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How To Use Dias In A Sentence

  • For except it be treacle and mithridatum, and of late diascordium, and a few more, they tie themselves to no receipts severely and religiously. The Advancement of Learning
  • The next day Tredias' arm was very nearly healed and needed only the support of a sling.
  • Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities. Analysis
  • Additionally, spontaneous rhythms, sustained bigeminies, paroxysmal tachycardias and other tachyarrhythmias were also observed in the different experiment.
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
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  • As demonstrated in the literature, lymphangiography combined with CT is the standard procedure for detecting the obstruction site of the thoracic duct or a tumor mass in the mediastinal area.
  • The research team looked in particular at a condition called diastolic dysfunction. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Encerrei a direcção de turma com chave de ouro como sempre, modéstia à parte, pois o cinismo aliado ao shift+insert fazem maravilhas e durante uns dias nem quero sequer pensar em eduquês ou outro idioma semelhante. Encerrado
  • In patients with diastolic dysfunction, the cornerstones of treatment depend on the underlying cause.
  • Soteros epiphaneias, ton proi, hon egrapsen ho Markos eipon (ho kai meta diastoles anagnosteon) anastas de; eita hupostixantes, to hexes rheteon, proi te mia tou sabbatou ephane Maria te Magdalene, aph 'hes ekbeblhukei hepta daimonia. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • He painted Avlekete, the Fon spirit of the sea, outside, next to the wall of juxtaposed African and African Diaspora Vodun symbols.
  • The umbilical flow velocity waveform of a normally growing fetus has high-velocity diastolic flow, while in cases of intrauterine growth restriction, the umbilical artery diastolic flow is diminished.
  • Paul Bert, in his remarkable studies on the influence of barometric pressure on the phenomena of life, has recognized the fact that compressed oxygen is fatal to certain ferments, whilst under similar conditions it does not interfere with the action of those substances classed under the name of soluble ferments, such as diastase (the ferment which inverts cane sugar), emulsin and others. VI. The Physiological Theory of Fermentation. Reply to the Critical Observations of Liebig, Published in 1870
  • For year-round pots team nemesia and diascia with a neat evergreen like box or bay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chest radiograph usually reveals bilateral, mid - and upper-lobe predominant reticulonodular infiltrates, as well as hilar and mediastinal adenopathy. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • All the concerns about the consequences of having a mediastinal chest mass and having been born premature are in the past, says her parents. Grace's mediastinal teratoma story
  • Or it may be the removal of any self-consciousness that can often accompany public expression of Jewishness in the diaspora.
  • During systole, the rise from left ventricular end-diastole pressure to end-aortic diastolic pressure is decreased; thus the aortic valve opens earlier and stays open longer.
  • Encysted effusion may be confused with a mass lesion of the pleura, mediastinum, chest wall and lungs.
  • The sole patient with benign pleural disease showing a mediastinal pleural involvement on MRI was identified pathologically as tuberculous pleurisy.
  • All men with mediastinal lung masses require a careful testicular examination.
  • The technical terms systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, mean arterial pressure, etc are clear enough, but, curiously, what should be most objective numeration is least so.
  • SATCHER: Well, the spores get into the lungs and they end up in the lymph nodes, in the chest, what we call the mediastinum (ph). CNN Transcript Oct 31, 2001
  • Fungal infections such as candidiasis and aspergillosis are more commonly found in BMT recipients than PBSCT recipients because BMT patients have longer periods of neutropenia.
  • Yo quise quemar este libro en presencia de su dueno, y esperandole un dia que me habia de venir a ver, supe que dos dias antes se habia ido a Avila, huyendo de la enfermedad de pintas que andaba entonces en Salamanca; y asi le queme aquella noche en mi celda en una chimenea que hay en ella. Fray Luis de Leon
  • Could not Paul have experienced, particularly in the diaspora, a Judaism so set upon maintaining its boundary markers, and so proud of them, that the markers became ends in themselves?
  • Not that long ago, a classroom-style overhead projector (properly called an epidiascope) with A4 transparencies and a marker pen was the norm for most conferences. Brad Ideas - Comments
  • Else I should plunge _in medias res_ upon a sketch of De Quincey's life; were it not a rudeness amounting to downright profanity to omit the important ceremony of prelibation, and that at a banquet to which, implicitly, gods are invited. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • What it can boast is a plethora, a diaspora, a minestrone of regional cuisines. Jay Weston: Jaywalking in L.A. - News and Gossip of the Restaurant World
  • Palestinians in the diaspora risk losing "their entitlement to equal representation ... their ability to vocalise their views, to participate in matters of national governance, including the formation and political identity of the state, and to exercise the right of return. Palestinian state could leave millions of refugees with no voice at UN
  • The mediastinal pleura is then incised over the length of the esophagus, avoiding injury to any neural or major vascular structures.
  • Les autorités iraniennes ont interdit hier aux journalistes des médias étrangers de quitter leurs bureaux pour couvrir les manifestations de protestation dans les rues de Téhéran. From the dept of 'oh snap'
  • Erythematous candidiasis, presenting as a median rhomboid glossitis, is common in patients with immune defects
  • Reducing the intake of fat might reduce nausea, steatorrhoea, and diarrhea often associated with giardiasis.
  • Hydrops is secondary to vena caval obstruction and cardiac compression from large tumors causing an extreme mediastinal shift. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • En los próximos días planearemos más pláticas con la comunidad para que sean ellos mismos quienes resguarden y protejan el patrimonio arqueológico que poseen ya que el fin de semana pasado recuperamos un metate2 (al parecer de época temprana por su forma) que alguien había parcialmente saqueado del montículo de la capilla. Luego del reconocimiento de superficie « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
  • WT 5 BZ : The Jewish Diaspora in modern China started in the second half of the 19 th century.
  • The median sternotomy is used to gain access to the anterior mediastinum, heart, great vessels, hila and pleural spaces.
  • There are five classes of temples, designated as follows: pycnostyle, with the columns close together; systyle, with the intercolumniations a little wider; diastyle, more open still; araeostyle, farther apart than they ought to be; eustyle, with the intervals apportioned just right. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • In terms of their chemical, pharmacological, kinetic and therapeutic properties, enantiomers and diasteriomers behave as distinct compounds, therefore stereochemistry should be a topic of major concern to all disciplines.
  • The word complementarity was coined in 1998 when Sarkisian's predecessor, Robert Kocharian, was elected president to describe the country's policy of staying friends with its military ally, Russia, and the United States, which has a large Armenian diaspora as well as Europe and Iran. Institute for War & Peace Reporting:
  • However, the names or the nicknames of the authors, unlike print encyclopaedias, do not appear at the bottom of the articles.
  • But she was one of those satisfactory creatures whose intercourse has the charm of discovery; whose integrity of faculty and expression begets a wish to know what they will say on all subjects or how they will perform whatever they undertake; so that they end by raising not only a continual expectation but a continual sense of fulfillment -- the systole and diastole of blissful companionship. Daniel Deronda
  • SEPARATION OF EPIPHYSES [1] [1] We do not employ the term "diastasis," which has been used in different senses by different writers. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Besides the standard dictionaries, encyclopedias and almanacs, I have shelf upon shelf of volumes that perhaps even a professional librarian wouldn't recognise as reference books.
  • All individuals had hypospadias, bilateral cryptorchidism, and evidence of mullerian duct derivatives, which was confirmed by laparoscopy.
  • Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States. Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
  • Greeting In some hispanic countries, judias is just the type of an specific frijol, as there are different type like; de Caritas, Negro, Blanco, Colorado, Garbanzos, Pintos, etc. Gerry Zaragemca Frijol---Frijoles
  • Whereas the traditional Jews of the diaspora were frail, the New Jews were to be physically strong.
  • The concept of diaspora originally referred to those Jews who lived outside Judaea.
  • The pro-Tiger Diaspora still dreams of the map of Tamil Eelam which is brandished at all demonstrations and will continue to be for a while. Kottu
  • -- The cells composing the embryous membrane contain, as already stated, the cerealine, but after the germination they contain cerealine and diastase, that is to say, a portion of the cerealine changed into diastase, with which it has the greatest analogy. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • It could be argued that Ross didn't visit enough places, since the diaspora is limited to Paris, London, Brazil, Toronto and Ghana.
  • Like Rask, the infant was suffering from an oral yeast infection called candidiasis. No Place Left to Bury the Dead
  • (Alatriste - Duelo en el Corral de Comedias) tags: manflesh, swordplay is foreplay mood: fangirl squee Cookie goodness from martha stewart.
  • He had sold ladies 'underwear, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias door to door; he had been a short order cook, elevator operator, puddler in a steel mill, seaman, carnival shill, bulldozer operator, printer's devil and legman for a radio station. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • There were also some dictionaries, encyclopedias and travel books, so I could say that their library was complete.
  • The construction will be diastyle when we can insert the thickness of three columns in an intercolumniation, as in the case of the temple of The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Mediaset, however, said it is "disconcerted" by the commission's decision and will appeal at the European Court of Justice. EU Clears Sky Italia's Entry Into Free Digital TV Market
  • It stocks a vast selection of books and magazines going far beyond the expected reference books and encyclopaedias.
  • Apartments continue to be purchased at high offers just to secure them by diasporan Armenians, Iranians, and even Turks, which should come as no surprise by now. An Armenian Blog About Life in Armenia
  • A consequence of the Hindu diaspora is an increased number of Hindus marrying outside their community, as subsequent generations become more and more identified with their new country.
  • The medias revile the old fellow inclines to destroy the team Spain. The 68-years-old man is a dotard.
  • The most common findings are isolated hilar or mediastinal adenopathy, segmental hyperinflation or atelectasis, alveolar consolidation, interstitial densities, pleural effusion or cavitation.
  • The foreskin on a penis with hypospadias is also abnormal.
  • For columns with these diameters in diastyle, the intercolumniation would have measured between 1.80 m and 2.90 m (2.40 m for a bottom diameter of 0.60 m).
  • Less practical surely than the fur coat, -- more amusing, certainly, than encyclopedias, -- the funny "false faces" grinned up at her with a curiously excitative audacity. Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs
  • His wife, Herodias, convinced Herod to go to Rome and risk his fortune and kingdom for the same title.
  • In simple cases of jaundice the neutral salts have seldom produced much good effect; but I have obtained considerable success from the diascordium, in doses of half a drachm to a drachm. The Dog
  • There were prominent bilateral scalp contusions with soft tissue and intramuscular haemorrhage, symmetrical parietal skull fractures with coronal sutural diastasis, and a lacerated dura mater with extrusion of brain and blood.
  • There were lots of bookshelves filled with books, encyclopedias and dictionaries.
  • Patients with granulocytopenia (deficiency of white blood cells) are particularly at risk for deep organ candidiasis. Find Me A Cure
  • In addition, once Mr. Berlusconi resigns, he will no longer be able to appoint members to the board of state-owned broadcaster RAI, which is Mediaset's main rival in the free-to-air TV market. Mediaset Is Hit in Italy's Turmoil
  • The intrinsic value of the materials employed predominates in the earlier model: the value of plate at an Athenian symposium, or the value of gold and ivory in the chryselephantine statues by Phidias.
  • Since nearly everyone is dislocated, including writers within our current critical diaspora, the staking, lauding, and defense of territories, an otiose form of regionalism, is even more absurd.
  • For the first time, we observe that the acyl binding site of cholesterol esterase shows stereospecificity for diastereomeric inhibitors.
  • The other family with extraordinary bacteriomes is Diaspididae, the armored scale insects.
  • Diaspora Literature has been a hot topic in recent academic world.
  • Saffers built up Kingsmead as their bounciest and fastest track with enough grass for all of Indias cows to graze and their batters got bounced out. The Ashes 2010: England have work to do after the euphoria | Duncan Fletcher
  • Little wonder that some young Tibetans in the diaspora are deserting their closed communities, where no more than the fulfilment of basic material needs is considered acceptable.
  • It relaxes slowly in early diastole and offers greater resistance to filling in late diastole, so that diastolic pressures are elevated.
  • As Israel's former minister for the diaspora, he toured British universities.
  • A sweet tooth One of the most curious symptoms of candidiasis is a craving for sugary foods or for foods containing yeast.
  • WE Are proud of our smart leader, let the diaspora loosers and shaebiyans cry. gena gena yaleksalu. Undefined
  • Sometimes the epiphysis is displaced, and sometimes there is displacement (diastasis) of the one bone from the other. Instruments Of Reduction
  • Simply put, Arnold advised multinational resource extractors that in an all - enveloping mediascape the way to achieve their corporate ends is by simulating democratic action.
  • “It is likely,” Halsted noted, “that we shall, in the near future, remove the mediastinal contents at some of our primary operations.” The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Among the most common infections are genital warts, chlamydia, candidiasis and non-specific urethritis.
  • The Sinhala daily, Lankadeepa, published a 25 column-inch story based on an interview with Wije Dias.
  • A child who has diarrhea from giardiasis may lose too much fluid in the stool and become dehydrated.
  • A system called Bio Diaspora will be used, which tracks air traffic to help anticipate the global spread of diseases. The Olympic-sized disaster that's waiting to happen
  • For year-round pots team nemesia and diascia with a neat evergreen like box or bay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Superior Mediastinum (Fig. 967) is that portion of the interpleural space which lies between the manubrium sterni in front, and the upper thoracic vertebræ behind. XI. Splanchnology. 1d. The Mediastinum
  • Twenty parents whose male children were admitted for elective hypospadias repair procedures were interviewed using a qualitative approach.
  • Students can also access electronic multimedia encyclopedias, library references, and online publications.
  • They have explored the effects that certain cinematic texts have had on the respective diasporic cultures, distribution channels, consumption and reception patterns.
  • I am glad this woman is moving on with her live and her family peacefully with having to listen to this vulture of so called news destructionist medias. Elizabeth Edwards puts politics aside, opens store
  • It is a pity that I only remember seeing one fellow diasporan Armenian already seated on a minibus when I stepped on traveling along Marshal Baghramian Avenue towards Friendship Square, just over two years ago. Archive 2004-11-01
  • During diastole, blood fills the veins and moves cephalad with each heartbeat.
  • At autopsy, mild acute splenitis and recurrent nodular sclerosis Hodgkin disease were found in fibrosed mediastinal nodes.
  • A newer classification scheme for heart failure is based not on left or right side failure but rather on whether the failure occurs during systole or diastole.
  • It was lined with books, especially encyclopaedias and compendia of visual aids. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • If a pair of geminal protons (CH2) cannot be interchanged through a symmetry operation of the molecule, then these protons are diastereotopic and are NOT chemically equivalent. e.g. the β-methylene protons of amino acids where the methylene group is attached to chiral C Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • It consists largely of the minerals gibbsite Al (OH) 3, boehmite γ-AlO (OH), and diaspore α-AlO (OH), together with the iron oxides goethite and hematite, the clay mineral kaolinite and small amounts of anatase TiO2. - Business News
  • Broad complex tachycardias may also occur in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, either as an antidromic atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia or in association with atrial flutter or fibrillation.
  • Nec lupus infidias pecori, nec retia cervis Ulla ddum meditantur: amat bonus otia Daphnis. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustr. G. Wakefield
  • The natural diaster is a pure windfall for you because your cost remains $.50 while your revenue explodes. The Case for Price Gouging, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Agreste olus anus vendebat, et rogo inquam, mater, nunquid scis ubi ego habitem? delectata illa urbanitate tam stulta, et quid nesciam inquit? consurrexitque et cepit me praecedere; divinam ego putabam, &c. nudas video meretrices et in lupanar me adductum, sero execrutus aniculae insidias. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The messianic idea animated Jewish resistance to Roman occupation and sustained the Jews for centuries in the diaspora.
  • Well we learned how to use encyclopedias and almanacs and handbooks.
  • Nestes últimos dias tenho andado a experimentar o poder realista do Bryce 5 na geração de paisagens artificiais. ...
  • Diasporic histories are not written by the winners, but by those thought to have been the losers. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This is a visit to Brazil is the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met yesterday in the Palestinian diaspora and the local Arab ambassador to Brazil, said this position.
  • But the contrary is obvious in arteriotomy and in wounds; for the blood spurting from the arteries escapes with force, now farther, now not so far, alternately, or in jets; and the jet always takes place with the diastole of the artery, never with the systole. Introduction
  • The adduct 6 was a single diastereoisomer while 5 was a mixture of diastereoisomers.
  • Gloria Wekker offers an insightful perspective on female sexual behaviors in the diaspora that reflect both female and male Western sexual behavior.
  • The literature of the Chinese diaspora is all by people glad to get out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reflected wave returns to the aorta during systole rather than diastole, increasing systolic work even more and reducing diastolic pressure, on which coronary flow depends.
  • (One of the reasons most of us think the evidence extracted by MediaSentry should never have been accepted to prosecute an individual downloader is because it never contains the REPEATED instances of that one user in question. MediaSentry Super-Secret Squirrel tech
  • N-heterocyclic carbene/Lewis acid catalytic system promotes the addition of homoenolate equivalents to hydrazones, generating highly substituted γ-lactams in moderate to good yields and with high levels of diastereo - and enantioselectivity. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Oh, for a Phidias or a Praxiteles to have made the wonder of her body immortal! THE PRINCESS
  • During diastole, the atria and ventricles of your heart relax and begin to fill with blood.
  • In boys with hypospadias, the opening is on the under surface of penis and so the urine is directed down towards their feet.
  • He telegraphed to Mummy to come up to London and bring him up his epidiascope and slides, and he rigged it all up in the ship and started giving lectures to the crew. The Breaking Wave
  • We are on the path of taking this country nation back from the brink of diaster. Tea Party Express unveils 'heroes,' 'targets'
  • The lesions blanched with diascopy but did not urticate, blister, or itch after a brisk stroke.
  • There were several points of adhesion from the lung to the chest wall and to the mediastinal pleura.
  • Even in the diaspora, the narrative of his survival, as he told it, was a story of relationships, networks, debts owned and paid, and rights and responsibilities mediated through kin and idiomatic kin.
  • It may also be the first sign of mastitis, ductal candidiasis or another infectious process.
  • And then there are other concerns: as with any other artificially created community the diaspora is a profoundly varied ‘group’.
  • Researchers looked at 471 baby boys born with a malformation called hypospadias, where the opening of the penis appears on the underside, rather than the tip. - The Consumerist
  • These substances are mostly insoluble, but are brought into solution by the atmospheric oxygen acting upon the gluten, and converting it into a soluble substance called diastase, which in its turn reacts upon the starch, converting it first into dextrine, and then into cellulose, and the latter is finally deposited in the form of organised cells, and produces the first little shoot of the plant. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • The remaining clay component from the limestone can be further altered by these acids and, over time, it is converted to aluminium oxyhydroxide minerals such as gibbsite, diaspore, and boehmite.
  • Sitting under a rose and clematis arbour in one area, you see through a lunette in a pyracantha hedge to a pond, encircled by lavender, heleniums, hemerocallis, gaillardias and calamintha.
  • When a regular flight en route from Tehran to Yerevan crashed after takeoff yesterday, killing all 168 on board, many in Armenia and its Diaspora were distressed, and not least since there were 40 ethnic Armenians among the dead. Global Voices in English » Iran: Armenian bloggers on plane crash
  • And Elise Gulan reminds all women that you need to see your doc before you start a real fitness plan of any kind, and one of the things she should check for is diastasis recti stretching of the midline of the ab muscles. The Mommy Diet
  • Conclusions Acupuncting NeiRuan point can regulate pathological ET and NO at early myocardial infarction, and improve diastolic contract function of ischemic micrangium, relieve coronary vasospasm.
  • The wooden headboard held many books including, the Bible, a dictionary, encyclopedias, books, songs, and poems she had written.
  • The infection may spread to involve the parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal spaces with complications including mediastinitis and septic thrombophlebitis.
  • I was helping Karen create the Jesuit character, if you remember it ended in diaster. Map Quest
  • Mediastinal exploration for the removal of a hematoma on a patient with a ventricular assist device and ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus are two types of procedures that occasionally are performed in the ICU rather than the OR.
  • Explanations for the cytokeratin immunoreactivity include locally entrapped mediastinal pleura or pulmonary epithelium.
  • This clonal and recombinant species, which produces both vegetative and sexual diaspores, is considered endangered in most parts of Central Europe and in other industrialized regions.
  • They are the platform of the procrastinator, the dias of the dawdler, the lectern of the lackadaisical. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The tumor frequently extended to the adjacent lung parenchyma, bronchi, visceral pleura, and mediastinal soft tissues.
  • Consider argyranthemum, nemesia, diascia or pelargonium, for longevity and ease. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the proper conditions, the yeast increase in number and cause a new clinical episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • The Sephardic tradition originated in the Babylonian community; with the diaspora it took root in Spain and Africa, and moved on from there.
  • But he argues that the West, far from a monolithic bulwark against "diversity," is "the mongrel civilization par excellence"; the systole and diastole of contractive monoculturalism and expansive multiculturalism are its heartbeat. A Real-Life Renaissance Man
  • The Temple of Luxor is downtown, and nearby are the Colossi of Memnon, Karnak Temple, Hatshepsut's Temple, the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, and the Ramesseum, with the gigantic shattered statue of Ramses II that inspired Shelley to write "Ozymandias. Letter From Egypt
  • Diastole and systole, diastole and systole, not arrhythmia. Distracted Much? Don’t Worry, It’s A Good Thing | Lifehacker Australia
  • Even small lung cancers show mediastinal node involvement.
  • Stephen Marks remarked that the diaspora were supporting Israel as a form of ‘insurance policy’ Zionism.
  • It may be home, but like the 90 million Scots of the diaspora, to me home is somewhere you leave.
  • Gastric or enteric distension then may cause a shift of mediastinal structures.
  • Earlier this month, your administration spent Rs.11 crore on a tamasha called the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, tempting the diaspora home by offering dual citizenship to non-resident Indians and people of Indian origin.
  • I could find instant facts in encyclopedias and almanacs.
  • Con Benedetti pase noches y dias y encuentros leyendo sus vivencias, su audacia, su historia de hombre comun. Global Voices in English » Uruguay: The Passing of Writer Mario Benedetti
  • CJK founder Jack Halpern says his small team pored over hard copies of phone directories, encyclopedias, student rosters and general-interest books from a slew of Middle Eastern countries to compile a dictionary of seven million variants in all of Arab proper names. Arabic Names Spell Trouble for Banks
  • And Mr. Dias seems to think that an ideologue is anyone whose ideology disagrees with his. My new favorite blog « A Bird’s Nest
  • Such will be the scheme established for diastyle buildings. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Common infectious forms of vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and trichomoniasis.
  • So what happens to those poor saps who write encyclopedias for a living?
  • multi-volumed encyclopedias
  • And the Palestinian diaspora is perhaps even more disproportionately people with individuals whose property was stolen by the state of Israel in 1948. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • In his treatise Vitruvius listed different intercolumniation types: 3 diameters for diastilos, 2.25 diameters for eustilos, 2 diameters for eustylos and 1.25 diameters for picnostylos.
  • It could be that some underlying defect opens the way to both candidiasis and chemical sensitivity.
  • From the perspective of the Japanese, though, who believe in nationality by blood rather than by culture, the Davaoan group remained a part of the Japanese diaspora, so that when it opened its doors to remigration, they were included.12 And from the standpoint of a historian, the movement to Davao was part of the great diaspora, but largely stopped being part of it after 1945. Japanese Diaspora at ASPAC
  • Looking up one sees an immense blue sky, painted with spheres and white insets inscribed with the names of leading Greek sculptors from the 4th century: Cephisodotus, Lysippus, Myron, Phidias, Polyclitus, Praxiteles and Scopas. Cy Twombly's Ceiling at the Musee du Louvre
  • The latter has its origin in a stricture, or in an injury, or in that condition technically known as hypospadias, or in debility. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • The balloon should begin inflation on the dicrotic notch which represents the beginning of diastole.
  • It consists largely of the minerals gibbsite Al (OH) 3, boehmite γ-AlO (OH), and diaspore α-AlO (OH), together with the iron oxides goethite and hematite, the clay mineral kaolinite and small amounts of anatase TiO2. - Articles related to After special housing rates, SBI sweetens its farm loan
  • A chest radiograph showed mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema and interstitial scarring.
  • The left main bronchus was exposed at the posterior mediastinum and separated from connective tissue.
  • Blue star juniper, juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ with diascia ‘ Coral Belle’. Blue In The Garden-Part One « Fairegarden
  • The literature of the Chinese diaspora is all by people glad to get out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fruit of B. monosperma is a single-seeded samara and disperses as a diaspore.
  • I am looking at encyclopaedias and reference books to decide what I am best at.
  • Então, senhor Sílvio, o senhor quer que nós, contribuintes brasileiros, paguemos a estada de sua senhora em Brasília … porque o senhor não pode ficar alguns dias por semana sem ela … Que gracinha! Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
  • Well, I suppose the academic chaps would say I'm a product of the diaspora, rootless, not really at home anywhere.
  • The other aspect of it is if she ` s a long-term drinker, she ` s got, you know, severe liver damage, then she might have some bleeding problems or we call bleeding diastases and (INAUDIBLE). CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2008
  • Solutions: In most cases the diastasis will resolve over time after the baby is born. Abby Sims: Preventing Pregnancy Aches and Pains
  • Perhaps it is time to start making the positive cultural case for the English and reclaim it from the cartoonish parody of bigotry by which the Left express their diastase for the English Working Classes. Cameron Can't Ignore Devolution for England
  • Subjects with giardiasis (diagnosed via duodenal aspiration) received a five-day regimen of tinidazole or propolis.
  • A single enlarged anterior mediastinal lymph node was also identified.
  • Mr. H.C. Brill [2] found raffinase, invertase, casease and protease in the pulp; oxidase, raffinase, casease and emulsinlike enzymes in the fresh bean; and all these six, together with diastase, in the fermented bean. Cocoa and Chocolate Their History from Plantation to Consumer
  • Jewish people remember the diaspora well; this is why they are Jewish people.
  • Known as malting, this procedure releases the enzyme diastase, which converts the starches in grain to maltose sugar.
  • Thomas maintained that she did not devour encyclopaedias for breakfast but picked up her knowledge by osmosis.
  • She has long been considered the authority on Walker's life and has been a contributor to books, encyclopedias and articles about Walker.
  • Hypospadias: Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the penis in which the urinary tract opening, or urethral meatus, is abnormally located away from the tip of the penis. 10/12/2007
  • For subsequent generations of the diaspora, the cultural climate they are reared in is far more compelling a force than a romanticised India their earlier generations may be nostalgic about.
  • The mediastinum, all the stuff, and they go, oh, this isn't good, we can't treat for a heart attack. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2008
  • Most of the sports critics predict that the West Indias will win the match, but that's a matter of opinion and I still think England has a good chance.
  • Other southern Avalon Irish initially entered through the port of St. John's, attracted by its increasing commercial activity and potential for employment, ultimately wending their way southwards from the town (mirroring a similar diaspora northwards into Conception Bay). Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Beyond the diaspora, it has also found fans among directors and impresarios like Baz Luhrmann and Andrew Lloyd Weber, who have plundered signature elements to revitalise their own work.
  • Many other sourcebooks, handbooks, manuals, bibliographies, and topical encyclopedias, both general and specific, are available.
  • Others began to react badly to various chemicals at about the time they developed candidiasis.
  • Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations and simple animations.
  • The differential diagnosis of erythrasma includes psoriasis, dermatophytosis, candidiasis, and intertrigo.

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