How To Use Diathermy In A Sentence
She had been given 5 mg intravenous diazepam for sedation, and colonoscopic diathermy or biopsy had not been used.
Laparoscopic ovarian diathermy or ‘drilling’ has replaced wedge resection of the ovaries in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Pain; Soft tissue; Diathermy; Silver needle; Treatment outcome.
The chief hazards from dental equipment to pacemakers are from electrosurgery and diathermy, but these are infrequently used and the risk from other equipment such as ultrasonic scalers or pulp testers is very small.
One patient received diathermy following oral surgery, the other for treatment of chronic scoliosis.

Manipulation is better than sham therapy and several methods that have been shown to be ineffective or harmful, such as traction, corsets, bed rest, diathermy, and no therapy.
The fact that the effect observed RF burns on human skin happens over a small area, and is accompanied by other phenomena that one might not notice until the second or third such incident is strongly indicative of resistive heating, and deprecatory of a diathermy hypothesis. stevaroni replied to comment from Shebardigan
Freshwater: A Bonsell in the offing? - The Panda's Thumb
The injection of the anaesthetic was excruciating - the worst pain I've had since age 20 - and the anaesthesia was almost nonexistant, so the diathermy afterwards was unpleasant too.
Pain in the Hip Pocket Nerve
That would be diathermy as opposed to simple heat generated at the point of skin contact by the passage of current through a fairly large-value resistor.
Freshwater: A Bonsell in the offing? - The Panda's Thumb
The next line of therapy involves the use of semi-invasive non-surgical modalities including electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, photocoagulation, and diathermy.
The D'Arsonval machine was a type of Violet Ray Generator, and Nagelschmidt apparatus was diathermy.
Cryopeaxy, diathermy and repeat operation can render the formation of the PVR.
It went out of business at the end of 1915 after successful litigation by a client whose knee had been burned by a diathermy machine.
I'd had some diathermy before in an area of incomplete anaesthesia - it just wasn't possible to numb that area at all - and although it hurt A LOT! it was over very quickly - my OB/GYN completed it in less than 5 seconds - and it was no worse than, say, having a burn on your arm from a hot soldering iron.
Archive 2007-05-01
As used here, the term ‘diathermy’ does not include electrocautery and electrosurgical devices or ultrasonic imaging devices.
The energy from diathermy can cause tissue heating at the site surrounding the implant and has the potential to cause tissue injury.
This kind of radiation had already been used in diathermy, or deep heat treatment for patients with arthritis, as well as in communications and navigation.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
I should also point out, as Shebardigan mentioned in an earlier post, microwave ovens and diathermy essentially heat by coupling energy from an RF field to the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules, especially complex organic molecules.
Freshwater: A Bonsell in the offing? - The Panda's Thumb
According to Zahn, the method of applying diathermy to the human eye is to take a layer of cotton wool 1 cm. thick soaked in a 2 per cent solution of sodium chlorid, which is applied close to the outside of the lids.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913