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How To Use Dialectical In A Sentence

  • The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
  • Here is a rough chronological list of the members of the Dialectical school.
  • The essence of dialectical thought is division.
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • a dialectical and agonistic approach
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  • The distinction between appearance and reality, as expressed in the propositional copula, then leads dialectically to a new task of thought, the task of theoretical science, of systematic inquiry into the realm of truths.
  • Grosseteste's method is primarily dialectical; its aim is the discovery of a definition, a generalized verbal characterization, and it is perhaps not surprising that he discusses composition before taking up resolution, for in certain sciences (notably mathematics) the syn - thetic or compositive method is all that seems to be needed in most cases. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • I would think it was both the cause and the effect – the one dialectically transforming into the other – as high price leads to better cultivation which leads to better wine which leads to higher price. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • Discussing SF as the dialectical counterpart to the historical novel, Jameson suggests that one of the primary roles of SF is not so much to promote visions of the future, but to defamiliarize the present.
  • In a more limited sense, Piaget, like Hegel, is attempting to transform Kantian ontology into a dialectical movement.
  • Taking the individual as the arbiter and source of moral values is dialectically related to the concept of ‘Liberal Community’.
  • Self-understanding must come through an examination of the process of dialectical interaction between self and world.
  • His theory of place and time as defining structures of the mind anticipates Kant, his dialectical reasoning prefigures Hegel.
  • Such writings were highly formal exercises in style and rhetoric, often delighting in dialectically arguing for and against a particular topic.
  • But there is also a higher arithmetic, and a higher mensuration, which is exclusively theoretical; and a dialectical science, which is higher still and the truest and purest knowledge. Philebus
  • The essence of dialectical thought is division.
  • In fact, Aristotle often indicates that dialectical argument is by nature refutative.
  • Conclusion : Utilized the dialectical philosophy thought to instruct neonate HIE treating could obtain good curative effect.
  • The Academy's method of argument was, in the first instance, dialectical, like that of Socrates in Plato's Socratic dialogues.
  • Therefore, his subjectivity is the dialectical unity of purpose, activeness and limitation.
  • On the other hand, Socrates's employment of the dialectical method, the so-called elenchus, aimed at considerably more than negative knowledge.
  • dialectical materialism” by Plekhanov — became the philosophical foundation of what from the 1890's on - wards was very generally described as “Marxism”; the term encompassing at one and the same time the Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • It makes it all deliciously, dialectically melodious. HBO's 'Sunset Limited' review: All aboard the theological choo-choo
  • The second is what we call dialectical reasoning, the work of synthesizing opposites and building new and improved ideologies. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Instead, it is a dialectical unification of "enforceability" and "non-enforceability", and an important principle of Marxism about ideological education.
  • Our opposition generates, in dialectical fashion, discursive expressions of our values and world-view that resonate among us, and, at least ideally, offer the potential of more than talk. Archive 2009-10-01
  • the dialectical method
  • Of course he used them ambiguously, contradictorily and dialectically, but use them he did.
  • Dorrien is an ‘Anglican social gospeler and dialectical theologian’ aiming to incorporate evangelical thought into the map of modern theological developments.
  • Gill suggests that ‘globalization is dialectical, not unilinear, promoting opposing tendencies: integration and fragmentation, universalism and particularism, homogenisation and differentiation’.
  • Seixon can’t debate without another person bringing a talking point, because his main dialectical trick is “No, you don’t”. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: July 7, 2006
  • In the Anatomy, ideas, topoi, modes, and kinds fell into co-ordinated, complementary distributions, or lattice-work of dialectical oppositions and counterparts.
  • It is an idealism without respect for ideals; a system of dialectic in which a psychological flux (not, of course, psychological science, which would involve terms dialectically fixed and determinate) is made systematically to obliterate intended meanings. The Life of Reason
  • Further to the east, another deadline was inserted dialectically into President Obama's second 30,000-troop surge in Afghanistan (probably this was the work of some political head at the White House, possibly the VP and/or President Obama himself): the deadline for beginning the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan would be July 2011. Dr. Charles G. Cogan: Deadlines "R" Us
  • Yet the appeal to tripartition as the reassertion in triangular format of dialectical possibilities otherwise self-defeating achieves little.
  • Indeed, such dialectical transformation demands of us nothing less than a mindful, stoic patience ( "Man muß geduldig alles in sich aufnehmen und wachsen" [ "One must patiently take everything into oneself and let it grow"]), for it entails the daunting challenge of bursting "[d] ie Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • I call it dialectical triangulation.
  • This dialectical move works on many levels at once, acting to critique hodiernal life at the same time as it undermines its own critique.
  • He foresaw a classless society on the basis of his thesis of dynamic and dialectical interrelationship between the progress in the means of production and corresponding change in the mode of production.
  • Lacan took up or rather transposed Freud's definition of hypnosis on this second degree level of dialectical reflection between the reciprocally engaged egos and ego ideals.
  • Although accused of pantheism by their contemporaries, their systems can be identified as panentheistic because they understood God in various ways as including the world rather than being the world and because they used a dialectical method. Panentheism
  • I will say that the process that I am involved in is less dialectical than dialogical; in other words it is always in a process of becoming, that is, it is never forced into what I would consider to be a premature resolution or synthesis.
  • Radical and socialist theories look upon the present order as merely tran - sient and emphasize a dialectical tension between a provisional state of affairs and an ultimate classless future. CLASS
  • The portraits of the uomini illustri above, Cheles has noted, appear to correspond to this dialectical arrangement. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • his religiousness is dialectically related to his sinfulness
  • By using the concept of perichoresis, Moltmann moves away from a Hegelian understanding of the trinity as a dialectical development in history (Cooper 2006, 251). Panentheism
  • To be sure, they affect an elaborate rationalism, something they call dialectical materialism, which in turn rests on a verbal agglomeration known as Marxian economics. Latest Articles
  • Unless we view them dialectically, the events of history - the violent chaos of battle, agonies of martyrdom, interminable failures of individual intellect and will - appear to be no more than a ‘slaughter bench’ of human hopes.
  • The examination of the glosses in this codex reveals that the student glossators of this work engaged in a dialectical relationship about how to approach this medieval textbook.
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • Disjunctions or conditionals featured as premises in many of the logical paradoxes and sophisms which members of the Dialectical school discussed.
  • The essence of dialectical thought is division.
  • The character of the discussions were more palimpsestic than immediately dialectical, but no less valuable in their complexity and depth.
  • This refers back to the dialectical relationship between movements in the plural and a movement in the singular.
  • The all-round development of humans, as the ideal value goal which the communism pursues, represents dialectical and harmonious unity of the whole quality.
  • This can be seen as an early version of the Marxist dynamic of dialectical materialism.
  • The notions of a future life, of another world, and similar ideas are described as arising out of the dialectical limitations of the finite understanding.
  • Contemporary society, like contemporary dictators, can no longer be undermined by ridicule, Zizekexplains that "GrouchoMarx authoritarianism" is imminent, writers understand that the function of Dada and all intervention/provication movements is exhausted in an age where a self-satisfied social norm has dialectically synthesized with surrealism and the rest ... Mr.Dostoevsky
  • Thus, in the dialectical, penetrative understanding embodied in the play, the retributive logic remains, but not merely in the form of physical violence.
  • However, the word sech does not exist in the contemporary Dutch language; at best, it could be construed as a phonetic rendering of a certain dialectical mispronunciation of zeg. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 3
  • The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
  • Monocausal economism is replaced with the dialectical notion that social relations of production only exist in the form of economic, legal and political relations.
  • The concepts ˜proof™ (apodeixis) and ˜sullogismos™ play a crucial role in Aristotle's logical-dialectical theory. Aristotle's Rhetoric
  • Within individual poems the meditative voice can operate dialectically, considering a position and then emending it, but the position of poems in sequence also constitutes a dialectic, an on-going conversation.
  • I am also indebted to this article for Kaufman’s very persuasive demonstration of the ways that "constructivism exists in dialectical tension with negative capability" (371), a notion I have tried to pursue here using a somewhat different vocabulary, and for his demonstration of the ways this claim has broader critical resonances with respect to the relationship between formalist and Frankfurt school criticism. close window Notes, "Darkness Audible: Negative Capability and Mark Doty’s 'Nocturne in Black and Gold'", Romanticism and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
  • The dialectical view, built on the inevitable production of alterity and the necessarily differential structure of language, entails predictable consequences.
  • In this reading of the Rabbinic tradition, the dialectical link between the literal meaning of scripture, in Hebrew the peshat, and the exegetical expansion of that literal meaning, derasha, is enabled by the dynamic process of hermeneutics as a rhetorical-literary and not a spiritual-existential process. David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
  • More specifically, is there a profound gulf between the "mechanistic, " "passive, " and "fatalist" Marxism of Kautsky and the dialectical, activist, revolutionary Marxism of Lenin?
  • The author argues that we should use dialectical thinking to push the innovation of ideological and political work and raise the effectiveness and purposefulness.
  • This dependency arises because the relationship between self and Other is not fixed, but dialectical.
  • Hence the rhetorician who wants to persuade by arguments or proofs can adapt most of the dialectical equipment.
  • In terms of the dialectical relationship between them, the ar- tical explores the interaction between the cultural construction of college campus and the ideological and political instruction.
  • Buck-Morss possesses an unregenerate belief in dialectical Utopia, and holds out the possibility of these dreamworlds eventually being converted into reality.
  • Satire, political cartoons, rai music, and a rich political slang in dialectical Arabic provide outlets for political sentiment.
  • Just where do all the dedicated dorks, delightful dingbats, and dialectical dunderheads, plus a lively assortment of daffy ding-a-lings call home-sweet home?
  • He entitles this kind of opposition dialectical, and that of contradictories analytical.
  • This is one reason I kept yammering about the dialectical nature of rock; it often embeds a critique and a conflict.
  • Existence is not dialectical, not representable.
  • On Chinese Culture Dialectical Thought Coordination - New Scientific Rationality Theory "".
  • Criticism of utopias that slight either collective or personal dimensions is the starting point from which David Harvey calls for a comprehensive “spatiotemporal” or “dialectical” utopianism. Utopianism and Joanna Baillie: A Preface to Converging Revolutions
  • This enables a less dogmatic argument which rests upon the unresolved dialectical tension between an approach which is very speculative and theoretical, and another which is stylistically more factual.
  • Linehan diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder, an extreme inability to regulate moods, and prescribed a type of counseling called dialectical behavior therapy. The Forgotten Patients
  • Self and not-self, subject and object, are not contradictories, but dialectical polarities.
  • The spiritual nature of matter as the Alma Mater, which serves as the alchemical framework of Hegel 's dialectical idealism, is the sublation (Aufhebung) of raw inchoate matter by which it becomes what it always already potentially is: Geist or Spirit. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • The second is what we call dialectical reasoning, the work of synthesizing opposites and building new and improved ideologies. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • The concept of social persons, she argues, dialectically links subjective interiority to the social world by habituation.
  • We proceed afterwards to hypostatize this idea of the sum-total of all reality, by changing the distributive unity of the empirical exercise of the understanding into the collective unity of an empirical whole -- a dialectical illusion, and by cogitating this whole or sum of experience as an individual thing, containing in itself all empirical reality. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • What we are embracing with this title is not the stamp of authority that a responsa from a learned rabbi brings with it; rather we are embracing the dialectical approach which characterizes a great many of them. Rapid Responsa: An Invitation to Meet on 3/27 and Talk About Obama’s Philadelphia Speech on Race and Resentment « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • By living life in contradiction, by embodying the contradiction, Galifianakis seems to be promoting a dialectically nuanced view of reality, which is an invaluable counterweight to the mindset of oversimplification. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Pattern Interruption Hall of Fame: Zach Galifianakis
  • This ‘rationalisation’ of divining pointed to the dialectical nature of the ideological contest between folk and scientific wisdom.
  • This constellation of ideas provides a non-dogmatic and equivocal statement on the co-optation and dialectical struggle of Soviet art.
  • Each pair in fact began to gravitate to opposite poles within the horizon which Dialectical Theology had opened up.
  • The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
  • It is based upon the belief that conflict and social dissonance are a product of the dialectical interplay of unequal relations in any community based in a bureaucratic regime.
  • Passion's dialectical opposite, self-destruction, runs rampant during these years of his life.
  • [W] hile the dialogue is inventive and gorgeously dialectical, the pacing is off ... Ruby's Spoon: Summary and book reviews of Ruby's Spoon by Anna Lawrence Pietroni.
  • It happens that institutions of terror and cruelty have so often been organised under a humanitarian remit that one is inclined to wonder if the values that supposedly gave rise to them are, 'dialectically', interpenetrated with their opposites. LENIN'S TOMB
  • What I say is, he that is emancipated never indulges in that intellectual gladiatorship which is implied by a dialectical disputation for the sake of victory. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Manamela said the YCL stood behind Nzimande's call for the teaching of dialectical and historic materialism in schools, his commitment to the fight against HIV and Aids, the eradication of poverty and for a challenge to the "bourgeoisification" of the ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A preliminary analysis of various vocabulary items based on the linguistic corpus obtained suggests that expected dialectical variation exists between and within communities.
  • We have seen enough to grasp the idea of the dialectical method.
  • Naggin" is probably a variant of "noggin" -- dialectical, the author's misspelling, or a typo. but I don't know how much wine a noggin-full is. Science Press Release Synopses
  • As John Judis has argued, the neocons simply transmuted one kind of radicalism into another kind -- from dialectically determined Bolshevism to dialectically determined "democratism. James Pinkerton: When Art is Cooler -- and More Conservative -- Than Politics
  • Hegel detected this dialectical progression in the progress of human consciousness and intellectual - emotional growth.
  • Such conflicts originate and evolve from the dialectical tensions deriving from power struggles between centralized state political rulers and those they try rule over in localized, rural Indian village communities using a Western model of secular-styled democratic governance. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • Just where do all the dedicated dorks, delightful dingbats, and dialectical dunderheads, plus a lively assortment of daffy ding-a-lings call home-sweet home?
  • The papier-mâché city, one might say, is a dialectical image: it conjoins grim desperation with possibility, an earthy materialism with idealism, the old and discarded with the utterly new.
  • Out of this dialectical imitation, this not wholly fictive dialogue, Schoenberg's twelve-tone sonata locates itself in the German tradition, which is made to anticipate and authorize his development of that tradition.
  • Although Plato describes the Forms as ineffable, dialectical language enables their apprehension.
  • Throughout the film, Gardner uses opposing pairs of simple, iconic elements to represent the cyclical, dialectical forces which animate the rituals he documents.
  • Objective : To analyze the ultrasonic feature in different dialectical type of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • The structural types of criminal legal norm might be divided into the two dialectical and unified kinds which are logical structure and noumenal structure.
  • Indeed, hers is a strikingly nonhistorical and nondialectical account of antagonistic social dynamics constitutive of an apprehensible social totality.
  • The isolationist/internationalist dialectical opposition is often expressed in terms of American exceptionalism.
  • In the middle of nineteenth century Karl Marx propounded the theory of historical and dialectical materialism.
  • Bloechl's criticism focuses upon the Hegelian sublation he finds in Gibbs' effort to reconcile the dialectical opposition between philosophy and Judaism.
  • Gadamer's hermeneutic theory of text interpretation is called dialectical hermeneutics, which treats the interpretation of text as a dialogue or fusion of horizons between the interpreter and text.
  • However, this idea is dialectically explored through the phenomenon of ‘shock work,’ as practiced by the rural Soviet worker that was forced into the ‘five year plans.’
  • The same may be said of Hindustani, which is the language of 100,000,000 inhabitants of British India; it shows wide dialectical variations and the people who speak it are not likely to spread. Chapter 12. The Future of the Language. 1. English as a World Language
  • The philosophy is often called dialectical materialism; dialectical because it incorporates Hegel’s idea of inherent change, and materialism because it grounds itself not in the world of ideas, but on the terrain of social and physical environment. The Worldly Philosophers
  • We do not see the birth of God as much as the genesis of a certain masculinization of desire, the harnessing or transformation of (feminized) longing into the dialectical work of (masculine) self-consciousness, or what Hegel calls, in the Phenomenology, "Desire in general" (para. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • The contradistinction of the two logics, formal logical and dialectical, is equally unjustified.
  • Work by these artists connects back to a world where the image had not yet been fed into the dialectical machinery of aestheticism.
  • One of the structures of thought is called dialectical thinking. Michel Bauwens - A vision-logic for the p2p age?
  • Graff acknowledges the problem and proposes an openly dialectical and adversarial form of teaching.
  • These two traditions of thinking about culture developed in dialectical opposition to each other.
  • Objective : To analyze the ultrasonic feature in different dialectical type of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • According to Johnson, traditional logic has focused too much on the illative core, though a rational arguer must pay as much attention to its dialectical tier. Informal Logic
  • At present, when the results of the investigation of nature need only be conceived of dialectically, that is in the sense of their mutual interconnection, to arrive at a system of nature sufficient for our time, when the dialectical character of this interconnection forces itself into the metaphysically trained minds of experimental scientists, against their will, today a philosophy of nature is finally disposed of, every attempt at its resurrection would not only be superfluous, it would even be a step backwards. Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
  • It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.
  • Further studies on these areas will help us to understand better the dialectical relationship between global forces and local accommodation and resilience.
  • This kind of opposition I may be allowed to term dialectical; that of contradictories may be called analytical opposition. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Parts of this paper will be informed by his view of the social construction of reality and its inherent dialectical character.
  • Neruda's dialectical way of thinking can be appreciated in the internal structural relations in the poems.
  • In addition, the Gelug tradition regards sound scholarship as a prerequisite for constructive meditation, hence, the teachings of both sutra and tantra are subject to rigorous analysis through the medium of dialectical debate.
  • Marx never found the time to write his explanation of what is rational in the dialectical method.
  • It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.
  • Self and not-self, subject and object, are not contradictories, but dialectical polarities.
  • The condition of reason in these dialectical arguments, I shall term the antinomy of pure reason. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • The violent contest of battle causes war to be characterized by the constant tension between dialectically opposed ideas.
  • Dorrien is an ‘Anglican social gospeler and dialectical theologian’ aiming to incorporate evangelical thought into the map of modern theological developments.
  • His work is fundamentally concerned with the dialectical relation between the opposing principles, or the binaries, trying to achieve certain completeness through that.
  • Dasein is only encounterable as “mineness” by the Lord after a dialectical sublation, “not-mineness” is primordial. Enowning
  • The concept of social persons, she argues, dialectically links subjective interiority to the social world by habituation.
  • An argument is called fallacious in four senses: (1) when it appears to be brought to a conclusion, and is not really so-what is called ‘contentious’ reasoning: (2) when it comes to a conclusion but not to the conclusion proposed-which happens principally in the case of reductiones ad impossibile: (3) when it comes to the proposed conclusion but not according to the mode of inquiry appropriate to the case, as happens when a non-medical argument is taken to be a medical one, or one which is not geometrical for a geometrical argument, or one which is not dialectical for dialectical, whether the result reached be true or false: (4) if the conclusion be reached through false premisses: of this type the conclusion is sometimes false, sometimes true: for while a false conclusion is always the result of false premisses, a true conclusion may be drawn even from premisses that are not true, as was said above as well. Topics
  • Novalis "holds the self, conceived as an autonomous entity, to be relatively unreal," with the self functioning as "dialectical oscillation rather than discrete entity" (McCort 167), where the poet's view of self exists in relational rather than essential terms: Enlightenment East and West: An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism
  • While sharing seminar responsibility for graduate students in 1960, we began to dialogically and - dialectically struggle with professional and/clinical nursing issues. Humanistic Nursing
  • His poetry is no more the acme of dialectical evolution than it is the culmination of the ‘decline’ perceived by Bloom.

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