How To Use Dicey In A Sentence
As the BBC wrote a few days ago, a Mars landing is a pretty dicey affair.
My sewing adventures are always a little dicey, which is why most of my fabric lies uncut and well out of harm's way.
Linktastic Friday No. 4 - A Dress A Day
The other constraint on the absolutist interpretation of the sovereignty concept arose from Dicey's normativist conception of law.
The article goes on to describe a lot of the dos and don'ts: beer or hard liquor or a glass of wine okay, splitting a bottle of wine dicey; steak or meat-dominated meal great, cooking for another guy (unless its a grill), or candle-lit dinner, nope; going dutch is best.
Archive 2005-04-01
Their shares are very dicey at the moment -- there are lots of rumours.

The "haircut" for bond holders seems especially dicey.
A jump-start on a pro career makes sense - assuming there is a pro career, and this is the area where allowing high school players in the draft gets dicey.
We could speak about the meaning of life vis-a-vis non-consequential/deontological theories, apodictic transformation schemata, the incoherence of exemplification, metaphysical realism, Cartesian interactive dualism, revised non-reactive dualism, postmodernist grammatology and dicey dichotomies.
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The other constraint on the absolutist interpretation of the sovereignty concept arose from Dicey's normativist conception of law.
Regarding what went down at Fed Square, all I can say is that the people in question didn't get the help they needed and things got a little dicey.
When the Princeton graduate, who majored in electrical engineering and computer science, decided to make the leap on to the internet he knew it would be dicey.
Apple recalls dicey batteries News:- Apple has more bad news batteries.
Apple recalls dicey batteries
Forced labor, in the midst of a war against authoritarianism, was a dicey matter.
I was lucky'the whole Chindit operation was rather dicey," he said.
Noble House
Here lately, things have maybe gotten a little bit more dicey, I guess.
And since we might be facing some pretty dicey situations together, I'd like to know a little bit about you.
Talking politics is dicey business, particularly with somebody you don't know.
And also this Kabul situation, when they get near there, is going to be also very dicey.
In addition to the dicey plumbing, the power was frequently on the fritz.
A Covert Affair
Dicey presents conventions as a means of harmonising legal and political sovereignty, which remain conceptually distinct.
Art Museums and the Public Trust is squarely on the side of sober stewardship, as distinguished from the venturous, sometimes dicey exploits of the two repeatedly disparaged colleagues.
Being a non-citizen has become a dicey prospect for many immigrants in the past few years.
Basically, in the terms of Dicey, the doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty means that there are no legal limitations of Parliament and it has the right to make or unmake any law whatsoever.
Here are a few more questions Goldman suggests homebuyers ask themselves before deciding on a dicey neighborhood.
Playing a lefty is always dicey, but Nadal is 2-0 against Puerta and beat left-hander Ricardo Mello in Brazil in February. - French Open final gets left-handed complement
The transport system still seems dicey, and armed insurgents rule the roads.
He's terribly smart, good-natured, and pleasant, but he simply has no clue of how to make a living aside from sales of somewhat dicey goods online, so now he just hangs out.
Having to saddle up a mud-encrusted bike and ride hell-bent in inky blindness is a dicey proposition.
But in pressing Dicey's theory into the service of a tradition his thought was transposed into a crude form.
It was going to be dicey - keeping Francine at arm's length without ruining either her or Brunner's feathers.
They negotiate the dicey line between mimicry and mockery partly by dint of fascination with details.
Also implicit within, but fundamental to, Dicey's conceptual structure is the idea of the separation of powers.
Yup, I can hear the echoes of it now, underneath the sounds of a squadron of pigs flying: "Uh, don't assume that many people will come out and buy tickets, you know the weather is always dicey in Portland until July.
Another big night in Paulsonland (Jack Bog's Blog)
I have definitely been to "dicey" in alpine river environments trying to get to that one hole you were pretty sure no one had fished (for good reason).
Enough with the "Extreme" Fishing Already!
I figured she wouldn't be able to write the article at all - it'd be dicey.
Other than a dicey incident with a flasher in the stacks, which I describe in my new book, Think, my carrel deep down in the earth's molten core was my happy, cozy place.
Lisa Bloom: Law School: It Doesn't Have to Mean Anything
They know her and her flaws - a quick temper, a dicey sexual past - too well for that.
The race began with light winds, but things got dicey the next day as a northeaster raged through the fleet in the Bay of Fundy with winds up to 40 knots, and six boats dismasted.
The fog made driving a bit dicey.
The idea of the separation of powers also seems to influence Dicey's belief that Parliamentary sovereignty favours the supremacy of law.
I think it's going to be a very dicey situation for the foreseeable future.
Seems like the only likely source of deposits for all the 1st TARP Banks is the existing deposit base — would this mean a run on existing banks, probably focused on the already dicey ones, or an orderly movement of deposits across the system in a way that would allow an orderly rejiggering of dicey bank balance sheets, with shrinkage on the liability side matching writedowns on the asset side?
Matthew Yglesias » Hidden Advantages
I was lucky — the whole Chindit operation was rather dicey," he said.
Noble House
Besides the use of these drugs renders one more vulnerable to tuberculosis; and that is a very dicey situation in a country like ours.
This unit is subject to attack and has a certain round trip time, so rearming units in the middle of combat at a distant front line can be a dicey proposition.
There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.
The fog made driving a bit dicey.
It is always a little dicey to throw around the word propaganda.
The race began with light winds, but things got dicey the next day as a northeaster raged through the fleet in the Bay of Fundy with winds up to 40 knots, and six boats dismasted.
`Charles, look here, things have been a bit dicey at present.
The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
A pugnacious, charismatic figure, the potentially dicey situation he is facing at Rangers is small beer in comparison to the personal trauma he has overcome through sheer force of will.
This has fixed the chain-jumping problem, though the gears are still a bit dicey.
Her work's on epidurals, pain relief in childbirth and how very dicey it is getting the needle into the right place.
The idea of the separation of powers also seems to influence Dicey's belief that Parliamentary sovereignty favours the supremacy of law.
Keeping your personal relationship on even keel during this emotionally dicey period could prove difficult.
There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.
Because Hamilton rarely has taken a tough stance and management has sent mixed signals to him about handling some dicey situations, things have gotten borderline out of control.
Being so close to the Pacific means that the weather can be dicey: perishing cold, low cloud and sudden thaws on the lower slopes.
The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
I stayed silent, cold, counting upon his undoubtedly dicey history to put the frighteners on him.
The Stainless Steel Rat Returns – Chapter 3 « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
Dicey's insistence on distinguishing legal from political sovereignty entails an equivalent separation of law and convention.
The other constraint on the absolutist interpretation of the sovereignty concept arose from Dicey's normativist conception of law.
Asian Internet companies proved especially dicey for many reasons.
And, speaking of copy centers, thanks for renting those storefronts in dicey neighborhoods.
Billy Kimball: God Bless You, Big Campaign Spenders!
Lots of people write to ask about detecting the subtle signs of a potentially dicey relationship.
The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
And, I used to live in Mexico City, in some allegedly "dicey" areas, but never gave crime a thought.
The myth that no place in Mexico is safe...
They negotiate the dicey line between mimicry and mockery partly by dint of fascination with details.
Left to right: Toby, my crewboss; Louie, fellow treeplanter formerly of the Hungarian Olympic rowing team and despite any rumours you may have heard of him pulling knives in dicey moments at the bar, a really lovely gentleman; C.C., fellow treeplanter among many other things, who claims to have never logged any of the trees he’s planted but who knows people who have. » Blog Archive » Backyards of Creston
There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.
The other constraint on the absolutist interpretation of the sovereignty concept arose from Dicey's normativist conception of law.
He and Dicey were playing a game of parchesi on the rug in front of the fire.
Dicey's Song
Here's the lowdown on what you're missing - and just how dicey things really are.
Being so close to the Pacific means that the weather can be dicey: perishing cold, low cloud and sudden thaws on the lower slopes.
The next morning, what looked from the bottom like a tough scramble up the ridge proved to be that and more, all loose scree and tippy, lurching boulders and dicey maneuvers it was just as well my wife didn't hear about.
Dicey is important precisely because he expressed both the form and substance of normativism in a clear and simple manner.
an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog
I have definitely been to "dicey" in alpine river environments trying to get to that one hole you were pretty sure no one had fished (for good reason).
Enough with the "Extreme" Fishing Already!