How To Use Diagnostic procedure In A Sentence
The most useful diagnostic procedure is aspiration and analysis of synovial fluid from an affected joint.
It includes detailed descriptions of common genetic anomalies and inherited diseases, and of diagnostic procedures.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
For example, tubing made from cobalt alloys can be used in the production of rigid or stiff endoscopes for use in certain diagnostic procedures.
It includes detailed descriptions of common genetic anomalies and inherited diseases, and of diagnostic procedures.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
But inherent in the diagnostic procedure is a presumption that defective embryos will be discarded.

It includes detailed descriptions of common genetic anomalies and inherited diseases, and of diagnostic procedures.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
Diagnostic procedures may include a physical examination, conventional blood and urine tests, and tests that are not used in conventional medicine, such as the urine indican test (to determine the degree of intestinal putrefaction, a cause of toxemia), or the Heidelberg test (to measure stomach acidity).
The Best Alternative Medicine
The diagnostic procedures should not be restricted to medical or neurological causes of psychosis alone but should also focus vascular complications related to orthotopic liver transplantation.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Lanza counters this objection by saying that if the blastomere failed to divide, his group would send it off for PGD testing immediately, thereby salvaging the diagnostic procedure.
Scientific Sidestep?
These waiting lists are for diagnostic procedures, treatments, and dietetic counselling, to name just a few.
Examining the medical records of more than 5,200 patients who underwent breast-conserving surgery for early, invasive breast cancer, researchers found that tiny cancer cells in the sentinel lymph node -- the first node to which malignant cells are likely to spread from a primary tumor -- detected with a diagnostic procedure called immunohistochemical IHC staining had no effect on overall survival.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
And we will extend the availability of diagnostic procedures in the GP surgery.
Times, Sunday Times