How To Use Diapir In A Sentence
In particular they show that the conspicuous strike swing in the host rocks around the complex is an earlier structure, that passively controlled emplacement, and is not the result of diapiric pluton emplacement.
Mud diapirs, pockmarks and mud volcanoes are common features at seepage sites, where various pathways such as faults, other fractures and sedimentary discontinuities act as conduits for fluid seepage.
In summary, magmas do not have to rise in the crust by slow, density-driven diapiric processes, or stoping processes where the magma detaches and absorbs blocks of surrounding rock.
Mahnmut set his course to the nearest diapir rising to a lead and added five more knots just to be safe, if there was such a thing as safety within tentacle range of a mature kraken.
Reactive diapirism in Lower Jurassic shales may have contributed to the formation of a central uplift at base Cretaceous level.
Essentially, this means that over geological timescales, diapirs flow through the sub-surface.
A diapir was nothing more than a blob of warm ice, heated by the vents and gravitational hot zones far below, rising through the Epsom-salt sea toward the ice cap that had once covered 100 percent of Europa and which now, two thousand e-years after the cryobot arbeiter company arrived, still covered more than 98 percent of the moon.
They contain kilometre-scale blocks of igneous basement rocks, plucked by the rising diapir from the footwall of the fault.
This diapir was about fifteen klicks across and rising rapidly as it approached the surface cap.
Uplift would result from resultant mantle upwelling or asthenospheric diapirism.
Below the downward tapering cone, stratal geometries change to a dominantly convex-up form defining a minor, upwards pointing cone that is reminiscent of reactive diapir geometry.
Faulting and layer disruption from diapir affects common to salt deposits are minimal, allowing for increased ease and decreased costs of all future exploration and development activities.
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The geometry of the granite and the vertical displacement of the Dalradian can only be readily explained by the hypothesis that the granitic magma ascended diapirically prior to emplacement.
Attempting to provide a purely terrestrial explanation for the central uplift, 1 have suggested that it could have been caused by reactive diapirism of the Lower Jurassic succession beneath an extending Cretaceous cover.
The sparse evidence includes the Buck Mesa 1 hydrocarbon well on the flank of the Dome and seismic reflection and refraction data, which have been interpreted to show that diapiric evaporites are absent beneath the structure.
In more thickly sedimented slope and basin blocks, this fault and parallel faults to the south are marked by ENE alignments of elongate and shear mud diapirs or continuous, narrow mud walls.
Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
If it worked right, he would exit the south side of the diapir half a klick before glob impact with the ice and accelerate straight ahead, doing an emergency surface blow just as the tidal wave from the diapir fountain was forced down the lead.
Here three main pockmark and mud diapir fields were observed.
Folds associated with intraformational faults in the Tertiary mudstones of the southernmost North Sea show a similar asymmetry, with anticlines locally developing into diapiric structures.
The middle-deep beds are very important new hydrocarbon exploration area in the Yinggehai Basin where there are some mud diapir belts with abnormal high temperature and pressure.
This can be related to shearing along the decollement during underthrusting or to mud diapirism.
Various architectures connecting extrusive mud volcanic cones to their underlying source layer have been described, ranging from bulbous diapirs to steep diatremes and narrow vertical pipes.
Features shared by the Lake Hope structures and many physical diapiric models are local ductile extension and thinning of the overburden overlying anticlinal ridges of the active boundary.
The researchers have considered whether volcanism or salt diapirism (a process where evaporite minerals intrude vertically into surrounding rock, forming dome-like structures on the surface) could be responsible for the annulus.
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Various architectures connecting extrusive mud volcanic cones to their underlying source layer have been described, ranging from bulbous diapirs to steep diatremes and narrow vertical pipes.
They flow under differential loading and when subjected to such loading or tectonic stress can produce diapiric structures, many of which have associated traps for hydrocarbons.
One of the most impressive manifestations of salt diapirism is where diapirs emerge at the present surface as a glacier of pure salt, moving at rates of between ten and one hundred metres per thousand years.
The oil and gas reservoirs with distinctive features were widely formed in the mud diapir structure belt because of the special geological conditions in Yinggehai Basin.
In a few minutes the diapir itself would mush into the thick cap ice, flow upward through fissures, lenticulae and leads, and bubble slush ice in a fountain a hundred meters high.
Folds associated with intraformational faults in the Tertiary mudstones of the southernmost North Sea show a similar asymmetry, with anticlines locally developing into diapiric structures.
The established idea that granitoid magmas ascend through the continental crust as diapirs is being increasingly questioned by igneous and structural geologists.