How To Use dexter In A Sentence
- More impressive still is his quicksilver dexterity in following the ever-changing contours of Sibelius' form.
- Therefore the learning of many languages is injudicious, inasmuch as it arouses the belief in the possession of dexterity, and, as a matter of fact, it lends a kind of delusive importance to social intercourse. Esperanto: Hearings before the Committee on Education
- David brought along his wire-haired terrier, Dexter; Audrey brought along only her exquisite taste. Stephen Collins: winner of the Observer/Cape Graphic Short Story prize 2010
- To the insatiable bloody appetite of this creature nothing comes amiss; he takes the male ostrich by surprise, and slays that wariest of wild things on his nest; He captures little birds with the dexterity of a cat, and hunts for diurnal armadillos; he comes unawares upon the deer and huanaco, and, springing like lightning on them, dislocates their necks before their bodies touch the earth. The Naturalist in La Plata
- In addition to the line, the secondary is a question mark for the Terrapins, who will be looking for Kenny Tate and Antwine Perez to step up their game now that they are the projected starters at safety, while redshirt freshman Dexter McDougle could find himself starting at corner. Around the Atlantic Coast Conference
- The newspaper John Hebden worked for had told Dexter the journalist was on holiday and gave out his address in Acton.
- It is also extremely difficult to get characters on and off the stage dexterously.
- A repetitive set-top game called Search for the Spear of Destiny requires a beginner's level of dexterity, and delivers trivial lost-civilization factoids as reward cookies for successful play.
- Some of these tools: the ambition, the fixation on data, the subsequent doubt about what to do with that data taken on dexterously by Justin McGuirk, and the photographs. Todd Reisz: Making Sense of the City
- You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.