How To Use Diacritic In A Sentence
Since this journal does not specialize in Islamic theology, I will, for simplicity's sake, omit many of the diacritics used in the English transliteration of Arabic terms.
Because it was the English alphabet that was the standard, only a very few non-English accents and diacritics could be handled.
His attention is called to syllabification as well as to diacritical marks.
How to Teach Phonics
The accents and other diacritical marks we now use to write ancient Greek are comparatively late inventions.
The present orthographic system was introduced in the fourteenth century by the religious reformer Jan Hus, who instituted a system of diacritical markings to eliminate consonant clusters.

It's actually a pretty straightforward quiz, no questions about the minor uses of parentheses or diacritics or anything like that.
CREDITS: Ho usato questo sito per riprodurre correttamente i segni diacritici.
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They all contain numerous diacritic marks for which musical equivalents could be deduced.
It is of course a Palandine name, which accounts for the diacritic, but despite the pronunciation and the obvious shortened form, it has nothing to do with the word hawk.
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Bill, try the following to allow your computer to make "foreign" diacritical marks in any document.
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AutoCorrect is programmed with a number of two - or three-key combinations that will correct the appearance of a letter with a diacritic.
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Slovak, like other Slavic languages, has diacritical marks that govern the pronunciation of both consonants and vowels.
You might speculate that the earlier explanation is right, but words that Google thinks are of financial value, i.e. adwords that might be sold to a vendor, are indexed using a different algorithm that ignores diacritics completely.
I am much better with diacritical than with English grammar, anyway.
Matthew Yglesias » Defense Subcabinet Taking Shape
So – the diacritics are a feature of phonetics (not phonemics) and of tension, not lengthening.
P is for Phonemic Chart « An A-Z of ELT
This was the edit, BTW, where the printer had lost every letter that had a diacritical on it.
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Y. R. Chao was also known for the romanization of Chinese that he promoted, the Gwoyeu Romatzyh, whose distinguishing feature is that it indicates tone by changes in the letters used, not by diacritics.
Here are some useful sites for anyone needing to display diacritical marks, mathematical symbols, etc.
There is a stream of diacritics that look like the Greek breathings but should not be conflated with them.
The present orthographic system was introduced in the fourteenth century by the religious reformer Jan Hus, who instituted a system of diacritical markings to eliminate consonant clusters.
Hopkins employed a large number of notation marks or diacritics in his manuscripts in addition to detailed explanations and commentary, generally in his letters to Robert Bridges.
Slovak, like other Slavic languages, has diacritical marks that govern the pronunciation of both consonants and vowels.
Where necessary, I have adapted Italian and Latin texts according to modern convention, spelling out abbreviations, adding diacritical marks, and replacing u for v and i for j.
There is, however, a range of diacritical usage in or related to English, including two everyday marks with diacritical properties: the dot and the apostrophe.
In the first experiment, words were presented with pointing, that is, vowel diacritics carrying the full vocalic information in the word; and without pointing, i.e., with partial and ambiguous vowel marking by letters.
In modern written Vietnamese, which uses the romanized system of writing introduced by European missionaries, the tones are indicated by diacritical marks, or marks written above and below the vowel in each syllable.
But it has now lost its appeal largely because a total of 136 syllables require additional phonetic signs or diacritic marks, making it a fairly cumbersome system for printing and typing.
Aside from being pretentious, diacritical marks slow down typing and type setting, and reduce productivity.
Matthew Yglesias » Defense Subcabinet Taking Shape
In actual words, these unstressed vowels are written ‘i/u ’, ‘e/o ’, ‘a’, ‘ai/au ’, and ‘eai/oau’ (triphthongal), i.e., marking roundness but omitting the diacritics placed on stressed vowels of the same quality (since they are redundant due to vowel harmony).
Jay's theory, and that of a couple other scholars, is that, in fact, Jeffer -- th -- those -- those marks are kind of diacritical accents to indicate how the thing should be read aloud.
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This diacritically marked subject experiences splitting of the ego.
With the addition of diacritical points and vowel signs, the text of the Koran as we have it still presents a series of puzzles and enigmas begging for explanation.
Accuracy is thus particularly relevant when testing reading in a pointed orthography, which involves attention to both letters and diacritics in different linguistic contexts.
The orthography of Interlingua is based on the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet with no diacritical or accent marks.
It will not be until 2012 that Facebook supports the full range of diacritical marks and international characters that let the other 5.5 billion residents of Earth use their name as a username, but this fact will go unreported.
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students having superior diacritic powers
Consequently, diacritics typically have been omitted from modern editions of his poems.
Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
His work on reading Arabic, another mainly consonantal Semitic language that uses diacritics to disambiguate homophonous strings, also indicates a facilitating effect of pointing on readers mediated by context.
It's actually a pretty straightforward quiz, no questions about the minor uses of parentheses or diacritics or anything like that.
The only diacritical marks here employed are the acute accent for stressed syllables and the apostrophe between two vowels to indicate the glottic closure or interruption of sound (improperly sometimes called a guttural) that prevents the two from coalescing.
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Chinese has five vowels, each with one of four tones, and possibly a diacritic mark.
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The alphabet uses a great many diacritics to show spoken tones.
Two of the problems that you mention, are lack of a GA that does the focussing job of RP, and the disarray of phonetic, alphabetic and diacritic systems used by different US publishers in their dictionaries.
P is for Phonemic Chart « An A-Z of ELT
Combining Diacritics permit an operating system to support arbitrary algorithmic graphemes on the fly, and the better the rendering the bigger the problems in determining whether to search precomposed or decomposed.
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the diacritic elements in culture
Thus, the basic letter forms and spacing for a word printed with or without diacritics remain unchanged.
Even pinyin using diacritic marks has problems.
Apologies to non-Gaelic speakers for that linguistic intrusion, apologies to Gaelic speakers for being unable to find HTML equivalents for the needed diacritics.
Errors and omissions in Greek diacritical marks have been silently corrected.
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The one or more diacritic components are then distinguished and isolated from the base portion of the character.
Not since Stør has a diacritical mark been so thoroughly ignored.
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Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
No diacritic marks are normally used for native English words, unless the apostrophe and the diaeresis sign are counted as such.
The present invention is a method for recognizing non-English alpha characters that contain diacritics.
No diacritic marks are normally used for native English words, unless the apostrophe and the diaeresis sign are counted as such.
Admittedly a lot of those are basic Roman characters with diacritics but the exact positioning of the diacritic can be tricky - and it can sometimes modify the basic character shape.
In the pronunciation guide you will see some strange characters called diacritical marks above or below a letter to modify the way a word is pronounced.
Archive 2009-09-01
First of all, I apologize that I do not know how to make my computer put the diacritical markings on the Spanish words.
Help with my Tarea, por favor...
The large number of diacritics makes it possible to mark minute shades of sound as required for a narrow phonetic transcription.
No diacritic marks are normally used for native English words, unless the apostrophe and the diaeresis sign are counted as such.
English orthography is such that diacritics are allographic and ligatures are allographic.
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The empty boxes are just a matter of fonts lacking the diacritic glyphs - OK, that's just a residue of history.
Specifically, I need to use fonts with Polish diacritics.
Nor can it be a case of orthographic fetishism, such as the gratuitous use of diacritics intended to make a word look chic, e.g. Lancôme.
What I found in Yule, Hobson-Jobson, p 861 excuse loss of diacriticals: "Sackcloth", often used in the masochistic sense of "hair shirt", apparently traces back to the Persian "Sakkalat, saklatun", which meant a kind of woollen broadcloth. MORE PYNCHONIAN VOCAB.
In the first experiment, words were presented with pointing, that is, vowel diacritics carrying the full vocalic information in the word; and without pointing, i.e., with partial and ambiguous vowel marking by letters.
Here are some useful sites for anyone needing to display diacritical marks, mathematical symbols, etc.
The large number of diacritics makes it possible to mark minute shades of sound as required for a narrow phonetic transcription.
Looked up the word aliene (sorry, but I don't know how to do diacritical marks here) in my Cassell's French-English dictionary.
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The French feminine name, however, is “Michelle”, and carries no diacritic. kid bitzer Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Defense Subcabinet Taking Shape
Vowels, consonants, ingressives, suprasegmentals, intonation, diacritics, ejectives, implosives, diphthongs, and clicks are demonstrated.
Starting from the epigraphic capital, decorations were now added to cross-strokes and feet, diacritics took on a curved shape, and in general the letter-form narrowed downwards.
The diacritic mark may be left out on some sites or may not display correctly.
The other three vowels are represented by diacritics, which are super- or sub-scripted to the letters in a word.
The following are Pashto phonemes rendered in Arabic letters and their equivalents in English letters, some of which include a diacritic:
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There were more deviations from the normal pattern in the pointed experiment, where dyslexies had to process both graphemes and diacritic signs than in the nonpointed experiment.
(Jun 9 2008) I forgot the IPA wavy diacritic underneath the *d denoting creakiness (as in MIE ablative ending *-ad̰ above).
Archive 2008-06-01
Mr. Luxenberg explains these copies are written without vowels and diacritical dots that modern Arabic uses to make it clear what letter is intended.
This disadvantage is made worse by the limited number of characters on keyboards originally designed for English and may require a complex use of keys to add diacritics to letters.