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How To Use Dexterous In A Sentence

  • It is also extremely difficult to get characters on and off the stage dexterously.
  • Some of these tools: the ambition, the fixation on data, the subsequent doubt about what to do with that data taken on dexterously by Justin McGuirk, and the photographs. Todd Reisz: Making Sense of the City
  • Next to her, hands working dexterously on a customer's head, another woman is busily putting the finishing touches to a ‘straightback’ hairstyle.
  • To the end of this the assistant now touched his pontil, upon whose end he had taken up a little more glass, and this, being twisted in a ring round the foot of the stem, divided from the pontil by a huge pair of scissors, dexterously shaped with the plyers, and finally smoothed with a battledoor, became the foot of the wine-glass. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • We all know that sort of transaction: the squabbling, and gobbling, and popping of champagne; the smell of musk and lobster-salad; the dowagers chumping away at plates of raised pie; the young lassies nibbling at little titbits, which the dexterous young gentlemen procure. Mrs. Perkins's Ball
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  • An American athlete swung the wheelchair to enter the bank dexterously , the counter has resembled the tea table highly, to her again appropriate.
  • The present work not only bears an interesting subject, but the artist also dexterously evokes the childhood memories of the viewer.
  • Where his dexterous playing and effortless meter manipulation often buoyed the band's corybantic compositions, here, he's sadly mollified.
  • Many will say, "Oh, let him bide,, because after all he is only a poor mad crazy fellow who spends his time in piling up apples in an apple cart and balancing them dexterously on the top of his nose. The Apple Cart and the British Empire
  • To be dexterous in danger is a virtue; but to court danger to show it, is weakness. William Penn 
  • He was not only a very dexterous thief, but was notorious for his boldness and hardihood, and for the number of his previous convictions.
  • It was a very dexterous kill, and she had to have the training. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • A dexterous American teenager would have dispatched the entire armored corps of a third-world country in the time that it took me to claim my two victims.
  • To be dexterous in danger is a virtue; but to court danger to show it, is weakness. William Penn 
  • A cat, for instance, is much more dexterous with its paws than a dog. This dexterity fascinates cat lovers, who also cite the cat's legendary standoffishness as proof of its mental superiority.
  • He has proven himself a prodigious master of the qanun, an 81-string Arabic zither, his dexterous plucking unlocking the instrument's potential to scintillate and shine.
  • Trying to learn to be ambidexterous though Screenname:: None. Hamletwildie Diary Entry
  • Bridget made tea for them both and came and watched as the sweep turned and furled his brushes with a dexterous competence. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • The word for right is dexter, from which derives our word dexterous, meaning ` skillful, clever, or artful. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • The very much indented leaves, whose projections can be completely removed with a dexterous snip of the scissors, generally furnish the various layers of the barricade; the little robinia-leaves, with their fine texture and their unbroken edges, are better suited to the more delicate work of the cells. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • When Rowlandson returned in the afternoon he would find the shadows all dexterously transferred to the plate by means of the aquatint.
  • Again and again to such gamesome talk, the dexterous dart is repeated, the spear returning to its master like a greyhound held in skilful leash. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Nothing is done or said that doesn't feel coruscantly correct, dexterously blending private and public events, and making a one-person play convey so many lives, so much history, such an onrush of humanity.
  • THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiens is a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterously in order to make tools, and co-operation.
  • In fact, I got into trouble recently because of "dexterous"--or rather, because I told someone that a left-handed person can't technically be dexterous. Ferule & Fescue
  • And riding swiftly on horses and managing them 'dexterously' the princes began to hit marks with shafts engraved with their respective names. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Adi Parva
  • To build with any efficiency and skill, the colonial craftsperson needed a dexterous hand when wielding both kinds of axes.
  • In robot hand systems, the force and torque should be well distributed and applied by the fingers in order to grasp and manipulate the object dexterously .
  • We don't already have translunar manned transport capability (to the surface), and getting it will cost many, many tens of billions more than a sufficiently dexterous RC bot. Why the Moon? Here's Why. - NASA Watch
  • New research carried out in nine cities around the world shows that the thumbs of people under the age of 25 have taken over as the hand's most dexterous digit, said The Observer.
  • He laughed with everybody who would exchange a laugh with him, shook hands right and left, with what may be certainly called a dexterous cordiality; made his appearance at the market-day and the farmers 'ordinary; and, in fine, acted like a consummate hypocrite, and as gentlemen of the highest birth and most spotless integrity act when they wish to make themselves agreeable to their constituents, and have some end to gain of the country-folks. The History of Pendennis
  • The patient should be mentally alert, manually dexterous, and have sterile urine.
  • Church often say, that his company was very merry, facete, and juvenile; and no man in his time did surpass him for his ready and dexterous interlarding his common discourses among them with verses from the poets, or sentences from classic authors; which being then all the fashion in the University, made his company the more acceptable. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The captives on the rock were at last rescued by the islanders, who are the most dexterous cragsmen in those parts.
  • An American athlete swung the wheelchair to enter the bank dexterously , the counter has resembled the tea table highly, to her again appropriate.
  • Many pundits of the time tried to explain Jewish basketball prowess as biological: Jews were naturally more dexterous and had greater intrinsic athletic ability than non-Jews. A Renegade History of the United States
  • He laughed with every body who would exchange a laugh with him, shook hands right and left, with what may be certainly called a dexterous cordiality; made his appearance at the market-day and the farmers 'ordinary; and, in fine, acted like a consummate hypocrite, and as gentlemen of the highest birth and most spotless integrity act when they wish to make themselves agreeable to their constituents, and have some end to gain of the country folks. The History of Pendennis, Volume 2 His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy
  • I could also hide my skill very dexterously, which is generally found a work of great difficulty, and judiciously winning or losing, I contrived to make it answer my purpose, -- until one day, going to a table which I was very much in the practice of frequenting, and where no one was then engaged, I was invited by a stranger to play. The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
  • My digits aren't dexterous enough to keep up with how fast my admittedly-failing memory recalls the number. 90% of the times I misdial, it's on the last number. May 2005
  • The work-droid can easily handle 20lb weights in Earth gravity, which is said to be well in excess of what other "dexterous" robots can manage. The Register
  • Cris Carter may be the most dexterous player, but he's not the only handy man in the NFL.
  • In Travelling Companions is foreshadowed James’s later skill in the description of ancient landscape and architecture; in At Isella, his habit of rounding out a story from the most flying hint; and in The Sweetheart of Mr. Briseux, at least in patches, his smoothly ironical, dexterously enwinding style. Chapter 8. Henry James
  • Despite his decrepit appearance, Barlow was as dexterous as a monkey. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • The general view at present seems to be that an upper section is to be preferred; but in cases where the surgeon is not ambidexterous, it is better that he should make the section which lies easiest to his hand than attempt an upper section in A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • BALES [BALESIUS], PETER (1547-1610?), English calligraphist, one of the inventors of shorthand writing, was born in London in 1547, and is described by Anthony Wood as a "most dexterous person in his profession, to the great wonder of scholars and others. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • It was a very dexterous kill, and she had to have the training. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Are we going to waste the whole afternoon [was 'afternon'] showed you to be ambidextrous." [was 'ambidexterous'] Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930
  • To be dexterous in danger is a virtue; but to court danger to show it, is weakness. William Penn 
  • Our right side, you may know, is called our dexter side from which we get the good words dexterous and dexterity. Pam's House Blend - Front Page
  • On the other hand, Mr. Pitt and his party, in their eagerness for place, did not hesitate to avail themselves of the ambidexterous and unworthy trick of representing the India Bill to the people, as a Tory plan for the increase of Royal influence, and to the Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 01
  • The reverend gentleman, however, had not been unobservant of the charms of other maidens with whom he had been brought in contact, so, it may be presumed that his heart had "yearned" in vain for them; or, peradventure, these had not played with him so dexterously, when once hooked, as did the fair She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
  • But with a quick, dexterous motion, Rosekiller hurled the knife at Ariana.
  • At last he got quite dexterous -- and sinistrous, too, for that matter. Dr. Jolliffe's Boys
  • A sense of fear and threat of the unknown are conjured up with a dexterous use of language and word play.
  • She waited till they had crossed Constitution with the rest of the crowd, watching the bumblebee bicyclist surge ahead, weaving his way dexterously through pedestrians, disappearing down 17th, her face tight and closed. For the Sake of the Boy
  • Finance director John Lomer blamed hefty 18-year-old school-leavers who did not have ‘sufficiently dexterous and dainty’ fingers.
  • Occasional slow-motion replays highlight particularly dexterous handling of cooking pans or ingredients, for example.
  • While we were deliberating upon what was to be done, a hackney coachman, driving softly along, and perceiving us standing by the kennel, came up close to us, and calling, “A coach, master!” by a dexterous management of the reins made his horses stumble in the wet, and bedaub us all over with mud. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • The labor of moles dig dexterously underground.
  • The erudition is dexterously deployed, with a heartening leaven of demotic obscenity. Cassocks and Codpieces
  • As people grow older they generally become less dexterous.
  • He is a shadow of the player who scored that wonderfully dexterous try in the monsoon against Argentina 15 months ago.
  • Seating himself on his accustomed stool, he began to weave the splits dexterously in an out.
  • Despite his decrepit appearance, Barlow was as dexterous as a monkey. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • She quickly and dexterously gathered it all up in her free hand, and smiled up at Mercer.
  • Shaw, a highly dexterous dramaturgist, smothers his dramaturgy in a pifflish iconoclasm that is no more than a disguise for Puritanism. A Book of Prefaces
  • dexterous of hand and inventive of mind
  • All of a sudden, as he still trips dexterously enough among the dangers of a double-faced career, thinking no great evil, humming to himself the trillo, Fate takes the further conduct of that matter from his hands, and brings him face to face with the consequences of his acts. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • But then I perceived the resemblance of its grey-brown, shiny, leathery integument to that of the other sprawling bodies beyond, and the true nature of this dexterous workman dawned upon me. The War of The Worlds
  • From the viewpoint of aircraft dynamics, the required air-input reduced, the performance of mechanics improved and the components of the system got dexterously and compactly.
  • It was a very dexterous kill, and she had to have the training. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • His portraits are dexterous and offer a merciless likeness, his carvings show startling technical accomplishment, his landscapes open up the pinnacled hills of the northern regions, and his femme fatales mark what is considered to be the beginnings of soft pornography. Cranach's Femme Fatales Highlight 'The Other Renaissance'
  • What is the dexterous management of the more inartificial historians of Christianity, in exaggerating the numbers of the martyrs, compared to the unfair address with which Gibbon here quietly dismisses from the account all the horrible and excruciating tortures which fell short of death? The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • NASA began working on its first dexterous robot - the landlubbing News
  • She clicks the top of her pen several times and flips it dexterously around her fingers like a majorette twirling a baton.
  • To the end of this the assistant now touched his pontil, upon whose end he had taken up a little more glass, and this, being twisted in a ring round the foot of the stem, divided from the pontil by a huge pair of scissors, dexterously shaped with the plyers, and finally smoothed with a battledoor, became the foot of the wine-glass. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • I would also point out that the base of the BCSMs are definitely ambidexterous – they can thump their bibles in one hand while simultaneously pulling the trigger on their AK-47s in the other! DeMint blasts Obama's 'false promises'
  • Now with this man alone, sufficient for supplying all their places, will that great inconveniency hereafter be totally removed; seeing he is such a fine gesticulator, and in the practice of chirology an artist so complete, expert, and dexterous, that with his very fingers he doth speak. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • NASA began working on its first dexterous robot - the landlubbing Robonaut 1 - in 1997. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • After dexterous moves with the coffee machine, pots and cups, the Espresso is ready for tasting and then on to the other brews.
  • Bridget made tea for them both and came and watched as the sweep turned and furled his brushes with a dexterous competence. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • He came in at this period and very dexterously disembarrassed the administration of these disputes by calling the notables to advise the form of calling and constituting the States.
  • How does it go?" asked Max, who was in a sixteen-foot canvas canoe like the one Steve handled so dexterously; while Bandy-legs, fearing to trust to anything so frail, had insisted on getting one of the older type lapstreak cedar boats, that were so marvelously beautiful in his eyes. The Strange Cabin on Catamount Island
  • ` fail in a design '; literally, ` not sufficiently "dexterous,"' since the bowhand is usually the left. be wide at (on, of) the bowhand VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 3
  • Anybody who is ambidexterous will find it easier to learn the left single over-arm stroke before the right. Swimming Scientifically Taught A Practical Manual for Young and Old
  • He plunged in, time after time, to fetch out my in-thrown stick, with a frisky bound; emerging after the performance with ice-pendants to his glossy, silken ears and coat smartly curled, as if he had just paid a visit to Truefitt's, and been manipulated by the dexterous hands of one of the assistants at that celebrated establishment, armed with the crinal tongs and anybody's best macassar. She and I, Volume 1
  • The 18 tracks of the new record are so dizzyingly dexterous, the live show should be nothing short of amazing.
  • They use their sensitive, dexterous forepaws to locate prey, such as worms, in mud.
  • Bridget made tea for them both and came and watched as the sweep turned and furled his brushes with a dexterous competence. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Clearly Sermon's work does not include a dexterous robotic arm, a standard device of telerobotics.
  • Both versions are dexterous, but neither is powerful.
  • And, therefore, so many, who are sinistrous unto good actions, are ambi-dexterous unto bad; and Vulcans in virtuous paths, Achilleses in vicious motions. Christian Morals
  • The girl blew into the pipe with her fingers moving dexterously.
  • And also, unfortunately, that he was more or less ambidexterous. Slay Ride
  • I was, for the record, ambidexterous, not a leftie. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Troy threw the coin dexterously across the front plot and over the fence towards Gabriel, who shunned it in its fall, his face turning to an angry red. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • He's marvellously ambidexterous so long as he doesn't know you're looking at him. The Divine Fire
  • Second, an IBM survey of some 1,500 global CEOs noted that the biggest challenges they faced had to do with the ability of their organizations to relate to diverse corporate stakeholders; the ability to foster "dexterous" organizations that could act quickly, change as needed, and be self-correcting in a bottoms-up rather than top-down approach; and the ability to generate creativity throughout all aspects of a company's business. Charles Kolb: The Building Blocks of Corporate Statesmanship
  • It isn't for nothing that we speak about "the right answer" and not the left one, why the Latin dexter (right) gives us "dexterous" but the Latin sinister (left) gives us, well, "sinister. Right is Right ... Except for Lefties
  • As people grow older they generally become less dexterous.
  • Despite his decrepit appearance, Barlow was as dexterous as a monkey. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • Instead, it's old-fashioned dexterous bombast, headbanging with caution and poise enough to harness wild arpeggios, but never letting a pedigree get in the way of impassioned squawking and battering.
  • Apes have dexterous ( skillful, adroitness ) hands much like ours but unlike those of any other creature.

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