How To Use Dido In A Sentence

  • Não tiveram pra onde ir, ninguém veio buscar. entre uma conversa e outra, um vacilão falando que tinha muito oportinista na favela, muito cara que pegou casa sem precisar, pois já tinha seu barraco, logo foi calado pela multidão que beirava o córrego, com gritos um tiozinho chegou e falou que ninguém tava brincando de ter lucro ali não, que ninguém tava fingindo que precisava morar, que ele havia perdido tudo pro trator. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Outrage at violent São Paulo eviction
  • But to Escondido resident Waller and others, horses are much more than mere livestock, they are members of the family.
  • I'm sure Dido will be so good for you -- all that vivacity -- so different from poor Grace who was prone to melancholy. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • ESCONDIDO - No charges will be filed against two Escondido police officers for the death of a parolee who was high on methamphetamine as they struggled to take him into custody, the District Attorney's Office announced Thursday. San Diego News
  • DiDonato took a broader and more dramatic perspective in two Rossini numbers, Desdemona's haunting "Willow Song" from "Otello" and a dazzlingly virtuosic encore of "Tanti affetti," the final showpiece from "La Donna del Lago. SFGate: Top News Stories
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  • A 79 inf.), reso splendido e commovente da una miniatura di Simone Martini (su progetto iconofrafico dello stesso Petrarca) e dalla nota che registra la data di morte di molti amici, dell'unica amata (Avignone 6 aprile 1348), e poi, volando il tempo, del figlio Giovanni (1361); di quei vecchissimi volumi scovati nelle Biblioteche («inque bibliothecam ... velut in arcem fugio», Fam. Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, ed & comm. Rosanna Bettarini (Turin, 2005)
  • But you've never seen him cutting up didoes," Daylight Chapter XIII
  • [269] Houtoi mian gnomen echousi, kai ten dunamin kai ten exousian eauton to zerio diadidosousin, Rev. xvii. The Sermons of John Owen
  • CHRIS eu sei q vc deve estar arependido eu so muito sua fãn. sou sua fãn numero 1 so ñ ligue para q essas pessoas falam inveja é phodahhhh!!!!!!!! Chris Brown Rihanna Break-Up Following Alleged Assault
  • DEAL OF THE WEEK: Riding the waves in Oceanside ESCONDIDO: Man shot near Westside Park EXCLUSIVE: Couple appear to be shoplifting pros on 'Dr. Phil' show SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes Two North County couples celebrate 75th wedding anniversaries in March Escondido Undefined
  • PENSACOLA - Brown gooey oil slopped into the Perdido and Pensacola passes Thursday, the first confirmed invasion of oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster into Florida's inland waterways. TCPalm Stories
  • El anuncio del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, sobre una eventual demanda contra el Perú ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, para revertir el asilo concedido a los tres ex ministros bolivianos del gobierno de Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, es considerado “una posición de ignorancia” por parte de expertos y autoridades peruanas, quienes señalan que de concretarse dicha querella el mandatario boliviano hará un “papelón internacional”. Global Voices in English » Peru: Deteriorating International Relations with Bolivia
  • Using western classical music that included the Lament from Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas, as well as songs about death by Schubert and Canteloube, she performed a solo that was a stunning metaphor for pain and release. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Bodies based on Truchet's system appear to have been used throughout the 18th century by the Imprimerie royale, until a 'millimetric' point of 0.4 mm was introduced at the Imprimerie impériale in about 1810 by Firmin Didot. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • The Splendido, a former monastery and later a patrician villa, soon became what it is today: one of Europe's most exclusive, and expensive, hotels.
  • REGION: Military bases looking to fill variety of permanent job openings MURRIETA: City named top U.S. subprime boomtown REGION: Vernal pools emerge from hibernation OCEANSIDE: 'Drag Race High' teacher's job at risk DEAL OF THE WEEK: Turning back the clock in Vista ESCONDIDO: Three arrested in prostitution sting REGION: Military bases looking to fill variety of permanent job openings MURRIETA: City named top U.S. subprime boomtown Escondido Undefined
  • Mi hermano ha aprendido a tocar trompera durante casi diez a? os.
  • A nosotros los dominicanos ausentes, no se nos niega la atencion medica por estos paises tampoco … asi que estoy un poco sorprendido porque hay gente que considera que tratar a los hermanos haitianos es un problema. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: The Financial Cost of Undocumented Haitian Immigrants
  • Dido : You see[sentence dictionary], I heard it as a rumor that there was this aroundIdidn't believe it.
  • Skull and Bones y la Universidad de Yale no han respondido hasta el momento sobre la demanda, pero como ésta involucra también al gobierno de los Estados Unidos, puede ser que en poco tiempo el caso cobre relevancia. Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
  • I first encountered Raymond Leppard as the brilliant harpsichordist in Barbirolli's recording of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas.
  • Perhaps Elizabeth LeCompte found Francesco Cavalli's 1641 baroque opus, La Didone, a trifle bloodless-she's corrected that hematic imbalance by splicing the opera with scenes from the 1965 B-flick Planet of the Vampires. Village Voice - The most recent 10 stories
  • He said there was a photograph of her in the mayor's parlour in Bolton Town Hall of her visit to HMS Dido, which was Bolton's adopted ship.
  • Lieberson gets her own diva showcase at the Met later on this season, as Dido in Berlioz's Les Troyens, and I can't wait.
  • Rrefirendo algunas Cosas delo q asubcedido despues q sCriui y di Razon enlos Vltimos nauios q llegaron aese rreyno el ano pasado de 1570. y tocarelo mas Notable dexandolo que no loes para otros autores mas desoCupados rremitiendome a los capitanes pasajeros y otras personas The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 03 of 55 1569-1576 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • When one considers that this story is coming from the same man who, in his first novel, used the prince in disguise framework to tell a story about a young man posthumously repairing his relationship with his adoptive father and rejecting the notion of monarchic rule, and who, in Perdido Street Station, has the protagonist practically sell himself into slavery in order to secure the services of a local mobster, Un Lun Dun seems downright conservative in its adherence to fantasy tropes, which hobbles the novel's emotional effect. You Know, For Kids
  • The teenage songstress was up against some strong competition, including performances from soundalikes singing as Justin Hawkins, Luther Vandross and Dido.
  • agebrush and avocado trees shimmered in the afternoon heat as the huge gold limousine sped north through the hills of Escondido. TALES OF THE CITY
  • Dido : Yeah , nobody can relate to it really.
  • Areal watched her friend walk off, and then a flicker of emotions came over Dido's face when she turned to look at him.
  • Deberian ser avergonzados todos los lideres del mundo entero, por no haber protestado ya hace años por este crimen y egocentricismo de parte de dos bandidos y sus lacayos. Global Voices in English » Brazil: “President Lula is a nerd”
  • Dido talked incessantly about herself and all I had to do, as I listened to the catalogue of her infirmities, was to exude sympathy. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • Domingo yo arrive la maleta perdido tambien. yo ido hotel (Majestic ***** – WOW “una porta oberta a la distincio i a la cultura al centre de Barcelona”) yo como comida y yo bebo vino, brandy, mucho bebidas …. yo pago … mi siento enferma – Seulemente la manana lunes. todod de buen humor. un momento hace bien. mi maleta volve mi casa. Photos! « Wanderings
  • Ahora, como hemos aprendido tras las últimas noticias, hay quien se hace no ya rico sino multimillonario especulando en la bolsa, ya sea a la alta o a la baja, con acciones por las que no ha desembolsado siquiera un duro. ¿Qué caminos nos quedan?
  • Novas experiências no Bryce, utilzando um truque muito simples aprendido na galeria e tutoriais de um utilizador do DeviantArt. ...
  • In her early 20s, Dido realised she wanted a career in music and inveigled her elder brother Rollo, founder of the successful dance group Faithless, into giving her a job as a backing singer.
  • Ms. Goeres-Arce, who is now a stylist at Elements Salon in Escondido, provided evidence for California Attorney General Kamala D.
  • Of these hotels, the best is the tiny Splendido Mare, which started life as a hostel in the early 1900s to look after travellers arriving by mail coach in urgent need of food and a bed for the night.
  • Another word Dido often uses is "insular" -- that one describes not her music but herself. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Ironically, the way in which Aeneas abandons Dido in favour of his preordained fate is characteristic of Carthaginian treachery.
  • One city planner said Escondido has become known as an incubator city.
  • Wouldn't the unity of all things come to you, and wouldn't you chirrup like a bird, and buzz like a bee, and turn imaginary somersaults and dance and sing, and feel like cutting up "didoes," and talk a little high strung, and be chipper with the lowliest and level with the highest? Brook Farm
  • A nice come-down for you, I must say, that was raised straight an 'right, a-cuttin' up didoes with a lodger. CHAPTER XIV
  • “He drives me crazy with his didoes, when he is in the house,” she used to say; “and when he is out of it I am expecting every minute that some one will bring him home half dead.” Mark Twain: A Biography
  • Y sin embargo, hizo el caminito de libro bien aprendido y sobrevivió muchos años hasta llegar al lector que lo iba a amar de por vida. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • The governor by signing this has kind of circumvented our efforts from the local level to protect the citizens of Escondido. CNN Transcript Oct 15, 2007
  • DEAL OF THE WEEK: Riding the waves in Oceanside ESCONDIDO: Man shot near Westside Park EXCLUSIVE: Couple appear to be shoplifting pros on 'Dr. Phil' show SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics Two North County couples celebrate 75th wedding anniversaries in March HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes Escondido Undefined
  • Perdido Street Station by China Mieville is, perhaps, the most interesting book I've read in a year .... and what sets my fanboy antennae writhing is that there are at least two other books set in this world. Scenes From An Art Fair, Written After Seven Hours of Driving To CT
  • Thank you," I said, trying not to sound too enfeebled, and I heard Dido screech: `Seven-thirty for dinner at eight! ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The city built the California Center for the Arts, Escondido downtown and has taken other measures to help revive that area.
  • Segrais has observ’d farther, that, when Anna counsels Dido to stay Æneas during the winter, she speaks also of Orion: Dum pelago desævit hiems, et aquosus Orion. Dedication
  • The benefits of China indigenous innovations didoes not end with just the four great inventions. Fred Teng: Indigenous Innovation Can Benefit the Whole World
  • American Joyce DiDonato is at the top of her game in this sizzling collection of arias representing the gender-bending opera roles - called trouser roles in the biz - that mezzo-sopranos are frequently called on to play. - Home Page
  • So if an American Fukushima bankrupts our nation and destroys your family, reactor owners like Entergy could ride off as scott-free as those badgeless bandidoes that killed Bogie. Harvey Wasserman: Nuke Industry to America: "We Don't Need No Stinking Fire Protection"
  • Thanks, however, to DeCandido's ability to brew up credible and intriguing politics on both the large and small scale, and his proven talent for fast-paced narrative and incisive characterization, Enemy Territory manages to aquaplane over the absurdities of its premise and deliver a package of absorbing, high-octane, bloodthirsty fun. May 31st, 2005
  • Tu estado de ánimo cambia con la velocidad de encendido de una lamparita. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • Él ha acudido a Ceprodel con el fin de solicitar el crédito para invertirlo en el riego para el cultivo de sorgo y el pago de mozo para el corte y almacenamiento. Kiva Loans
  • The chlamys was a foreign warrior’s garment, hardly the typical uniform of a Roman woman, though tellingly it was the dress of Virgil’s tragic heroine of the Aeneid, Queen Dido of Carthage, who like Agrippina had taken on traditionally male responsibilities, attempting to found a new kingdom for her people.62 Caesars’ Wives
  • De alli hecharon a la Isla de la Plata, donde estubieron tres dias y medio refrescando; y sospechando que los prisioneros se querian alzar con el navio mataron a uno y castigaron a otro; y de alli a Payta en donde hecharon dos canoas a tierra con treynte y dos hombres armados con animo de ganar a Payta, y hallando resistencia se bolvieron al navio; de alli Tiraron al estrecho de Magallanes; pero no passaron por el, sino al redidor de la ysla del fuego que estava como seys a ocho dias apartada del estrecho de Magallanes, este estrecho del fuego tardaron en pasarle hasta entrar en el mar del Norte cosa de nuebe Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • Dido [2] make her bulls hide very extensive & I can stretch my subject. mere poetical flourishes without any moral principle inculcated is like — a false building in a city garden — or Burkes book [3] — or two certain looking glasses. they have often reflected upon me — retaliation is but fair. Letter 70
  • We hear of your didoes, even if we are buried down here in the country. Gone with the Wind
  • From south of the Border I saw several Mexican bandidos arriving.
  • On opening night, the amiable owner appeared in a bandido costume. Smithsonian Mag
  • DiDonato again donned the pants in the family for her turn at Romeo. Le Rouge et le Noir
  • But these Escondido students have elevated the missions to near virtual reality status.
  • When Aeneas first sees Dido in all her stately beauty, he says: [440] in freta dum fluvii current, _dum montibus umbrae lustrabunt convexa_, polus dum sidera pascet, semper honos nomenque tuum laudesque manebunt, quae me cunque vocant terrae. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • Todo ser humano deve ter direito de reclamar quando se sentir mal atendido, deve ter o direito de alertar os outros (e não só os amigos) de riscos que eles correm. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Judicial decisions, a growing threat to online freedom
  • I'm willing to bet that Dido's audience is almost exclusively female, to an unusual degree in pop artists.
  • Dido's beauty and charm melted the heart of Lindsay's uncle, Britain's most powerful and draconian judge, the first Earl of Mansfield, who adopted his grand-niece and treated her as the daughter he never had.
  • Many of Kevin Pollard's costumes were unflattering: Ms. DiDonato spent most of the show slouching around in what looked like a muumuu and dreadlocks, Ms. de Niese's androgynous brown getup made nothing of her beauty, and Plácido Domingo Neptune was overpowered by hair and clothing that made him look silly rather than godlike. Promoting the Baroque In an ADHD World
  • The beaches of Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key are not highly commercialized by todays standards, and offer a relaxing place to enjoy the oceanside.
  • And if I'm to redeem my past, Dido's always got to come first. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Ya se harán ustedes cargo [100-7] de que algo habrá sucedido por allá arriba para que yo baje por aquí con tan mal tiempo, no Novelas Cortas
  • Anne Sofie von Otter's mezzo-soprano is perhaps a touch ethereal for Dido, but she didn't try and compete with the orchestra, instead confidently drawing the drama to her, with a stage presence and an unfailingly intelligent musicality that anchored the human dimension of Part II. Troy to Remember
  • Lucky little Dido, I thought, stumbling across a clergyman who could so ably guide her along her spiritual way. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • The city built the California Center for the Arts, Escondido downtown and has taken other measures to help revive that area.
  • Mr Pincher, though, is only the ghost writer and it's Dido who's grabbing the headlines.
  • DEAL OF THE WEEK: Riding the waves in Oceanside HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes EXCLUSIVE: Couple appear to be shoplifting pros on 'Dr. Phil' show HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics Two North County couples celebrate 75th wedding anniversaries in March Escondido Undefined
  • Se vera VM. que yo no escribo Portugues ni aun lo hablo, pero, haviendo aprendido el Castellano, no nos faltará medio de communicar y tener conversacion. Wanderings in South America
  • Pulling her tank top up over her nose bandido-style, Szabla leaned over the hole again, looking down. MINUTES TO BURN
  • He leido este foro hace mucho tiempo y he aprendido mucho. New to forum
  • Yet Cohan admits he writes from a position of ‘utter privilege’ and it's something to see a side of Mexico that isn't all shantytowns and bandidos.
  • Only days before he had been duetting fabulously as pianist with Joyce DiDonato at the Gramophone Awards in a languorous version of "Over the Rainbow", on balance a piece that does bear frequent repetition though I can see I may regret that remark. The Turn of the Screw; Ariadne auf Naxos; Les pêcheurs de perles; Mitsuko Uchida
  • In a plea agreement, Jakubec acknowledged making and storing explosives and weapons at his ranch-style home in Escondido, including nine detonators, 13 grenade hulls and large quantities of the highly unstable Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, or HMDT, which can explode by someone stepping on it. California man to be sentenced for bomb-laden home
  • Aparte de lo ahí comentado también se ha añadido el clon USA del Top Skater (y quizás alguna cosilla mas que ya comentasemos en el tema WIP). NGEmu
  • Hotel Splendido, which remains intact and focuses on authentic cuisine, has played host to the likes of Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, Clark Gable, and Ava Gardner.
  • Today, revisiting the life of the town’s most celebrated citizen, the word Carthage sounds prophetic: to those who are familiar with her life, it seems apt that Virginia Cherrill should have emerged from a place connected by its name to the beautiful Queen Dido. Chaplin’s Girl
  • He pshawed me, accused me of being in denial of incipient middle-age and merely affecting to like ‘the crew’ whilst pining for Celine Dion or Dido.
  • DECANDIDO is the codeveloper of Star Trek: S.C.E., and has previously written Fatal Error, Cold Fusion, Here There Be Monsters, and the two-part War Stories; he also cowrote the two-part Invincible with David Mack. Breakdowns
  • ¿Ha aprendido V. bien la diferencia entre el preterito y el imperfecto? Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)
  • Its doppelgänger among the desserts is the chocolate fundido, a sticky, spicy fondue of melted Oaxacan chocolate, served with a platter of cookies, churros, and fruit for dipping.
  • Desiludidos com as manigâncias de uma classe política corrupta, incompetente e clientelista, desanimados com a ideia de que isto nunca muda, os cidadãos têm-se abandonado ao conforto do dia de eleições passado em tranquilo descanso e aumentam as percentagens de abstenção. Ao voto, camaradas!
  • La Didone, a trifle bloodless-she's corrected that hematic imbalance by splicing the opera with scenes from the 1965 B-flick Village Voice - The most recent 10 stories
  • DiDonato states in Surviving The Mob, a full-size, soft-cover book written with Las Vegas-based author Dennis Griffin, that Corozzo revealed the plot on the day he was spelling out his leadership plans to crew members who included his longtime partner-in-crime, Leonard DiMaria and wiseguy Michael Mikey Y Yannotti. Jerry Capeci: Turncoat: Gambino Capo Plotted to Whack Junior Gotti
  • Un detalle más a desatacar en estas innovadoras lámparas, es el modo de encendido/apagado que poseen, ya que se realiza a través de un grifo que funciona como interruptor de la luz, y que añade un guiño divertido a la ya originalidad de este diseño. Island Sink by Kohler
  • Se vera VM. que yo no escribo Portugues ni aun lo hablo, pero, haviendo aprendido el Castellano, no nos faltará medio de communicar y tener conversacion. Wanderings in South America
  • Of the Lacedemonians, accordyng as Tucidido affirmeth, in their armies were used Flutes: for that thei judged, that this armonie, was moste mete to make their armie to procede with gravetie, and with furie: the Carthaginens beyng moved by this verie same reason, in the first assaulte, used the violone. Machiavelli, Volume I
  • The Perdido Star eventually reaches Cuba, where young Jack's parents are murdered by the requisite villainous Spanish don.
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • Joyce DiDonato - La Donna del Lago: Tanti affetti ... - Articles related to Sarkozy's depiction of pregnant, 'virgin' Marianne sparks feminist wrath
  • Only a few months ago she was dismissing saintly coffee-table popstrel Dido as ‘rubbish ‘and deploring the ignorance of record companies.’
  • They have explored the Sigsbee Escarpment, the long cliff at the edge of the abyssal plain; they've poked holes in the Mississippi Fold Belt and the Perdido Fan Fold Belt. BP disaster: Rare mix of geological factors created rich but dangerous reserves
  • [28-1] "La lengua castellana es mas dificultosa que la Maya para la gente adulta, que no la ha mamado con la leche, como lo ha enseñado la experiencia en los estranjeros de distintas naciones, y en los negros bozales que se han radicado en esta provincia, que mas facilmente han aprendido la Maya que la castellana. The Maya Chronicles Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1
  • She disliked Dido but was prepared to tolerate her for a weekend in order to humour her husband.
  • For example, students were asked to note the differences between the bandido character from the 1948 film ‘The Treasure of the Sierra Madre’ and the cholo from the 1997 film ‘187’.
  • Three patients developed suspected oral candidosis but none was mycologically proven and no treatment was given.
  • No matter how middle-of-the-road the ballad, Keys will plaster it with showy arpeggios, rococo trills and glissandos, an approach that brings to mind the unlovely image of Dido jamming with Richard Clayderman.
  • Dido's White Flag may have sold millions with its anodyne, broad-brush break-up lyrics, but Williamson's eponymous second album goes much deeper into more raw feelings.
  • Daley Ranch is in the rugged hills of northeastern Escondido.
  • They were lovable bandidos, even if the rugby they played was not particularly lovable. Times, Sunday Times
  • … El mal siempre vence por medio de la fuerza de sus espléndidos bobos; en todas las épocas ha existido una catastrófica alianza entre la inocencia anormal y el pecado anormal. G.K. Chesterton, el Apóstol del Sentido Común
  • DiDonna inflects the field between the two columns with an ink hatching of fine strokes that infiltrates the column to the right.
  • It's grown from 10 to 13 people within the past year, and it's opened a satellite office in Escondido.
  • Ya reconozco los verbos y algunos me los he aprendido. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • Besides, the ranch included the clay-pit, and it would give him the whip-hand over Holdsworthy if he ever tried to cut up any didoes. Chapter IX
  • Another beneficial prophylaxis is to take probiotic acididophilus and other lactic fermentation products daily, either in capsules or as yoghurt or in Yakult ™. Treating Food/Water Poisoning in Mexico, or Any Other Place
  • Lucky little Dido, I thought, stumbling across a clergyman who could so ably guide her along her spiritual way. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Não tiveram pra onde ir, ninguém veio buscar. entre uma conversa e outra, um vacilão falando que tinha muito oportinista na favela, muito cara que pegou casa sem precisar, pois já tinha seu barraco, logo foi calado pela multidão que beirava o córrego, com gritos um tiozinho chegou e falou que ninguém tava brincando de ter lucro ali não, que ninguém tava fingindo que precisava morar, que ele havia perdido tudo pro trator. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Outrage at violent São Paulo eviction
  • Miss Pouty Lips rescues the love of her life - renegade doctor Nick - from bandidos (wild-eyed, crooked-toothed, of course) in war-torn Chechnya, only to step on a mine while running for help.
  • And if I'm to redeem my past, Dido's always got to come first. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Carroll, a 53-year-old legal secretary who was stabbed and slashed 61 times at her home in northeast Escondido.
  • The 96. 8-mile (155. 8-kilometer) final stage from Rancho Bernardo to Escondido featured a gut-busting ride up snowcapped Palomar Mountain, where the cyclists reached the 5,123-foot (1561-meter) level on a two-lane highway with 21 switchbacks. Leipheimer wins third straight Tour of California
  • ESCONDIDO - The new year could mean more service cuts and layoffs for Escondido, which has sunk further into deficit as the city's sales tax revenue continues to plummet. Fore, right!
  • I guess I'm copping out that what's wrong with me is due to my feminine upbringing, what has developed into my mother and her family living within me, doing didoes on the dancefloors of my plasma, brewing potions within the cauldrons of my bowels, tricking my male brain via the feminine emotions that have bloomed in the hothouse of my solar plexus. Poverty and Love
  • The Bloor, Toronto's venerable rep cinema, was packed for opening night film, Lolo's Child, by hometown director Romeo Candido.
  • I will not even refer to Dido or Zenobia. Middlemarch
  • En el banco comunal ha aprendido a ahorrar, a quererse y valorarse como persona, siente útil con lo que le enseñan en las capacitaciones. Kiva Loans
  • The gem merchant that got robbed had some influence with the _Districo Federales_ down in Mexico City; he wanted all three of the guys who robbed him put away as a lesson to other hotshot _bandidos _who might try to pull the same thing. The Body Ricardo
  • Escondido west of Interstate 15 ranked first in price appreciation as well as sales activity.
  • Dido was charmed with his discourse and filled with admiration of his exploits.
  • * Houtoi mian gnomen echousi, kai ten dunamin kai ten exousian eauton to zerio diadidosousin: [5434] 1 The Sermons of John Owen
  • Cendrillon is gentle, serious and love-struck, with some deliciously high, floating lines which had DiDonato at her pianissimo best. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review

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