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How To Use Diameter In A Sentence

  • Methone is a bit bigger than Anthe, at 3km (1.8 miles) in diameter, it too was discovered by the Cassini imaging team in 2004. Tom's Astronomy Blog
  • A section of a branch of birch or willow from the north only a couple of inches in diameter will show one or two hundred annual rings. Factors Affecting Development of Canada's North
  • The ordinary piki is shaped into loose rolls about 10 inches long and two inches in diameter, but the wedding piki is folded into flat pieces about 8 inches square.
  • For a typical 3-mm-diameter lens, the dioptric power can be controlled between - 100 and + 50 diopters.
  • These cells, about 40 m in diameter and termed primary oocytes, are enclosed within a single layer of squamous cells, forming a primordial follicle.
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  • A conch-shell twenty inches long and ten in diameter will do for a sample -- not a small gasteropod! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
  • And the latices diameter and distributions were determined by High Performance Particle Size HPPS hpp5001 dynamic laser scatter instrument.
  • The Brushy Basin sediments contain numerous chalcedony pseudomorph-after-barite concretions that range to more than 30 cm in diameter.
  • According to the precise rate, the volume of the sphere is the cube of the diameter multiplied by 11 and divided by 21.
  • Objects from 1 to 10 cm in size - about the diameter of a salad bowl - cause the real worry.
  • And this he proved by first showing that the squares on the diameters have the same ratio as the circles.
  • Sand volcanoes range in diameter from a few centimetres to several metres.
  • The width of a molecule at a given point along the contour length is the diameter of the horizontal axis of the elliptical cross section at that point.
  • It is traversed by veins of quartz, containing cannulated and often articulated prisms of rutile titanite two or three lines in diameter. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • equatorial diameter
  • Thallus of very minute inconspicuous and evanescent, brown-black granules; apothecia minute, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, dark brown to black, scattered or clustered, plain with a thin concolorous exciple visible, to convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale brown; asci clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 15 mic. long and 5 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • Anthe is a tiny "moon" only about 1km (0.6 miles) in diameter, it lies between the moons Mimas and Enceladus. Tom's Astronomy Blog
  • Measure its diameter (the width across the center of circle) with the ruler.
  • And the latices diameter and distributions were determined by High Performance Particle Size HPPS hpp5001 dynamic laser scatter instrument.
  • UC Berkeley physicist Richard Packard and grad student Emile Hoskinson managed to hear the quantum vibrations, known as quantum whistles, of a supercold condensed fluid as it's pushed through an array of tiny holes 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
  • A further development was to use a brace and bit to ream out (as bone dust) burr holes about 1 cm in diameter.
  • Basal diameter and height of each scrub oak stem within the plot were recorded.
  • Results and Conclusions:Our simulations show that in order to improve the focal shape, the outer diameter of the annulus must be as large but the radius of acoustic lens must be as small as possible.
  • The beacon was surrounded by an anomalously flat area about 100 meters in diameter; anyone going for the beacon would be completely exposed for the last few seconds, an easy target for a concealed marksman.
  • Diameters at 1-4 mm behind the root apex were measured using a stereo microscope with an eyepiece graticule.
  • Being five inches in diameter, the doorknobs were more than twice the size of regular glass doorknobs of the same period and style.
  • Individual males moved and displayed within territories approximately 25 m in diameter.
  • The sleeve restrains the grout flow and expands up to twice its previous diameter, molding itself in the shapes and spaces within the walls.
  • We have this labradorite necklace available in two bead diameter sizes.
  • They were standing on a smallish island no more than one hundred feet in diameter.
  • Remnant patches were very similar in structure, tree composition, and mean diameter.
  • Scientists prepare and store the gas under pressure in spherical glass ampules two to three inches in diameter.
  • The tube contains toroidally shaped rings within the maximum diameter portions of the corrugations in the tube wall.
  • For pots above four inches in diameter, provide drainage by "crocking. Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
  • To drill through the tile you will need a hammer, a nail set, an electric drill and a masonry bit a little larger than the diameter of the screws you use.
  • One paterero, old Manila casting, caliber eight libras, length fourteen diameters. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • He said the 41 ft long steam engine, with a flywheel 14 ft in diameter, was in very good condition.
  • It averaged 45.1 cm in diameter, showed little taper and was mostly free of branches or knots along its length.
  • Fire suppression has transformed open stands of old-growth species such as ponderosa pine to dense stands with understories of small-diameter conifers. Beyond Old Growth~ Chapter 5
  • In other years with an early bloom date, many fruitlets reach 1-inch diameters by early May.
  • Large cobble - sized clasts of sandstone, up to 250 mm diameter, in the conglomerates contain fractures with void infilling by matrix, indicating cataclastic deformation before lithification.
  • Page 233 shows three smaller taps (minus guide plates) for about two-inch diameter threads.
  • Swift had visited the Royal Society where he would have seen the Gilbertian terrella described in the catalogue as “an orbicular loadstone, about four inches and 1/2 in Diameter.” COSMIC VOYAGES
  • Then combined pipe-line theory, the accumulator's integrated mathematical model with incurvate and strange diameter series connection pipeline is built.
  • The LS1 hydraulic roller camshaft has large bearing journals and a large-diameter base circle to minimize torsional twisting and stress.
  • Different diameter capillary tubes are used for thinner or thicker oils.
  • The parsnips are ready to harvest when the crown is the diameter of a 50 cent piece.
  • The endosperm cap (the testa included) was placed on the needle and was pierced by moving the needle down into a polyvinyl chloride block with a conic hole with a minimum diameter of 0.7 mm.
  • The vacuum chamber is 60 inches in diameter, and it produces 100 microampere currents of 16 million volt deuterons. Nobel Prize in Physics 1939 - Presentation Speech
  • Taking the water dropping scheme - the large-diameter vacuum deep well water dropping used in the pit construction of a grade separation and subway project as an example, the artic.
  • The loonie is a seven-gram, 11-sided disk - technically a hendecagon - 26.5 millimetres in diameter and 1.75 millimetres thick.
  • [illegible] and the superficies in a quadratical Proportion of the diameter to the Amplification of the Diameter. John Adams diary 3, includes commonplace book entries, spring and summer 1759
  • Fading from mag -2.6 to -2.4 and shrinking in diameter from 43 to 39 arcsec during the month, it is conspicuous near the Moon on the 2nd and again on the 30th. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • Just 50 metres in diameter, the bommie could easily be circumnavigated several times.
  • It can not climb back from a vertical drop since it lacks the body diameter of the rabbit.
  • In the middle of the stadium is a giant flower, several decimeters in diameter.
  • A diameter passes through the center of a circle.
  • On the basis of state-specific standards, the authors analyze a few confusable problems such as modification of computer simulation charts, expression of diameter and use of abbreviations.
  • Connection must be a clear division of work, it was reviewed inspection to ensure connectivity of norms, diameter appropriate, accurate, reliable handsome.
  • A round nubble about 14 mile in diameter, of sharp, rocky bottom having about 40 fathoms over it. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine
  • A semicylindrical wall section having a diameter matching the maximum diameter of said semi-dome.
  • It was first spotted around 10.45 in the morning and early observers described it as a rotating funnel of cloud about thirty feet in diameter.
  • Moreover, it has been observed that within this group the diameter of such perforations on the inner wall vary amongst species, thus allowing for the distinction of three separate subgroups.
  • The moonlets range from 32 km to just six kilometres in diameter, the team said in the British weekly, Nature.
  • An apparatus with a copper basket four inches in diameter has been found extremely useful in the laboratory for drying such substances as granulated sulphate of copper and sulphate of iron and ammonia, but more especially for drying sugar, which when crystallized in very small crystals cannot be readily separated from the sirupy mother-liquor by any of the usual laboratory appliances. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • Then, a line of tiny holes, less than one-millionth of a meter in diameter, is punched into the metal, spaced five micrometers apart. Television
  • Various types of pipe may be used (PVC, polythene, cement, fibrocement, etc.), with a minimum diameter of 100 mm. Chapter 3
  • In experiments to find the effect of lens diameter he invented the familiar iris diaphragm.
  • Cottonwool balls of approximately 3cm diameter were used to measure salivation before and after chemotherapy.
  • A flat, smooth, oval slab, weighing about fifteen pounds, and a stone roller six inches in diameter, worked with both hands, and the weight of the body kneeling ungracefully upon it on “all fours,” are used to triturate the holcus grain. First footsteps in East Africa
  • The fuel pellets (usually about 1 cm diameter and 1.5 cm long) are typically arranged in a long zirconium alloy (zircaloy) tube to form a fuel rod, the zirconium being hard, corrosion-resistant and permeable to neutrons. Nuclear power reactor
  • And the latices diameter and distributions were determined by High Performance Particle Size HPPS hpp5001 dynamic laser scatter instrument.
  • The electrical signal is amplified and broadcast over a large diameter coaxial backbone cable to individual subscribers.
  • Mars, slow-moving below Leo's hindquarters, doubles in brightness from mag 0.2 to -0.6 as its distance plummets from 156 million to 119 million km and its diameter swells to 12 arcsec. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • We know from looking at cross-cutting relationships between the fault scarp and these very small-diameter craters that the scarps can't be any more than about a billion years old. Images Show A Shrinking Moon
  • It is in very good condition with a round cairn 8 m. in diameter revetted by a kerb of coarse walling, and a partially infilled chamber.
  • During plant culture, the diameter of the hypocotyl and the length of the midrib of primary and subsequent leaves was measured.
  • Well might he inquire, for this man, having combed his hair with a public comb, which was attached to the door-post by a string, and examined himself carefully in a bit of glass, about two inches in diameter, proceeded to cleanse his teeth with a _public tooth-brush_ which hung beside the comb. The Golden Dream Adventures in the Far West
  • These bamboo beauties are “four inches in diameter and set in Baskerville semibold.” Blog – syllable studio
  • This mightie big stone sharpe topt, sliding downe the extream part from corner to corner, flat sided by the Diameter, was fower paces, at euery equall distant corner, whereof was the foote of a harpie of moulten mettall, their steales and clawes armed. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • But the very popularity of these inexpensive five-inch diameter discs made of metal, plastic and dye is taking a serious toll on the waste stream.
  • Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.
  • It can not climb back from a vertical drop since it lacks the body diameter of the rabbit.
  • Two days later, as she was clearing out the car for a new windscreen, she discovered a two-and-half inch long, one-and-half inch diameter solid metal cylinder in the footwell of the passenger seat.
  • The distal end of the humerus, however, articulating with the radius and ulna in a fashion that no support is lent by any sort of contact with the body, is a ginglymus (hinge) joint and lateral motion, because of the long transverse diameter of its articular portions, is easily prevented by the medial and lateral ligaments (internal and external ligaments). Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • The human stage amastigote is an obligate intracellular parasite, spherical, 2 to 5 g in diameter, and displays a nucleus and kinetoplast.
  • This clear acrylic projector clock from Hammacher Schlemmer will shoot a 60w halogen silhouette of a clockface up to three feet in diameter on your wall. Boing Boing: August 6, 2006 - August 12, 2006 Archives
  • The exposed part of the slightly tapered handle is six inches long and about a half-inch in diameter.
  • The doorknobs' roses or rosettes are simply cast and machined brass discs with a ribbed outside border having a three-inch diameter, twice the size of the normal knob rose.
  • Briefly, four replicate 25 m diameter toroidal plenum rings constructed from 0.305 m diameter pipe were placed in the field shortly after planting.
  • As a nice touch, Zoch includes two cork balls with different diameters which varies the skill level of the game significantly.
  • To give an idea of scale, the large pink bead in centre is about 1.5 "in diameter and about 3/4" thick. Double Monday giveaway
  • Both types of capsids have the same diameter; consequently the change in migration must be due to an increase in overall charge to more basic.
  • Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.
  • The contractor digs a small hole down about 18 ft., places a 12-in.-diameter slotted pipe in the hole, and backfills it with 0.75-in. washed rock.
  • Now you need four sets of four standard round washers (metal or plastic, about 1 inch in diameter or a little less), purchased at any hardware store.
  • For columns with these diameters in diastyle, the intercolumniation would have measured between 1.80 m and 2.90 m (2.40 m for a bottom diameter of 0.60 m).
  • The largest pipes, often several metres in diameter, have been recorded in semi-arid regions, where heavy convective storms or sudden snowmelt can cause rapid erosional development.
  • The red sandstone tower of Qutab Minar is 72.5 m high, tapering from 14.32 m at its base to 2.75 m in diameter at its peak, and alternating in angular and rounded flutings.
  • The total height of each plant was measured using a ruler and the diameter of the first internode was measured at its midpoint using calipers.
  • The nonius, never in common use, consisted essentially of forty-six concentric circles divided into quadrants by two diameters at right angles to each other, each quadrantal arc being divided into equal parts, the number of parts diminishing from ninety for the outermost arc to forty-five for the innermost. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • For the ratio 1: 3 between the two rates, the strobic system has four bands of each color; for 1: 2, three bands of each color; while when the two rates are equal, there are two bands of each color, forming a diameter. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) assay and transvaginal ultrasound evaluating basal antral follicle number, mean ovarian diameter, and ovarian stromal blood flow velocity at day 3 of menstrual cycles 1, 3, 6, and 12 after surgery. - Articles related to Crack and cocaine use a significant HIV risk factor for teens
  • The tiny moonlet, only a hundred miles in diameter, was so close to Jupiter that it spent much of its time eclipsed in the planet's enormous cone of shadow. Tin
  • -- To illustrate: If a gear has 40 teeth, and the pitch diameter of the wheel is 4 inches, there are 10 teeth to each inch of the pitch diameter, and the gear is then 10 _diametral pitch_. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • The attachment of the lower edge of the roofing sheets is reinforced at the level of the eaves purlin, which lays on the top of the verandah posts 'at the end of the ring-beam, by 6 mm diameter rods laid during the pouring of the ring-beam concrete which are then bent round the eaves purlin. Chapter 7
  • The variation regularity of nugget diameter is shown in the spectrum charts of the current signal.
  • Of the several ways to use graphite the handiest is a kit such as one from Redding that uses tiny ceramic balls about 0.050 inch in diameter in a plastic cup that looks like the film cans of days gone by. Undefined
  • Connectors are attachable with cable diameters between 3-5 mm and wire cross-sections from 0.14 to 0.34 mm². ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom - Today's New Product News
  • A diameter passes through the center of a circle.
  • These signs (with a diameter of 150 mm) are placed every 100m integrated in the hectometre posts.
  • "Transco has 280 kilometres of 48 inch diameter pipe in the UK and we have had no problems.
  • Keyed on to the crankshaft is a flanged pulley 10 in. in diameter by 3¼ in. between flanges. Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • Marfan's syndrome is a connective tissue disorder that increases the probability of a rupture or dissection occurring at smaller diameters than in a normal patient.
  • In a particular corallum, the diameter of the aulos responded quickly to an event that caused redirection or rejuvenescence of growth, which can be observed in longitudinal sections.
  • Samples from subaqueous orange sinter deposits around the pool margin appear to be dominated by small coccoid cells, 500 nm to 1 m in diameter, and rods c.1 m long.
  • The Hebrew word tof represents a hand-held frame-drum, a hoop-shaped drum with a diameter wider than its depth and well known as a popular membranophone (percussion instrument) from artistic representations preserved from the ancient Near East. Women with Hand-Drums, Dancing: Bible.
  • Tools having diameters greater than about 80 mm or equivalent sections in flat dimensions are difficult to harden to full hardness if there are re-entrant corners.
  • Then he formed fibers with diameters of between 300 nanometers and 500 nanometers and began using them to fabricate scaffolds on which to grow human cells.
  • With clean hands, mound the rice into a cone shape about four inches in diameter and about five inches high.
  • The continuation of the larynx is the trachea, a tube about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and about four inches long. A Practical Physiology
  • To efficiently harvest the region's trees, which average 20 cm in diameter and are perched on slopes and rocky escarpments, calls for some innovative and hardworking contractors.
  • It is to be observed that as the cecum is only three inches in length and two and a half in diameter, and as its contents are necessarily propelled in opposition to gravity, a slight casualty will hinder or obstruct the upward movement of the pultaceous mass of the effete ingesta. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • This is a neccflary cOnfequencc of the equal preflure of fluids in all dire and that for an ajutage of half an inch dia - meter, the height of the refervoir being fixtccn feet, the diameter of the pipe ought to be about two inches and one-third. The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • The fluted barrel would have a larger outside diameter, and thus be stiffer.
  • Hill highlighted the sea ice, surface diameter of 20 meters.
  • The madreporite was not visible until the juveniles were about 10 mm diameter and all the arms were of similar size.
  • Namapoikia rietoogensis gen. et sp. nov. is up to 1 meter in diameter and bears a complex and robust biomineralized skeleton; it probably represents a cnidarian or poriferan. The Cambrian as an evolutionary exemplar - The Panda's Thumb
  • The number defines the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used similar triangles to calculate the diameter of the earth.
  • Each student was given a cardboard base, approximately 25 cm in diameter, and a small block of plasticine clay (non-hardening modeling clay).
  • The diameter of the inscribing sphere of the rhombic dodecahedron was 8.34 nm.
  • The final exposure system consisted of 2 identical TEM cells that were designed to hold a single coverslip each (22 mm diameter) in a PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Meanwhile, cut a hole in the centre of each slice of bread, about two inches in diameter.
  • _Gabi_ (_Caladium_) is another kind of esculent root, palatable to the natives, similar to the turnip, and throws up stalks from 1 to 3 feet high, at the end of which is an almost round leaf, dark green, from 3 to 5 inches diameter at maturity. The Philippine Islands
  • The influent pump shaft acts as a lift station delivering raw sewage from a newly constructed 9.5-mile-long 18-foot diameter rock tunnel.
  • This hole was a scant .23 inches in diameter.
  • Heaney expected to find that the quartz in tiger's-eye was chalcedony, a form that typically consists of fibrous, defect-riddled crystals less than 1 micrometer in diameter.
  • The Celestia program download it and then get eta carina from the motherlode site says the nebula has a diameter of 732 AU – for comparison the short end of the heliopause is 80-100 AU MN112 – A New Luminous Blue Variable Found From Its Nebula? | Universe Today
  • Machine screws have a uniform shaft diameter and a blunt end, with smaller, less angled threads, designed for use with a matching nut or threaded hole.
  • One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.
  • One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.
  • The granadilla is the fruit of a species of passion flower (Passiflora quadrangularis), often six to eight inches in diameter. Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
  • Estimated leaf mass of first-order branches is plotted against basal stem diameter of the branch in Fig.10.
  • You'd be better served to incorperate 3-5 step downs from a heavy line connected to the fly line (similar diameter to the fly line), tied to a smaller diameter after a couple feet, to another step down a couple feet further, and so on to your tippet material. Another newbie question regarding leader and tippet. Can you use regular fishing line for the leader?
  • When fully grown, its gigantic buttressed trunk, which stretches up to 10 meters in diameter, abruptly ends in the branches that bear digitate leaves.
  • The development is initiated as a hyphal knot of 0.2 mm or less in diameter, which rapidly develops into a tiny primordium containing the rudimentary tissues of the future pileus and stipe.
  • The limit pressure angle is related to such factors as offset angle, mean spiral angle, pitch cone angle and mean pitch cone diameter, not to geometrical shape of the tooth surface.
  • The first figure is a semicircle, which is perpendicular to the plane of the circle ABDZ and which starts on the diameter AED and, with point A remaining fixed, rotates to position AKD. Archytas
  • We specialize in very large aperture etalons with diameters up to 150 mm.
  • The design team solved the issue of thermal heat by using a disc platter that was reduced to a size of 2.5 in. or 65 millimeters in diameter.
  • The ejector plate assembly's movement effectively withdraws the central mandrel from the collapsible sleeve thereby causing it to contract in diameter.
  • Given data on planetary orbits, conventional GA could only perform mundane tasks like sorting them into ascending order of diameter.
  • For larger fruit and to prevent stress to the tree, thin apples, apricots, peaches, and plums when they reach 3/4 inch in diameter.
  • Arterioles have a relatively thick muscular wall in comparison to their luminal diameter; the lumen of the smallest arterioles can accommodate about three to four red blood corpuscles.
  • The charcoal consists entirely of pycnoxylic coniferopsid wood characterized by 30-40 m diameter tracheids with contiguous, oval, seriate, alternate, bordered pitting on their radial walls and blank tangential walls.
  • Asclera (TM) (polidocanol) Injection is indicated to sclerose uncomplicated spider veins (varicose veins, less than or equal to 1 mm in diameter) and uncomplicated reticular veins (varicose veins 1 to 3 mm in diameter) in the lower extremity. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • All coolant and oil lines to and from the pods were replaced with larger diameter lines.
  • SocNetV will happily compute network and actor properties, such as distances, centralities, diameter etc, for you. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Because the spacesuit protection only 1 mm in diameter, about the impact of space debris.
  • He regretted that an exact measure of the circumference of a circle in terms of diameter was not available.
  • They were so huge that the diameter of their bullets was given in "bore," the English equivalent of gauge. Black Powder Behemoths
  • His scalp was shaved, the coagula and debris removed, and among other portions of bone was a piece of the anterior superior angle of each parietal bone and a semicircular piece of the frontal bone, leaving an opening 3 1/2 inches in diameter. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • This done, he drew out his bowie-knife, and with the blade "crowed" a hole into the turf, about a foot deep, and ten inches or a foot in diameter. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • Dad and Uncle Will got the idea of splicing a length of manila rope to a 3/4-inch diameter ‘6 x 7’ construction wire rope.
  • Displayed on the gallery floor were seven disks made of synthetic hair, each meticulously combed out to a diameter of five feet.
  • I carefully drill 16-inch - to 18-inch-deep holes with a 2-inch diameter soil auger.
  • Mparahala horns measured three feet long and three inches in diameter at the base: this is the yellow kualata of Makololo, bastard gemsbuck of the Dutch. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • The eye of the ribeye, which is a long, tender tube about 4 in diameter, and the spinalis muscle, sometimes called the deckle or the rib cap, that wraps around the side opposite the bones. Meathead Goldwyn: Secrets Of Holiday Prime Rib On The Grill
  • Bearing safe operation is ensured by different location of little steel pillars between the thin segment and supporting segment, and the different diameters of the steel pillars.
  • You will need a 20cm diameter cake tin with a removable base for this recipe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of note, an oval depigmented area about 2 cm in greatest diameter with irregular borders was present on the skin over the infant's left lateral trunk.
  • There is disclosed a cask and chime assembly wherein the cask has end surface side wall portions of reduced diameter relative to the central wall surface portion of the cask.
  • The biggest sapphires found there range up to three centimetres in length and about half a centimeter in diameter.
  • Woody stem diameters were measured with calipers to the nearest millimeter immediately above the root collar.
  • The seminiferous tubules in the testes, which are the origin of the sperm cells, however, will be reduced in diameter and size.
  • The 1,050 mm diameter outfall on the west side of the airfield required a temporary cofferdam during its construction.
  • Heliox is a unique therapy for acute asthma because it decreases airway resistance without changing the diameter of the airway.
  • The game around Barnsley was known as Potty Knocking or just Knurr as the Knurr is a ceramic sphere about 15 mm in diameter commonly used in the kettles of the pre-war era to stop limescale furring it up.
  • He says the quadcopters, which measure less than a foot in diameter, take off from autonomous ocean vehicles, which serve as miniature aircraft carriers.
  • The characteristic rich, booming tone of this instrument is due to the length and large diameter of the resonators.
  • If, however, all the larger diameter microbes are only 2-3 m long, they should be treated as bacilliform microbes rather than filamentous microbes.
  • Inside a stunning 30-inch-diameter glass globe, shrimp paddle between fronds of algae.
  • A cable laid wire rope is constructed of smaller diameter cables which have been closed into a finished wire rope.
  • Fan-shaped drum for Pushan, formwork, the skin surface with a diameter of a Chiban, put less handle the chain, ring up the end of Sui colorful silk, Ku keys made from bamboo.
  • Supposing you wanted to know the number of teeth in a gear where the pitch diameter and the diametral pitch are given. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • As it did, lights came on within the hidden room, disclosing a great semiglobe of some fine metallic mesh, thirty feet in diameter and fifteen in height. Police Operation
  • This originally had two large diameter undershot wheels, both of iron construction with timber floats.
  • On Great Slave River, the higher latitude is offset by lower altitude, and on June 2, 1907, while among the tall white spruce trees I measured one of average size -- 118 feet high, 11 feet 2 inches in girth a foot from the ground (3 feet 6 1/2 inches in diameter), and many black poplars nearly as tall were 9 feet in girth. The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake
  • This recipe is suitable for making large cookies, about 4 inches in diameter, but they may be made smaller.
  • The axis of a circle is its diameter.
  • With a hydraulic press having a piston O. 27 of a meter in diameter, it permits of effecting in ten minutes the extraction of the oil from 25 kilogrammes of colza seeds. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • The balls are 61.5mm in diameter, much larger than in snooker or billiards.
  • You would proceed as follows: Let the diameter of the pitch circle be 10 inches, and the diameter of the diametral pitch be 4 inches. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • The radical leaves are many, nearly a foot in diameter, of a dark green colour, and leathery substance; the leaflets are rather distant from each other, forming a noble pedate leaf; they are somewhat one-sided, slightly waved, sharply and regularly toothed nearly all their length. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • For instance, a corona that is typically 5.5 x 42 means that the cigar measures 5.5 inches in length and 42/60ths of an inch in diameter.
  • Grumman E2A Hawkeye was a strange-looking aircraft, with twin turboprop engines, four vertical stabilizers (three of which were actually necessary for controlled flight, the remaining surface being added for appearance's sake), and a large, 24-foot diameter radome which rotated at six revolutions per minute, on a pylon directly above the fuselage. Horchar, Andrew A. Jr.
  • They seldom exceed 1in. in diameter, and are of various forms, as heart-shaped, sagittate, oval, tri-lobed, and so on. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Ideal containers for leucaena are the reusable polyurethane pots called dibble tubes (Figure 4-2), which are 2.5 cm in diameter and 15 cm in length. Chapter 6
  • Traditional skincare ingredients such as panthenol, niacinamide and caffeine have been shown to penetrate hair follicles and increase fibre diameter. Times, Sunday Times

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