
How To Use Diadem In A Sentence

  • She was crowned with a little silver diadem sparking with stones, and her shining fair hair was pulled back and rolled into some kind of jewelled net behind her head. Royal Flash
  • In a beauty pageant in a women's penitentiary, a pretty 22-year-old (crime unspecified) won a silver diadem and the title of Miss Captivity.
  • An armored knight kneeling before a robed and diademed woman. Earl of Durkness
  • Twice did the heavy claymore of Wallace strike fire from the steely helmet of the monarch; but at the third stroke the glittering diadem fell in shivers to the ground, and the royal blood of Edward followed the blow. The Scottish Chiefs
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young merchant continued, When I entered and took a seat, the lady at once came in crowned with a diadem533 of pearls and jewels; her face dotted with artificial moles in indigo,534 her eyebrows pencilled with Kohl and her hands and feet reddened with Henna. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
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  • The only hints of their original identity are provided by the diadem and wreath of Statue A and the Corinthian helmet (now lost) of Statue B.
  • And, turning to the more familiar aspects of the subject, how singular the fact, and how typical of the universality of Christian brotherhood, that He, who ` ` hath made of one blood all nations of men, '' should have also made of the same material the priceless brilliant which adorns the diadem of the prince, and the soot which begrimes the cabin of the humblest peasant! Religion and Chemistry
  • The diadem was a mark of royal rank among the Asiatic nations. Plutarch's Lives, Volume II
  • As described by Alain, her diadem represents the heavens with all the constellations, while her clothing represents the earthly realm.
  • Rather than present a remote and solemn goddess, adorned with the jewels of her divine position, Chen portrayed an aging woman, wrapped in a simple robe and unadorned, except for a bracelet and a diadem.
  • But Tamara actually was strolling on one of the small islets up at the far end of the lagoon, wearing a full-body sensor suit and a set of microminiaturized cameras that ringed her head like a diadem to provide a complete picture of the island environment for the virtual reality link. Moonwar
  • In this program Pavlova was robed in shimmering white and silver, with diademed head and ankles tied with rosy ribbons … The fairy scene vanishes and a radiant figure — (Pavlova) — [re -] enters the stage walking with the delicate precision and grace of some wild bird. Further Pavlova
  • Juliet's death, at the school's Ivoloina Zoological Park in Madagascar, was a blow to scientists, who had hoped that the female would mate with Romeo, a male diademed sifaka, who has been at the center in North Carolina since 1993.
  • From 330 his status was displayed in his court dress, which combined the traditional Macedonian hat and cloak with the Persian diadem, tunic, and girdle.
  • You see, her diadem is a wreath of them; but the blossoms of it are not fastening enough for her hair, though it is not long yet -- (she is only in reality a Florentine girl of fourteen or fifteen) -- so the little darling knots it under her ears, and then makes herself a necklace of it. Ariadne Florentina Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving
  • Still beyond this lovely island rose from the water the gardens, villas, palaces, temples, and propyla which lay between Memphis and the river; while the city of Apis, “the diadem of Egypt,” in all the glory of architectural majesty and beauty, reposed on the plain beyond; the mighty pyramids, with their winged temples and colossal dromos of sphinxes, filling the background of this matchless scene. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • The Mahrkagir of Drujan wore no crown, no diadem, no badge of office; only black, unalleviated save for the worn silver brocade on his coat. Kushiel's Avatar
  • Among the first people to embrace wreaths were ancient Persians, who wore diadems made of fabric and jewels - the wreath standing in for wealth and power.
  • Excavations in the 1960s had recovered gold diadems and other jewelry, a silver vase, glass bowls, coins, and much pottery.
  • Surveys at Discovery Bay showed that Diadema reappeared on the shallow fore reef after 1996, accompanied by drastically reduced macroalgal cover.
  • And a kercher on that head, where late the diademe stoode, The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke The First ('Bad') Quarto
  • It will include Tutankhamun's royal diadem - the gold crown discovered on his head - and one of the canopic coffinettes that contained his mummified internal organs.
  • Eddic record, Dark Elves (Nibelungs, or nebulous Sons of the Night) are digging and working, melting and forging the ore in their smithies, producing charmful rings that remind us of the diadems which bind the brows of rulers; golden ornaments and sharp weapons; all of which confer great power upon their owner. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • [330] One is crowned for that which another is tormented: Ille crucem sceleris precium tulit, hic diadema; made a knight, a lord, an earl, a great duke, (as [331] Agrippa notes) for that which another should have hung in gibbets, as a terror to the rest, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A bloodlike substance, dark and tarry, seemed to be leaking from the diadem. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
  • In this program Pavlova was robed in shimmering white and silver, with diademed head and ankles tied with rosy ribbons … The fairy scene vanishes and a radiant figure — (Pavlova) — [re -] enters the stage walking with the delicate precision and grace of some wild bird. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Magnificent bracelets, pendants, necklaces, rings, armlets, earrings, diadems, head ornaments, pectoral ornaments and collars of gold were all produced in ancient Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.
  • Roman empress, shod with light sandals, from which issued the beautiful naked feet, and the toes adorned with costly rings, her exquisitely moulded arms ornamented with massive gold bracelets; her short curly hair fastened together by a gold bandelet, which rose over the forehead in the shape of a diadem, bejewelled with precious diamonds; the mantle of purple, fringed with gold and placed on the shoulders -- was in this costume of such a wonderful beauty, that men gazed at her with astonishment and women with envy. Empress Josephine An historical sketch of the days of Napoleon
  • Diamonds, chokers, necklaces, bracelets, and a silver diadem were added to the pendant that Skye had put on in Derick's attic.
  • A joy that has gone from us for ever is a jewel that trembles like a tear on Sorrow's breast, but the brightest stars in her diadem are the memories of hopes that have passed away unrealised and untold. A Dozen Ways Of Love
  • Wagner's music, there float, a massive diadem, the towers and parapets and banners of Nuremberg the imperial free city, monument of a victorious burgherdom, of civic virtue that on the ruins of feudalism constructed its own world, and demonstrated to all times its dignity and sobriety and industry, its solid worth. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • Grant him the enduring crown with the radiant and noble diadem.
  • On May 15, 1838, at Buckingham Palace she wore the diadem made in 1820 for the coronation of George IV, making her the only American ever to have worn the British crown.
  • North and south, the horizon was a chaotic sky land of pinnacles, spired and minareted, steepled and turreted and domed, each diademed with its green and argent of eternal ice and snow. The Metal Monster
  • Let us rather go out to meet it gallantly: or perhaps -- for all this pendulous orb, this fair gem in the sky's diadem, is not surely plague-striken -- perhaps, in some secluded nook, amidst eternal spring, and waving trees, and purling streams, we may find Life. III.2
  • Every land illuminated by thy diadem is encircled by thy might; and in all the zone of the heavens there is not a rebel to rise up against thee. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Ein Diadem erkaempfen ist grosz; es wegwerfen ist goettlich. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • The asses and denarii minted by C. Marcius Censorinus show him in profile as a bearded and diademed man.
  • A diadem is purchased with gold; silver opens the way to heaven; philosophy may be hired for a penny; money controls justice; one obolus satisfies a man of letters; precious metal procures health; wealth attaches friends. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Moreover, I saw a throne of red gold, crusted with pearls and gems, and seated thereon a son of Adam arrayed in the most sumptuous raiment and bearing on his head a Chosröan506 crown, diademed with the finest stones that shed a light like the light of day; but, when I came up to him, I found him stone. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Araneus diadematus dragline silks are studied. The assemble and shape structures of dragline silk is analyzed.
  • A delicate golden diadem, yet to be pinned into place, waited on the dressing table. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • The diadem on her head was all that marked her as royalty.
  • Arriving in the sultanate of Yogyakarta we caught a glimpse of the cloud-diademed peak of Merapi, just 25 kilometers away. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 1
  • The seven-year-old was playing Queen Victoria, spangled with plastic diadems, and though she had only one line, she belted it out in a particularly regal way.
  • Imperial diadem from the representatives of Gaul; and his election was ratified by the acclamations of the Barbarians and provincials. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • On a coin of Pompey the Great the bearded head of Numa appears in profile, wearing a diadem inscribed NVMA.
  • They made the frontlet for the holy diadem of pure gold, and incised upon it the seal inscription: “Holy to the Lord.” THE BLESSING OF A SKINNED KNEE
  • The diadem perched on coils of hair, trapped between gold and red, the color of the horses they call roan. THE DIAMOND
  • Andronikos also found a diadem, a corselet, helmet and spears, a tripod and metal bowls.
  • Among the first people to embrace wreaths were ancient Persians, who wore diadems made of fabric and jewels - the wreath standing in for wealth and power.
  • The wreath was to be of _wild_ olive, mark you: -- the tree that grows carelessly, tufting the rocks with no vivid bloom, no verdure of branch; only with soft snow of blossom, and scarcely fulfilled fruit, mixed with grey leaf and thornset stem; no fastening of diadem for you but with such sharp embroidery! The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • A population discovered at Tsinjoarivo in 1999, originally thought referable to P. diadema, is morphologically distinctive and might represent a new species. Archive 2006-09-01
  • As planned, I set up a base camp in the north of the park and set out to study the two largest lemurs, Propithecus diadema diadema (commonly known as the diademed sifaka) and Indri indri (commonly known as the indri).
  • By Early Triassic times, cynodonts had diverged into large predaceous carnivores such as Cynognathus and moderate large omnivorous and herbivorous types such as Trirachodon and Diademodon.
  • He knew by her ducal diadem, by the baudekin colours of her robe, by her unmistakable air of pride, his daughter Isabel. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • Like bitter juice scratched in eldritch patience and dried on vellum skin. plethora convoluted diadem Rockin' babies and finally done with the class
  • On the arm of the chair was a diadem, one made for a younger and smaller person. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • As with 2008's Sweet Bells, Penistone folkie Rusby draws on the tradition of carol singing in South Yorkshire public houses, even unearthing centuries-old tunes in Diadem and Holmfirth Anthem. Kate Rusby: While Mortals Sleep – review
  • A delicate golden diadem, yet to be pinned into place, waited on the dressing table. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • In the height of his prosperity, the victorious monarch, who had chastised the rashness of Gallus, and suppressed the revolt of Sylvanus, who had taken the diadem from the head of Vetranio, and vanquished in the field the legions of Magnentius, received from an invisible hand a wound, which he could neither heal nor revenge; and the son of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • A diadem was worn as sign of royal power.
  • A small proportion of the graves contained exceptionally rich grave goods, including gold sceptres, diadems, pendants, and earrings as well as copper artefacts, pottery, and flint tools.
  • And then, preacher friend, ‘Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem, in the hand of thy God.’
  • It starts with the line "City famed in song and story, shrined within the hearts of men/Objects of a people's glory, thou, the Nation's diadem. Dreaming of taking the District by song
  • FN#509] One of them was sitting in the court of justice of the kazi's embrace; the second was the precious gem of the bazaar-master's diadem of compliance; and the third was the beazle and ornament of the signet-ring of the life and soul of the superintendent of police. Arabian nights. English
  • Ein Diadem erkämpfen ist grosz; es wegwerfen ist göttlich. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • Araneus diadematus dragline silks are studied. The assemble and shape structures of the dragline silk is analyzed .
  • On the arm of the chair was a diadem, one made for a younger and smaller person. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Antichrist, the summing up and concentration of all the world evil that preceded, is the eighth, but yet one of the seven (Re 17: 11). crowns -- Greek, "diadems." name of blasphemy -- So C, Coptic, and Andreas. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The number of endemic species in this ecoregion is high, with 35 range-restricted species and endemics, including diademed tapaculo (Scytalopus schulenbergi), and green-capped tanager (Tangara meyerdeschauenseei). Bolivian Yungas
  • The prayer of the Psalmist that this beauty may be _upon_ us conceives of it as given to us from above and as coming floating down from heaven, like that white Dove that fell upon Christ's head, fair and meek, gentle and lovely, and resting on our anointed heads, like a diadem and an aureole of glory. Expositions of Holy Scripture Psalms
  • Here are some of the jewels that have recently been added to the diadem.
  • The capricious god changed Ariadne into the Corona Cressa, or Cretan Diadem, already visible in the heavens in Titian's Bacchus and Ariadne as an omen at their first meeting.
  • And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
  • Already her person was buried; only the fair young head and the diadem of white roses around it were still visible to the pitying heavens; and, last of all, was visible one white marble arm.
  • She'd been dressed in a sleek blue dress, a diadem placed on her head.
  • Among the pieces on display are cutwork diadems, funerary masks, ornaments and ritual containers. Going for the Gold
  • The crown, known as a diadem, contained a special carving at its uppermost point. The Black Madonna
  • The exhibition also includes the Queen's diamond diadem, made for George IV's coronation in 1821 and known to millions as the ornament worn by the Queen on British coins and stamps.
  • Inside the box, was a gold diadem set with topaz and amethyst, with a matching bracelet, which had chains extending into rings for each finger.
  • The description of the composition can be related to only one surviving picture by Raphael - the Madonna of the diadem in the Louvre - but this painting is rectangular, and no circular versions of it are known.
  • The Sea is heaven's own blue like a diamond more lovely in a king's diadem than in the mines of the Indes but as it gushes up through the broken ice-like salt, it is black, full of asphalte scum - and in the hand slimy, and smarting as a sting.
  • My head feels encircled by a band of iron, this despite that before leaving the Abbey, I replaced the heavy crown of my father with the far daintier diadem of gold studded with sapphires, rubies, and pearls that was made for my mother to wear at her own coronation. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Two mammoth horns curved out from the head stretching up along the sides of a colossal diadem of brilliant brass encircling the bony ridged cranium of the beast.
  • Yea, and as for us, beloved pair of pious Emperors, shining forth from the purple, connected with the dearest names of father and son, and not allowing the name to belie the relationship, but striving to set in all other aspects also an example of superhuman love, whose preoccupation is Orthodoxy rather than pride in the imperial diadem,—it is in these things that the deed which is before our eyes instigates us to take pride. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • The whole family fortune is lavished upon diadems and necklaces of true or false gems. They have no other wealth.
  • The number of endemic species in this ecoregion is high, with 35 range-restricted species and endemics, including diademed tapaculo (Scytalopus schulenbergi), and green-capped tanager (Tangara meyerdeschauenseei). Bolivian Yungas
  • Over these buns is a fictional hair ornament or diadem that covers them with ribbon that streams from each. Screenwriter Justin Marks Explains Street Fighter Adaptation «
  • In one are seven towels, in another seven sponges: when the choir sings the Benedictus of Lauds, small brushes of box or yew but generally of bloodwort, arranged in the form of a diadem, are distributed to the canons. The Tradition of the Washing of the Altar
  • Until recently it was considered a subspecies of the diademed sifaka, but geneticists have now determined that it is a separate species.
  • Then, I saw that upon the crest of the diadem was a single great diamond wonderfully chiselled to represent a bat with outspread wings, the device upon the banners of the mystic realm. The Great White Queen A Tale of Treasure and Treason
  • Plotina, the consort of Trajan; she wears the imperial diadem, which is here composed of precious stones cut into facets. Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture

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