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How To Use Didactic In A Sentence

  • The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
  • A compelling storyteller with many voices lyric, operatic and diaristic, Ms. Snyder is often provocative; occasionally didactic or off-key. The Lady of the Wild Things
  • But the narrative remains strange and poetic enough for it never to appear formulaic or didactic.
  • Colours Beyond Colours" opens with a Jamaican-sounding speaker ostensibly describing the supersensory effects of LSD, and then segueing into a cod-'60s-didactic announcement about the electromagnetic spectrum. PopMatters
  • The books written by Richardson and his followers accordingly became known as moral or didactic novels.
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  • In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country--the Halls of Congress--a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • We routinely portray them as grim, doctrinaire, religious killjoys who lived in a didactic world of the Saved and the Unregenerate.
  • During the yearlong exhibition, didactic programs are offered for schoolchildren.
  • I rewrote it several years ago and when I went back to it, it had this really didactic preachy ending and it was just awful.
  • Because of their varied backgrounds, these teachers and professionals often use different theoretical and applied didactic and pedagogic practices.
  • Brooks managed to squeeze 'peripatetic', 'equanimity', 'homeostasis', 'sojourner', 'grandiloquent' and 'didactic' into the brief 850 word article on the inner workings of Obama's mind, exposing a fragile psyche of his own, and a desperate need to validate his position as a national talking head. Ben Cohen: David Brooks and Big Words
  • These sources give us valuable insights into her autodidacticism in all its profusion and chaos, as well as her modernity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • From what we’ve seen Connie do over the last four years, it seems as if her self-assigned mission is to identify artists in all media who are making nondogmatic, nondidactic work that nonetheless aims to change political consciousness, encourage those artists, and bring them together. Living Justice
  • From the perspective of promoting human rights, is it desirable for the judiciary to have donned the didactic roles of pedagogues for democracy and constitutionalism?
  • The Poem therefore (with the exception of the first canto, which is purely introductory) is narrative, not didactic. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Because of the public funding, there was a conservative style and often a moral or didactic message in the films that were made at the Film Board.
  • Helene got him a topflight classical guitar teacher, who found the boy stubbornly autodidactic.
  • This didactic approach towards teaching history has made people look at it as a pain rather than a joy.
  • But, three decades on, the effect is dramatic rather than didactic. Times, Sunday Times
  • But while its scope is admirable, the play has an unappealing didactic tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not two sentences into their answer the terms pedantic and didactic were employed with professorial authority. Build Blog » A Vocabulary List for Architects Who Want to Get Things Built
  • To return to Franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured English readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of Niagara.
  • For they are really monarchs of their own people; that is, of their own Church (for the Church is the same thing with a Christian people); whereas the power of the Pope, though he were St. Peter, is neither monarchy, nor hath anything of archical nor cratical, but only of didactical; for God accepteth not a forced, but a willing obedience. Leviathan
  • Teens are such an open audience, and the world of YA literature has evolved in the past years, so the age of thinking about teen novels as needing to be limited or didactic is definitely over. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: K.L. Going, part 1
  • For a ‘tale, taken from… facts,’ Castle Rackrent's fabling and didacticism are remarkably insistent and cohesive.
  • Some critics regard the didactic second part as an appendage to an earlier secular poem; others see the whole as an allegorical representation of human exile from God on the sea of life.
  • It is best to adopt a collaborative approach rather than a didactic or paternalistic manner.
  • The result was a preachy didacticism that is more likely to conceal human truth than reveal it.
  • Thenceforth, Felitzata visited Vologonov almost daily; and once during the time of two hours or so that the pair were occupied in drinking tea I heard, through the partition-wall, the old man say in vigorous, level, didactical tones: Through Russia
  • Qualitative survey of didactical approaches in SL by Martin Leidl Archive 2007-07-01
  • The text sometimes verges on the didactic, but then you have to consider both the intended audience and the size.
  • His beliefs and concerns were part of the very fabric of his work and, at his best, he delivered his lessons in a nondidactic, deeply engaging fashion. Book review: 'While Mortals Sleep' by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Rather than offering didactic explanations for each aesthetic decision, artists may rediscover the value in enigmatic, emotionally-rooted work whose meaning is intuitively derived and not so easily explained. Sharon L. Butler: Abstract Expressionist New York: Line and Legacy
  • Didactic seminars occurring during a protected day emphasize normal development, phenomenology, psychopathology, psychotherapeutic and pharmacologic interventions, consultation strategies, and research methodology. Psychiatry
  • Stuffed to the edges with dozens of symbolic and didactic creatures and props, the blanket sized, totemic kaleidoscopes - each rendered in firmly cut but onion-skin-thin Japanese mulberry paper - teem with febrile life. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • However, the writing is hectoringly didactic and dramatically emaciated. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will cease with the didactics and the beating of this otherwise dead horse, because what would prove fundamentally more powerful is the rapper's success next season. Marjon Rebecca Carlos: Pret-a-Parler: Kanye's Debut Conversation With Style
  • Her instruments inspired the formation of the local senior citizens' gourd band, whose music testifies to the unbounded nature of autodidactic innovation.
  • Leake used didactic approaches to teach the surveyors how to administer questionnaires and register oral responses.
  • You could probably even sneak in your revolutionary politics without sounding didactic and patronizing.
  • But Anatole also develops a worthy theme nondidactically: Giving back makes you feel good even if you can’t repay others in kind. 2009 May « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Gough said the School's series was "an opportunity to turn self-help on its head, " promising: "They won't be didactic, prescriptive books.
  • The didacticism of this passage demonstrates that the caprice of nature expresses the narrator's perspective and not the other way around.
  • The first written literature dates from the eleventh century, with the production of religious texts, including translations from Byzantine works, original sermons and other didactic works, and hagiographies.
  • In the late cinquecento, Florentine patrons seized upon the cloister lunette fresco cycle as an ideal format for reformist didactic painting.
  • While these and other sociopolitical themes inform her writing, Hansen's books are not didactic.
  • In theatre terms, the plays are didactic and are prone to long impassioned declamatory speeches.
  • His work, though far from didactic, is full of moral implications; his example of aesthetic idealism, set by abnegation and artistry is a standing rebuke to facility and venality, callousness and obtuseness. James Joyce
  • But the story about the time that I just acted on a moment of meanness – of unbidden, unjustified, inexplicable meanness – that story, I don’t know how spin didactically. Falling Out Of Trees | Her Bad Mother
  • Most imagery was religious; some of it was created to be didactic, some to exert spiritual power.
  • There belong also to this division numerous didactic poems in which a prosaic content is dressed up in poetic form, such as compendiums of physics, astronomy, and medicine, and treatises on chess, fishing, hunting, and the conduct of life. An Estimate of the Value and Influence of Works of Fiction in Modern Times
  • Herbert's method in both works is catechetical and didactic.
  • Modi spoke to me in clipped, to-the-point phrases, with a didactic tone, about the cosmopolitan trading history of Gujarat going back 5,000 years, and how Parsis and others had come to its shores and been assimilated into the Hindu culture. India’s New Face
  • i am autodidactic which is the key to being able to do all the things i do, and know and all that, and why others dont believe it. Prager on the 2010 election
  • Enthusiastic women never even suspect the difference that there is between the excitement of a popular harangue, which is nothing but a mere passionate outburst, and the unfolding of a didactic process, the aim of which is to prove something and to convince its hearers. Amiel's Journal
  • One significant feature common to all three series is a dramatically compelling (as opposed to a didactically plodding) struggle between good and evil.
  • Curiosity also connects the allegorical figuration of Nell's story and the novel's anti-didactic agenda.
  • But an open-minded viewer in search of some profound silence amid the hubbub of daily urban life including the MFA's store, coffee counter and overbearing didactics elsewhere on the walls of its new Linde Family Center for Contemporary Art, where the Kelly show is installed can derive considerable pleasure from this show. Beautiful, Quiet and Spare
  • It is sometimes a bit too easy and didactic to consistently underline such things as radical modulations or harmonic shifts, by means of accentuation, rhetorical pauses, ritardandos, etc.
  • Maverannahr scholars made a great contribution to Arabic language dissemination, its analysis and Arabic literature development, which is proved by Mahmud Zamakhshari's works, including dozens of scientific papers, fiction, didactic treatises, the works on Arabic morphology, syntax, phonetics and lexicology. Turkmen scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari's heritage
  • And they offer an interesting case-history in paradoxy: utopian commonwealths often proved so persuasive that their paradoxical character gave way before their didactic function. LITERARY PARADOX
  • Didactics deduced from Dream in the Red Mansion sharply reflects the author's positive and negative didactical concept and modern consciousness of advocating democracy and equality on didactics.
  • The overall effect is not dated, interestingly, and is fresh but didactic: as history textbook, it could be really valuable now.
  • On the euro itself, Brown imposed oaths of omertà, lest even a small sign of didactic enthusiasm be mistaken for serious intent to enter.
  • His style was didactic, often patronising, and the jokes were thick-cut.
  • The training consisted of didactic instruction and observation of live family therapy sessions.
  • I'd get these eight-page denunciations, accusing me of didacticism, as if I hadn't already thought of that.
  • Thus there are really two kinds of story: that which shapes the Jesus narrative in each Gospel, and that which influences the didactic and hortatory arguments in the Epistles.
  • He paid patients the compliment of offering elliptical hints rather than didactic advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • If only we quit focusing on what the Bible didactically "says" and converse with the text in its broader cultural context. What Does The Bible Actually Say About Gay Marriage?
  • Although the prose is clear and readable it is also assertive, didactic and sometimes patronising.
  • I'd also have to say, just to be a nit, that if you are committed enough to the life of the imagination to be a writer -- a non-didactic writer for children, though still a political one -- then perhaps this implies some sort of faith in meekness ...? "Crap, here comes Teacher!"
  • I concur with Gurney's approach: Jacki's competent focus is neither didactic nor moralising.
  • To say this, is not, of course, to say that the Greek conception of art was didactic; for the word didactic, when applied to art, has usually the implication that the excellence of the moral is the only point to be considered, and that if that is good the work itself must be good. The Greek View of Life
  • the didacticism expected in books for the young
  • Yet for the sheer visual audacity and wit, the Echt Amerikan sense of the didactic effortlessly intermingled with pleasure (We’re gonna expose you to some highbrow music, sonny, but you’ll have fun anyway), and the move away from the heavy Germanic style of earlier features into a cleaner, more open sense of space and horizon and character (physiognomy is destiny, except when hippos dance!) it remains my favorite feature-length release. A Ceramic Fantasia :
  • Thus, the didactic purpose of the original project dissolved in a welter of abstruse, sentimental versifying.
  • He became more aggressive and personal, more didactic, more accusatory, more moralistic.
  • He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.
  • I politely disagree with the assertion that it was didactic and lengthy.
  • 7:12: Sends text to Brian Williams of NBC News correcting him on improper use of the term "didactic. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel.
  • The current dominant mode of children's-book evaluation at least nominally disdains "didacticism," by which it means preachiness or sermonizing. I agree with everybody
  • A didactic air creeps into the proceedings as the two men pick at the bones of friendship and trust, making an unexpected detour into the morality of modern marketing techniques.
  • Their didactic import encompasses salient aspects of Buddhist doctrine, especially the traditional notion of human transience.
  • The reductiveness is not didactic, as it is with John Cage when he induces us to look at nuances that are usually overlooked.
  • It covered a great range of moods and themes: love, wine, religion, didactic topics, and occasional verse.
  • As such, the work alludes to the reciprocal nature of relationship and manages to state its case clearly without being didactic, sentimental or completely unfunny.
  • She's too willful an actress, tight and overemphatic; like The Constant Gardener itself, which suffered from an almost masochistic didacticism making its political points. Oscar Day: James Wolcott
  • He is still as purposefully didactic as ever, using the genre of educational information posters to inform us of our own miseducation.
  • If the Reformation chorales were anything, they were didactic and homiletical.
  • That star student Hermione Granger seems perfectly self-sufficient with her own autodidactic learning and can conjure enough spells to consistently rescue her two hapless male counterparts. Ruth Starkman: Harry Potter: College Drop Out?
  • Few of our didactic programs are taught on an interdisciplinary basis with the other health sciences.
  • It is emphasized that the teacher's role in the classroom is to facilitate discussion rather than to present philosophical ideas didactically.
  • Another outstanding characteristic of this genre is its didactic, moralizing character.
  • In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country -- the Halls of Congress -- a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • The last of these qualities is especially important when it comes to the plays of Brecht, which are too often directed so didactically that they become stiff. Deadly Serious Comedy
  • orated," invariably using a conversational tone; many of his points were driven home by humorous allusions or anecdotes rather than by didactic logic. Woodrow Wilson and the World War A Chronicle of Our Own Times.
  • Both exemplify the autodidactic combination of total conviction, terrifying erudition and occasional utter idiocy that so fascinates me, despite being decidedly over-educated.
  • Each question elicits not an answer but a short speech, engaging rather than didactic, but expressing the certainty that came in the genes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know if you're at all interested in American didactic fiction. Myths of reading
  • Formal didactic training in biostatistics and epidemiology is provided through coursework at The University of Pennsylvania's Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB), culminating in receipt of a Master's in Clinical Epidemiology or Public Health. Academic General Pediatrics Fellowship
  • Practicum students have the option of attending the didactics on the day they do not attend clinic (sleep shorts Wednesday or sleep grand rounds Thursday). Practicum Training
  • In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.
  • Political commentators, by contrast, are hortatory and didactic - and angry.
  • While my understanding of dance technique falls into the "autodidactic" category (IANAD), it's more difficult to perform multiple pirouettes with the legs parallel--as the gymnasts (and jazz dancers) do them--than with the raised leg turned out. Sports
  • In order not to sound too didactic or pedantic, the lecturer added anecdotes and personal comments.
  • For such readers, the constraint imposed by the euphonic, metrical patterns of rhyme supposedly aid in the rote recital of any didactic, cultural messages communicated by the poet. Quick Review 03 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • I may be tempted towards didacticism, but this isn't an advice column.
  • He is clearly the man for the job, having cheerfully sat through didactic political dramas that would leave most begging for mercy. Times, Sunday Times
  • She enjoys passing on her knowledge - much of it autodidactic - to her pupils, but insists the most enjoyable aspect of her classes is the wisdom that she soaks up from the students themselves. Gabriela Epstein: Color, Form and Energy
  • The topic uses approximately three 50-minute didactic lectures and an hour of student presentation on a case history.
  • But the narrative remains strange and poetic enough for it never to appear formulaic or didactic.
  • Such resistance to the hortatory mode in what is a designedly didactic poem recalls the paradoxical structure of ‘What I expected.’
  • Long characterised as a didactic brainbox, Shaw, at his best, was a displaced poet.
  • But the most poignant perspective missing for Americans watching this spectacular televised concert, scenic description and didactic lecture on North Korea, is that during what was a Korea civil war that began in 1950, the United States leveled from the air, if not already torn up by ground artillery from both sides, every town in Korea, both North and South with the exception of Pusan, which is located at the extreme southern end of the peninsula - the only area that the North Koreans had not taken in the first weeks of its invasion of the south. NY Phil Plays in a Korea Once Destroyed by U.S. Invasion, Flattened by U.S. Bombers
  • The Korean tale, thus, has a stronger didactic and moral character than similar tales.
  • With the exception perhaps of Tales of Burning Love, there are few contemporary novels with a wholly didactic religious purpose.
  • The popularity of this novel has been linked to its didacticism: a second edition followed the next year.
  • Directed by Dr. Scott Lorch, this seminar provides didactic and practical experience in biostatistics, clinical epidemiology, and clinical study design. Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Curriculum
  • His book, therefore, is intended to be both didactic and elenchtic. What is Darwinism?
  • In West Africa, didactic tales and tales of magic with moral endings are very popular.
  • ‘The autodidactic element was one of the identifying characteristics of the New Swiss film, both for filmmakers and technicians’.
  • this is a didactically sound method
  • Giani wrote in his Preface that the Servite lunette paintings should serve as an example for narrative painting in general, and focused on their didactic function and their role as a visual stimulus to piety.
  • We're not didactic, and we're not literalists, and we don't take a particular stance that aligns with any party.
  • He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.
  • In this long Latin didactic poem, the epic poet Lucretius sought to free humans from the fear of death by explaining the true nature of things. Mesoamerican Religion and Multiverses: Part One
  • Robert Coles's sketch about his fifth-grade teacher is tiresomely didactic.
  • One suspects that, despite his protestation that we don't necessarily need a "lesson" from such a novel as The Kindly Ones, Bukiet would prefer that its unmediated access to the point of view of a morally compromised protagonist be placed in a more didactically clear context as a corrective to "wallowing. Furies
  • Taken as a whole, the criticism produced by the Men of Letters throughout the first three-quarters of the nineteenth century was dauntingly didactic.
  • The tone is often didactic. Times, Sunday Times
  • To my editorial consternation, he has no objection to being seen as didactic in his novels.
  • A more didactic type of prose, designed to inform and convince, was practised by Arnold, Carlyle, Macaulay, and others.
  • He mentioned in his paper the didactic tendency in Chinese literature.
  • In her lifetime she noted that her work highlighted the unfortunate divide between autodidactic and certified professional therapy.
  • Stories are never just arguments; they work most effectively by being neither didactic nor definitive: they attract and hold our attention because they are connotative not denotative.
  • The middle decades of the nineteenth century saw an explosion of traveling lecturers in the United States thanks to the lyceum movement, an autodidactic effort that catered to the hunger for knowledge of a self-educating populace. LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • Its origins as a novel for young people are evident in the actors' overemphatic, didactic delivery. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had an unpleasantly loud didactic voice.
  • But while its scope is admirable, the play has an unappealing didactic tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a wholly nondidactic way, this brief story reminds us — and children — of the joy of activities that cost nothing. 2008 May 30 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • It is not remotely didactic and it is mercifully free from the self-righteous pomposity that you might expect from a banker who is also an ordained clergyman. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order not to sound too didactic or pedantic, the lecturer added anecdotes and personal comments.
  • A deliberate disavowal of any attempt to ‘lay down didactically the principles’ of prose writing provides him with an excellent basis to do exactly that.
  • She enjoys passing on her knowledge - much of it autodidactic - to her pupils, but insists the most enjoyable aspect of her classes is the wisdom that she soaks up from the students themselves. Gabriela Epstein: Color, Form and Energy
  • The eviction similarly feels too didactic to be dramatic and too staged to be convincingly informative.
  • Their dance-able cumbia rhythm demonstrates the way in which her musical ‘entertainment’ conveys didactic and political messages.
  • For, as I say, appeals which are not didactical are almost always worthless. January 2008
  • Otherwise, I would have created only didactic films for educational television.
  • The problem, among other things, was that its didactic content could be at odds with its ambitious packaging and self-understanding. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The SLED Picayune: Qualitative survey of didactical approaches in SL Qualitative survey of didactical approaches in SL
  • His novel has a didactic tone.
  • And then they also have 56 hours of actual didactical on-the-job training. CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2006
  • To my editorial consternation, he has no objection to being seen as didactic in his novels.
  • The only instances I have found that are not from Ovid's didactic verse are the present passage and xii 23-24 'tu bonus hortator, tu duxque comesque fuisti,/cum regerem tenera frena nouella manu'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • This type of orientation program accentuates clinical practice and includes limited didactic instruction.
  • This individual could provide much of the didactic instruction, but others should contribute to the training program.
  • Another outstanding characteristic of this genre is its didactic, moralizing character.
  • But, three decades on, the effect is dramatic rather than didactic. Times, Sunday Times
  • This didactic function tended to diminish many characteristics of individual style.
  • While the book does not read by any means as a school text, at key places there is certainly a strong moral and didactic tone. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I hope the more didactic approach won't be lost. Times, Sunday Times
  • The English playwright has made an impressive career producing a bevy of hard-hitting, didactic and experimental plays.
  • The degree to which the characters are bound to their milieu is made apparent at every turn — sometimes, in didactic bits of dialogue, almost too apparent. International Crime Fiction
  • ‘What we want to do is encourage the individual to think about their own personal circumstances rather than talking didactically to them,’ he states.
  • If we restore the didactic dimension to Shakespeare's dramaturgy and consider the demands made upon the audience's belief and disbelief, we can see even these heroic figures as exemplars of the human struggle for salvation.
  • It is often the case in arts writing that it is seen as subservient to the art, that it's role can only be one of an obvious and didactic explicator of hidden meanings or that it should act as an interpreter of the artist's intentions.
  • the didacticism of the 19th century gave birth to many great museums
  • Didactic tendencies are continually being subverted by swerves, qualifications, and context.
  • He was greatly interested in teaching for its own sake, and his didactic skill found an outlet in a whole stream of books.
  • The eviction similarly feels too didactic to be dramatic and too staged to be convincingly informative.
  • The general lack of biographical and didactic information within the exhibition clouded these issues further.
  • Watercolour," the show, does manage to be as accessible as its medium - which means it also succeeds didactically. Medium is message at Tate Britain 'Watercolour' show
  • He works in the areas of intercultural communication, second language acquisition and second language didactics.
  • It is this contrast between rich and poor - a contrast so visually obvious as to make the landscape of Caracas feel almost didactic - that animates Venezuelan politics.
  • The reason for this is that the Sain label had the didactic purpose of supporting the then resurgent Welsh nationalism by releasing records entirely in the Welsh language.
  • The play is didactic in tone and ethical in nature.
  • These stories are more explicit and more didactic, probably because they are more self-consciously in-tended as correctives.
  • One implication of the classical approach to moral education is that law has a didactic element.
  • The popularity of this novel has been linked to its didacticism: a second edition followed the next year.
  • In the late cinquecento, Florentine patrons seized upon the cloister lunette fresco cycle as an ideal format for reformist didactic painting.
  • Yalom, himself a psychiatrist, is gently didactic about both the earliest days of his own profession and Nietzsche's philosophy, and even manages to work the two into something resembling a plot. June Books 3) When Nietzsche Wept
  • All didactic teaching and clinical conferences in ophthalmology and plastic surgery are available to the oculoplastic fellow. Conference Schedules
  • Later didactic murals on town-hall staircases and library walls tended to be executed on canvas and then stuck up, rather than laboriously painted in situ.
  • Where I can learn to make a bloviatingly didactic recitation of contentless received wisdom as skillfully as “raph” makes it upthread? Matthew Yglesias » All Presidents Engage With Tyrants
  • He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.
  • He does not adopt the spurious neutrality of pure description, but he does not proffer moral didactics either. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And so we have here not the first -- for, as has been said, the Heroic romance itself had much earlier been "conscripted" into the service of didactics -- but the first brilliant, or almost brilliant, example of that novel of purpose which will meet us so often hereafter. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • The series does not deploy these themes didactically or even moralistically. What Girls Want
  • It is history as it should be: entertaining without being glib, informative without being didactic.
  • Lifelong colleague and friend Maurice Bejart sent his adieux with the lighthearted and didactic La Barre, a celebration of hard work and discipline.
  • When Welsh explores these themes too literally, the results can be overly didactic.
  • Formal didactic training in biostatistics and epidemiology is provided through coursework at The University of Pennsylvania's Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB), culminating in receipt of a Master's in Clinical Epidemiology or Public Health. Academic General Pediatrics Fellowship
  • As film-making, this final monologue feels slightly clumsy, didactic, even digressive; it certainly dulls the film's effectiveness as satire.
  • They were more comfortable with teaching that was less didactic; the narrative did the work for them. Christianity Today
  • Multimedia teaching is the important current of didactical instrument reformation.
  • Regrettably, such dialectics piled on the post-punk jumble are too didactic to warrant repeat listenings, even at grad-school shindigs.
  • The didactically stated importance of investing precious time and energy into constructing a synthetic conceptualization of a term eluded me. Humanistic Nursing
  • Oliver Twist draws most overtly on the model of the didactic tracts by providing negative monitory examples.

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