, and that's a real challenge.
  • The search for a comparison is important because the high court has handled indecency cases differently depending on the medium.
  • The industry is structured differently from the agrochemical industry.
  • Judicial systems in other countries treat neonaticide very differently. Cradles To Coffins
  • The drumming also gives a signal that we do things differently from other firms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients will only be treated differently if they have been to an affected area, or in contact with someone who has, and are displaying symptoms.
  • It notes that in different types of legislation, the word prejudicial is interpreted differently. Computerworld
  • The people on both sides who slavishly follow the ideology WITHOUT remembering the humanity of those who believe differently only succeed in dehumanizing their opponants. Nancy Reagan illuminates Kennedy-Reagan friendship
  • The theoretician of Negritude, Jean-Paul Sartre, would have had it differently.
  • But I'm a little different to him, I'm called a "coagulase negative" staph, which means I react differently then him in a special test. Archive 2006-11-01
  • They really seem to understand that you would think differently from a typical church member.
  • But cancer is an umbrella term for 200 diseases that all react differently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if the lines ins are initially indented differently, this recipe makes their indentation homogeneous.
  • People see things differently depending on who they are. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ciliates are alveolate protozoa that evolved unusually large cell sizes entirely differently from gregarines, with radically novel consequences for their genomes.
  • What we all need is a hope that we can all see differently but unite at a time when we must all do so. fogman “Real America” = “Two Americas”
  • The incest taboo is generally universal, although it is imposed differently in different societies.
  • An introvert's brain is literally wired differently than an extrovert's!

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