How To Use Dieback In A Sentence

  • Heavy populations of large galls, such as the gouty gall, may cause some dieback or limb drop.
  • The tree seems to be experiencing dieback similar to fire blight.
  • The team believes that the process, known as dieback, will begin when average global temperatures reach around 15C. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • The caterpillars of the gypsy moth are destructive defoliators that feed primarily on oak trees causing growth loss, crown dieback, and tree mortality.
  • Where bulbs are naturalized, avoid fertilizing in spring so the quick-growing grass plants don't overshadow the bulb leaves before dieback.
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  • Simply checking for "dieback," or if a tree looks to be dead, is not a good method of detection, Hahn said. - all articles
  • A large-scale Amazon "dieback" is among a handful of potential events that could drastically intensify climate change, along with the melting of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica and the breakdown of the Gulf Stream ocean current. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Brambles sent spiny stems snaking over the open surfaces, and weeds found rootholds in the gaps between frost-bitten edges, before collapsing in the dieback of autumn. Country diary: Bedfordshire
  • The caterpillars of the gypsy moth are destructive defoliators that feed primarily on oak trees causing growth loss, crown dieback, and tree mortality.
  • Bergeron and Charron associated this phenomenon with the presence of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks, but crown dieback of birch following poor climatic conditions has also been reported.
  • The direst predictions come from the British meteorological office's Hadley Center, where a team led by Peter Cox forecast a massive "dieback" of plants, killing the rain forest by 2100. Forests Are Not Green
  • Woody plants including gooseberries, raspberries and even roses may suffer from dieback after their leaves wilt and shrivel, changing to brown.
  • As the infection progresses, trees undergo twig and branch dieback and develop stem cankers, which results in tree-death.
  • Fusicoccum is a fungus which infects blueberry stems causing dieback and plant decline.
  • Tip dieback of young trees in the Solomon Islands is caused by the coreid bug. Chapter 5
  • The omnivorous possum causes widespread dieback of kamahi and southern rata while the regeneration of seedlings is impaired by red deer (Cervus elaphus) and chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra). Westland temperate forests
  • Woody plants including gooseberries, raspberries and even roses may suffer from dieback after their leaves wilt and shrivel and change to brown.
  • So far, ramorum dieback has been found mostly on rhododendrons and viburnums, although it has also been identified on camellia, kalmia, pieris, syringa and yew.
  • If a shrub develops dieback, prune out infected parts.
  • One of the most serious current threats to the natural vegetation of Southwest Australia is the spread of root disease, or "jarrah dieback" caused by the root fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
  • It is important to remember that certain diseases, such as viruses, Eutypa dieback, and crown gall, cannot be directly controlled with pesticides at the present time.
  • Above-ground symptoms include chlorosis and reddening of the leaves, small leaves, defoliation, branch dieback, death of entire canes, stunting, and death of the entire bush.
  • Salinity and soil acidity are growing and dieback from the Phytophera fungus is moving in.
  • dieback" normally observed following SCI and promotes the re-growth of the axons following injury. News
  • This durability in contact with the ground is offset by the crown's vulnerability to dieback from drought.
  • Woody plants including gooseberries, raspberries and even roses may suffer from dieback after their leaves wilt and shrivel, changing to brown.
  • Mac -- I think you should add "dieback" to the labels. Posthuman Blues
  • In addition, there are several other diseases (Phomopsis cane and leaf spot, Botrytis gray mold, Eutypa dieback and crown gall) that can also result in economic loss.
  • Sudden signs of dieback could mean the tree is harboring borers; consult a tree-care professional.
  • Natural senescence of even-aged stands can be a factor in dieback of forest trees; an example in the Sonoran Desert is Carnegiea gigantea.
  • Pruning in freezing weather can induce burn and then dieback on the roses, but you do want to get the vines done in the next month or so as they will bleed. January: the to-do list
  • Care must be taken to avoid the fungal disease eutypa dieback, of which spores may be transferred on pruners, infecting the pruning wounds following large cuts.
  • A mangled cane is a great place for fungal disease spores to hide out, lying in wait to cause problems later or causing cane dieback now.
  • At the time I explained that the Duke report, and the hypothesis that the dieback was a consequence of the herbicide Diuron, had some major flaws, including: "Only four of 21 potential sites were tested for Diuron. Jennifer Marohasy
  • These data suggest that the progressive leaf dieback starting from the stem base, as observed when the inflorescence of sunflower reached maturity, might be due to time-dependent loss of hydraulic conductance.
  • So far, ramorum dieback has been found mostly on rhododendrons and viburnums, although it has also been identified on camellia, kalmia, pieris, syringa and yew.
  • The recently dead plants represent the phenomenon of stand dieback, defined as the death of groups of neighboring trees.
  • The loss of another 2%, according to a World Bank study last year, could start to trigger dieback in the forest's relatively dry southern and south-eastern parts.
  • If this happens, dieback of branches, or of the tree, may occur.
  • Four to six leaf corn has been found with four to six leaves infested and the plants showing obvious leaf yellowing and purpling and some leaf dieback.

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