How To Use Diagonalization In A Sentence
On the diagonalization strategy, we make use of our preexisting grasp of ordinary content to determine what ordinary content the thought would express if it were located at the center of a particular centered world, and then determine whether that ordinary content is true at that centered world.
Narrow Mental Content
It is also important to stress that a few years later (1938) an analog of the diagonalization lemma (the so-called second recursion theorem) was discovered by Kleene and was soon to become a basic tool in the foundations of recursion theory and computability theory.
Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
A new cost function based on the diagonalization of correlation matrices is proposed to measure the independency of output signals.
Just as there can be no set of all sets, there can for diagonalization reasons also not be a proper class of all proper classes.
Philosophy of Mathematics
the diagonalization of a normal matrix by a unitary transformation
Unlike the diagonalization strategy, the epistemic strategy does not depend on a prior determination of the broad content of the expression or state.
Narrow Mental Content
The article gives a result of the orthogonal sub - diagonalization of skew - symmetric transformation, and proves this discussion.
Gödel's construction was soon given a general form, as a general diagonalization lemma, which refers to arbitrary definable properties.
Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
By diagonalization, self-reference or the like we can get a sentence C such that
Curry's Paradox
The problem of identifying the bearer of narrow content is obviously closely related to the problem of what to hold constant when employing the diagonalization strategy.
Narrow Mental Content
These include: providing preventive and primary care services; developing a health workforce; devising equitable financing arrangements; regulating the private sector; and leveraging vertical programs (such as malaria control) to strengthen, rather than distort, the overall health system ( "diagonalization
PLoS Medicine: New Articles
Continuing down the list, this mathematical method called "diagonalization" generates a real number p between zero and one that, by its construction, differs from every real number on the list in at least one decimal place.
Strange but True: Infinity Comes in Different Sizes | Impact Lab
Upon diagonalization of C, a set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is generated defining a new set of generalized coordinates.