How To Use Dictation In A Sentence

  • But she had, like some robotic amanuensis, taking down dictation. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • Texts will be supplied in the normal format for dictation by dictators appointed by the Local Examinations Secretary.
  • We have a dictation every English class.
  • Some authorities maintain that they were written by Moses himself at God's dictation.
  • I did, though get a reaction when I asked, in all innocence, if she would take dictation.
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  • We must welcome advice, but we must not tolerate dictation.
  • The British Constitution, starting with Magna Carta of 1215 and expanded by subsequent Constitutional Acts guarantees us freedom from foreign or executive oppression or dictation.
  • In a matter of this kind we cannot and will not accept the dictation of theorists.
  • Mr. Fillon presented a very traditional pedagogical message: it is necessary, the Minister repeated, for middle school teachers to rely much more frequently on dictations, compositions, recitations, and grammar exercises.
  • This raises the suspicion that such work resulted from a process of dictation and transcription.
  • A college freshman theory course also should include sight singing, keyboard harmony, written harmony and dictation, Ehle says.
  • In any case, there he was stepping out of that big car looking for all the world like he'd just been busy doing the New York Times crossword or taking dictation.
  • By the end of the lesson, Ava was already tired of the day; they only did dictation and re-writing passages from books and the board.
  • Mr Wordsall said that he typed a draft of this letter on 19 December 1998, at Mr Birkett's dictation, on his computer at Groby Road.
  • For fans of witty musical numbers, there are sequences like the patter song in which Millie takes dictation from her stiff-necked boss, and repeats it at lightning speed.
  • Spicer presents his poetic practice as an act of 'dictation' that engages the dead in the economy of the living. Travis Nichols: Let Us Now Praise Undead Poets
  • She had served for years as Hitler's secretary, taking dictation of his personal and political/military letters, but she neither saw nor heard the tragic truth.
  • During the subsequent obduction I saw most clearly how the corpse made all kinds of movements, and even after the section, during the dictation of the protocol, my imagination still seemed to see the corpse moving a hand or a foot. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • I daresay a quarter of an hour's practice two or three times a day for a week or so will deliver me from the absurd necessity of having to call in the assistance of the neighbourhood to communicate my bits of news to you; not to say that dictation is only a degree less awkward than left-handed penmanship, having never tried it before in my life. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • We did a French dictation in class.
  • Usually, however, they had a large common room called the scriptorium, where either the copyist and illuminator worked separately and each on his own account, or where a number of copyists awaited with pen and parchment the dictation by one of the fraternity of some work of which a number of copies had to be made. Illuminated Manuscripts
  • They felt that such a measure would ‘take away the power of control of currency and dictation of it from Whitehall from six thousand miles away‘.
  • We have a dictation every English class.
  • It consisted chiefly of a dialogue between the two lovers; and the boy, with a wonderful ease and grace and skill, mimicked the shy coquetries of the girl, her fits of petulance and dictation, and the pathetic remonstrances of her companion, his humble entreaties and his final sullenness, which is only conquered by her sudden and ample consent. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
  • I was wearing a self-made T-shirt, with the remark in the front as this quote: ‘One-party dictation is a disaster - by Xinhua Daily '. Global Voices in English » China: A turmoil triggered by T-shirt
  • But Hunt said the dictation of fiscal policy was beyond the remit of central bankers and, in any case, tightening fiscal policy would not be effective in an open economy like Ireland.
  • Johnson describes seven benchmarks of writing development, and explains the value of employing dictation, drawing, scribbling, and temporary spelling in early writing programs.
  • The legislation was enforced by a dictation test, which could be applied in any European language, effectively barring virtually all non-whites.
  • Audiences never see a clinical coder analyzing a chart or a medical transcriptionist listening to dictation. George Heymont: Blood, Blood, Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink
  • His legal career was cut short, however, when a white secretary refused to take dictation from a man of his colour.
  • Their writing condition was examined with the Chinese agraphia examination (CAB) including automatic writing, transcription, dictation, picture copying and initiative writing.
  • I need to make friends with the story gods so I can become more of a crafter than someone who takes dictation from the great beyond. Blog Swap With Dana Marton
  • I'm not a big fan of exams, but actually, dictation is not as straightforward as it sounds.
  • The examination will consist of 6 assignments - 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.
  • When I'm writing, I feel like I'm taking dictation from my characters, but I also know that there's a lot of me in the story.
  • So how can it be that educated Dutch and Flemish people still make so many spelling errors that a dictation can be a challenge?
  • The ‘stating’ here usually consists of intraverbal control, where the source of the intraverbals is conceptual stimulus control, rather than transcription or dictation.
  • While it's all good fun, just talking to the computer, particularly if it chooses to do my bidding, dictation is a learned skill.
  • Teachers observed the children, gave dictation, asked them to recite poetry they had learnt by heart, and used plenty of learning material for which they had to read and understand.
  • And so, while scientists toiled in their labs, the market for dictation tools faded like a distant radio signal.
  • We will not accept dictation from anybody as to how our conference is organised.
  • Showing that she could flounce significantly faster than she could take dictation, the waitress appeared with a loaded tray.
  • This includes help with dictation and pronunciation, along with sections on the basics of English, spelling, grammar and activities such as games, tests and quizzes.
  • They will, obviously, take dictation from Bremer or his successor and not from the figure-head ‘Ministers'.
  • Assuming that James did not really speak to Theodora Bosanquet from beyond the grave, his posthumous dictation presumably came from within her own mind.
  • He sat in the dictation room off of the pediatric intensive care unit dictating the final procedure note.
  • Greater power meant that if a general European war broke out, the United States would no longer have to sit back and accept dictation of its trade routes.
  • Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom.
  • The sentence will be effective for the general reader, and useful as an exercise in dictation at female seminaries. London: Saturday, May 23, 1864
  • Each day, she takes dictation, types letters on a big old Selectric, makes coffee, and, on occasion, ‘freshens up’ the mousetrap.
  • The examination will consist of 6 assignments - 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.
  • It is also possible to create different dictation macros with associated text that can be inserted into a document.
  • Mr. Murrow’s warning back then definitely applies to today’s world of non-news, but takes dictation from the administration and it’s lackeys and then produces it to us as ‘news’. Think Progress » VIDEO: Zahn Interviews McGovern, Defends Rumsfeld
  • Nor was he content to see Miller resign himself to a job of taking dictation from high school coaches.
  • This information is transcribed by a dictation service, and the physician reviews this information for accuracy before signing off on the note in the EMR.
  • A humorous example of this arose when I tried a new dictation program for my computer.
  • The Europeans, while keen for partnership with the US, would not accept dictation.
  • We did a French dictation in class.
  • Permitting the self to be cowed by such dictation destroyed-to use a Heideggerian buzzword-Authenticity.
  • On the 4th Defendant's request the referral letter was dated 12 April, the day of dictation.
  • At Senator Hanway's dictation, the taciturn one who had been so forethoughtful as to bring with him envelopes and blanks, wrote messages to each of the hysterical eighteen, about twenty to a man, signing them with the names of those influential constituents. The President A novel
  • Therefore, a simple dictation becomes a time-limiting step, with additional need for corrections.
  • The teacher gave us a French dictation.
  • The legislation was enforced by a dictation test, which could be applied in any European language, effectively barring virtually all non-whites.
  • It often accompanies me on research trips, taking down my on-the-spot impressions of the street in Rome where Morse lived, my undercover dictation of some letter displayed for sale in a manuscript dealer's shop.
  • It was its aftermath that was most disastrous, largely under American dictation at Versailles.
  • The spelling test used standard dictation format in which the examiner said the word, then a sentence containing the word, and then repeated the word.
  • Little kids do so much writing with so-called inventive spelling that dictations model common words in everyday sentences spelled correctly. HOW TO TALK SOUTHERN.
  • There were no secretaries available to take dictation .
  • The evocation of given spirits offers more difficulties for mediums than do spontaneous dictations.
  • He knew it long before he started the dictation.
  • For dictation and voice recording, flash memory meant an end to problems associated with tape media (such as tapes being lost in mounds of paperwork or chewed up by the recording mechanism).
  • Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom.
  • An autonomous body that must not, and will not, take dictation from any other local authority.
  • Finally, you can present the text orally as a partial dictation, with students filling in missing words as they listen.
  • I think computerized dictation is a wonderful advance, one that will benefit one of my children who has a vision impairment as well as all those people who didn't learn typing as I did. The right tool
  • I felt the dictation software was working well enough to attempt to write the review with it.
  • It appears as though your dictation droid is a 'malfunctioning little twerp', as it has left a typo on your most recent post. This Is Tense
  • It has moved from being a dominant power which most often works through a sort of informal consensus to one that increasingly seeks to act through dictation.
  • It's a spectacular scene and I make a point of leaving my dictation and watching through the curtains each evening.
  • Today I gave my students the sentence dictation part of their spelling test, and then I had them diagram it for their language quiz.
  • It has moved from being a dominant power which most often works through a sort of informal consensus to one that increasingly seeks to act through dictation.
  • I have to speak out the words I want in my head - a bit like silent dictation - and my fingers follow.
  • The teacher gave us a French dictation.
  • The publican claimed that this new law was jack boot government and government by dictation.
  • clear", never "succinct" - his painful dictation methods representing the very antithesis of English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • At the end of the day which was usually long and arduous she would take dictations from her husband and that is how the Annals came to be first drafted.
  • Churches by John while he yet remained in the body (adhuc in corpore constituto); as (one) Papias by name, of Hierapolis, a beloved disciple of John, has related in his exoteric, that is, in his last five books (in exotericis, id est, in extremis quinque libris); but he wrote down the Gospel at the dictation of John, correctly (descripsit vero evangelium dictante Johanne recte). Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • She said my dictation was a disgrace to the school, and I'd got to stop in during the interval this morning and write out all the wrong words a dozen times each. For the Sake of the School
  • But she had, like some robotic amanuensis, taking down dictation. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • These sheets are printed on a standard laser printer, and although they are in black-and-white, they are useful to the residents during the dictation of their gross descriptions and for their further workup of the case.
  • Such dictation threatens one of the foundations of democracy - an education that freely criticizes and challenges the governing powers.
  • It's probably because I am totally immune to advertising and the media, and today's music seems to me to be inextricably tied up with commercial dictation to people about what and how they should, or shouldn't, be.
  • When Steadman wrote his novel by dictation, I wondered if Theroux had.
  • Decisions are not made communicatively but rather automatically by the dictation of the economic and political subsystems.
  • Next time I do a running dictation I'm going to use Paradise Lost as the text.
  • In Experiment 1, scores on the oral dictation spelling test were not significantly correlated with any of the three types of ratings of the authors.
  • The subjects to be tested by examination were reading, spelling dictation, writing, composition, arithmetic, geography and drawing, and there was a general assessment of efficiency in other subjects.
  • Miss Andrews, taking them for dictation, and Miss Stone, hearing their repetition during the afternoon, were as scathing as the others. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • A Polish student has won a week-long trip to Swindon after winning an English dictation competition.
  • KitMaker has activity templates for: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, gap dictation, fill-the-gaps, gapped sentences, multiple choice, ordered lists and statements, matching lists.
  • Grassroots Fianna Fail supporters in this region sent a clear signal at the weekend to the party ‘top brass’ that they do not like dictation from on high.
  • But the spirit within him was aroused at the idea of dictation, and he had been prompted to contradict the old woman's accusation against his intended bride, by the very fact that they were made by her. The American Senator
  • Mark wasn't sure if he meant he was composing it for them to hear or that he was composing the music on their behalf, like some kind of cetacean dictation machine. Burning Water
  • Statesmanship today calls for a very sober and sane appraisal of the whole situation and one great factor which to my mind is going to be the determining factor in the whole situation is that England today is dealing with a new India, an India that might have been guilty of her sins of omission and commission in the past, and so have been many other countries, but India feels a sense of frustration and humiliation to be the only country, a country of 350 million people today, in the 20th century, taking dictation from a foreign power, and that sentiment is so profound and so wide-spread that even those people who do not take an active part in politics cherish that feeling uppermost in their hearts. India's Fight For Freedom
  • One small boy was writing dictation on the board.
  • The new secretary takes dictation very well.
  • First, songs that occur in more than one manuscript source often do so in highly variant states that suggest they were written down from memory or by dictation, not copied from other manuscripts.
  • Our French dictation lasted half an hour.
  • Our endeavor is to constantly re-engineer the dictation/transcription process in order to take full advantage of the latest advances in computers, networking and digital technology.
  • Gone are the days when we used to take dictation from the boss and get back with a typewritten fair copy.
  • The school day in St. Etienne-sur-Usson is full of drills, formal exercises and dictation, that staple of French education in which a teacher recites a passage from literature and the students dutifully copy it down.
  • Every writer does, except perhaps those who, like Isaiah, have submitted to a higher dictation.
  • Within the states, branch members similarly will not accept dictation from local executives or Management Committees.
  • According to Dr. Helen Schucman and the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP), Dr. Helen Schucman and Dr. William Thetford "scribed" the book by means of a process coming from a divine source through a form of channeling which Schucman referred to as "inner dictation". Media monarchy
  • Stewart, as far as I was concerned, had acted simply as a glorified secretary, a dictation taker---a ghostwriter. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • My scribe, Braintree, was in the bed-chamber, quietly awaiting the dictation of this week's Publisher's Message.
  • `Excuse me," said Jelly later in the morning, when she was taking dictation. SPLITTING
  • Her secretary is very good at taking dictation.
  • Portrait reducing dictation, dictation still life increase.
  • Items that might be selected for inclusion from Figure 1 include pictures of classroom activities, children's dictations, or children's responses to new educational materials concerning diversity.
  • The book's success was so surprising to Stowe, she claimed that she did not write the book so much as take dictation from God.
  • I remember that at the solfege test, the pianist played the piece once through before the actual dictation began; well, I had already written it all down at that first hearing.
  • Still he resisted the impulses of his curiosity and his pride, and, to escape from their dictation, he took long rambles on the hills, or amidst the valleys that surrounded the castle, -- seeking by bodily fatigue to subdue the unreposing mind. Zanoni
  • It is when the rigid rules come in and it seems to be that there is too much dictation from the centre that things start to go wrong.
  • KitMaker allows you to add your own voice recording that you can use for gap dictation and listening comprehension activities.
  • he signed and mailed his dictation without bothering to read it

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