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How To Use Dictatorship In A Sentence

  • Instead, we suffer a good deal more from elective dictatorship, with prime ministers and premiers able to shape the political agenda with a freer hand.
  • This type of political perversion of the law was well known during Hitler's fascist dictatorship.
  • The ayatollah broke with Iran's clerical leadership and became a vehement critic, denouncing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and calling the postelection crackdown the work of a dictatorship. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Whenever you have an efficient government you have a dictatorship. Harry S. Truman 
  • Admittedly, dictatorships do not encourage the cultivation of colourful eccentrics such as Montgomery or Patton.
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  • Ahmadinejad's 'victory' saps the Islamic Republic yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Ahmadinejad\'s \'victory\' saps the Islamic Republic '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: The Islamic Republic needs to seize the moment to respond to Iranians and the wider world before it traps itself into becoming the Islamic Republic of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, an isolated military dictatorship akin to North Korea or Myanmar. Ahmadinejad's 'victory' saps the Islamic Republic
  • By 1983, protests against the dictatorship by social organizations and the banned political parties convulsed the country.
  • And any sane person who knows the definitions of fascism and socialism - two terms diametrically opposed to each other, BTW - would KNOW that the last occupant of the White House had us under a fascist dictatorship. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The first and most important task of the new administrative system is to abolish the dictatorship of the producer and to overcome the deficits of our economy. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • Then I realized it wasn't Gantry of whom I was reminded so much as another Lewis character, Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, the politician who poses as a populist, then once elected president turns the United States into a fascist dictatorship, aided by an angry, unknowing electorate and a paramilitary group called the Minute Men. Michael Winship: The Awful Price for Teaching Less Than We Know
  • Lenin proposed that the new regime would be a ‘democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry.’
  • Years of dictatorship also meant that officials in athletic circles had very little grasp on reality.
  • No greater contrast is possible than to go from a city under the sway of a proletarian dictatorship to a royal city where a king sits in ermine on an ancient throne. Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer's Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship
  • In the lift I took to go home yesterday, someone had attached a sheet of paper which said ‘Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to dictatorship’.
  • Conversely, a claim of a right to secede from a repressive dictatorship may be regarded as legitimate.
  • So now in addition to the “ends justify the means” and “de minimus non curat lex” apologia for RW dictatorships, we have an implicit “no true Scotsman” argument: “No real RW gummint has secret police and a surveillance state” (even if they torture and kill their dissidents and anyone else that gets in their way). The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • One of the worst examples was in Ethiopia, where Haile Selassie's failure to deal with a drought led to his fall and the rise of the communist dictatorship of Haile Miriam Mengistu. Opportunities offered by climate change | Rachel Godfrey Wood
  • Where such traditions are absent or weak, popular sovereignty easily turns into populist dictatorship, liberal democracy to libertinism and demagoguery.
  • The nature of the dictatorships determined the savage character of the eastern conflict.
  • One of the key indicators of a society that is transforming from democracy to fascism or dictatorship is government control of the press.
  • But they have not been able to transform "bushcraft" into statecraft as recent scholarship by one of the original founders of the party-in-dictatorship today has shown. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: The Future of the Future Country, Part II
  • It is they which evoke remembrances of a lost war and exiled dynasty, a failed republic, a terrorist dictatorship, and horrendous devastation in the wake of still another lost war, and, finally, the trauma of a divided city.
  • The first and most important task of the new administrative system is to abolish the dictatorship of the producer and to overcome the deficits of our economy. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • ‘All dictatorships are sexually repressive and anti-life,’ he claims.
  • It shames the democratic world to have such a brutal dictatorship in Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elected dictatorships, which extinguish opposition, destroy the political process too.
  • And although American and British ideas of constitutional government dominated the first stage of the French Revolution, the constitutionalists were soon swept aside by the dictatorship of the Jacobin club.
  • He realized early on that the idea of achieving a modus vivendi with the National Socialist dictatorship was out of the question.
  • The only problem is this: how do you stop councils of workers becoming dictatorships of party officials?
  • Every country in the region was a military dictatorship.
  • These, and similar phrases, form the vocabulary of dictatorship.
  • So now the Palestinians live under a murderous gangster cleptocracy in Yehuda and under a murderous Islamist dictatorship in Gaza, both headed by organizations who are committed both in writing and in fact to the end of Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Correction on Israeli Visa Policy
  • To develop this observation a bit further, the nation implied by the document would be an elective dictatorship, governed not by three counterpoised branches of government but by a secretive, possibly benign, awesomely powerful king. January 2006
  • This was another instance of ‘dictatorship’ by Duchas, who had already forced destocking of commonages on farmers.
  • Similar to Eisenhower, who warned America of an emerging scientific-technological elite, Mao was concerned that scientists could take over as a "technical elite," so he demanded that ideology take precedence over science, effectively silencing scientists, not unlike several American antiscience conservative radio commentators today who complain of a "scientific dictatorship. Shawn Lawrence Otto: GOP Antiscientists Are Leading America Down a Dangerous Road
  • Ramsey the Liberal politician had ideas of democracy which cut across this benevolent dictatorship.
  • Suddenly allt he Hillary supporters think they live in a dictatorship. More than three-quarters rate economic conditions poor
  • ‘All dictatorships are sexually repressive and anti-life,’ he claims.
  • Today we define despotism (along with dictatorship and totalitarianism) as a form of government.
  • The road from dictatorship to democracy and constitutional government is seldom smooth. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, he was not explicit as to when and how a civil dictatorship could replace a military government and eventually be replaced by a democratic system.
  • To ask dictatorship to be democratic is utopian.
  • He has always acted as sovereign instinctively; he was so as a private individual and clubbist; he is not to cease being so, now that he possesses legal authority, and all the more because if he hesitates he knows he is lost; to save himself from the scaffold he has no refuge but in a dictatorship. The French Revolution - Volume 3
  • Your State Department, your Mr Reagan, love to rant on and on about the horrors of the Sandinista dictatorship in Nicaragua. BLACK EAGLES
  • It's a one-book explanation for the current move to the left in a growing number of Latin American countries, tracing a centuries-long history of rapine and plunder, of genocide and dictatorship, first at the hands of Spain, and more recently under the baleful influence of the US, which operated directly or by proxy to ensure that nothing would ever change. Archive 2009-04-01
  • When we suggest that without democracy there's a danger of dictatorship, he launches into a diatribe. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a brutal military dictatorship. The Sun
  • At the same time, supporters of right-wing dictatorships ascended to the highest offices of the Church.
  • Whatever the depredations of the Bush kakistocracy, we are quite a ways (though not as far as we used to be) from a fascist dictatorship. Michelle Goldberg: The F-Word
  • An unbridled Executive is characteristic of dictatorships and single-party states; not parliamentary democracies.
  • Publilius' dictatorship is also suspect but if he passed the first two measures (perhaps as consul), this marks a significant development in plebeian use of a curule magistracy for political reform.
  • For one, wages tend to be lower in authoritarian regimes than in democracies, giving businesses in dictatorships a monetary advantage in selling exports abroad.
  • By chance, this coincided with widespread demonstrations against the military dictatorship by students and democracy activists. Times, Sunday Times
  • A body dominated by dictatorships is never going to promote democratic values.
  • A time when dictatorship was at its peak, and the press was being muzzled and suppressed right across the continent.
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat became in practice personal power wielded by an autocratic leader. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • We can forgive the debts of Third World dictatorships, but these guys will run it up again and pocket the dough.
  • So, whereas what was required under a dictatorship was exceptional courage, what citizens in democracies have to do is overcome apathy and inertia.
  • Banning hunting is Aristotle's tyranny of democracy and parliamentary dictatorship.
  • And I don't use that term lightly; the very definition of a dictatorship is a system that puts a ruler above the law. Boing Boing: December 18, 2005 - December 24, 2005 Archives
  • Their goal was to take over every island and continent and submit them to dictatorship.
  • KUWAIT CITY - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned that Iran is "moving toward a military dictatorship", saying the top posts in the country are being "supplanted". Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • In the 1930s, when deflation and dictatorship circumscribed the strategies of light industry, employers in wool, cotton, and rayon reverted to a familiar form of company paternalism with the help of sisters on the payroll.
  • Argentina's swift defeat hastened the fall of the military dictatorship and the restoration of democracy.
  • Elective dictatorship is a danger inherent in our system.
  • In this sense, the Scottish system has turned Westminster's elective dictatorship upside down.
  • It is the Museveni dictatorship for the Acholi [Uganda], the Arab state for th southern Sudanese, the mestiço state for UNITA [Angola], or the Tutsi state for the Hutu [Rwanda]. November Books 7) The Pollinators of Eden, by John Boyd
  • While the first line of Wall Street's defense of its dictatorship is the more openly right wing, hard-line approach of trying to downplay and attack Occupy Wall Street thru any and all physical, political and media means, the next stage of defense will be subtler- and Democrat-led: try to divide and coopt the movement. Roberto Lovato: Occupy Wall Street Must End the Dictatorship - of Corporations
  • They wanted to establish their own dictatorship of the proletariat. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A dictatorship, with an authoritarian and centralist regime, was in place under Franco at the time.
  • You again confuse not wishing to provoke a nuclear conflict with a deranged dictatorship as approval for same. Think Progress » Hume: A Preemptive Strike on North Korea Would Be a ‘Successful Strategy’
  • The country was ruled by a brutal dictatorship.
  • He gave full support to apartheid South Africa and to military dictatorships in Central and South America.
  • When we see true ‘dictatorship,’ as opposed to yet another permutation of Parliamentary fiascos, we will see it in the eyes of the hysterical, not from their mouths.
  • Of course, history has been replete with despotisms and petty dictatorships.
  • I loved how the filmmakers used various subtle shifts in visuals, like using color in the contemporary scenes or having the story of Iran’s past dictatorships told in shadow puppet style. Weekly Mishmash: June 22-28 :
  • Spain was once a dictatorship, for example, then became a constitutional monarchy under King Carlos.
  • His offenses against the Peronistas up to that time had apparently consisted of little more than adding his signature to pro-democratic petitions, but shortly after his resignation he addressed the Argentine Society of Letters saying, in his characteristic style, “Dictatorships foster oppression, dictatorships foster servitude, dictatorships foster cruelty; more abominable is the fact that they foster idiocy.” Jorge luis borges | the destiny of borges « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • The year after the American-led coalition overthrew Saddam's dictatorship in 2003, al Qaeda in Iraq revealed a cynical plan to kill and maim Shiites to spark a sectarian war. Iraq's Tenuous Post-American Future
  • In vain the Communists tried to burnish their image, formally abandoning the doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat at their twenty-second party congress in February 1976.
  • With much of the world under brutal dictatorships, corrupt oligarchies or anarchy, we seem ungrateful. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have only to read the early American and British paeans to the successes of fascism in forcefully rebuilding and lifting Italy and Germany out of the Depression to realize how broadly seductive were the themes of a benevolent dictatorship of the intellectual and cultural elite. The Volokh Conspiracy » The William F. Buckley Clause of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
  • The dictatorship seems immune to economic pressures.
  • The false leftist view of America as an evil dictatorship has gotten to such a hysterical level that two goofballs writing for the left-wing website were actually debating whether supporting the home team in soccer reinforces Ameri- can “hegemony.” OBAMA ZOMBIES
  • Marx believed that the working class should seize the apparatus of the State and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  • Africa's "renaissance" or rebirth is in the hands of its young people yearning to breathe free and struggling to exert their creative impulses to lift the continent out of poverty and dictatorship. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Education Unbanned!
  • Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure, and propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny, and begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship. Democracy Interrupted
  • Alternatively, dictatorship might be better defined by the absence of a limited mandate-a critical factor in our definition of democracy.
  • There are moves to reintroduce public service broadcasting which lost all credibility under Pinochet's dictatorship.
  • A Republican felon is much better that the possibility of having a Liberal dictatorship in control of this country. The Week Ahead in Senate Races - The Caucus Blog -
  • She is the only thing who can stop the Government becoming a dictatorship. The Sun
  • Yoani is an extraordinary woman who has repeatedly overcome great obstacles and risked serious consequences to make her voice heard, as she struggles against a dictatorship that systematically represses freedom of expression. Thor Halvorssen: Yoani Sánchez Forbidden by Cuba to Collect Her Award; CEPOS Freedom Prize Presented in Absentia
  • As the military dictatorship began to lose power in 1981, families squatted on land in Solano and built barrios.
  • That country is now living under a military dictatorship.
  • Any dictatorship can and will incorporate all sorts of political ideas and rhetorics, borrowing much of it from pre-existing currents of thought, left wing, right wing, nationalist, corporativist, etc., remoulding them to their own agenda, and basically doing anything it can to achieve and maintain authoritarian power. Can conservatives and libertarians be feminists?
  • The leaders have held a tight and undiminished grip on the country, successfully maintaining their theocratic dictatorship with little threat.
  • Chile backs off plans to delete Gen Pinochet 'dictatorship' from school books Chile is backing off a controversial plan to remove the word "dictatorship" from school textbooks in reference to the military government of Gen Augusto Pinochet. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • That outdated notion seems to have disappeared circa 1979 when Mrs Thatcher swept her elected dictatorship into power.
  • The problems of today cannot be singularized, as dictatorship can. Carne Ross: The Leaderless Revolution, Part 2: The Action of One
  • We are governed, in Lord Hailsham's famous phrase, by an 'elective dictatorship'.
  • He set up a legal practice in the same year, defending dissidents against the Salazar dictatorship.
  • The socialist and anarchist parties proved unable to mount a concerted challenge to the burgeoning one-party dictatorship.
  • So, look: if you are going to argue that libertarianism is BAD when a voting majority, or whoever happens to be in power in a dictatorship, is inclined to use the government to help minorities, you have to acknowledge that libertarianism is GOOD when a voting majority or the folks in power is inclined to use its power to hurt minorities. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • THEY have endured military dictatorships and the collapse of their currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe the emphasis on nostalgic reminiscence indicated anxiety about a century marked by colonialism and military dictatorship, followed by a recent sharp decline in living standards and failure of infrastructure.
  • Nothing ever halted his rickshaw, he declared with pride, whether colonialism, occupation, dictatorship or democracy.
  • One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. George Orwell 
  • We will have a judiciary that will think a dictatorship is appropriate. D-Day in West Virginia
  • But in a conscript army assembled by a dictatorship, the line between civilian and soldier gets blurred, at least by my calculation.
  • The division of the four-hour subtitled colossus into two feature length halves, sees the first part deal with Che and the Castro brothers 'successful guerrilla campaign to overthrow the Cuban dictatorship in the early' 60s. Queen's Journal: Latest stories
  • Getting in and out of the world 's most secretive dictatorship is not easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • No Minister in any Irish Government was going to ride rough-shod over the aspirations and cherished values and traditions of people who had enough of landlordism and foreign dictatorship in the long history of this land.
  • Arab Media Corporation from Dictatorship of Saudi Arabia declares war on iranian Football Fans, Iran let, s fight back bit. ly Antarinejad (Ahmadinejad) vows to avenge Revolutionary Guard suicide bombing The Iranian armed forces have accused the - Articles related to No victory in war of terror till Pak"s ISI reined in: Karzai aide Home
  • It is usual in tinpot dictatorships for past leaders to be harried from scenes of public prestige. A cheap and cruel snub to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown | Observer editorial
  • My father was adamant that change could not come about without a violent revolution and a proletarian dictatorship.
  • The title of the piece was Open Letter from a Writer to the Military Junta and it skillfully attacked the dictatorship with an arsenal of reason, facts and moral certitude.
  • Open letters signed by individuals or groups are an important way for civilians to resist dictatorship and fight for freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • He rails against the ‘dictatorship of relativism’.
  • The idea that economic growth would gradually turn dictatorship into democracy has turned out to be wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • What this creates, then, is teacher dominance that borders on dictatorship.
  • The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.
  • People dislike the elective dictatorship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Religious dominance of politics will only push democracy into anarchy and dictatorship.
  • If the press does not offer free space to opposing issues, then it is simply a mouthpiece for a dictatorship.
  • Socialism, which require, on one hand, that we lay the foundation for the Socialist organization of emulation, and, on the other hand, _require the use of compulsion so that the slogan of the dictatorship of the proletariat should not be weakened by the practice of a too mild proletarian government_. Bolshevism The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy
  • Following the collapse of Reza Shah's dictatorship, with the new conditions prevailing, a large group of political prisoners were released.
  • Seven escapees from the Burmese dictatorship have been dumped on the isle of Nauru. POOR, POOR, PITIFUL OZ
  • My father was adamant that change could not come about without a violent revolution and a proletarian dictatorship.
  • The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was to have a United Nations as a world policeman, able to intervene against dictatorships which threaten other countries.
  • The first and most important task of the new administrative system is to abolish the dictatorship of the producer and to overcome the deficits of our economy. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • The road from dictatorship to democracy and constitutional government is seldom smooth. Times, Sunday Times
  • That isn't democracy it's dictatorship. The Sun
  • The end of dictatorship was followed not by a transition to democracy but by chaos, anarchy and ruin. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Dictatorship is itself a form of corruption in which individuals usurp the role of institutions.
  • Hey, we may promote democracy, but this weblog is a pure dictatorship. Archive 2008-02-01
  • One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. George Orwell 
  • Where "dictatorship" becomes somewhat less hyperbolic is with regard to the policy-based presidential veto that I have previously railed against. Balkinization
  • Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom.
  • The dictatorship of General Franco lasted for nearly 40 years.
  • Their government is a thinly disguised dictatorship.
  • Outside the town, the killing goes on, despite the transition in 1985 from military dictatorship to elected civilian government.
  • The result of their gamble was military dictatorship and fascism throughout Europe.
  • A few years ago I was involved in a campaign to stop companies doing business with the military dictatorship in Burma - in support of Burma's democrats who had called for foreign companies to disinvest. John Jackson: Playing With the Enemy
  • For the road the dictatorship is now taking, which indeed offers it the only possible hope of even a passable economic success, is the barren, heartless, unspiritual, materialistic tyranny of machine-like "industrialism" which the I.W. W. represents. The Red Conspiracy
  • But I say to them that elective dictatorship only occurs when we disregard moral and political imperatives.
  • The first and most important task of the new administrative system is to abolish the dictatorship of the producer and to overcome the deficits of our economy. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • It appears we either have been transmuted to an obvious plutocracy - or worse, a fascist dictatorship.
  • If, in the long run, the beliefs expressed in proletarian dictatorship are destined to be accepted by the dominant forces of the community, the only meaning of free speech is that they should be given their chance and have their way.
  • Everywhere that people lived under totalitarian dictatorships, they felt he was one of them.
  • Virtually all corporations and government bureaucracies are dictatorships.
  • Stalin is annexed to the general study of pathological dictatorship.
  • The industrial district of Setubal in southern Portugal was one of the heartlands of the country's revolution of 1974-5, which overthrew a military dictatorship.
  • Thus ended peacefully seventeen years of harsh military rule within the legal framework erected by the dictatorship.
  • Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom.
  • After the coup of 1964, the country suffered from a deeply entrenched, repressive military dictatorship, afflicted by abrogations of human rights that included censorship, random arrests and torture.
  • In a capitalist country, political dictatorship is not incompatible with economic modernisation and can even facilitate it.
  • It was supposed to be a paragon of democracy in an Arab world more familiar with dictatorship than freedom.
  • The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Montevideo the Frente Amplio was founded as a coalition of diverse left currents against the military dictatorship.
  • A degradation of democratic processes presents a worse danger - the creation of a political class of unremovable incumbents, and the dreadful possibility of dictatorship.
  • The idea, says Shih, was to "beautify" dictatorship. Escaping Green Island
  • Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, and Dachau became synonyms for the inhuman dictatorship of National Socialism.
  • In 1930 he assumed power in Brazil after a revolution and his dictatorship was unsympathetic towards modern art.
  • The rising independant voter registration numbers second that, and give me hope for some Americans waking up to the two party dictatorship. bri fla Former AG Ashcroft can be sued for terror probe arrest, appeals
  • Unrest was a fact of student life under the dictatorship of the shah, though Parsa stresses he was not an activist.
  • Thank you, because you liberated us from the worst kind of dictatorship.
  • Democracy is obviously more desirable than a dictatorship, but that does not justify any forcible change by an external power.
  • Now, whenever this little runt wants some publicity and an air of legitimacy for his tyrranical dictatorship, he knows all he has to do is take more westerners prisoner. Kim Jong Il pardons and orders release of 2 U.S. journalists
  • His fear is that now the Stelmach dictatorship will "blackball" his riding. Edmonton Sun
  • Characteristically, the dictatorship co-opted or eliminated political opponents and regional caudillos or bosses.
  • One critical element of authoritarianism, shared with a dictatorship, is the absence of a limited mandate.
  • When the dictatorship stepped back from the direct exercise of power, a half-democracy was left in its place, a system designed by the dictatorship and warped by the regime's distortions.
  • A dictatorship contravenes the liberty of individuals.
  • It has changed from a communist dictatorship to a multiparty democracy in which officials are chosen in regular elections.
  • One ducky is all it takes before ALL the toddlers are snatching duckies and taking our credit cards and and drinking our beer and calling for revolution and turning North America into a Mini-Maoist wasteland, littered with beer-sticky sippy cups and crayon-scrawled placards and cheap-assed Made In Alberta duckies and ruled by a bicky-sucking, blankie-toting military prole dictatorship. A Clockwork Sippy Cup | Her Bad Mother
  • Now, after decades of dictatorship, a chaotic political scene has burst forth.
  • Subsequently, fascist theorists in Europe urged that the state itself be turned into a corporative apparatus, but efforts purporting to do this, notably in Italy and Germany, were mostly a camouflage for dictatorships.
  • Generations of people around the world have endured autocracy and dictatorship, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy, oligarchy and even anarchy without knowing freedom.
  • Russian support sustains Europe's last dictatorship in Belarus.
  • You can actually vote in a dictatorship or an anarchist dissolution of government if you want it.
  • Get rid of the new-labour new-tory dictatorships and let's have good old democracy back again!
  • We aren't fighting to support a corrupt military dictatorship, we're fighting to destroy one.
  • When a totalitarian communist dictatorship rises to power, it is quite another thing.
  • That is carried to such an extreme that we will recognise dictatorships and ignore the coups which bring some despots to power.
  • Totalitarian dictatorships and religious hierocracies become so paranoid about their continuity, that every minute aspect of life is legislated for and internal revolution only becomes possible when external disturbances disrupt the structure.
  • Watching Pakistan crumble from a pseudo-democracy into a despotic dictatorship rife with Islamic fundamentalist extremists who threaten the security of the Middle East and victory in Afghanistan is a huge issue. Iraq War Not Top 10 News Story In 2007? « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prepared in the sense that a nation held hostage by dictatorship could possibly be freed, but only free for a brief moment in thought by North Korean citizens of the death of a man who symbolized a reign of control so frigid and strong, no assemblance of the persecuted could rise and retaliate? Missing Kim Jong Il raises health questions
  • Do you think it is appropriate to think of democracy and dictatorship as two ends of a single continuum?
  • Love conquered hate, peace conquered war, and freedom and democracy banished oppression and dictatorship.
  • It ends, in the most literal way, his dictatorship. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they are about overthrowing dictatorships and expanding democracy and so forth.
  • The movement in that college to set up a dictatorship where there was once a JCR sees the dream of student enfranchisement replaced with sheer pragmatism.
  • A dictatorship is much more sensitive to the frailties of its leader than a bipartite or tripartite system.
  • Years of dictatorship also meant that officials in athletic circles had very little grasp on reality.
  • He can deceive himself with impunity on the tribunes, comitia, and dictatorships. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat was key to Marx.
  • He was owed at least nominal allegiance by his restive brothers, and ruled by a volatile combination of dictatorship and oligarchy. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • In the form of a temporary dictatorship of the virtuous elite who would inaugurate regimes of democratic freedom AUTHORITY

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