How To Use Dialog In A Sentence
They 100 engage more in a dialogue that involves planning and equitable exchanges or balances of advantage.
It is difficult to see why dialogue negates or denies the existence of authority.
For Rosenstock-Huessy, the vocative is the condition of dialogue and hence the real condition of a new truth.
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
You can be the centre of attention in a conversation but then the focus changes as new participants enter the dialogue.
Objective:To observe the effects of to integrate acusector concussion with suggestible dialogue treat 530 patient with hysteria spasm.

Until that point, you must simply bear the horrible dialogue and two-dimensional characters.
What caught my eye about this is that it bears interesting relation to Bakhtin's concept of the dialogism of the "living word" -- in fact, capitalize that "w" and it would be downright eerie.
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning...
The actors and actresses spoke well - the entire dialogue was very lucid and clear.
What's more, the narrative has pace and is injected with witty dialogue and humour.
After a half hour of ponderous, laugh-free, heavy dialogue, I reclassified Prizzi's Honor as a serious mob movie.
The rebel leaders stated that they are willing to enter into dialogue with the government.
I was out buying popcorn while the opening credits of Dil Chahta Hai rolled, so I missed the name of the person who wrote the dialogues for this film.
I am rehearsing the music every day because it has to blend well with the dialogues.
It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science.
David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
Mugabe vowed he would not "succumb" to pressure to enter into dialogue with the MDC.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Stevenson, Anne Noted for her realistic, fast-paced stories, believable characters, and excellent use of dialogue.
Thus, dialogical openness is quite different from indifferentism; identity and dialogue are correlative.
Hayes, now a professor of film in New England, blossomed under the master's tutelage, producing crisp, witty dialogue, and for a while the two were close.
These struggles were only the beginning, as similar feelings about dialogue and narrative nagged the back of my mind.
The OED always gives the earliest known usage of the word and in this case it's, wait for it, Lord Lyttelton, 1760, Dialogues of the Dead.
Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
The pitch, intonation, and speed of his voice are all over the map and make every bit of dialogue and catchphrase either hilarious or an assault on your eardrums.
You should by now have realized that your employer "dialogued" with you.
From On High
While, the absence of dialogues, the lack of colors and the intertitles recreate the look and feel of early mute films.
No Fat Clips!!! : SIMON BURRILL – Mr. Theobald
He has a tin ear for dialogue.
From the point of human-computer interaction, this paper studied the task-oriented dialogue of human-computer, and gave the architecture of a dialogue system.
A poor script with bad dialogue and a cheesy, contrived family crisis doesn't help her much.
The dialogue between Gandhi and Nehru on industrialism, socialism and capitalism dates back to 1928.
These basic differences between oral and written communication are a fruitful domain for continued dialogue about the strengths, limitations, and complementarities of the first-year rhetoric classroom.
Sound effects and the musical score exhibit excellent fidelity, but the dialogue is harsh with too much noise.
The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue.
Secondly, members will examine how to continue the dialogue begun in Barbados.
He was particularly animated about the need for less process and more appliance of the code according to relationships, dialogue and trust between the board and its investors.
Select the Environment tab of the Run dialog box as shown in figure 11.
Contemporary Western feminist theory in the 1980s moved beyond the dialogues that sought to differentiate feminisms from each other and instead began to articulate a more pluralized notion of feminism at its core.
The audio is quite good for a mono track, with dialogue clear and easy to understand.
It is about who you put in that position and how well you write the dialogue.
Times, Sunday Times
If you can overlook the corny moments and cheesy dialogue, then this has atmosphere and energy to spare.
The conclusion is a pressing exhortation to Catholics to be discerning, and a pledge to undertake a critical dialogue with those affected by New Age influences.
In much recent art, the object itself is secondary to the dialogue which surrounds it, which makes it inaccessible to those who don't follow theoretical discussions and oddly irrelevant for itself.
Just visit the Mouse Properties dialog box and select the Buttons tab.
Protagoras (337 C-D); it is only “nomos, which is a tyrant among men,” that has made the participants in the dialogue strangers to one another, since they come from different cities.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Moreover, Valla's insistence on the will as the locus of moral behavior seems compromised by the predestinarianism advocated by the interlocutor “Lorenzo” in his dialogue De libero arbitrio (On Free Will).
Lorenzo Valla
These normally nuanced characters briefly became vessels for issue-based polemic rather than wry, subtle dialogue - and even to unequivocal admirers, this is a serious wobble.
they disagreed but kept an open dialogue
Mrs Jones expected feedback and dialogue about the development of an intervention strategy.
Through forty-five songs interspersed with dialogue and scriptural verses, the play emphasized the Saint's complete devotional self-surrender.
The former chief of the judiciary and close ally of Khamenei, Ayatollah Mahmoud Shahroudi, was quoted Monday in Iranian newspapers as calling the postelection rifts a "family dispute" that can be worked out through dialogue.
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These songs gradually developed a concomitant form of dialogue styled saturæ, a term denoting "miscellany", and derived perhaps from the _Satura lanx_, a charger filled with the first-fruits of the year's produce, which was offered to Bacchus and Ceres. [
English Satires
His poetry was his attempt to externalise that inner dialogue, but his obscurity of expression, as opposed to his expression of obscurity, provided a most daunting translative challenge.
He urged "dialogue and consultation" to end the crisis.
She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue
The work was divided between dance interludes and theatrical dialogue.
The most cherishable of Jay's recordings are two-disc sets which permit inclusion of virtually every bit of the show's score, as well as snippets of dialogue, overtures, entr'actes, incidental music, and underscoring.
It hurtles through two hours of spellbinding dialogue. It makes an untellable story clear and fascinating.
Film noir is known for electrifying, fatalistic dialogue.
Kenji Kamiyama succeeds in all the ways that Oshii fails: characterization, dialogue, depicting the nitty-gritty lived experience of the future.
MIND MELD: Anime Film Favorites (+ The Top 14 Anime Films of All Time!)
The sound of what is being said is just as important as the words themselves in what is, in a sense, a dialogue between reason and emotions.
With its abrupt cuts, minimal score, copious dialogue, and large ensemble cast, the film has an underproduced, semi-documentary feel.
We continue to dialogue with local government, and we will continue to do so.
Its flowery and elevated diction, however, deny the characters speech that approximates dialogue between real people.
This virtual university will house tutorials, lecture rooms, libraries and other resources as well as providing continuing conversations and dialogues.
Times, Sunday Times
On the negative side, the author's voice is too chatty and the dialogue is overly melodramatic.
Write down the dialogue of conversations roughly as you remember them and think of ways in which you could have handled the situations differently.
Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
The dialogue between pub communities will be of huge help to police enforcement of any banning orders.
Step 7 Close the dialogue box and click on the icon to produce a quote.
There will hopefully be a sense of dialogue with the people watching.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr Wen's visit will formalise a new cabinet - level dialogue on economic co - operation.
The film's dialogue is minimal and often earthy but it accurately captures the rebellious mood of the youth.
The story covers much well-worn territory, and the dialogue can be clunky.
Times, Sunday Times
The ostensible reason was Mr Moussa's supposedly unauthorised dialogue with representatives of the main radical religious group, the Jamaat Islamiya.
Church interfaith dialogues were determinant in the development of this policy.
While I admire and respect these Members for coming together and participating in a real dialogue about the future of climate change legislation, I hope that a revenue-neutral carbon tax (the solution the overwhelming majority of economists and scientists agree is best) is being considered.
The In's and Out's of the Upcoming Energy and Climate Bill and Why It's Stalled | Inhabitat
Social interaction involving dialogue and argument over ideas, by its very nature, is an important source of disequilibrium.
It was that addictive "one more level" Diablo game play and technology tree combined with the dialogue options in Baldur's Gate II.
The Horror... The Horror....
It is the intense hunger for soul food, soulful music, spirited dance, and wild, ecstatic, celebrative praise, whether it be voiced by the ghosts of former African slaves on Congo Square or by the choirs of old-time Black Churches, or the bands backing Second Line dancers, or the street music in dialogue with window shoppers and feast-ready patrons.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
His dialogue is sharp and witty, laced with mordant humour.
Times, Sunday Times
We welcome an open and frank dialogue with them.
Times, Sunday Times
This internal dialogue will not be confined to technical questions framed within the discipline.
When time is short, an elevator speech can be used to open a dialogue.
Times, Sunday Times
But do people go to a Step Up film for ingenious plot twists and snappy dialogue?
The Sun
The teacher asked the students to make up short dialogues by themselves.
This first repetition drill serves to familiarize the students with the sounds in the dialogue.
Spellbound inmates have been cheering every dialogue and applauding the histrionic skills of actors.
(The dialogue was held in the hall.) “Why do you hesitate and drumble in that manner?”
The disappointment will stem from the fact that a single viewing is not enough to leave a vivid memory of a single line of quotable dialogue or a scene that has real emotional impact.
From now resizable dialogues have a 'gripper' icon in right bottom corner.
But the fizzing dialogue puts Peep Show head and shoulders above the rash of dire comedies on our screens.
The Sun
There were strong dialogue scenes with the caretaker and emotional scenes at the crater itself, but no real logical way to sequence them.
It premiered in 1993 and while it showcases Ball's trademark ability with dialogue, the play's plot is somewhat unfocused.
But “reading comprehension” in dialogue is a two-way street kind of thing.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
Marvellous actors have to deliver stilted, arch and laughably clichéd dialogue.
Times, Sunday Times
He imagines a cross-cultural dialogue between representatives of different traditions.
Some of the dialogue is clunky and dated, perhaps, and some of the plots just plain don't work, but apart from some poorly reproduced art, these collections would be cheap at twice the price.
Libre ang isip ng mga bagay na walang kapararakan na ito at simulan ang constructively pagbibigay ng kontribusyon sa American pampulitika dialogo. »2,006» Abril
Dialogue seemed a bit muffled in some sequences, but nothing terrible.
The balance of this first fytte consists mostly of lengthy dialogue detailing the knight's impoverishment.
The whizzy dialogue means the tale rattles on at pace.
In two cases these policies had been developed as a result of dialogue between the housing department and local disability organisations.
The dialogue is as awash in vulgarity as, well, a middle school playground.
I Have No Hugo Ideas, and I Must Vote!
And a dialogue like this would follow: "Oh, Arthur, look, look, _look_, at his little feet!
The Judgment of Eve
Even dialogue can be recorded later in post-production and matched up to the actors' lips in a process called Looping.
It is that dialogue that became a central theme of my work and the subject of this book.
The singers are miked only for the dialogue, but their excellent diction makes the supertitles unnecessary, bringing out mad rhymes like "You very imperfect ablutioner" for "The Lord High Executioner.
Taking Gilbert
Stevenson, Anne Noted for her realistic, fast-paced stories, believable characters, and excellent use of dialogue.
The pastel colours, the detail in every scene, the crisp dialogue, are all a joy.
Sayle is on familiar ground here, and the story is well plotted and both dialogue and historical description are credible.
Yes, this is all just history, and therefore of no interest to the chauvinistic babblers who dominate the national dialogue on US airwaves.
Lehman also points out a bit of censorship when one line proved too hot for the dialogue track, though it's there for lip-readers.
But it is only through dialogue, through genuine human engagement, that one can really understand what alonely person's condition really is.
Loneliness study: Help! I need somebody
The concept of dialogue ago and had the character of historic inheritress.
And if you are a glutton for pain, the acting is just as bad as the dialogue.
The Personalize item settings dialogue box appears.
This choice bit of dialogue was overheard by a loiterer.
Drawings and dialogue combine to create distinctive personalities for these birds.
Similarly, you can't make unfunny dialogue funny by repeating it over and over at increasing volume.
There is no cheery speech, no overlapping dialogue, no badinage, no heartiness - real or false - almost no voice raised in anger or twisted in sarcasm.
As a side note, Michael Sorkin later wrote a withering review of the The Charlottesville Tapes that took the form of a short play, with all dialog rendered in perfectly rhyming couplets.
Dialogue is always clear, at times, cavernous and echoic (merely how the show was recorded), and mixed very naturally and neutral.
They were substituting violence for dialogue.
It's a passable presentation, with dialogue, effects, and music mixed equally.
The script is peppered with dialogue that will make you howl for days, most of it being spoken by the Inspector.
It has been used to build bridges and promote mutual dialogue.
Times, Sunday Times
As all those who held direct of the crown by military service (for those who held "by serjeanty" appear to have been classed apart), from earls downwards, were alike "barons," the great difference in their position and importance must have led, from an early date, to their being roughly divided into "greater" and "lesser" barons, and indeed, under Henry II., the _Dialogus de Scaccario_ already distinguishes their holdings as
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
Actually, both of these soundtracks are in better shape that I anticipated - the dialogue is mostly clear of any hiss or distortion.
In the Import Wizard dialog box (Figure 6. Branching – Import document), select Microsoft Word document and then browse to the previously stored file and click Next.
The best way to ensure that your dialogue feels true is to read it out loud.
Times, Sunday Times
His dialogue is sharp and witty, laced with mordant humour.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the scenes are alternate takes of scenes involving subplots that were abandoned but containing important dialogue that had to be reshot.
the essay was in the form of a dialogue
The song is constructed by re- recording the rhymeless dialogue of Thatcher and Burke with singing, albeit unmelodic voices; the result is akin to an operetta.
Archive 2007-04-22
The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.
The dialogue is often difficult to hear and the music sounds tinny and flat.
I find dialogue quite easy but descriptive passages harder.
The Sun
Movie dialogue dubbing is the main form of translation in introducing foreign movies.
The music and the dialogue spoken by the German and French were dubbed in afterwards.
Here I recorded my adult reflections, insights, and thoughts, dialogued with the young girl, listened to her complaints and her feelings as she struggled hard to emerge into my conscious life.
Tey presents a fallen angel destroying the dinful in Dialogues with the Devil.
HH Com 112
Wearing a flesh-coloured foam helmet that gives her the proportions of a newborn, Lee performs an uncanny imitation of a baby in this almost dialogue-free exploration of the mother-child bond.
This quartet featured a stunning, slashing, angry modern-dance dialogue between two dancers, then a requiem for fallen comrades.
This wouldn't be much of a play, so Donaghy tells it in stammers and dithers, fragmented verbiage and non sequiturs, inchoate bits and overlapping dialogue, aposiopesis and time lags (a question is answered three or four lines later).
Reminding me for all the world of wooden-faced commissars delivering set speeches to "the masses," who from time to time were expected to break out in "prolonged, stormy applause," city officials tried to ensure from the start that no real dialogue would take place.
Archive 2009-10-01
After so many scenes of hearing actors sing their non-rhyming, no rhythm, slow-moving musical dialogue, he's definitely a sound for sore ears.
He acknowledges using mostly American meat on his Cayman menu, but he is in dialogues with local farmers for produce such as callaloo, a leafy vegetable, which he serves with a grilled pork chop for 29 Cayman Islands dollars $35.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Another might trigger a dialog box, offering the user one of several command options.
Yes, it has some amusing dialogue, mostly one-liners, but the humor is that of a professional popgun for hire, an impersonal jokester, rather than an observer of humanity.
Even modern mothers and their teenage daughters would cozy up on the couch to watch the show together, often opening up dialogues to sexual topics not previously discussed.
As we enter into dialogue with adherents of other religions, we must be courteous and kind.
Christianity Today
The temptation to participate in the public dialogue as an advocate is considerable.
Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
I'd recommend the Paint or Pixel book for anyone who wants to explore this dialogue in multifaceted detail.
MIND MELD: Art in a Digital World
The dialogue is sparse and when the characters do speak, it's clunkily written, laden with insipid profundities, and often badly delivered.
Charles, God bless him, abhors violence and loves dialogue.
This heaven, however, does not and cannot last: the soft toot of a car horn cues the return of ambient sound, and ushers in the somewhat jealous and tormented dialogue that ensues between this couple.
Medium readd "Rename File dialog" + Cover Manager section, typo fix in trunk, backport to
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The book's long, ponderous descriptions of southern landscapes and sub-Faulknerian dialogue led some readers to suspect that the hero was in no hurry to see her again.
The jazz-flavored score sounds terrific and most of the dialogue can be heard.
It soon became clear to me, that the dialogue about Lebanon and Damascus, which was followed up with a clishmaclaver anent dirks, daggers, red cloaks, and other bloody weapons which made all my flesh grue, had some connexion with Taffy's papers on the table -- out of which James had been diverting himself by reading bits here and there, at random like.
The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
Buildings are clustered to encourage student/faculty dialogue and are intersected by quaint plazas, terraces, lavender gardens, and colonnades.
The dopey-looking monkey on Strange Adventures is rather underwhelming, between the "medicated" look on his face and the dry dialogue "You will now put those books inside this valise!
Apes on Covers (seen at KEVIN GEEKS OUT ABOUT MONKEYS)
A recorded dramatization was provided, with gaps in the dialogue which aspiring thespians were invited to fill with their own emotive interpretations.
Claiming that the core of gameplay is any more primary than anything else is like claiming that visual design must be the foremost concern of a filmmaker, because visualization is what distinguishes film from other media, and dialogue must be relegated to secondary status, because film shares that art with novels.
Kicking The Dog
Elia Kazan's adaptation of Tennessee Williams' Baby Doll is quite possibly the steamiest, dirtiest film that doesn't have a single moment of nudity or a directly sexual line of dialogue.
Films I Love #18: Baby Doll (Elia Kazan, 1956)
It was a Franco-Japanese co-production, shot in Japan, with Japanese actors and Japanese dialogue, but commissioned and produced by a Frenchman, and edited in France.
Though her mother still lived independently, she craved interaction and meaningful dialogue.
Christianity Today
Spooks's dialogue is so bad that it is almost poetic.
Times, Sunday Times
We want nationbuilders to dialogue fast and rely on force only as a last resort.
With critics from around the world in attendance, the company decided to display screens with subtitles in English, playing simultaneously with the dialogue.
The character traits, situations, and dialogue feel formulaic and worn out from overuse.
This happens for me most often with the label dialog but it's basically erasing with select similar would be one or two more input actions.
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Recitative comes in two main forms, semplice or secco, which comprises most of the dialogue, and accompagnato or obbligato, which is reserved for passages requiring particular dramatic emphasis, though fully spoken parts (parlante), were not uncommon, particularly in Mozart.
'An assiduous frequenter of the Italian opera': Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound and the opera buffa
All it does in the theatre is allow some extra side-by-side dialogue and background shots.
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Her chief excellence as a novelist was her loving depiction of life in large families, particularly sibling relationships, presented with convincing dialogue and unstinted incident.
I launched into the parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details.
Both Muslims and Christians here agree on the urgent need for interfaith dialogue to bridge the religious gap.
That's not to be confused with an eclogue, which is a poetic pastoral dialogue.
He came to prominence following the riot in Bradford in 1995 when he helped arrange dialogue between police and young people, setting up the Young People's Forum as a result.
She works in collage and mixed media, carving, scratching and gluing the surface texture to create ‘visual dialogue.’
Some clunky dialogue aside, it represents a return to form for Allen.
Times, Sunday Times
The dialogue is often poignant and moving, but the play is never allowed to slip into sentimentalism.
Through explorative activity and dialogue, we expect to generate prototype projects and ideas for future art/tech collaborations.
It is in their interests to argue for a policy of dialogue with so called rogue states.
The film is entirely dependent on pages of dialogue and long scenes filled with incessantly talking heads.
Times, Sunday Times
The novel contains too much dialogue and not enough narrative.
She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and mean-ingful dialogue.
I don't hold out much hope for a dialogue with people who go in wholeheartedly for the rapture stories.
November 2004
Dialogue is well balanced with the music, which is rendered with admirable clarity.
This is a weird one: the film begins in progress, with reconstructed video titles superimposed over the first dialogue scene.
Archive 2006-11-19
Today's excerpts from Henry David Thoreau's Journal are in posthumous dialogue with The New York Times.
This augurs well for dialogue and understanding.
Dialogue is snappy and modern and peppered with expletives.
Mercer's dialogue required highly accomplished actors with years of theatrical experience.
In genuine dialogue both sides have positions at risk.
Our confessional anti-heroine is still a TV journalist, still concerned about her weight (she should be more worried about the all the excess flab in the dialogue), but no longer single.
The dialogue is self-consciously clunky, the characters are stereotypes and each section is fronted with a pretentiously redundant quotation.
Though most of the dialog gives the impression the film is interested in who the real killer is the murder plot line is really an excuse to throw attractive and dangerous men into Fanny's depressed life.
My second milestone was Sholay. My role though small, required detailed study. I was given the specially made costume and wig and also books of World War II which ex¬plained Hitler’s various gestures. I was even made to go through a trial attended by the writers as well, to ascertain whether I fitted into the role or not. The film was a super success and till date, people remember my dialogue, "Hum Angrezo ke zamane ke jailor hain". Asrani
The contemporary dialogue for me struck a slightly discordant note.
And what about his contribution to interfaith dialogue?
Times, Sunday Times
The dialogue, not always clearly spoken, sounds like a droning recital.
Times, Sunday Times
We can understand French, but with films sometimes the dialogue is so fast that you miss something.