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How To Use Dieting In A Sentence

  • The dieting cycle moves to a rhythm almost as strict as that of the seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this leads to a behavioral cycle in which your system “doesn’t work” or you can’t get back into a healthy mind-set—some people call it yo-yo dieting. The Flex Diet
  • No calorie counting, no hunger, no bad temper (an under-reported side-effect of Real Dieting). Jean's Knitting
  • Dr Eades wrote, “You must keep protein intake up during low-carb dieting so that you have more than enough protein available for gluconeogenesis without having to catabolize your muscle mass.” The votes are in: Dissect it is! | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Now they're doing something about it by dieting - but refusing to go without flavoursome food. The Sun
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  • She's always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight.
  • For them, the risks of dieting far outweigh the benefits, which are uncertain in any case.
  • The company claims that their product 'makes you thin without dieting'.
  • Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless cottage cheese salads.
  • Please can we get off the subject of dieting?
  • For years I've been blaming it on middle age, poor blood, lack of vitamins, air pollution, saccharin, obesity, dieting, underarm odour, yellow wax buildup and other maladies that make you wonder if life is really worth living.
  • We identify both personal morality and social optimism and justice with the self-control needed for dieting.
  • The hard part about this is ensuring you don't lose any hard-earned muscle while you're dieting.
  • Women who are dieting can become iron deficient.
  • Michael has been plagued with weight problems since his schooldays and though he tried conventional dieting on many occasions, it failed to reduce his bulk.
  • Most theories of dieting, body image, and eating disorders assign a major role to sociocultural factors, such as the media.
  • There was a slight decrease in his weight after a week of dieting.
  • The doctor told me not to mention dieting to her in case she took it to the extreme.
  • He is equally dismissive of suggestions that books such as his often trigger yo-yo dieting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Office politics and family life have been mainstays, while dieting and technofear are recent sources of inspiration. Times, Sunday Times
  • With its account of binge dieting and lonely nights, it was searing real-life drama. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the feast she spent a week dieting to salve her conscience.
  • His pamphlet, "Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public," quickly crossed the Atlantic and become so popular here that "banting" became slang for dieting, Granberg says. 150 years of dieting fads and still no quick fix
  • Even if I'm dieting, I will just bring some food with me to the restaurant.
  • While dieting, Bechler was taking Xenadrine RFA-1, an over-the-counter drug containing ephedrine, the active ingredient in ephedra. - Authorities say drug contributed to pitcher's death
  • The crusade against child obesity is likely to produce, not healthy outcomes, but miserable children and anxious parents and epidemics of dieting and eating disorders.
  • Some people mistakenly equate healthy eating with dieting, or with eating only low-calorie or low-fat foods.
  • Research continues as to whether yo-yo dieting is dangerous to cardiovascular health.
  • Bulimics purge by vomiting, strict dieting, fasting (not eating), exercising, or by taking laxatives.
  • Most of them read cookery books with as much avid interest as articles about dieting.
  • I eat the same types of food whether I'm dieting for a show or in a gaining phase.
  • The company claims that their product 'makes you thin without dieting'.
  • Product Features Not dehydration, diarrhea, skin to maintain flexibility, not dieting to maintain energetic.
  • She puts her youthful, slender figure down to regular detox dieting, vitamin supplements and spending more time on her beauty regime. The Sun
  • These behaviors become a pattern of eating and can alternate with dieting.
  • Now I think I'm right in saying that there was a medical fashion in the 60s or thereabouts for doctors to recommend dieting during pregnancy to ensure women didn't gain too much.
  • There was a slight decrease in his weight after a week of dieting.
  • The doctor is dieting me strictly.
  • Results have shown sustained weightloss comparable to dieting clubs but £pound for lb pound it's far cheaper. Releases feed from RealWire
  • Attempts at dieting were short-lived and Joe, ‘a good eater’ according to his mother, had reverted to his diet of oversized meals topped up with regular snacks of crisps and sweets.
  • This includes dieting, exercise regimens, psychotherapy, or prescription medications.
  • the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man
  • She's always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight.
  • Far from slipping quietly into the kitchen for a career bake-off, Lindquist adds, ‘I never realized how difficult dieting is.’
  • LOSING weight suddenly or yo-yo dieting can trigger stress mechanisms in the body and temporarily shut down fertility. The Sun
  • You didn't know that dieting is supposed to get harder. Judith S. Beck, Ph.D.: Dieting: The Missing Ingredient for Success
  • For me, dieting requires a supreme effort of will.
  • He believes some obese people cannot lose weight purely by dieting - they are clinically ill.
  • And like so many others, she found that yo-yo dieting, popping diet pills, drinking fitness shakes, and cutting out food groups doesn't help to shed pounds.
  • Detox Defined The term detoxification is one that is commonly associated with drug and substance abuse; as well as dieting and loss of weight: - Articles related to David Haye takes on a giant
  • Fit squadders are not unique - the yo-yo dieting problem affects a huge number of women. The Sun
  • Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded.
  • This is what yo-yo dieting looks like when you have money. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also says this yo-yo dieting could be damaging to health. The Sun
  • Constant attacks on weight makes it stronger and more resilient so avoid yo-yo dieting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I desired candy all the time I was dieting.
  • After 20 years of yo-yo light dieting, Butler joined Overeater's Anonymous and started to take control.
  • Dieting can be bad for you, not least because it is a cause of stress.
  • If you are not dieting, losing weight is a serious symptom as are tiredness and weakness.
  • Anonymous said ... well ... just a suggestion but ... since you always seem to do fine when away & on vacation, maybe you should should leave that scale at home! succeeding at dieting is to get to a point where you are no longer dieting but just eating healthy, portion-controlled meals w/o thinking about it! Diet Update - Week 3
  • This was an incredible result bearing in mind the general statistics of 98 percent failure rates reported for most dieting attempts.
  • Most people who lose weight from only dieting develop telltale signs of this, by having a lot of loose skin, as opposed to the well-toned, firm body of someone who is eating correctly and exercising.
  • Studies on long-term calorically restricted dieting show that subjects lose weight early on then tend to stop losing weight and then regain what they lost plus some. Karl Popper, metabolic advantage and the C57BL/6 mouse | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Constant attacks on weight makes it stronger and more resilient so avoid yo-yo dieting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child.
  • Detox Defined The term detoxification is one that is commonly associated with drug and substance abuse; as well as dieting and loss of weight: "diet detox. - Articles related to Nikolay Davydenko sets up Shanghai Masters final against Rafael Nadal
  • This was an incredible result bearing in mind the general statistics of 98 percent failure rates reported for most dieting attempts.
  • Unlike obesity researchers, eating disorders researchers have been in a unique position to view the long-term effects of dieting.
  • For others, "normal" means regular failed efforts at calorie restriction in an endless cycle of yo-yo dieting.
  • You must keep protein intake up during low-carb dieting so that you have more than enough protein available for gluconeogenesis without having to catabolize your muscle mass. The votes are in: Dissect it is! | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • As dietitians, my colleagues and I use this idea to help clients stop bingeing and purging, starving themselves or dieting.
  • With its account of binge dieting and lonely nights, it was searing real-life drama. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless salads.
  • Four years ago, I left bodybuilding for powerlifting (it was the dieting that got to me).
  • With its account of binge dieting and lonely nights, it was searing real-life drama. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very obese people tend not to exercise and are frequently poor, and they spend a disproportionate amount of time dieting.
  • Seth Roberts 'view of dieting is that people have a natural "set point" for weight. Thermostats or Muscles?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Just a few moments in this dress has made all the dieting and exercise worthwhile. The Sun
  • Dry crispbreads tend to swell in the stomach so are good for dieting.
  • She will look at what effect her yo-yo dieting is having on her body. The Sun
  • Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless cottage cheese salads.
  • This is what yo-yo dieting looks like when you have money. Times, Sunday Times
  • No sooner have people been successfully corralled into shedding a few pounds, they are hectored about the possible dangers of dieting.
  • In our pursuit of good health and shapeliness, most of us think immediately of dieting.
  • The study raises the possibility that dieting is bad for your health.
  • One thing you may not know about dieting is that diets can become less effective as you age. Green Tea Diet, White Tea Diet
  • Meeting others in the same position, having a chat with friends about dieting endeavours, these things help to maintain motivation.
  • My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.
  • That nasty shock should emphasize the importance of low-fat simplicity in restaurant meals while dieting.
  • If you're overweight, lose it, as this increases uric acid levels, but do it slowly as crash and yo-yo dieting can mean the kidneys retain uric acid.
  • She then found herself afflicted by a syndrome that has affected many of her peers - a round of dieting and overeating.
  • When dieting, a person adopts certain procedures to reduce body flab and improve the waistline.
  • Dieting can be bad for you, not least because it is a cause of stress.
  • Is this a caution against using them as a sole source of nutrition for long-term dieting? 6-Week Cure blog idea | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Brownell and Rodin are two of the most moderate obesity researchers who have been influential in identifying the risks of dieting.
  • The old, and now much condemned, low-carbohydrate method of dieting had much to answer for in making social eaters fat.
  • Stress is an inherent part of dieting.
  • It is probably premature to urge all patients to stop dieting.
  • Sounds simple enough, but the reality of dieting is a much more difficult task and that? Stay In The Zone With Dr. Sears’ Healthy Living Plan
  • After years of dieting, Carol's metabolism was completely out of whack.
  • Stress is an inherent part of dieting.
  • Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless cottage cheese salads.
  • Stress is an inherent part of dieting.
  • Dieting can be bad for you, not least because it is a cause of stress.
  • Then sells it on to ITV for a four-part dieting series. The Sun
  • Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.
  • Within the past five years, a revolution in the image of dieting has taken place.
  • In a culture that deifies thinness, it's easy to become stuck in self-reinforcing cycles spurred on by yo-yo dieting, rapid weight loss and emotional eating. The Link Between Spirituality And Eating Disorders (VIDEO)
  • Are you going to invest it in cosmetics or weight training or dieting?
  • Experts suggest that children can reduce their weight through exercise and behavioural therapy together with parental guidance. Dieting is not recommended as it may affect body growth.
  • The report sparked the first nationwide debate over whether low-calorie dieting was now outmoded.
  • There's no escaping the fundamentally ascetic nature of calorie-controlled dieting; if you really care so little for your emotional wellbeing then surely the time-honoured method of ingesting 400 laxatives and running on the spot in a boilersuit is the way to go. The Hard Sell: Slim-Fast 3-2-1
  • My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.
  • At school, she tried dieting and went through a phase of eating only fat-free foods.
  • You look like you have blown up like a balloon and you feel that you are a complete dieting failure.
  • No dessert for me,thanks,I'm dieting.
  • Preservative perseverance in the reeducation of his intestines was the rebuttal by whilk he sort of git the big bulge on the whole bunch of spasoakers, dieting against glues and gra-vies, in that sometime prestreet protown. Finnegans Wake
  • And a common ailment is weakness due to dieting. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dieting dinner companion ordered two appetizers and no entree one time and was extremely happy.
  • She puts her youthful, slender figure down to regular detox dieting, vitamin supplements and spending more time on her beauty regime. The Sun
  • Insulin omission, which is recognised as a purging behaviour in the DSM-IV criteria, was the most common weight loss method after dieting among the diabetic subjects.
  • Most people who lose weight by dieting do not keep the weight off over the long term. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Of course, given the preponderance of diet books, I have to wonder if dieting is the new religion). Desperately Seeking Spirituality (plus comments, writing, and music) – Brian Keene
  • Inevitably, you lose focus on your diet and blow up even fatter than when you began dieting.
  • Constant dieting can be self-defeating.
  • He is equally dismissive of suggestions that books such as his often trigger yo-yo dieting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dieting cycle moves to a rhythm almost as strict as that of the seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people who lose weight by dieting do not keep the weight off over the long term. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other languages picked it up and use bant or some variant as their word for dieting in general, not just low-carb dieting. Banting’s Letter on Corpulence | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • She will look at what effect her yo-yo dieting is having on her body. The Sun
  • I drink gin and slimline tonic if I need a drink when dieting.
  • LOSING weight suddenly or yo-yo dieting can trigger stress mechanisms in the body and temporarily shut down fertility. The Sun
  • It also says this yo-yo dieting could be damaging to health. The Sun
  • He is equally dismissive of suggestions that books such as his often trigger yo-yo dieting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've had many years of yo-yo dieting, but thankfully for the last two and half years, I have not been on a diet.
  • Most people who lose weight by dieting do not keep the weight off over the long term. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within specific setting conditions such as sociocultural pressures to be thin and a driven and perfectionist personality, the limbic system imbalance may be triggered by such factors as puberty, dieting, weight loss, and various stressors. Mind Hacks: Influence, anorexia and the body beautiful
  • Still, "anything you can do to decrease your stress when dieting is a good idea," she says. Stress hormone rises as dieters restrict calories
  • She freely quoted eating disorders experts who had long opposed dieting but had received little ink for their efforts.
  • Meeting others in the same position, having a chat with friends about dieting endeavours, these things help to maintain motivation.
  • I especially appreciated how she drew Ruth as skinny, but she also captured the hollow eyes, unattractively prominent collarbones, and general air of weakness that comes along with crash dieting. Kat & Mouse: The Knave of Diamonds » Comics Worth Reading
  • No dessert for me,thanks,I'm dieting.
  • Very obese people tend not to exercise and are frequently poor, and they spend a disproportionate amount of time dieting.
  • Often plaguing both women and men their entire lives, dieting is a frustrating, vicious cycle.? Stay In The Zone With Dr. Sears’ Healthy Living Plan
  • Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.
  • I've been training and dieting to accentuate my shoulders and waist - my two strong points - and play up my V taper.
  • By 11 she was gaining weight; at 15, distressed by playground taunts, she began dieting.
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.
  • Do you realise that before I left for Melbourne and you began dieting, I weighed more than you, even then?
  • She is dieting well and her doctors and health visitors are very happy with her. The Sun
  • Dieting thereafter was referred to as "banting" by folks in the British Isles well into the 20th century. A Brief History of Dubious Dieting
  • My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.
  • In addition, research shows that teenage girls, particularly those who are underweight or dieting to lose weight, are not getting enough calcium.
  • She never stops talking about dieting - she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it.
  • Still, in their journal articles, these researchers are cautious about telling people to give up dieting.
  • To this day Souness is obsessed with fitness, healthy dieting, pectoral pride and keeping his body in trim.

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