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[ UK /dˈa‍ɪsəntɹɐ/ ]
  1. North American and Asian herbs with divided leaves and irregular flowers

How To Use Dicentra In A Sentence

  • But thanks for the willful misreading of my intent (without asking for clarification), for accusing me of nativism, and of assuming that I use the category “real Americans” in the “No True Scotsman” vein.dicentra(Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » Paul Hollander on the Fall of Communism
  • Plants like astilbes, dicentras and bergenias, which need no staking, spread relatively slowly and are easy to pull up when necessary are ideal.
  • The everblooming bleeding hearts, dicentra eximia, are just beginning. Monday Report « Fairegarden
  • I cannot get dicentras and pulmonarias to grow well.
  • Gardener Roger Brooks will be around to talk to, there will be a plant sale including dicentras from the national collection and the 15th century church will also be open.
  • April 17, the Clark Fork Chapter of the Montana Native Plant Society hosts Revisiting Dicentra uniflora, an eight-mile roundtrip hike with ecologist Mike Young in search of this intriguing wildflower (aka the longhorn bleeding-heart), which starts at 10 AM at the Rattlesnake Trailhead. Missoula Independent
  • This HUGE bed of old-fashioned bleeding hearts (dicentra spectabalis) must have popped up overnight – the bed isabout7 feet long by3 feet wide. A whopping bed of bleeding hearts almost made me drive off the side of the road « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • This is also a prime time to plant shade-loving perennials such as colorful columbines and dicentras, with their unusual bleeding-heart-shaped flowers.
  • The fern leaf bleeding hearts, Dicentra eximia have been everblooming since early spring. November Dreams Bloom Day « Fairegarden
  • Kunst says one of his favorite bulbs is Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), which was introduced to him by his first-grade teacher. Plant native bulbs now for thriving Midwest gardens
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