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diatonic scale

  1. a scale with eight notes in an octave; all but two are separated by whole tones

How To Use diatonic scale In A Sentence

  • There is no doubt that Archytas knew of this diatonic scale, but his own diatonic tetrachord was somewhat different, being composed of the intervals 9: 8, 8: 7 and 28: Archytas
  • The seventh tone in diatonic scale in solfeggio.
  • 'They were christened from the Greek diatonic scale, and make up two conjunct tetrachords, if you know what that means.' Gryll Grange
  • We have already remarked that the current medieval theory laid down for the tone system a heptatonic diatonic scale of about two octaves with the addition of b flat in the higher octave. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • In tonal music the intervals between the successive pitches are not literally replicated but become the equivalents within the diatonic scale.
  • The fingering indicated is performed easily by a student with modest hand size and capitalizes on diatonic scale patterns.
  • Like the diatonic scale, it may begin on any degree.
  • Remove the fourth and seventh scale degrees from the familiar "do-re-mi" diatonic scale — or F and B — and you will reach the same C D E G A sequence. Amazing grace, in the key of black
  • In music, India gave to the world her system of notation, with the seven cardinal notes and the diatonic scale, all of which we enjoyed as early as 350 B.C., while it came to Europe only in the eleventh century.
  • Now, the diapason is the ad interium, or interval betwixt and between the extremes of an octave, according to the diatonic scale. Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales
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