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How To Use Diabolical In A Sentence

  • She does not succeed in persuasively outing the Don Juan / Superman with his diabolical red beard and Jaeger wool suits.
  • Underneath the ‘ordinary ’dial is another which has a rather diabolical look, but which is simply a piece of horology that shows those star signs that tell your horoscope.
  • Yes - even the placement of the delete function is, when viewed in context, diabolical.
  • 'Oh, no, 'said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny,' the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap. He never eats dumplings, he don't -- he eats nothing but steaks, and likes 'em rare. ' Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
  • The Bible tells us there is such a thing as the mystery of iniquity, that is to say, the mystery of the spiritual power used invertedly, used from the diabolical standpoint; and when the Bible speaks of the mystery of iniquity, it means what it says. The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
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  • Conditions last night diabolically perfect for coating aircraft which is called rime ice. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2009
  • Well, Octavia, when they blame U.S., are they suggesting some sort of diabolical plot?
  • No, the problem was a licence with such potential being turned into such a diabolical arcade adventure.
  • Social Security is a diabolically inadequate program: if you die, the ‘contributions’ you've made to the system are forfeited, and your heirs are out of luck.
  • At one time, diabolical machines were devised for torture: from the brank, the brazen bull, and the breaking wheel to the heretic's fork, the instep borer and the iron maiden. Russ Wellen: What Is It with Men and Torture?
  • We have been treated diabolically - no one will tell us anything about redundancy pay or anything.
  • The inability to kneel is seen as the very essence of the diabolical. 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
  • If you were an diabolical terrorist mastermind living in a cave, around what place would you centre your evil terrorist plans?
  • It was indeed very fitting that the President of the USA should have two direct descendants from that diabolical slave trade on hands for his African visit.
  • This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
  • The choice of name, ‘Death March,’ was said to be the evidence of the diabolical intent of Stephen Cadiz and his group.
  • Until somebody takes a diabolical liberty with me, they are a part of it. The Sun
  • Something diabolical happened in Canberra on Thursday.
  • I think what happens is we have these two tendencies, divine and diabolical, the sinner and the saint, the sacred and profane.
  • If this is part of the reason the anecdote raises a smile, comedy would seem to be functioning here at its moral, corrective level, scuffing the shine on vanity and entrapping the diabolical self.
  • Conditions in the prison were diabolical.
  • But, aiming to arm themselves with terrific and overwhelming strength, by invoking the cooperation of forces from the spiritual, invisible, and diabolical world, with rash "precipitancy," they hurried on the witchcraft prosecutions. Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
  • It was diabolical that only 885 dogs are licensed in Co Carlow.
  • His aggressive, diabolical performance earned widespread critical praise and numerous British stage awards.
  • The debacle in Poznam featured that old chestnut, the diabolical deflection, known and despised since that tragic afternoon in Gelsenkirchen.
  • Hamlet," and then create a revulsion of feeling by somersaulting over the centre-fire of the circle and standing on his head before it, grinning diabolically at the incensed pot? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
  • But what happens in the dating world, alas, is something more diabolical and complex.
  • And this infernal monster, Popery, is now rearing his impious head again in this long-favoured country, and will, I fear, soon repeat his diabolical cruelties upon the Church of God.
  • I have been so haunted by diabolical deceptions in this matter, that what do I know but that the devil may assume the form of this rustical juvenal, in order to procure me farther vexation? — The Monastery
  • Leclère, to lay his heavy hand on the bit of pulsating puppy life, to press and prod and mould till it became a big bristling beast, acute in knavery, overspilling with hate, sinister, malignant, diabolical. Batard
  • The pressure staff are put under is absolutely diabolical. The Sun
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • Much credit must be given to Iago's diabolical prowess which enables him to bend and twist the supple minds of his friends and spouse.
  • Sometimes a blob in a grey big rib duffel coat would audibly giggle when she started reciting the magical powers and diabolical curses inscribed on the trifold. What it means to be a doctor is to love
  • As much as it may surprise you, I do have a plan, a diabolical plan for the destruction of Hydrogen Guy and his infernal cohorts.
  • For “democracy” or the “democratic spirit” (diabolical sense) leads to a nation without great men, a nation mainly of subliterates, full of the cocksureness which flattery breeds on ignorance, and quick to snarl or whimper at the first sign of criticism. Screwtape on Democracy | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • Even more diabolically, it kept finding and disabling or corrupting my anti-virus software, although it took me a little while to figure this out.
  • All of these things came together to create this awful concatenation of these various factors, simply diabolically coming together.
  • And to think we almost walked right into that diabolically clever trap!
  • As the Devil is ordinarily by no means wanting in shrewdness, the omission might perhaps be set down to his credit on the score of charity, but for his abominable taste in matters of diabolical vertûe, as shown by his penchant for sanguinary signatures to all compacts and bonds for bad behavior made with or exacted by him, in the course of his "regular dealings" with mankind, and hence it must be considered a clear case of ignorance or oversight, that this test, compared to which there is toleration for boils even, was not applied. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Satans, though rarely mentioned in the Old Testament are generally portrayed as obedient servants or sons of God who perform specific duties of strategic obstruction The Hebrew root of the word satan is STN, which defines an opposer, adversary, or an accuser, whereas the Greek equivalent was “Diabolos” from which derive the words diabolical and devil., again meaning no more than obstructor or slanderer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Another object of horror I found between the great hall of judgment and the luxurious apartment of the chief jailer (primo custode), the Dominican friar who presides over this diabolical establishment. Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
  • The diabolical thing was like a gyroscope that had started to precess, because torque had been applied to it. Tin
  • The very notion is ‘insidious, unworthy, diabolical, appalling, shrill and hysterical’.
  • Until somebody takes a diabolical liberty with us or with me, they are a part of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • H.W. Fowler wrote about them incisively in his 1926 Dictionary of Modern English Usage, though most of the specific words he considered — such as casuistic and casuistical, diabolic and diabolical — don’t trouble us anymore. Word Court
  • -- O Manning, if I should have formed a diabolical resolution, by the time you come to England, of not admitting any spirituous liquors into my house, will you be my guest on such shameworthy terms? The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
  • Nazism was a diabolical monstrosity and it was fitting not only to commemorate its demise, but also to celebrate the millions who paid the highest sacrifice.
  • The very notion is ‘insidious, unworthy, diabolical, appalling, shrill and hysterical’.
  • It was all an insidious and diabolical mistake.
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • The tractor roared, the donkey brayed and the water thundered by - it was a diabolical din.
  • Rising from the verdant splendour of the Ukrainian countryside, Zaporozhye looks like a diabolical inferno; a city on fire.
  • It is, as they say, a diabolical liberty. Times, Sunday Times
  • He ruled the expansive Persian Empire with an iron grip and was diabolically inventive with his punishments.
  • It sounded very much like she was trying to sound evil and diabolical, but all she came across as was somewhat disturbed.
  • The horse came out after a diabolical performance on the second day of the competition where he didn't leave the ground on some of the fences in the Nations Cup competition.
  • diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils
  • Toddy was so nicknamed because of his diabolical cleverness in concocting toddies. Chapter 29
  • Is it not better to hear their controversy from their own mouths whilst they are face to face before us, than to read these vile fopperies, which are nothing but trumperies, deceits, diabolical cozenages of Cepola, pernicious slights and subversions of equity? Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • It is transformation, transfiguration, that is the fairy-story, be it a divine or a diabolical change. The Art of the Moving Picture
  • Was there some evil demonic being looking to recruit unsuspecting people for a diabolical plan?
  • Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet were the ideal diabolical team and Elisha Cook Jr. was perfect as the expendable gunsel.
  • Because with their maddening obstructionism and the accurate framing of their party as the purveyors of "No!" they are hereupon revealed in their priggish guise to be retrograde and obsolete, trying desperately to incite culture war in a culture that no longer requires their participation and painting the Obama administration's efforts at economic stabilization (along with every other Democratic policy proposal) as an example of diabolical sorcery. Steven Weber: The Pilgrim's Regress
  • But it can't explain how he came up with something like this diabolical double whammy, a lyric that combines apocopation and internal rhyme -- in three-quarter time, no less. Sondheim's Still Here
  • Robbie Savage talks about his friendship with Roberto Mancini and how he feels Mark Hughes has been treated "diabolically" by Manchester City. Le Grove
  • We discovered human skeleton really below this monkey bread tree, but it cannot be " diabolical tree " after having a person, stay.
  • Unwittingly, he had unleashed the most diabolically destructive war machine yet engineered by the minds of men.
  • The designed product of the slave system, which Dr. Steel calls "a mild and humane system of bondage," was a dehumanized and bestialized thing, and there was no stone left unturned, no vigilance was deemed to exacting, no privations and cruelty too heartless, and no punishment too severe and diabolical to compass the end desired. Africa and the American Negro...Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa Held Under the Auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary in Connection with the Cotton States and International Exposition De
  • German, even in the post-war days when the enemy sent its Ambassador to the Court of St. James, and we weakheartedly reopened trade with the diabolical Huns and allowed them to dump in their cheap and nasty goods just as though no war had happened. The Stretton Street Affair
  • To vent his anger, it was said the experienced pilot concocted a diabolical plan. The Sun
  • A diabolical first half showing left the Mourne team with just too much to do after the break.
  • And Labor, in truth, is responsible for the diabolical state of ethics in Australia's radio and commercial television media.
  • I have been so haunted by diabolical deceptions in this matter, that what do I know but that the devil may assume the form of this rustical juvenal, in order to procure me farther vexation? — The Monastery
  • We are capable of diabolical evil - and angelic goodness.
  • The child-actress was the prop of her mother and the donkey; her talent also kept the youth, who began to agitate the nerves of Beynac with his diabolical rataplan hours before each performance. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • Toddy was so nicknamed because of his diabolical cleverness in concocting toddies. Chapter 29
  • Was there some evil demonic being looking to recruit unsuspecting people for a diabolical plan?
  • An evil financial adviser with a ‘diabolical’ mind wormed his way into the affections of a wealthy elderly spinster to solve his own financial crisis, it is claimed.
  • Rising from the verdant splendour of the Ukrainian countryside, Zaporozhye looks like a diabolical inferno; a city on fire.
  • Now is the time to show our courage, to show our resilience, to show the perpetrators of this diabolical act that our spirit is more resolute and determined than ever before.
  • Despite the best efforts of web architects, the web has always been a wild frontier of messy, confusing, and sometimes just diabolically broken markup (nicknamed tag soup).
  • It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.
  • There was, of course, along the way, the requisite diabolical genius-one of the living dead-and that half mad art prof who spoke in rambling "Blake-ian" parables that sometimes luminesced, but I digress.) Rate Your Students
  • I say, and New Zealand First says, that it is a diabolical disgrace to spend $21.15 million in this way.
  • This fine is absolutely diabolical. The Sun
  • In a floor speech, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, called the juxtaposition diabolical.
  • Early clues tonight to why it happened -- the cockpit voice recorder picking up mention of ice, conditions last night diabolically -- diabolically perfect for coating aircraft in what is called rime ice. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2009
  • Sounds good, you say: but as you get locked into your seat you notice the carny at the controls has a wild diabolical glint in his eye.
  • Restaurant launch puts my family feud in the past, says Ramsay Gordon Ramsay pledges to put the 'baggage' of his feud with his father-in-law behind him at the launch of his new London restaurant Amanda Knox 'is a diabolical she-devil' Amanda Knox was subjected to a fierce character assassination as she was described as a 'diabolical, satanic, demonic she-devil,' by a... Evening Standard - Home
  • I think what happens is we have these two tendencies, divine and diabolical, the sinner and the saint, the sacred and profane.
  • He'd have fled in the dark of night, on his own would never have found the courage for this diabolically timed desertion. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The book's production set some novel - not to say diabolical problems for Melbourne University Press.
  • Apparently an energumen, she had exhibited symptoms of diabolical possession for a dozen years: she could not pray, take communion or even pronounce the name of Christ.
  • Despite the best efforts of web architects, the web has always been a wild frontier of messy, confusing, and sometimes just diabolically broken markup (nicknamed tag soup).
  • I think it's absolutely diabolical and disgraceful that the England players even contemplated going on strike.
  • Potter wanted to twist this plot around, and have a much more diabolical character accomplish the same thing by accident.
  • Once more the benitier was brought, and the wall sprinkled; whereupon the diabolical noise stopped at once. It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • Only the stuff with a potentially diabolical angle is interesting? OnPoint Credit Union fourth quarter was loss, not profit (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The diabolical state of two of the main roads into Claremorris town was once again addressed at a meeting in the South Mayo capital last week.
  • Far too few have taken this diabolical wickedness seriously.
  • Another said:'It is diabolical that a convicted fraudster is trying to undermine the will of the people. The Sun
  • But it was going to be really diabolical this weekend up north, before Sydney came to the Friday night first semi-final party.
  • The detail of the inconsistencies in the etymological treatment and in the alloseme/lemma status of the quintile and sextile that you mention is no less diabolical! 1880s English | Linguism | Language Blog
  • Cassio has a "daily beauty" in him that makes Iago ugly by comparison, Caliban is obvious I suppose but \I am inclined not to grant y = the teat awk tragic status even diabolically tragic. Labour Play The Race Card Again
  • Intimations of zoanthropy and diabolical rites also attend the depiction of New York's financial world in David DeCoteau's low-budget horror movie Wolves of Wall Street (2002).
  • One hungry and fiery wish to destroy that diabolical caterwauler, took possession of my soul. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, June 1844 Volume 23, Number 6
  • To vent his anger, it was said the experienced pilot concocted a diabolical plan. The Sun
  • Diabolical possessions and false miracles still inundated one-half of besotted and barbarized Europe. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Your wisest scholars lose themselves in trying to unthread the mazes and mysteries of those incomprehensible depths of diabolical worship and intertwined beauty and honor, now known only from trebly diminished mythologic reflection. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • As the story unfolds, the object comes to represent a transfiguration of inner evil, repressed sexuality, an eruption of the unconscious, or simply a supernatural/diabolical manifestation.
  • Randolph later wrote an incoherent apology for his ‘diabolical, barbarous and wicked’ behaviour.
  • Councillors branded it ‘diabolical’ blaming KCC for being too slow in dealing with the heavy falls of snow of January 8.
  • the diabolical expression on his face
  • Indeed, The Price is Right is little more than a diabolical scheme to trick the viewer into watching 60 minutes of continuous advertising.
  • The Devil and his diabolical servants seemed to have no interest in the fate of individual mortals for the moment.
  • Nazism was a diabolical monstrosity and it was fitting not only to commemorate its demise, but also to celebrate the millions who paid the highest sacrifice.
  • These expedients for raising money displayed ‘well-nigh diabolical ingenuity’.
  • The dust is diabolical - at one stage you could be fired for using a sweeping brush and not a vacuum.
  • And then came Black Leclère, to lay his heavy hand on the bit of pulsating puppy life, to press and prod and mould till it became a big bristling beast, acute in knavery, overspilling with hate, sinister, malignant, diabolical. BÂTARD
  • The 1955 original was a triumph of atmosphere, character, diabolical wit and outright scare-you-silly shock tactics.
  • The bumper delivered from round the wicket looked diabolical.
  • And through some diabolical mishap of unfortunate engineering, all of it exited through one toilet in her basement.
  • The policy spending over the past year has been economically diabolical but is just commented on but never challenged by the journos.
  • Ow, ow, ow_! came from a couple of hundred yards away -- a hollow, diabolical kind of mocking laugh which sent a chill through the listeners. Fire Island Being the Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists in an Unknown Track
  • And Charlie Brown, turning the appellation optimist into someone sure to be scorned, because he so wants to believe and wants so much to kick that elusive football, comes charging down the field one more time, only to have the diabolical Lucy pull the ball once again, as Charlie Brown goes flying up in the air. Michael Russnow: The WGA Strike for Dummies: Why Is It Taking So Long?
  • The way in which the process has taken place, and the rush and haste in which this legislation is being rammed through, are a diabolical disgrace.
  • How quickly it got duplicitous, deceitful, diabolical, and it just came out really in last episode where the beginning of an alliance was forming.
  • The inchoate rage of Caliban is obvious just add mobile phones, but I am inclined not to grant the Great Awk tragic status, even of a diabolical kind. Brown Tragic ? He Wishes....
  • Tudor's first spell was handy, his second was diabolical.
  • So even that which we call profane, even that which we call diabolical is a different face of the same divine intelligence. CNN Transcript Aug 17, 2007
  • Gazing upon them, my heart softened and I almost forgave the gums their manifold iniquities, their diabolical thirst, their demoralizing aspect of precocious senility and vice, their peeling bark suggestive of unmentionable skin diseases, and that system of radication which is nothing short of a scandal on this side of the globe .... Old Calabria
  • There's a certain diabolical quality about him.
  • It is -- well, I came near to using the word diabolical -- to keep them in ignorance. The Hollow of Her Hand
  • And then came Black Leclère, to lay his heavy hand on the bit of pulsating puppy-life, to press and prod and mold it till it became a big, bristling beast, acute in knavery, overspilling with hate, sinister, malignant, diabolical. Diable - A Dog
  • A staunch nationalist, the maulana never agreed to the diabolical two-nation theory.
  • It was absolutely diabolical, very disappointing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, the animated sequence is diabolical.
  • We stood before the Lord in the high-backed chair, and I saw that the wood figures of his regal throne were, of course, animalian, feline and diabolical. Vittorio, The Vampire
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • Sometime after her acceptance, she exhibited signs of her former diabolical symptoms.
  • Another said: 'It is diabolical that a convicted fraudster is trying to undermine the will of the people. The Sun
  • Counter-posed to such diabolical artifice is the sacred prototype of holy icons, pictured on the painted frame above the idol: the sudarium of Veronica.
  • The contrast between his smiling face and the 'diabolically' bad news he was bringing to his fellow countrymen was a curious one. Henry Thornton Blogs
  • Now, I count myself among that small minority of middle class Indians who believe that both are serious problems and that it is diabolical to find excuses for them.
  • To vent his anger, it was said the experienced pilot concocted a diabolical plan. The Sun
  • Unless, of course, you think the Bay of Bigs fiasco was actually a diabolically clever criminal conspiracy to make JFK look bad.
  • The psychopathological of an diabolically is guinean on the boustrophedonic of the car parking birmingham it is unrelenting of, as toppingly as the loggia senecan of the bise that incessant it. Rational Review
  • To vent his anger, it was said the experienced pilot concocted a diabolical plan. The Sun
  • Hearing strange noises in the night and letting the imagination run wild are quite natural human traits and not very indicative of diabolical or paranormal activity.
  • “Oh, no,” said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny, “the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap. He never eats dumplings, he don’t — he eats nothing but steaks, and he likes ‘em rare.” Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • If you are the gentleman you would be thought, you will not refuse satisfaction for the diabolical calumnies you have so unprovokedly circulated against an innocent man. Lectures on Art
  • The GOP hatchet job on Obama has been so diabolically effective that Democrats have scattered to the hills in panic, despair and disillusionment. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: What Does Bill Clinton Have That Obama Doesn't?
  • It appears that they specialized in editing together still photos to look like rapid-fire animation, synced to the kind of diabolically cheery music you don’t hear on TV anymore. 3:42 Magazine :
  • At all other seasons it is almost deserted, in consequence, says popular superstition, of the Rajm or (diabolical) lapidation. 8 Distant about three miles from Meccah, it is Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • To vent his anger, it was said the experienced pilot concocted a diabolical plan. The Sun
  • Oh, no," said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny, "the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap. He never eats dumplings, he don't -- he eats nothing but steaks, and he likes 'em rare. Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • After a short period the friend who had presented Captain --, alarmed for my safety, and actuated by a liberal wish to defend me from the artifice of his associate, waited on my mother, and, after some hesitation, informed her that my lover was already married! that he had a young and amiable wife in a sister kingdom, and that he apprehended some diabolical stratagem for the enthralment of my honour. Memoirs of Mary Robinson
  • We defeated an enemy that was virtually global, and had struck without warning, and was really quite diabolical.
  • I do have aserious question – HOW can GWB implement the diabolical plan plunger is obsessed with if he’s so stupid? Think Progress » White House Searching For ‘Alternatives’ To Democracy In Iraq
  • At various places great water-tanks and reservoirs had been toppled over and smashed as though some diabolical power had made cockshies of them. The Soul of the War
  • A child is never too young to harbor deadly secrets, or plot diabolical schemes.
  • The self-reflective process of literary criticism known as "deconstructing the text" becomes a diabolical game of murder in NYT > Home Page
  • I think I ` d use the word diabolical to describe the way she lies. CNN Transcript Apr 28, 2009
  • Even before they were loaded onto the conveyer, workers sprayed them with a stain remover-dispensing wand and poured spot remover onto a couple of the more diabolical blotches. Why the Carpet Is White
  • his writing could be diabolically satiric
  • These images of Christmas cheer are miles away from where I sit now, at the Spence Academy for Young Ladies, forced to construct a drummer boy ornament using only tinfoil, cotton, and a small bit of string, as if performing some diabolical experiment in cadaver regeneration. Excerpt: Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
  • Asking for a 100% personal guarantee is absolutely diabolical. Times, Sunday Times

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