How To Use Dichotomy In A Sentence

  • I would add another category to your dichotomy (trichotomy?) and that would be 'the street'. Online Content Bundling, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The dichotomy between “forwardness” and “backwardness” is a scale constructed and enforced by the civilizer to validate his civilizing/colonial project. Hartzell and Lin lose on appeal
  • The "Microsoft vs. Linux" dichotomy is a false one. Comments on Hayek, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A hollywood SciFi flic can pretend to be as progessive as possible, anti-imperialist eco-warriors fighting against a capitalist military-industrial complex, but it seems it is impossible to subvert the gender dichotomy even a little bit. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • Ridley's goal is to demolish this view and explain why Galton's nature / nurture dichotomy is erroneous.
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  • Seems like a lot of the dichotomy is about hidden assumptions of many sorts. What A list? « BuzzMachine
  • Olbermann went as far as to describe Obama's parsing as "dichotomous", an adjective of the noun dichotomy of which I was previously unaware. The Osterley Times
  • Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness , stability and dynamics, and and macrocosm.
  • It was not easy, with a studio audience baying for blood, to point out the false dichotomy. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • It is a politically potent but false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have deliberately used the word managing here together with the words strategy and planning because the present/future dichotomy goes into all aspects of managerial work. Managing with Dual Strategies
  • We also continue to be presented with a false dichotomy - free trade versus protectionism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The premise underlying them expresses an unwillingness to be drawn into any alleged dichotomy between jurisdictional and non jurisdictional fact.
  • That is a false dichotomy; it is a total gospel. Christianity Today
  • I believe this freedom is compromised in many instances by the dichotomy of the child-womanthe blurred sexuality of the young female runner evolving into womanhood, secure at first in the perfect form of her childness in flight and then confronting new contradictions and conflicts over her maturing body. Young Runners
  • Which brings us to the last dichotomy: the shifting relation between television and its audiences.
  • But that sets up another false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect is to reilluminate a familiar dichotomy that we all know and often deny: Peace and war, joy and misery, are as unstoppable and eternal as the ebb and flow of tides. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Thus the subject - predicate dichotomy was definitely reintroduced into grammar under the names of suppositum and appositum, and the clause-like construction called ablativus absolutus was recognized and defined. STUDY OF LANGUAGE
  • The contagious catastrophe presents London with a situation in extremism which the dichotomy between brute physicality and brainwork may be clarified.
  • For those of you familiar with cognitive psychology this will a familiar dichotomy.
  • We also continue to be presented with a false dichotomy - free trade versus protectionism. Times, Sunday Times
  • For heads that are disposed unto Schism and complexionally propense to innovation, are naturally indisposed for a community, nor will be ever confined unto the order or oeconomy of one body; and therefore, when they separate from others, they knit but loosely among themselves; nor contented with a general breach or dichotomy with their Church do subdivide and mince themselves almost into Atoms. Religio Medici
  • The observation, while apt, suggests a dichotomy in this cultural polymath that does not necessarily exist. Times, Sunday Times
  • To understand brain and behaviour means rejecting that dichotomy and instead trying to interpret the intertwined dialectic of specificity and plasticity.
  • This dichotomy between “whole language” and phonics is false. Matthew Yglesias » Teaching Reading Right
  • When evaluated from this perspective, it's easier to see her less as an adventuress and more as a dichotomy.
  • Perhaps that is a false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Machiavelli relied heavily on the dichotomy between republican and princely government, Montesquieu on a trichotomy of republics, monarchies, and despotisms.
  • Ally or Threat is a false dichotomy.
  • A dichotomy between organic and non-organic failure to thrive has developed, but this is often an oversimplification of the clinical picture.
  • Then again, you generally seem to be approach this type of issue via an all-encompassing and lamebrained dichotomy between wimpy, social democratic and stagnating Europe on one side and manly, free-market, rugged individualist and dynamic America on the other. Matthew Yglesias » Krugman on Europe
  • But isn't this a false dichotomy? Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember that whole love the sinner, hate the sin dichotomy? Think Progress » Archdiocese responds to controversy over its decision to kick children with lesbian parents out of school.
  • There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world.
  • She thus criticizes church teaching that is too abstract or spiritualized and seeks to correct the traditional dichotomy between the secular and religious lives.
  • In these texts, confrontations between human and other are ripe with possibilities for denaturalizing the boundaries and allegiances which infuse traditional depictions of the human/non-human dichotomy.
  • There may be a false dichotomy at work here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The lineup he's assembled embodies that dichotomy perfectly: it includes Ko Ishikawa, a member of the acclaimed gagaku ensemble Reigakusha who plays an ancient bamboo mouth organ called the sho, and Toshimaru Nakamura, an electroacoustic improviser who's worked with international heavies like Keith Rowe and John Butcher and specializes in manipulating feedback from a no-input mixing board. Chicago Reader
  • Perhaps that is a false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's always a strange dichotomy between a city being entrapped by its representation and liberated by it.
  • The fact/value "dichotomy" is to be specifically attributed to Putnam, and "classical pragmatists". Demarcation, Demarcation, ….
  • The dichotomy of discovery and establishment of law also has certain foundations in hermeneutic.
  • It continues the gender dichotomy of men as mind, women as body.
  • Similarly, programming and sampling blur the dichotomy between live and canned sound.
  • It was not easy, with a studio audience baying for blood, to point out the false dichotomy. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • It's a well-worn dichotomy, but the song's gently strummed guitar and the high, wending melody that draws nearer, moving like mysterious lights in the crepuscular sky, invest it with new promise.
  • And there are, of course, still some companies so keen to maintain the dichotomy that they have policies prohibiting romantic entanglements between colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I do see an evolution from the tired old victim/oppressor dichotomy overlayed into a new transnational template.
  • This distinction between genuine versus spurious traditions, which maps directly onto the broader dichotomy between tradition and modernity, has dangerous implications for indigenous and Creole struggles.
  • This bespeaks a congruence that belies the alleged dichotomy, which Gerdmar again finds unattested in specific underlying data.
  • This dichotomy is not really physically consistent.
  • His work has a poetic quality in its rhythmic repetition and its references to the dichotomy between nature and culture.
  • In addition to the smooth transitions between both the divergent, heterophonically-interwoven tunes and between tonal, modal and atonal pivots of the different sections, Olivero also presents a rhythmic dichotomy, between slow-paced, rhythmically flexible cantabile sections and harshly syncopated, rhythmic intersecting phrases. Betty Olivero.
  • But the problem with this view is that it moralizes images in terms of a reductive dichotomy between good and bad, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, and thus fails to recognize the ambivalence of the text.
  • It’s entirely possible that he chose her to fulfill another dichotomy – left-brain unites with right-brain, urbane weds earthy, Rea Irvin meets Osamu Tezuka. From the stack: Asterios Polyp
  • But the perceived dichotomy in styles may simply signal that the forger was an inexpert copyist or that the effect results from the vagaries of stone carving.
  • In so many ways the feisty young man from Dunblane is a dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Really, the dichotomy is false. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heads that are disposed unto schism, and complexionally propense to innovation, are naturally indisposed for a community, nor will be ever confined unto the order or economy of one body; and, therefore, when they separate from others, they knit but loosely among themselves; nor contented with a general breach or dichotomy with their church, do subdivide and mince themselves almost into atoms. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
  • That is a false dichotomy; it is a total gospel. Christianity Today
  • In recent times, a dichotomy has been created regarding the study of unverified and verified spontaneous cases.
  • The three analyses showed the same dichotomy with the prosimian sequences always separated from all the other primate sequences.
  • Machiavelli relied heavily on the dichotomy between republican and princely government, Montesquieu on a trichotomy of republics, monarchies, and despotisms.
  • There may be a false dichotomy at work here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They fascinate me because they illustrate the dichotomy within his personality. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The opera's dichotomy of light and darkness was literalized by a massive industrial dome light that hovered over the production like an albatross. Berlin Boos an Inert and Ugly 'Tristan'
  • The museum always foregrounds the unresolvable dichotomy between fact and fiction.
  • But isn't this a false dichotomy? Times, Sunday Times
  • That dichotomy is properly old skool. Times, Sunday Times
  • It might be argued that this dichotomy is a relatively late development of Western/European culture, that Art in this sense does not exist until it separates itself out from Religion and Craft, becoming a distinct discourse with its own ethos only in the context of post-renaissance capitalism where it becomes valuable in and of itself. More on Cultural Appropriation
  • Sorry, but you are misrepresenting it as a dichotomy; moreover, the dichotomy is a false one. Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
  • The emos and the chavs (ironically, both factions are associated with hooded tops) are merely the latest social dichotomy to publicly clash.
  • The second question asked the interviewer to evaluate if the respondent appeared bored or impatient during the interview and was scored as a dichotomy.
  • It is for this reason why the conflict between legalists who follow the law without the spirit, and antinomians, who believe the law has been renounced in the order of grace, represents a false dichotomy - for the world to be, for our actions to have any real meaning, there must be a law which regulates and grace which frees. Vox Nova
  • But isn't this a false dichotomy? Times, Sunday Times
  • A dichotomy was drawn between repression and sensitization (also called blunting and monitoring); that is, between people who approach information and those who avoid it (the approach - avoidance dichotomy). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Smolin believes that the need to invoke a multiverse is rooted in the dichotomy between laws and initial conditions in existing theoretical physics, and suggests moving beyond this paradigm. Archive 2009-06-01
  • There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world.
  • Perhaps one of the more negative aspects of film's influence on the world audience is the conveyance of a simplistic good/bad dichotomy.
  • This is a serious mistake because it results in a harsh dichotomy between spiritual life and the material world, and leads to insobriety. Eric Simpson: Icons: Symbols of Sobriety in a Culture of Chaos
  • I may have more to say about this dichotomy later if I manage to get my thoughts in printable form.
  • But that sets up another false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was no dichotomy between a social and a spiritual gospel to these men who held a unitive concept of truth.
  • It is a politically potent but false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • To use Gergen’s 1985 dichotomy, with its external and internal referents, the focus is exogenic as opposed to endogenic, which is subjective or phenomenological. Handbook of Stress
  • SO that is how it attacks the hierarchy - it is the en dof Apostolic Succession EXCEPT inthe FALSE DICHOTOMY of separating the "spiritual" from the "physical" - i.e., their disclaimer is that the Bishop is still allowed to teach the STRICTLY RELIGIOUS stuff! The State of Connecticut attacks the Catholic Church
  • Granted, I'm only a few hours into the game, but the dichotomy is already jumping out at me: Your girlfriend's being dragged away for advanced torture into a helicopter that is about to take off, and you ... Archive 2009-08-01
  • They saw that Christian evangelism and ethics do not form a dichotomy; rather, the paradigm is yet more complex.
  • The literature throws into sharp relief the essential dichotomy in the approach to this issue between economics and economic history.
  • Thus a contrived dichotomy between human rights and national security has been artificially orchestrated.
  • They fascinate me because they illustrate the dichotomy within his personality. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The dichotomy that exists between reticent and proper small town papers and ruthlessly efficient small town gossips fascinates me.
  • Fernow played up a widely accepted historical dichotomy between European theory and British empiricism in science.
  • We need to devise imaginative new solutions to resolve the dichotomy between long-term collections care and expensive environmental conditions," he said. Tate director Sir Nicholas Serota urges art galleries to turn down the heating
  • In reality, it is often much harder to classify actual systems unambiguously than this simple dichotomy would suggest.
  • The museum always foregrounds the unresolvable dichotomy between fact and fiction.
  • The traditional dichotomy between rural and urban landscapes has become less visible as cities and industrial zones expand and suburbs are created.
  • The dichotomy stems from his musical conservatism.
  • In either case, the functionality is identical, so claiming that a patent on the hardware version is good while a patent on the software instantiation is verboten seems to me to be a false dichotomy. Paul Graham on Software Patents, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Regardless, we can make bio-diesel out of plant matter that is otherwise wasted by going into landfills, et al. Electric will eventually replace internal combustion, but the idea that it must all be at once is preposterous, and a false dichotomy. Think Progress » ‘Grassroots’ Opposition To Clean Energy Reform Bankrolled By Foreign Oil, Petro-Governments (Updated)
  • It was not easy, with a studio audience baying for blood, to point out the false dichotomy. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • Really, the dichotomy is false. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mess is avoidable because there is now a false dichotomy between tax cutters and fiscal conservatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mess is avoidable because there is now a false dichotomy between tax cutters and fiscal conservatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, it has been argued that the discourse of race in the United States is founded on the dichotomy, and polarity, of black and white.
  • Really, the dichotomy is false. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a second aspect of “feminism” (I find the term problematic because of this very dichotomy) that seems at least as important is fostering values that challenge that power structure, and which for whatever natural and cultural reasons are loosely (though only loosely) associated with femininity. Race v. Gender | Mind on Fire
  • So that dichotomy, that -- that, probably, a need to overcompensate for this deep insecurity could contribute to that whole power control debate that we're having right now, if that was really part of his personality that it caused him to decompensate, if there was a confrontation between him and the victim. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2009
  • We are faced with a strict dichotomy: we will either be influenced by the unregenerate and often pornographic products of our culture or we will be shaped be art produced from a Biblically informed worldview.
  • This is clearly a false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then there is the major dichotomy between those who practice and profess any religion and those who are just born into them.
  • We also continue to be presented with a false dichotomy - free trade versus protectionism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most unwanted music is over 25 minutes long, veers wildly between loud and quiet sections, between fast and slow tempos, and features timbres of extremely high and low pitch, with each dichotomy presented in abrupt transition. Boing Boing: June 15, 2003 - June 21, 2003 Archives
  • Both Spanish and Mesoamerican medicine used the Hot-Cold dichotomy in precontact and colonial times to diagnose and treat illnesses, so it is difficult to untangle the origins of these folk practices today. 7 As we will see in this study, however, the humoral medicine that Europeans brought to the New World provided a logical and simple framework on which both indigenous and popular Spanish curing practices could be hung. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Both use guitars in, mostly, their original form to expose the dichotomy between the electronic and the acoustic.
  • The upshot is that the age-old nature versus nurture dichotomy is completely erroneous.
  • Nicky also gave the practical example of how wanna and gonna can be a useful analogy to help students understand/accept that the issue is appropriacy (rather than a black and white dichotomy like ‘correct/incorrect’ etc). C is for Conditional (the Third) « An A-Z of ELT
  • the dichotomy between eastern and western culture
  • His formulation also perpetuates the faulty nature/grace dichotomy so deeply embedded within federal scholasticism.
  • Never mind the stupid knee-jerk reaction of mom and dad, never mind the pretty/rich = good, ratty / poor = bad dichotomy.
  • The terrible dichotomy of hippiedom finally meeting middle age. FALLEN WOMEN
  • The earlier literature used paranoid versus nonparanoid (e.g., hebephrenia) (1003) to characterize this dichotomy, whereas the modern literature often refers to it as positive-symptom versus negative-symptom schizophrenia (51). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The mess is avoidable because there is now a false dichotomy between tax cutters and fiscal conservatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is clearly a false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • This metaphor implies the dichotomy within the artist of his simultaneity of fixity and of a nomad.
  • This disparity creates an interesting dichotomy within the complex architecture of the album.
  • An image that captures the dichotomy of possibilities in getting older is the plum versus the prune.
  • One character of the apophatic voice that was clearly valued by the ancient traditions was its tendency to breach the boundaries of conventional thought and speech, particularly the dichotomy of subject and object.
  • There was an interesting dichotomy between Samantha and Charly, almost like a dualism between femininity and masculinity.
  • Though he goes into great detail about the complexities of the rhetoric of self in counterpoise with society, Vasquez seems to leave the dichotomy intact, giving us a sense of two disparate rhetorical models.
  • Or, rather, that the essential dichotomy is held to be between conservatives and not-conservatives rather than between conservatives and liberals. Matthew Yglesias » The Not-Conservatives Strike Back
  • So it's true to say that Labor can do well here, but unfortunately too much of the argument sets up the tired old dichotomy of inner-city versus everyone else.
  • This is clearly a false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps that is a false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "Ganymede-Callisto dichotomy," has been a classical problem in comparative planetology, a field of study that seeks to explain why some solar system objects with similar bulk characteristics have radically different appearances. One of Jupiter's Moons is Melted! | Universe Today
  • It is a politically potent but false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The polarity between male and female is, following Philo's procedure, often allegorized as an anthropological dualism or dichotomy.
  • Arguably, this dichotomy is a deeply unhealthy attitude, a neurosis situating self entirely in the superego and demonising the libido as a base and bestial “animal nature” that must be mastered, rather than the natural self-correcting impulses of a homeostatic system designed to maintain a dynamic equilibrium. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • More accurately, the dichotomy is between societies which are urbanised and industrialised, and those which derive their livelihoods primarily from the land.
  • He's saying (if I read him correctly) that coercive/not-coercive is a false dichotomy and that even Libertopia will involve coercion. Another Herring, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This dichotomy was not necessarily between different carmakers but often within individual company ranges. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dichotomy of discovery and establishment of law also has certain foundations in hermeneutic.
  • There may be a false dichotomy at work here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • We also continue to be presented with a false dichotomy - free trade versus protectionism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inculcating and deluding the masses with a multi-billion dollar barrage of agitprop and sophistry potent enough to penetrate the minds of the most adroit thinkers, the moneyed interests behind corporatism and exploitative Capitalism have created a false dichotomy that clings to our collective psyche like a cocklebur deeply embedded in a wool sock. Milton Lost: Can We Regain Paradise?
  • This dichotomy is disturbing considering the next facet of the story: a budding relationship between Phoebe and Christopher.
  • That is a false dichotomy; it is a total gospel. Christianity Today
  • But that sets up another false dichotomy. Times, Sunday Times

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