

  1. an adherent of Satan or Satanism

How To Use diabolist In A Sentence

  • It is a high vantage point overlooking the town, a place where a murderous diabolist could hide from the implacable huntress on his trail and from which he can watch and direct his unliving army.
  • I must be permitted to register clearly the general conviction that if black magic, sorcery, and the Sabbath up to date had been merely revived demonomania, had been merely concerned with the black paternoster, the black mass, or even with transcendental sensualism and the ordeal of the pastos, the Roman hierarchy would not have taken action as it has, nor would the witnesses concerning these things have been welcomed with open arms; as a fact, no interest whatsoever is manifested in the doings of diabolists who operate apart from Masonry. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • With an inhibitive gesture to my friend, "Mr. Soames," I said emphatically to the devil, "is a Catholic diabolist"; but my poor friend did the devil's bidding, not mine; and now, with his master's eyes again fixed on him, he arose, he shuffled past me. Enoch Soames: A Memory of the Eighteen-nineties
  • Soames was an English self-declared Catholic diabolist poet minor to the point of invisibility.
  • He was a shameless self publicist, a fraud and a charlatan, but he was also an educated, intelligent and willful diabolist. Witches Have More Fun In Bexhill?
  • Well, as it turns out, they are linked to the same secret society, a diabolist cult. Missing Persons : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Long after his death in 1947, the diabolist attracted even bigger followers than Hubbard, who founded Scientology in 1954. Scientology: a Satanic link?
  • Then, there are gratuitous horror elements thrown in and just as abruptly swept offstage, like the suggestion that one of the characters, badly mutilated by the fire, will emerge in the future as a "brilliant diabolist. SNOW WHITE AND THE GIANTS by J. T. McIntosh (Avon 1968)
  • I suggest a series of articles pointing out how dreary, how inhuman, how downright diabolist, is the very smell and atmosphere of some of these great houses. The Complete Father Brown
  • To achieve this the diabolists at the Gummi factory have two options.
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