
How To Use Dialectic In A Sentence

  • Baffler editors have called commodification of dissent stretches back to Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment and is alive and well in what he calls the "alienation market" in which films like Fahrenheit 9 / 11 either already have or are destined to make bundles (relatively speaking, of course). GreenCine Daily
  • Some of these commentators build up dialectics into an alternative to all previous forms of logic, something that supersedes such ordinary reasoning as the simple syllogistic form of argument set out on the first page of this chapter.
  • The outside world gets into our heads, there is a constant dialectic, it is ineradicable. The Saturday interview: Stuart Hall
  • The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
  • Whereas Hegel uses the dialectic to trace the development of the Geist, Marx would apply it to the development of Capital.
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  • Nor does he discuss another dialectic, between the Scherzo's anapestic and amphibrach crotchet groups, sublated after the Trio in that startling alla breve succession of equal minims; nor the hunting topos of the Trio.
  • By fknvty, December 23, 2009 @ 5: 01 pm peeping principals more like it. fk the anthropology, i spent the best part of 2 years at uni committing m. meade to heart only to discover some years later she was a complete and proven dialectic nutjob. fkn yanks yet again.pz. v. Cheeseburger Gothic » Yes I get ffkn grmpy whn I’m on fkn deadline.
  • Here is a rough chronological list of the members of the Dialectical school.
  • This was the syndrome throughout the Holy City, where the dialectic between science and belief, truth and faith, went blooey. The Lampshade
  • The essence of dialectical thought is division.
  • Alberti was also occupied by the dialectic of the vita activa – vita contemplativa. 33 Through his own treatise on the subject, De commodis literarum atque incommodis,34 and a study of the Florentine family, Della famiglia,35 Alberti deeply influenced a younger generation of powerful and wealthy soldier-scholars, including Leonello d'Este and Federico, who negotiated their turbulent political climate as much by tactical eloquence as by militaristic valor. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The ultimate end-point of this, on one side of the dialectic, is maieutic fiction. posted by Hal Duncan | 9: 43 PM On Mimetic and Maieutic Fiction
  • Their language is known as Cahita, being the same as that spoken, with dialectic differences, by their neighbours, the Tehueco, and Yaqui, and belonging to the Piman branch of the great Shoshonean stock. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • Such an education proves indistinguishable from life in an immigrant culture because the illuminating conflict between cultures adds this inner dialectic.
  • Dreams and dialectics Hippy and student activist continue to recognize each other as allies.
  • a dialectical and agonistic approach
  • The distinction between appearance and reality, as expressed in the propositional copula, then leads dialectically to a new task of thought, the task of theoretical science, of systematic inquiry into the realm of truths.
  • Grosseteste's method is primarily dialectical; its aim is the discovery of a definition, a generalized verbal characterization, and it is perhaps not surprising that he discusses composition before taking up resolution, for in certain sciences (notably mathematics) the syn - thetic or compositive method is all that seems to be needed in most cases. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • I would think it was both the cause and the effect – the one dialectically transforming into the other – as high price leads to better cultivation which leads to better wine which leads to higher price. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • To carry on that wise injunction, we have to engage in a process of self-reflection that unavoidably opens up to scrutiny the dialectic processes between self and context and contexts of contexts.
  • Discussing SF as the dialectical counterpart to the historical novel, Jameson suggests that one of the primary roles of SF is not so much to promote visions of the future, but to defamiliarize the present.
  • In a more limited sense, Piaget, like Hegel, is attempting to transform Kantian ontology into a dialectical movement.
  • this situation created the inner dialectic of American history
  • Taking the individual as the arbiter and source of moral values is dialectically related to the concept of ‘Liberal Community’.
  • Self-understanding must come through an examination of the process of dialectical interaction between self and world.
  • His theory of place and time as defining structures of the mind anticipates Kant, his dialectical reasoning prefigures Hegel.
  • The Creation Theory of Taoism generated TCM holism. And dialectic promoted TCM principal of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Following the natural laws laid foundation for TCM homoeopathy.
  • Such writings were highly formal exercises in style and rhetoric, often delighting in dialectically arguing for and against a particular topic.
  • He was a strong opponent of the rationalistic tendencies which had infected some dialecticians of his times, and often warned his pupils against such as extol their dialectics above the teachings of the Church and the testimony of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • But there is also a higher arithmetic, and a higher mensuration, which is exclusively theoretical; and a dialectical science, which is higher still and the truest and purest knowledge. Philebus
  • The essence of dialectical thought is division.
  • The principal view of mathematics has changed from motionlessness and absolutism to action and dialectics with the development of mathematics.
  • In fact, Aristotle often indicates that dialectical argument is by nature refutative.
  • His most famous work is the Summulae de dialectica (Compendium of Dialectic), a text of astonishing breadth and originality aimed at redeeming the older tradition of Aristotelian logic using the newer, terminist logic of John Buridan
  • The revelation of this mystical wholeness occurs through the dialectic: a thesis is manifest and contested by its antithesis, the resolution of which, leads to a new thesis and so on.
  • Before the appendices he includes a jokey bit of philosophical dialectic.
  • I term this propensity to get used to things given the right conditions, psychological dialecticism - which I believe unites the Marxians and Hegelians. Asian
  • Conclusion : Utilized the dialectical philosophy thought to instruct neonate HIE treating could obtain good curative effect.
  • The Academy's method of argument was, in the first instance, dialectical, like that of Socrates in Plato's Socratic dialogues.
  • If he were noticed, it was only to be traduced as a sciolist, (imperitus dialecticæ et aliarum bonarum artium, says Dr. Reynolds,) and to be exposed for imagined lapses in scholarship in an age when for a writer not to be a scholar, was like Discovery of Witches The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
  • Laconically, Brecht observed that ‘war, the great dialectician, puts every organ to the test.’
  • The inherent dialectic of desire itself had in a way already shown me this; for all images and sensations, if idolatrously mistaken for joy itself, soon honestly confessed themselves inadequate. Surprised by Joy
  • Therefore, his subjectivity is the dialectical unity of purpose, activeness and limitation.
  • One could argue that spirit's difficulty in emerging from the darkness of matter makes Ages a forerunner of negative dialectics, whether in the form of a "natural history 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • On the other hand, Socrates's employment of the dialectical method, the so-called elenchus, aimed at considerably more than negative knowledge.
  • We have seen the proliferation of "schizoid" global/local dialectics and non-binary explanations to map the uneven, fragmentary, and nomadic flux of capitalist culture across borders.
  • dialectical materialism” by Plekhanov — became the philosophical foundation of what from the 1890's on - wards was very generally described as “Marxism”; the term encompassing at one and the same time the Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • It makes it all deliciously, dialectically melodious. HBO's 'Sunset Limited' review: All aboard the theological choo-choo
  • The second is what we call dialectical reasoning, the work of synthesizing opposites and building new and improved ideologies. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Therefore, if dialectic narrative holds, we have to choose between deconstructive neocapitalist theory and postconstructivist desituationism. Xml's
  • Augustine: 1975, De dialectica, ed. Jan Pinborg, translation with introd. and notes by B. Darrel Jackson, Dordrecht: Medieval Semiotics
  • Instead, it is a dialectical unification of "enforceability" and "non-enforceability", and an important principle of Marxism about ideological education.
  • Besorge, I do not "obsess", it is you that is obsession of dialectics, words,etc... Is Economics a Science?
  • To understand brain and behaviour means rejecting that dichotomy and instead trying to interpret the intertwined dialectic of specificity and plasticity.
  • Our opposition generates, in dialectical fashion, discursive expressions of our values and world-view that resonate among us, and, at least ideally, offer the potential of more than talk. Archive 2009-10-01
  • the dialectical method
  • Whilst Marx disputed with Hegel's dialecticism and counterposed it with Historical Materialism - putting it simply, that economic conditions determined consciousness, ideas, economic evolution, etc - I felt that Hegel was not wrong, but that his perspectives could be said to describe particular stages of socio-psychological development in the course of socio-economic evolution. Asian
  • For Brother Jack, individuals (even entire communities) are expendable, if the historical dialectic so dictates.
  • Of course he used them ambiguously, contradictorily and dialectically, but use them he did.
  • In his version of dialecticism, a 'thesis' (i.e. one viewpoint or phenomena) is fused with an Asian
  • For example, "One of the main guiding forces behind the changing role of the archivist is the dialectic between objectivity and subjectivity in archival theory. ArchivesBlogs
  • Dorrien is an ‘Anglican social gospeler and dialectical theologian’ aiming to incorporate evangelical thought into the map of modern theological developments.
  • Gill suggests that ‘globalization is dialectical, not unilinear, promoting opposing tendencies: integration and fragmentation, universalism and particularism, homogenisation and differentiation’.
  • Dogma, dialectic, collective and the like are hardly sounds to sing with or symbols you can use to touch the heart and stir the soul. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The dialectic of display and secrecy essential to Mouride visuality is what gives Serigne Faye's imagorium such tangible impact.
  • Nor has anyone elaborated the idea of dialectics into a methodological system in the way that Marx and Marxism did. Pak Tea House
  • According to Schopenhauer Eristic Dialectic is mainly concerned to tabulate and analyse dishonest stratagems, in order that in a real debate they may be at once recognised and defeated.
  • Therefore , we need to a dialectic view on the relationship between message culture and campus culture.
  • But the Master-Slave dialectic seems to capture the relation between people in pornographic eroticism.
  • The word dialectics still retains this meaning in the theory of education. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The result is that between us George and I create a formidable dialectic; out of our dings and dongs there emerges, eventually, the noble synthesis of truth.
  • Seixon can’t debate without another person bringing a talking point, because his main dialectical trick is “No, you don’t”. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: July 7, 2006
  • Freeman explored the interconnected ‘dialectics of globalization/localization, production/consumption, and gender/class’ through the everyday lives of pink-collar informatics operators in Barbados.
  • In the Anatomy, ideas, topoi, modes, and kinds fell into co-ordinated, complementary distributions, or lattice-work of dialectical oppositions and counterparts.
  • The dialectic is anologous to the hammer and the anvil–the hammer rises, the thesis, the hammer falls, the anthesis, and finally the anvil becomes the new synthesis, the new policies. Avlon: Partisan politics ought to end at the water’s edge
  • This popular study considers the manner in which confessions of faith in the context of worship need the tensive force of controversial dialectic to refine and focus their impact on a wider Christian understanding.
  • But the Stoics also have devoted some pains to the latter, for they have diligently considered the methods of carrying on a discussion by that science which they call dialectics; but the art of discovering arguments, which is called topics, and which was more serviceable for practical use, and certainly prior in the order of nature, they have wholly disregarded. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • Rhetoric and dialectic rely on the same theory of deduction and induction.
  • It is an idealism without respect for ideals; a system of dialectic in which a psychological flux (not, of course, psychological science, which would involve terms dialectically fixed and determinate) is made systematically to obliterate intended meanings. The Life of Reason
  • Can we speak of one system "contaminating" the other, or do the two merge in a productive dialectic? Tragedy and the War of the Aesthetic
  • Further to the east, another deadline was inserted dialectically into President Obama's second 30,000-troop surge in Afghanistan (probably this was the work of some political head at the White House, possibly the VP and/or President Obama himself): the deadline for beginning the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan would be July 2011. Dr. Charles G. Cogan: Deadlines "R" Us
  • Yet the appeal to tripartition as the reassertion in triangular format of dialectical possibilities otherwise self-defeating achieves little.
  • Hare, in fact, constantly creates a form of internal dialectic.
  • Indeed, such dialectical transformation demands of us nothing less than a mindful, stoic patience ( "Man muß geduldig alles in sich aufnehmen und wachsen" [ "One must patiently take everything into oneself and let it grow"]), for it entails the daunting challenge of bursting "[d] ie Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • The dialectic narrative took the form of a collage, crafted with an uncommon conceptual and cinematographic rigour.
  • I call it dialectical triangulation.
  • This dialectical move works on many levels at once, acting to critique hodiernal life at the same time as it undermines its own critique.
  • He foresaw a classless society on the basis of his thesis of dynamic and dialectical interrelationship between the progress in the means of production and corresponding change in the mode of production.
  • Lacan took up or rather transposed Freud's definition of hypnosis on this second degree level of dialectical reflection between the reciprocally engaged egos and ego ideals.
  • Surely their replacing biological determinism with social constructionism presents too limited a dialectic.
  • Although accused of pantheism by their contemporaries, their systems can be identified as panentheistic because they understood God in various ways as including the world rather than being the world and because they used a dialectical method. Panentheism
  • I will say that the process that I am involved in is less dialectical than dialogical; in other words it is always in a process of becoming, that is, it is never forced into what I would consider to be a premature resolution or synthesis.
  • This is the spurious, evolving dialectic of electoral democracy.
  • Radical and socialist theories look upon the present order as merely tran - sient and emphasize a dialectical tension between a provisional state of affairs and an ultimate classless future. CLASS
  • The portraits of the uomini illustri above, Cheles has noted, appear to correspond to this dialectical arrangement. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • In a compressed pivotal dialectic, the form of Victorian eschatology is formulated coextensively with its own historical force — as, so to say, the inherent Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • his religiousness is dialectically related to his sinfulness
  • By using the concept of perichoresis, Moltmann moves away from a Hegelian understanding of the trinity as a dialectical development in history (Cooper 2006, 251). Panentheism
  • To be sure, they affect an elaborate rationalism, something they call dialectical materialism, which in turn rests on a verbal agglomeration known as Marxian economics. Latest Articles
  • The classical methodology of rational dialectic is our only road to truth!
  • On this basis, the exaggerative rhetoric deriving constitutes the feature of the extremes and dialectics.
  • In addition to his studies in the Academy, he found time to study dialectic (the discipline that corresponds most closely to present-day logic) with Diogenes of Babylon, the fifth scholarch of the Stoa and a pupil of Chrysippus. Carneades
  • It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.
  • Unless we view them dialectically, the events of history - the violent chaos of battle, agonies of martyrdom, interminable failures of individual intellect and will - appear to be no more than a ‘slaughter bench’ of human hopes.
  • The examination of the glosses in this codex reveals that the student glossators of this work engaged in a dialectical relationship about how to approach this medieval textbook.
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • Disjunctions or conditionals featured as premises in many of the logical paradoxes and sophisms which members of the Dialectical school discussed.
  • The essence of dialectical thought is division.
  • The character of the discussions were more palimpsestic than immediately dialectical, but no less valuable in their complexity and depth.
  • Marx took the Hegelian dialectic and placed it on a materialist base.
  • This refers back to the dialectical relationship between movements in the plural and a movement in the singular.
  • The all-round development of humans, as the ideal value goal which the communism pursues, represents dialectical and harmonious unity of the whole quality.
  • This can be seen as an early version of the Marxist dynamic of dialectical materialism.
  • However, it was a move borne of a need to address the city's chronic economic problems - unemployment was second only to Liverpool - rather than any cerebral dialectics on the value of high art.
  • The notions of a future life, of another world, and similar ideas are described as arising out of the dialectical limitations of the finite understanding.
  • The Hegelian dialectic attempts to grasp the totality of the system and argues that change occurs as a result of contradictions internal to that system.
  • Contemporary society, like contemporary dictators, can no longer be undermined by ridicule, Zizekexplains that "GrouchoMarx authoritarianism" is imminent, writers understand that the function of Dada and all intervention/provication movements is exhausted in an age where a self-satisfied social norm has dialectically synthesized with surrealism and the rest ... Mr.Dostoevsky
  • Thus, in the dialectical, penetrative understanding embodied in the play, the retributive logic remains, but not merely in the form of physical violence.
  • Verses like "Trivia ride tra le ninfe eterne" ( "Trivia smiles among the eternal nymphs") have always seemed only if he remains the continuer of pseudo-existential enlightenment, the decorator of placid human sentiments, or if he does not penetrate too profoundly into the dialectic of his time, whether from political fear or simple inertia. Salvatore Quasimodo - Nobel Lecture
  • This is an old dialectic—purity vs. despoliation, virtue vs. smut—but for families with teenagers, it is also everlastingly new. Darkness Too Visible
  • However, the word sech does not exist in the contemporary Dutch language; at best, it could be construed as a phonetic rendering of a certain dialectical mispronunciation of zeg. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 3
  • It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.
  • The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
  • Monocausal economism is replaced with the dialectical notion that social relations of production only exist in the form of economic, legal and political relations.
  • It can be read as a long-running dialectic between individualism and communalism.
  • The concepts ˜proof™ (apodeixis) and ˜sullogismos™ play a crucial role in Aristotle's logical-dialectical theory. Aristotle's Rhetoric
  • Written in the Socratic dialectic style, it attempts to determine the definition of virtue, or arete, meaning in this case virtue in general, rather than particular virtues (e.g. justice, temperance, etc.).. Jon Aquino's Mental Garden
  • Summulae de dialectica, ostensibly as a commentary on Peter of Spain's Summulae logicales, an influential terminist textbook written a century earlier. John Buridan
  • Quite the contrary, assimilation and ethnic identification are two distinct poles of a dialectic process of reidentification that involves creative cultural crisscrossing.
  • Within individual poems the meditative voice can operate dialectically, considering a position and then emending it, but the position of poems in sequence also constitutes a dialectic, an on-going conversation.
  • I am also indebted to this article for Kaufman’s very persuasive demonstration of the ways that "constructivism exists in dialectical tension with negative capability" (371), a notion I have tried to pursue here using a somewhat different vocabulary, and for his demonstration of the ways this claim has broader critical resonances with respect to the relationship between formalist and Frankfurt school criticism. close window Notes, "Darkness Audible: Negative Capability and Mark Doty’s 'Nocturne in Black and Gold'", Romanticism and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
  • The dialectical view, built on the inevitable production of alterity and the necessarily differential structure of language, entails predictable consequences.
  • How does the form heighten your dialectic in a poem like "Lettera amorosa"? Anis Shivani: Poetry As a Bridge Across Cultures: Anis Shivani Interviews Marilyn Hacker
  • In this reading of the Rabbinic tradition, the dialectical link between the literal meaning of scripture, in Hebrew the peshat, and the exegetical expansion of that literal meaning, derasha, is enabled by the dynamic process of hermeneutics as a rhetorical-literary and not a spiritual-existential process. David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
  • That is the heart of the distinction between eristic and dialectic. Justin Raimondo vs. Christopher Hitchens on al-Jazeera « Blog
  • More specifically, is there a profound gulf between the "mechanistic, " "passive, " and "fatalist" Marxism of Kautsky and the dialectical, activist, revolutionary Marxism of Lenin?
  • The author argues that we should use dialectical thinking to push the innovation of ideological and political work and raise the effectiveness and purposefulness.
  • Their dialectic is a reminder that flamenco is foremost an improvisational music, and in the hands of Morente and her collaborators remains a living, breathing tradition.
  • This dependency arises because the relationship between self and Other is not fixed, but dialectical.
  • But the dialectic method of argument is undoubtedly a good one if used properly, as it is dynamic, progressive and evolutionary (as opposed to being static, reactionary and revolutionary).
  • Think of the individual as embodying a dialectic of sameness and difference.
  • Cloaked words can always be brought to the light of Truth by the subtle use of dialectics in debate.
  • Hence the rhetorician who wants to persuade by arguments or proofs can adapt most of the dialectical equipment.
  • His manner too, in spite of the probable eirenic scope of his work, is that of a special pleader for paganism who uses all the resources of dialectic and rhetoric, all the artifices of wit and sarcasm to make his opponents seem ridiculous. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • In terms of the dialectical relationship between them, the ar- tical explores the interaction between the cultural construction of college campus and the ideological and political instruction.
  • Buck-Morss possesses an unregenerate belief in dialectical Utopia, and holds out the possibility of these dreamworlds eventually being converted into reality.
  • Satire, political cartoons, rai music, and a rich political slang in dialectical Arabic provide outlets for political sentiment.
  • As a result of this dialectic, social policy must become more visibly coercive in providing new forms of control over the working class, in the context of a growing chasm between the reserve army and surplus population.
  • Sabendo-me useiro e vezeiro nas dialécticas sofistas que o interpolar de palavras permitem, ofereci-me para esgalhar um textinho. Artistas Multifacetados
  • Just where do all the dedicated dorks, delightful dingbats, and dialectical dunderheads, plus a lively assortment of daffy ding-a-lings call home-sweet home?
  • He entitles this kind of opposition dialectical, and that of contradictories analytical.
  • This is one reason I kept yammering about the dialectical nature of rock; it often embeds a critique and a conflict.
  • Existence is not dialectical, not representable.
  • Smith, a staunch profeminist, spent a year with their infant son as the primary caretaker, and writes a very intelligent and engaging blog called "Daddy Dialectic". Kari Henley: No Child Left Behind = All Boys Left Behind
  • The first of these preliminary considerations is related to some discussions within the art of dialectic whereas the second is theological in nature.
  • On Chinese Culture Dialectical Thought Coordination - New Scientific Rationality Theory "".
  • Jeff, who is a kidder, and William, who is superconscientious, engage in bizarrely dialectic duologues.
  • Criticism of utopias that slight either collective or personal dimensions is the starting point from which David Harvey calls for a comprehensive “spatiotemporal” or “dialectical” utopianism. Utopianism and Joanna Baillie: A Preface to Converging Revolutions
  • Most importantly, he was a brilliant student of philosophy and theology, or more specifically what is referred to in Arabic as kalam, which is a form of dialectic debate and argument. When Baghdad was centre of the scientific world
  • This enables a less dogmatic argument which rests upon the unresolved dialectical tension between an approach which is very speculative and theoretical, and another which is stylistically more factual.
  • This text is seen by Jameson as key to understanding Brecht's critical reflections on dialectics and his orientally informed fascination with flow and flux.
  • Linehan diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder, an extreme inability to regulate moods, and prescribed a type of counseling called dialectical behavior therapy. The Forgotten Patients
  • Self and not-self, subject and object, are not contradictories, but dialectical polarities.
  • This constellation of images, and the devil in its dialectic, is nicely captured in this passage.
  • The spiritual nature of matter as the Alma Mater, which serves as the alchemical framework of Hegel 's dialectical idealism, is the sublation (Aufhebung) of raw inchoate matter by which it becomes what it always already potentially is: Geist or Spirit. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • The second is what we call dialectical reasoning, the work of synthesizing opposites and building new and improved ideologies. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • The concept of social persons, she argues, dialectically links subjective interiority to the social world by habituation.
  • Note 2: The seven liberal arts consisted of the mathematical arts (the quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music) and the verbal arts (the trivium: grammar, dialectics, and rhetoric). back Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • We proceed afterwards to hypostatize this idea of the sum-total of all reality, by changing the distributive unity of the empirical exercise of the understanding into the collective unity of an empirical whole -- a dialectical illusion, and by cogitating this whole or sum of experience as an individual thing, containing in itself all empirical reality. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • To posit a rupture is to hypostasize a piercing through; an Aufhebung which neither lifts up nor preserves the dialectic.
  • What we are embracing with this title is not the stamp of authority that a responsa from a learned rabbi brings with it; rather we are embracing the dialectical approach which characterizes a great many of them. Rapid Responsa: An Invitation to Meet on 3/27 and Talk About Obama’s Philadelphia Speech on Race and Resentment « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • This aspect of aesthetic community is not the same as what another French philosopher, Jean-Luc Nancy, terms the "inoperative community," the longing for the original idea of community that was lost or broken in the transition to modernity, the dialectic of what sociologists term Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. Vince Carducci: Aesthetic Community in Detroit
  • Concepts were not in his eyes the static self-contained things that previous logicians had supposed, but were germinative, and passed beyond themselves into each other by what he called their immanent dialectic. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • By living life in contradiction, by embodying the contradiction, Galifianakis seems to be promoting a dialectically nuanced view of reality, which is an invaluable counterweight to the mindset of oversimplification. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Pattern Interruption Hall of Fame: Zach Galifianakis
  • For five have the sesquialter proportion, three cups of water being mixed in two of wine; three, the double proportion, two being mixed with one; four, the sesquiterce, three cups of water to one of wine, which is the epitrite proportion for those exercising their minds in the council-chamber or frowning over dialectics, when changes of speeches are expected, — a sober and mild mixture. Symposiacs
  • This ‘rationalisation’ of divining pointed to the dialectical nature of the ideological contest between folk and scientific wisdom.
  • This constellation of ideas provides a non-dogmatic and equivocal statement on the co-optation and dialectical struggle of Soviet art.
  • Trotsky, claimed James, had misunderstood the dialectic and therefore there was a fundamental flaw in his interpretation of history.
  • Each pair in fact began to gravitate to opposite poles within the horizon which Dialectical Theology had opened up.
  • The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
  • Yet if the middle-class memories of the servants from their youth seem too simplistic, I contend that there are deeper reasons embedded in the dialectics of writing autobiographies and memoirs at a particular historical conjuncture.
  • It is based upon the belief that conflict and social dissonance are a product of the dialectical interplay of unequal relations in any community based in a bureaucratic regime.
  • Passion's dialectical opposite, self-destruction, runs rampant during these years of his life.
  • [W] hile the dialogue is inventive and gorgeously dialectical, the pacing is off ... Ruby's Spoon: Summary and book reviews of Ruby's Spoon by Anna Lawrence Pietroni.
  • It happens that institutions of terror and cruelty have so often been organised under a humanitarian remit that one is inclined to wonder if the values that supposedly gave rise to them are, 'dialectically', interpenetrated with their opposites. LENIN'S TOMB
  • Notwithstanding their profound and well-known differences, Hegel and Marx both find in dialectics a logical framework that allows them to articulate the rationality of a supra-historical process — the plot of freedom — that can be advanced only by individual agents and only at the price of remaining essentially opaque to them. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • In other words, according to Lehman's newspeak dialectic, an honest history has to be prepared to be dishonest about what actually happened.
  • What I say is, he that is emancipated never indulges in that intellectual gladiatorship which is implied by a dialectical disputation for the sake of victory. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Manamela said the YCL stood behind Nzimande's call for the teaching of dialectical and historic materialism in schools, his commitment to the fight against HIV and Aids, the eradication of poverty and for a challenge to the "bourgeoisification" of the ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The dialectician replaces hypotheses with secure knowledge, and his aim is to ground all science, all knowledge, on some ‘unhypothetical first principle’.
  • A preliminary analysis of various vocabulary items based on the linguistic corpus obtained suggests that expected dialectical variation exists between and within communities.
  • He wasn't an ideologue, he'd never been strong on dialectic, and anyway it wasn't the purpose of the meeting. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • We have seen enough to grasp the idea of the dialectical method.
  • All things develop through internal contradictions, aka dialectics Archive 2006-08-01
  • For five have the sesquialter proportion, three cups of water being mixed in two of wine; three, the double proportion, two being mixed with one; four, the sesquiterce, three cups of water to one of wine, which is the epitrite proportion for those exercising their minds in the council-chamber or frowning over dialectics, when changes of speeches are expected, — a sober and mild mixture. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Naggin" is probably a variant of "noggin" -- dialectical, the author's misspelling, or a typo. but I don't know how much wine a noggin-full is. Science Press Release Synopses
  • This aspect of aesthetic community is not the same as what another French philosopher, Jean-Luc Nancy, terms the "inoperative community," the longing for the original idea of community that was lost or broken in the transition to modernity, the dialectic of what sociologists term Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. Vince Carducci: Aesthetic Community in Detroit
  • Dreams and dialectics Hippy and student activist continue to recognize each other as allies.
  • The end of the signifier/signified dialectic which facilitates the accumulation of knowledge and of meaning, the linear syntagma of cumulative discourse. Jean Baudrillard

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