
dialectical materialism

  1. the materialistic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

How To Use dialectical materialism In A Sentence

  • dialectical materialism” by Plekhanov — became the philosophical foundation of what from the 1890's on - wards was very generally described as “Marxism”; the term encompassing at one and the same time the Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • To be sure, they affect an elaborate rationalism, something they call dialectical materialism, which in turn rests on a verbal agglomeration known as Marxian economics. Latest Articles
  • This can be seen as an early version of the Marxist dynamic of dialectical materialism.
  • In the middle of nineteenth century Karl Marx propounded the theory of historical and dialectical materialism.
  • The philosophy is often called dialectical materialism; dialectical because it incorporates Hegel’s idea of inherent change, and materialism because it grounds itself not in the world of ideas, but on the terrain of social and physical environment. The Worldly Philosophers
  • It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.
  • It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.
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