
How To Use Diabetic In A Sentence

  • Thus, for e.g. while laser ablation may halt the progression of diabetic nephropathy, it certainly does not restore eyesight. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Why Obesity Management and Weight Loss are NOT the Same
  • Remember that special "dietetic" or "diabetic" foods often cost extra money and may not be much healthier than simply following the suggestions given here. Undefined
  • Cells like that have been used to prevent cirrhosis of the liver and to heal diabetic ulcers and for drug testing.
  • He might be 900 feet tall, and gentle as a lamb in real life, but Micky Clarkskies has got a manic look in his eyes that reminds one of the bulging diabetical look Biggie used to charm the ladies. Our Top 10 Picks to Play Notorious B.I.G. | Best Week Ever
  • The thing the article doesn't mention in much detail, presumably because the writer isn't diabetic, is how awful hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) feels. SeeLight:
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  • It is well known that diabetics and people with glucose intolerance have impaired calcium metabolism. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • It got infected, then turned into a diabetic ulcer. The Sun
  • If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
  • Treatment of diabetic wounds with fetal murine mesenchymal stromal cells enhances wound closure. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Results in studies of diabetic patients are consistent with this hypothesis.
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • Ten percent to 21 % of diabetics have nephropathy, or kidney disease, a frequent complication of diabetes.
  • When a diabetic travels abroad, the customs sometimes take his syringe and he is suspected of being a narcotist.
  • Severe lipaemia in an undiagnosed diabetic will usually resolve with the institution of insulin therapy and effective diabetic control.
  • Your comment about anise being cost prohibitive is true, but what I started doing last year is to go to the pharmacy and buy a syringe (like diabetics use) and squirt proper amount on my bait. Tip of the Day: Add Scent Cheap with Cod Liver Oil
  • Conclusion - Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition by enalapril effectively reduces microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients whereas hydrochlorothiazide is not effective.
  • Earlier this year, a small study by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition suggested that flax seed-derived lignan (a natural plant-based compound) might modulate C-reactive protein levels in type 2 diabetics, especially among women. Flax Seed: A Natural Alternative to Statins?
  • At that time, she was eating a solid diabetic diet, moving her bowels, and ambulating.
  • For example, acesulfame-K induces chromosomal aberrations; sucralose is associated with several effects in animals, is weakly mutagenic, and increases the glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic patients.
  • But charities said yesterday that diabetics may be denied free access to the equipment after a government consultation on funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease, the difference did not reach statistical significance.
  • However, she warned diabetics to be wary of fruits with moderate calorific values such as mango, pomegranate and jackfruit, and high calorie fruits such as dates and grapes.
  • Diabetics often suffer from insensate fingers, and they said that manipulating and positioning test strips correctly in a monitor proved difficult, as well as attention grabbing in social situations.
  • These early studies were performed in diabetics with and without clinical evidence of vascular disease.
  • We have very many elderly and frail people that attend day care and some are diabetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one, Japanese researchers fed genetically diabetic mice a diet containing 20-percent whole maitake powder for eight weeks.
  • It promises to free many diabetics from the burden of injections. The Sun
  • Patients such as diabetics who need daily injections will benefit. The Sun
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • She is being treated at a special diabetic clinic.
  • Objective To establish an HPLC method for separating nine antidiabetic drugs.
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the blood sugar is high and the person may go into a diabetic coma stage.
  • Diabetic nephropathy is one of the common complications of diabetes. The review has summarized the vascular endotheliocyte trauma and blood coagulation fibrinolysis.
  • Another study presented at the same meeting combined edible oils from fenugreek, cumin, and pumpkin seed as well as oregano oil, and found that the oils may enhance insulin sensitivity and lower blood pressure in diabetic rats.
  • Diabetic necrobiosis typically causes discrete pretibial plaques, not the confluent skin changes seen in this patient.
  • Some patients regard diabetic clinic days as holy days and fast for them!
  • Conclusions The correct rehabilitation instruction of nurse is importance to the healing of the replacement operation of artificial femoral head of the old age diabetic.
  • Daily insulin injections are necessary for some diabetics.
  • Patients such as diabetics who need daily injections will benefit. The Sun
  • The diuretics were contaminated with bacteria; the antiepileptic drugs were contaminated with fungi, and one patient died because of taking those drugs; the antihypertensive drugs and the antidiabetic drugs were mixed. Chaotic drug management in Hong Kong
  • A history of diabetic symptoms such as polydipsia, polyuria and weight loss may sometimes, but not always, be present.
  • Subjects to be covered include long-term efficacy for current treatment, early intervention and combination treatment for maximum benefit, Hyperglycaemia and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), and Diabetic cardiopathy. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Diabetics do not produce enough insulin when blood glucose levels rise rapidly.
  • She looked like the kind of person who'd lock a diabetic cat in a foodless bathroom. Doggone
  • Before recombinant DNA technology enabled pharmaceutical companies to manufacture human insulin in the 1980s, pig and cow insulin were routinely given to diabetic patients.
  • Because patients with diabetes have demonstrated low levels of growth factors, becaplermin may be a good choice for diabetic ulcers that are clean and uninfected but slow to heal.
  • Experts said the aid can cut the number of young diabetics needing urgent medical help and boost their quality of life. The Sun
  • One diabetic man waited three years for a special test to determine his ability to drive despite his condition being stable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book contains a list of food items suitable for diabetic patients, routine exercises, diet control measures and details of periodical check-ups.
  • There's no getting around the fact that we are a prediabetic society with an obesity epidemic.
  • Purpose evaluation diabetic is appropriate to choice, dress the understanding state of footgear knowledge.
  • Many doctors tell a diabetic not to eat rice and eat only wheat or ragi.
  • Fear motivates us to drive cautiously even when in a great hurry, and fear makes a diabetic adhere to his diet and take his insulin daily.
  • One of the first dietary rules for all diabetics is to avoid all sugar and foods containing sugar, such as pastry, candy and soft drinks.
  • The diabetic nurse visited the school to educate firstly the teachers and secondly the classmates.
  • Therefore other metabolic abnormalities have been sought in diabetic subjects which might contribute to the increased vascular risk.
  • He traded a pair of headphones for a syringe from a fellow prisoner who was a diabetic.
  • I have been a diabetic since junior high and had to drink sissy diet sodas for years.
  • The research team, led by Dr. Andrew Levy of the Faculty of Medicine, had earlier demonstrated that diabetics with a particular form of a blood protein called haptoglobin had as much as a 500% increased risk of developing heart disease.
  • When someone is diabetic, they excrete sugar in their urine.
  • Diabetics and others on low-fat diets often need supplemental amounts of this fat-soluble nutrient.
  • Results in studies of diabetic patients are consistent with this hypothesis.
  • This summary is the belief of the most conservative of the outstanding clinicians in the United States engaged in diabetic work on a large scale. Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
  • In the Johns Hopkins study, participants with diabetic macular edema were asked to give themselves mecamylamine eye drops twice a day for 16 weeks. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • If diabetic neuropathy has damaged the nerves in your legs and feet, you may not be able to feel pain in those parts of your body.
  • Although 200 mcg of an absorbable organic form of chromium such as picolinate can improve blood indices for type 2 diabetics, it was not sufficient to reverse all glucose abnormalities.
  • The diabetic conditions which persists when the hypophyseal treatment is discontinued, should be called metahypophyseal diabetes. Bernardo Houssay - Nobel Lecture
  • Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease, the difference did not reach statistical significance.
  • Duoderm is designed for chronically ill elderly people with non-healing diabetic wounds.
  • Diabetic person whether the food of edible honey or royal jelly and so on?
  • The findings support concentrating diabetic care on partners with special interests in diabetes in well equipped practices with adequate dietetic support.
  • Most Indian diets are predominantly cereal based and thus higher carbohydrate intakes have become usual for people with diabetes unlike diabetic subjects in western countries.
  • One particular antioxidant currently under study, alpha lipoic acid, has been shown to help in the treatment of multiple sclerosis by balancing T-cell activity and has also been found to help lessen symptoms in those with diabetic neuropathy. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • One well-known diabetologist says that true non-diabetics have 4.2-4.6 HBA1c. Vegetarians AGE faster | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • What if the newly-diagnosed diabetic is 64 years old? Taxes and Health Insurance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Results indicated that alpha lipoic acid may slightly improve cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients.
  • Three key features of diabetic acidosis are hyperglycemia, ketosis, and acidosis.
  • A new patient attends the diabetic clinic and is informed that he has diabetes.
  • That's when you become a diabetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since diabetes is seen as a slow killer, diabetic clinics always advise people to take utmost care in their diet.
  • Sweets should be cut out of diabetics diet.
  • Administration of epinephrine may cause severe hypertension and may cause hyperglycemia in diabetics.
  • However, she warned diabetics to be wary of fruits with moderate calorific values such as mango, pomegranate and jackfruit, and high calorie fruits such as dates and grapes.
  • Fear motivates us to drive cautiously even when in a great hurry, and fear makes a diabetic adhere to his diet and take his insulin daily.
  • Ulceration occurs in about one third of diabetic patients with necrobiosis lipoidica, and spontaneous remission is relatively uncommon.
  • Google has developed a system that can detect diabetic retinopathy, a cause of blindness, by looking at retina images. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cost of providing dialysis for uremic diabetic patients in the U.S. exceeded $2 billion in 1990.
  • There are diabetics who can not maintain ideal blood sugar levels without sending their sugars spiralling to intolerably low levels, those who cannot maintain ideal blood pressure levels without getting hypotensive when they stand up, and those who cannot achieve ideal cholesterol levels because of side effects of cholesterol medications. Archive 2004-07-01
  • The newer diabetic drugs and asthma/emphysema drugs have probably extended the mortality of diabetics and asthmatics and former smokers.
  • Lou said … hey no problems, i'd be pleased to help if i can: o) i spent several years trying to convince my previous diabetic team to let me have one and then gave up, because basically they said I was non compliant (which I wasn't I just had "labile" diabetes I think that used to be called 'brittle') so it was too expensive to basically 'waste' on me. Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes
  • Daily insulin injections are necessary for some diabetics.
  • Thirty rats (90-day-old) were distributed into the following groups: N: normoglycemic NE1 and NE2: normoglycemic supplemented with vitamin E (0. 1%) and (2%), respectively; D: diabetics; DE1 and DE2: diabetics supplemented with vitamin E (0. 1%) and (2%), respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Avoid all artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks and some diabetic foods as these are toxic to the liver and can cause hypoglycaemia and fatigue.
  • These results on depancreatized dogs showed beyond doubt that the antidiabetic hormone was present in potent form in the extracts, and the time seemed ripe to investigate their action on the clinical forms of diabetes. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
  • Their potentially adverse effects with particular reference to the diabetic will now be outlined.
  • The implants of piety, they are diabetically sweet, so blissfully sugary that you get a deific rush. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the study also found that if clinicians gave more aggressive treatments to the diabetic AF patients - in this study they treated them with a combination blood pressure lowering drugs, (perindopril and indapamide) - the risk of dying or developing any of these complications was reduced. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • With Endobarrier'ed type 2 diabetics (and no "Flow Restictor"), after a 28 week study their HbA1C levels (a measure of long term glycemic control) went down a remarkable 2.4 percentage points. Weighty Matters
  • Treatment includes strict plasma glucose control to achieve and maintain normoglycemia and administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors to decrease the progress of diabetic nephropathy.
  • DNCD3 splenic cells from young NOD mice (1) provided long-lasting protection against diabetes transfer in NOD/Scid immunodeficient mice, (2) proliferated and differentiated in the spleen and pancreas of NOD/Scid mice and pre-diabetic NOD mice into IL-10-secreting T Elites TV
  • Labelling millions of people as prediabetic is needlessly 'turning healthy people into patients', researchers are arguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insulin metabolization also is mussilyDiabeticOne of main factors of hemal obstacle.
  • Dogs may have been under suspicion in these studies, but three cases show dogs in a good light as they detect their diabetic owners' hypoglycaemia.
  • Left untreated, ketones can cause diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious condition which can result in coma or even death. Times, Sunday Times
  • We did not find a relation between an institution sponsoring a diabetic clinic and monitoring frequency or glycemic control.
  • He was diabetic, and once when I was about eight I was stickybeaking around the house and walked in on him rolling up his sleeve, balancing his insulin needle between his fingers.
  • Objective:To study the effect of Hydroxy Ethyl Starch in the prevention of polyuria induced by diabetic acute dysmetabolic syndrome treated with gastrointestinal fluid replacement.
  • Nowadays diabetic children's diets are not very different from what other children eat.
  • The antidiabetic activities of cinnamon have been researched and discussed in many of my previous books and lectures. Forever Young
  • A proud mum has hailed her two-year-old toddler as a lifesaver - after he saved her from falling into a diabetic coma.
  • My point about the diabetic is to counter the claim that it doesn't make sense to use insurance to pay for routine things. Taxes and Health Insurance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Further studies are needed to determine nortriptyline's efficacy as monotherapy in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
  • We have very many elderly and frail people that attend day care and some are diabetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drug was studied in about 5000 people, but has not been been evaluated in diabetics under age 18.
  • If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
  • I had already been receiving laser treatments for diabetic retinopathy for a couple of years, so I called my retina specialist later that morning, then lived through an agonizing 24 hours until I could see him the following day. Top Headlines - Diabetes Health
  • Study reveals that low carbohydrate diet delayed the need for antihyperglycemic drug therapy in type 2 diabetic patients THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Later studies have taken care to define the diabetic population studied in terms of the presence or absence of complications.
  • Objective Seek for the relation of the in normal change of the hemorrheology and diabetic angiopathy.
  • Kidney failure is one of the top leading causes of death among diabetics.
  • Patients such as diabetics who need daily injections will benefit. The Sun
  • Similary, angiogenesis also speeds the development of diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.
  • There are so many diabetics just like him who could make small lifestyle changes that would make a massive difference. The Sun
  • CONCLUSION: The lobster chitosan has the functions of declining the BS value and strengthening the sugar tolerance whereas unaffecting the normal glycogen metabolism in diabetic mice.
  • Sensory neuropathies can be classified as distal symmetric polyneuropathy, focal neuropathy, and diabetic amyotrophy.
  • The drug also is approved to treat a painful condition called fibromyalgia, diabetic nerve pain and pain after shingles. Pfizer Halts Lyrica Epilepsy Study, Cites Efficacy
  • Diabetics also must be carefully monitored as ephedra can elevate blood glucose levels.
  • Persons with any form of diabetes may develop diabetic retinopathy.
  • Research that helps us understand how older diabetics view their illness is largely unexplored.
  • And in some studies, treating that combination with a type of drug called a fibrate reduced risk in diabetics and nondiabetics who were not taking statins. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • A diabetic who was running low on insulin, he peeked through the eyehole in hope of rescue and saw three uniformed men with assault rifles, he says. India Security Faulted as Survivors Tell of Terror
  • Taking Lipitor And Being Diabetic and antiglobulin of desoxyn for hourssevere loss have serverely outlined established in accounts under apitite 12. Wii-volution
  • A 43 year old female, diabetic, hypertensive patient presented with a two year history of clear left sided nasal discharge which was worse on bending forward.
  • Participants not known to be diabetic and without glycosuria underwent a standard oral glucose tolerance test.
  • (Preclinical research with diabetic mice showed that mecamylamine had the ability to stop the process that contributed to the development and progression of diabetic macular edema.) Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The primary types of diabetic neuropathy are sensorimotor and autonomic.
  • Because it affects pain receptors, capsaicin is used as an analgesic in topical creams and ointments to treat the pain of arthritis, neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy.
  • As a diabetic she was accustomed to the occasional hypoglycaemic attack.
  • In seeking for the fountain-head of diabetic sugar, it is found that the liver is the great glycogenic, or sugar-originating factory of the body. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • By the time someone learns they're prediabetic, insulin resistance is already in charge, and probably has been for many years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Borderline obese and prediabetic, he realized he had to restore his health and reel in his waistline.
  • Islets were isolated from prediabetic, normoglycemic PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I have watched a kind and loving neighbour addicted to pizzas and fizzy drinks became diabetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • And to investigate the action and mechanism of Antang Pill on how to influence diabetic rats blood glucose regulating hormones and improve its supersession disorder state.
  • Trim toenails if this is easy, but always leave some one who is diabetic to be cared for by a chiropodist.
  • Bin Laden lieutenant Abu Jandal is a diabetic, Soufan said, and wouldn't eat sugar cookies he'd been offered. Boing Boing
  • I made your lemon drizzle cake a few weeks ago and nearly slipped into a diabetic coma. Times, Sunday Times
  • The commonest cause of neuropathic ulceration is diabetes, and many diabetic patients with neuropathic ulceration will also have an arterial problem that requires correction.
  • In this study no difference was observed in the plasma cholesterol concentration between control and diabetic rats.
  • Diabetics should follow a self-monitoring model to help in better management of the disease.
  • Drugs like glyburide, glimperide, etc. work by making your body release more insulin and can drop a diabetic's blood glucose fast. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • For Type 2 patients, the number of orally active antidiabetic agents has increased from one class of agents (the sulfonylureas - sulfa drugs) to the current total of four classes of agents.
  • According to your theory, a diabetic is only a diabetic when they eat sugar. Sound Politics: Last Call
  • But then came the news his immigration application had been delayed a few weeks because he's a diabetic.
  • Foot infections in diabetic patients are commonly polymicrobial and may involve aerobes and anaerobes.
  • Since diabetics are at high risk for heart disease, avoiding fat and cholesterol is the most important goal of the diabetic diet, and a vegetarian diet is ideal.
  • Prevention with foot hygiene, proper shoes, no self-performed foot surgery, and attendance at diabetic clinic is essential.
  • Whether it's a hot date, a business meeting or a family gathering, dining out can be a delicious indulgence - even if you're a diabetic.
  • He was particularly anxious about his father and his diabetic mother, as well as his young niece and nephews. Times, Sunday Times
  • In general, tubulointerstitial diseases progress more slowly than do glomerular diseases, diabetic and hypertensive nephropathy, and polycystic kidney disease.
  • Yokota-Hashimoto H, Zhao S, Wang J, Halban PA, et al. (2003) Dominant negative pathogenesis by mutant proinsulin in the Akita diabetic mouse. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The condition, diabetic retinopathy, can prevent light being detected on the retina or even reaching it. The Sun
  • One of the biggest controversies in diabetes management these days is how diabetics should eat.
  • Subjects entered the type 2 diabetes cohort on receipt of their first prescription for an oral antidiabetic drug.
  • More recent studies have attempted to overcome this problem by electively studying diabetics free from clinical evidence of vascular disease.
  • The mineral vanadium is known as an antidiabetic agent because of its insulin-like effects in the body. The Fiber35 Diet
  • Jatla M, Zemel B, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Symptomatology, anthropometry and laboratory correlation with histologic damage at pediatric celiac disease diagnosis; differences in diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research
  • What type of surgical intervention is best for diabetics with cardiovascular disease?
  • But charities said yesterday that diabetics may be denied free access to the equipment after a government consultation on funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most advanced of Sangamo's drugs uses a zinc-finger nuclease to treat diabetic neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes that causes nerve damage and pain.
  • The same holds true for a diabetic patient with neuropathy and a foot ulcer.
  • Cancerous sex meningitis, leukaemia, traumatic, malignant tumor, Diabetic, bottom of congenital disease, skull is arachnoid adhesion all can cause double flank nerve paralytic.
  • Those awful hamantaschen with the figgy prune inside are not pleasing to the palate until one is well into her diabetic sixties, just for the record! Roseanne Archy
  • He was also diabetic, but was deprived of his medication for as long as three months.
  • Even though the medical community has been vigilantly monitoring those with diabetes to make sure that diabetic patients have well-controlled sugar levels, the greater movement should be toward implementation of diabetes prevention programs. Julie Chen, M.D.: Impact of Diabetes on Alzheimer's Disease: Concerns Extend Beyond American Health
  • Other less common causes of non-diabetic retinopathy include infections such as tuberculosis and syphilis.
  • This mechanism is thought to be important in some forms of laxative abuse, diabetic diarrhoea, and thyrotoxicosis.
  • The majority of type 2 diabetics with high risk for cardiovascular events likely will not benefit from adding a fibrate to a statin, Abbott's TriCor Underperforms in Diabetes Test
  • When another furry baby is diagnosed diabetic and you panic, he puts up with unscheduled visits and phone calls galore," her letter said. Undefined
  • In addition, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular accidents and in particular intermittent claudication occurred more frequently in diabetics of both sexes.
  • To date, diabetics rely largely on insulin medication, discovered in 1921, to regulate their blood glucose levels.
  • Being a diabetic, my visits to the clinic for blood tests were frequent and he became a family pathologist.
  • As a diabetic she was accustomed to the occasional hypoglycaemic attack.
  • METHODS: Ten patients with type 1 diabetes and diabetic gastroparesis, including one patient who had undergone vagotomy, were included and completed the investigator blinded crossover trial. Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes
  • Surgical podiatry, vascular rehabilitation and footwear facilities required for diabetic patients are available at this service centre.
  • Introduction Diabetic nephropathy kills many patients with insulin dependent diabetes.
  • In addition, several studies in diabetics have suggested that raised serum cholesterol levels are also associated with the presence of macrovascular disease.
  • Susan's first thought was that he had died after lapsing into a diabetic coma.
  • He was diabetic, perhaps already suffering from the liver disease cirrhosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not every one who uses a disabled loo is in a wheel chair, some people might want to use it for other reasons (a diabetic traffic officer who is perfectly safe if they mange their condition with insulin springs to mind). Five Go Camping In Hampshire « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Way back when I taught medical students and residents, I would not allow them to call a child a "diabetic" or a "sickler" or an "asthmatic", something I learned from a cranky attending when I was a student. My UbD essential question of the day
  • Diabetic foot infections, which are polymicrobial, can be treated with quinolones in combination with other antibiotics.
  • Diabetics can take heart that they can consume the fruit or drink its juice without increasing the sugar level.
  • Impaired glucose tolerance is a condition that means your blood glucose falls between normal and diabetic.
  • Off-loading therapy is a key part of the treatment plan for diabetic foot ulcers.
  • Diabetes UK care adviser Roopinder Drar said the rules that applied to a diabetic's diet could often be applied to anyone.
  • Guess who makes effective drugs for diabetics? Times, Sunday Times
  • I have some clients who are diabetic, so a sugar free candy is always a hit and for those who are chocoholics, I have a special stash for them as well.
  • Jatla M, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Serologic, anthropometric, and laboratory correlation with degree of intestinal damage at diagnosis in pediatric celiac disease; comparing diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research

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