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How To Use Devotional In A Sentence

  • As a devotional photographer a very tough man in terms of the handicraft of photo making.
  • Through forty-five songs interspersed with dialogue and scriptural verses, the play emphasized the Saint's complete devotional self-surrender.
  • Composed of hundreds of ephemeral objects, from sugar cookies to vials of cheap perfume to devotional candles, popular santos, kitschy trinkets and cans of Goya beans, ‘Infinito Botanica’ is a vast still life.
  • This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Yet as an atheist and Marxist can we expect that she would understand or appreciate Hindu devotional or yogic practices?
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  • Shakta devotionalists use puja rites, especially to the Shri Chakra yantra, to establish intimacy with the Goddess.
  • The visual stimulation of this wall of images finds a serene counterpart in a small room opening to the right, re-creating the devotional sanctum of a Mouride holy man.
  • They contain, according to him, mostly proper names, with devotional formulae, similar to those of the Sinaitic inscriptions and the Kufic and later epigraphs which we discovered. The Land of Midian
  • She has authored articles that range in topics from pilgrims’ maps to devotional arts, gender and ethnicity issues in Buddhist patronage, cults of saints in Asian traditions, and images of Buddhist cosmographies.
  • This includes a survey of the artwork from the nuns 'houses while considering how images may have been employed in devotional activities. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • This week's devotionals are from Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
  • Cultural programmes by the Songs & Drama Division organized at Government Higher Secondary School, All India Devotional Song Competition at Shri Yog Ashram, religious discourses at Regunath Mandir, free langer by Seva Bharti and exhibition stalls by various departments were the other highlights of the Festival which is attracting thousands of devotees and locals. Navratra festival--1.70 lakh pilgrims pay obeisance at Vaishno Devi during first five Navratras
  • By simple definition, meditation is engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.
  • These places of worship were stuffed with devotional images, which were adorned on festival days and adored on others.
  • Kirtans (devotional songs) rendered the air while the faithful paid obeisance and listened to the kirtans and the Gurbani (Guru's voice).
  • Such emotionally fervent piety was also provided with a catalyst in the devotional use of images.
  • We need to bring together the devotional and mystical and scriptural pieces.
  • In the Hindu tradition, a favorite devotional practice is the clothing of the images of the gods.
  • Author of five books, he has also compiled an equal number, including ‘Arul Maalai’, containing devotional hymns and articles on religion.
  • Sometimes it has seemed difficult to separate the primordial pagan origins of holy well veneration in specific localities from the orthodox church-approved beliefs and devotional practices.
  • Gifted with an incredible voice, and a great sense and ability to sing, Bhanu has sung a number of devotional songs written by saints such as Kabir, Brahmanand and Guru - Articles related to 5 held with AK-47, ammo in Amritsar
  • From Bikram, I branched out to Jivamukti, a school of vinyasa yoga, which links poses together in a callisthenic-like flow, employing music (jazzy, jivey, new agey devotional - think Zero Seven, but with repeated references to Hindu gods), incense, a bit of massage and brief lectures ( "dharma talks") on yoga philosophy. Lauren Cahn: From Cancer To Yoga: 10 Year Nap, My Ass!
  • In what ways are devotional images quotations?
  • The organ of today is devotional, churchly, vital and filled with tonal charm.
  • A person on his or her face has surrendered their persona or ego identity in repentance or in petition or in adorational worship of that which is greater, be it to a person in fealty or to God as devotional prayer. Hogwarts Professor
  • It was a joy to sit amid thirty or so girls and give a devotional talk as two of the housemothers translated my English into Tagalog.
  • Later, we will learn that the halos worn by saints in devotional art are based on the depiction of the divine in Egyptian art.
  • It was a devotional rather than a theological work.
  • Therese's "desire" to be a priest was in the field of devotional velleity - nothing approaching the field of voluntas. Did St Thérèse want to be a woman priest?
  • The main camp activities are a five-day basic rock-climbing course, trekking around Nainital, yoga or keep-fit exercises, games, cultural programmes, spiritually oriented character-building talks and discussions, devotional songs and meditation. Archive 2005-11-01
  • The material in this book constitutes the best combination of theology and devotional reading that I have come across for a long time.
  • The point is not to feel unduly guilty if a structured family devotional time doesn't come easily. Christianity Today
  • Likewise, the Sikh devotional music of kirtan draws from similar lyrical sources and employs a similar instrumentation as Hindu bhajan music and Sufi qawwali music. Varun Soni: India, Pakistan and the Musical Gurus of Peace
  • My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar.
  • While the religious devotionalism of the past was often overdone and was open to excess, it gave people a range of prayer-forms to choose from and an ownership over a life of personal prayer.
  • The Samhitas and Brahmanas affirm that God is immanent and transcendent and prescribe ritual worship, mantra and devotional hymns to establish communication with the spiritual worlds.
  • You can almost hear the organ playing devotional music in the background, and detect the faintest whiff of incense on the breeze.
  • How, then, do the artificial images produced by art fit into this context? ... scholars have tried to remove the apparent opposition between the devotional image and the imageless devotion by assuming that mysticism, when diffused outside the spiritual elite, tended to become more tangible. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • If one wants to ignore this devotional service, there is the danger of turning to atheism.
  • Daily prayer meetings were held in the ashram with the singing of devotional songs and readings from the Gita.
  • The music is either based on, or was the source for, a devotional hymn “Orbis factor, rex aeternae eleison” “Creator of the world, eternal king, have mercy”. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Where circumstances are favorable, this proclivity is apt to express itself in a certain servile devotional fervor and a punctilious attention to devout observances; it may perhaps be better characterized as devoutness than as religion. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • But the loudest devotional song may bless the students to do their best, but it will surely not provide them the blissful quietude of early morning study that can make that extra difference in their examination preparation.
  • How the theistic moral life culminates in devotional life will be discussed in this book.
  • Here is an article about mysticism and devotional practices with a chaotic slant.
  • Secular models include both monophonic songs as in the vast Missa ‘Maria zart’, based on a German devotional song and voice parts extracted from polyphonic chansons. Archive 2009-05-01
  • He reads the lessons in what he calls a devotional way, which consists in reciting all episodes alike, the song of Deborah or the victories of Gideon, as if they were melancholy and pathetic reflections. The Silent Isle
  • We meet with other forms of tenure in the partition of land in the days of the French régime -- for instance, _franc aleu noble_ and _franc aumone_ or _mortmain_, but these were exceptional grants to charitable, educational, or religious institutions, and were subject to none of the ordinary obligations of the feudal tenure, but required, as in the latter case, only the performance of certain devotional or other duties which fell within their special sphere. Lord Elgin
  • As a new book devoted to the label's cover art illustrates, Studio One also branched out into gospel, calypso and mento recordings, and even sessions by Indian devotional musician Sri Chinmoy. The art of Studio One
  • When the Crossings women join together to sing and dance to music, then, it is only to devotional music deemed appropriate.
  • Small-scale sacred song - hymns and devotional song for domestic use - also flourished.
  • Recruited by the church to promote an increase in devotional practices, these women were exhorted to create spiritual havens for husbands and children, removed from the materialism of the outside world. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • I developed a liking for devotional songs of the Goddess from childhood.
  • Specifically, the Hood Museum of Art has acquired a variety of paintings, including an altarpiece, several easel paintings and some small devotional panels.
  • New confraternities and devotional groups grew up almost everywhere.
  • Miss Trent, on the other hand, would be spending her days guiltlessly, performing good works and reading devotional literature. The Mistaken Wife
  • A discovery of Anglo-Catholicism and its devotional power, originally through its fanatical critics, and then fostered by wise friends.
  • Why was a disciplined devotional life so much a part of his life? Christianity Today
  • Virtually all types of medieval book are represented - Bibles, Psalters, antiphonaries, missals, patristic and philosophical texts, devotional works, and over fifty Books of Hours.
  • For one thing, devotional cults were also popular within India, and the worship of the Hindu god Krishna antedates Christ by several centuries.
  • Kent examines popular works read by Florentines of all social levels, including vernacular scrapbooks and miscellanies, poetry, devotional manuals and moral exempla, civic traditions, histories, and ethnographies.
  • One deemed praise in its highest form the prime object of his ministry; the other found the performance indevotional, and raved that education should be sacrificed to wretched music. Clever Woman of the Family
  • And certain devotional emphases, particularly devotion to Christ's suffering humanity and to the Eucharist (although not, as is often said, to the Virgin) were characteristics of women's practices and women's words. 19 Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • She uttered these words with an affectionate and anxious tone, which showed, that devotional as were the habitual exercises of her mind, the thoughts of her nursling yet bound her to earth with the cords of human affection and passion. The Abbot
  • The visitor was squarely confronted with exempla of Christian faith and practice as manifested in devotional works of both East and West.
  • I get up early and exercise and have devotional time-private time of reading and prayer.
  • The text centers on the compound of one marabout whose home is filled both inside and out with devotional imagery and serves as a site for the meetings of talibes (followers).
  • She has made several subsequent recordings of devotional songs and chants.
  • According to Hamburger, the devotional image develops in order to record and provoke the visionary experience cultivated by the nuns and, to a point, imitated by the laity.
  • The passageway is lit by a ribbon of alabaster above and subtly punctuated by the cathedral's devotional chapels, which are arranged along the inner walls.
  • He devotes all of one sentence to the literally thousands of titles of Catholic devotional literature in the era.
  • Why was a disciplined devotional life so much a part of his life? Christianity Today
  • Saivism values both bhakti and yoga, devotional and contemplative sadhanas, or disciplines.
  • This week's devotionals are by Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
  • On November 13, 1885, he heard in the church and for the first time, the Florentine's Second Requiem in D minor, for male voices; and thought it beautiful and devotional, and in no way lacking in effect through the absence of _soprani_ and _contralti_, which he had not missed. Cardinal Newman as a Musician
  • Devotional music includes forms that are typical to the subcontinent, such as the Sufi Muslim Qawaali music and kirtan.
  • Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in his mind.
  • The religious tradition of Massachusetts bred its brand of devotional literature.
  • It was meant as a kind of religious devotional image and he had planned to produce ten thousand copies.
  • This week's devotionals are by Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
  • His vote will be used to advance the moneyed interests, and their devotional accruement of all things material. Moral Turpitude and the Pursuit of More Stuff
  • In sermons and writings he asserted the claims of personal holiness, and in 1670, while dean at Frankfort-on-the-Main, he began to hold little reunions called collegia pietatis (whence the name Pietist), in which devotional passages of the Scriptures were explained and pious conversation carried on by those present. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Acquiring siddhi through Tantric discipline does not really rely on a physical partnership because transcendence relies on devotional practices and surrendering of the ego.
  • I learned so much from so many people but mainly I learned from the very poor who were so deeply devotional.
  • The sorry state of preaching is reflected in, and no doubt encouraged by, the pap that passes for devotional writing and ‘homiletical helps’ among today's Catholics.
  • The dossals were decorated with pictures and stories of the saints, which had an educational as well as devotional function.
  • 'Allah Hi Reham' is a number that is heavily 'sufi' in its nature and its lyrics are totally devotional dealing in 'zhikr' (in Hindi 'jaap') of God. - bollywood updates
  • How would the uses of the prints in a devotional context revise Gauguin's notion of the function of his own sacred art?
  • This devotional is by Jon Walker, editor of the Daily Hope Devotionals and author of Costly Grace: A Contemporary View of Bonhoeffer's ‘The Cost of Discipleship.
  • Dr Suchier's _Denkmäler_ (Halle, 1883), which contains nearly 500 large pages of Provençal _anecdota_, about four-fifths is devotional matter of various kinds and in various forms, prose and verse. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • The truth includes our devotional Marxism, include the people understanding to the regularity of external object.
  • Not only did the title seem strangely fitting, but there are surely parallels between the modern devotional practice surrounding coffee and the role of Soma in ancient Vedic religion. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Singing of devotional songs like bhajans has been one of the significant ceremonials at temples and other religious congregations.
  • There are many great Kagyu siddhas of the past who followed this devotional approach, which is particularly important at the Vajrayana level.
  • The male of Jew and devotional Moslem, be delivered of be about before long according to religion consuetudinary by excision wrapping (namely circumcision) .
  • In line with this belief, devotional cults sprang up in which reverence and homage were offered and intercessions sought.
  • The competition is open to those aged 16 to 24 and has categories for light and classical Hindustani and Carnatic vocal, instrumental and devotional music.
  • What gets my attention, however, is the phrase devotional respect. How to Overcome Fear
  • Altarpieces and private devotional diptychs were commissioned from the painters de Beaumetz, Jean Malouel, Henri Bellechose, and Melchior Broederlam, all of whom were court painters at various times.
  • This week's devotionals are from Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
  • In the Hindu tradition, a favorite devotional practice is the clothing of the images of the gods.
  • Bhakti yoga cultivates a devotional relationship with God through prayers and rituals.
  • They sing devotional songs in praise of the lord, and holy texts are chanted throughout the night.
  • The Baroque section features religious sculpture, including processional figures, ritual liturgical objects and private devotional altars.
  • On the one hand, Michelangelo sought to restore the devotional image, strengthening its hold on a new cut of viewer; on the other, he aimed to sanctify the modern aesthetic, linking Renaissance techniques back into archaic types.
  • After a light supper, there are optional devotional music and chanting sessions.
  • This makes it excellent for those practicing bhakti or a devotional religious path.
  • So, when I first started listening to what I identified as a devotional music, not just klemerishe wedding tantses and the like, but Shalos Shudis Niggunim, new ones indifferentiable from ancient ones , in a secular context, I had to wonder: what are they thinking about? Haran home and tell your friends! | Jewschool
  • Flemish pictures of the 15th century often show devotional woodcuts fixed to a wall with sealing wax, and already flyblown and curling up.
  • He recorded a song of mine after I finished sixth form and when I dropped out of Cardiff University I had started to write worship and what I call devotional songs. Cross Rhythms
  • In conditions of adversity, Indians were bound to take refuge in their culture, thinking of it as the bhakta in Indian devotional songs does of the boat in which she or he is placed.
  • He gave a stirring rendition of a Hindu devotional classic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Singer is best known for her volume of poetry, Poems on Several Occasions by Philomela (1696), as well as her devotional prose. Editorial Notes to 'Letter to the Women of England'
  • A small, bird-like woman, in later years troubled by failing eyesight and arthritis, she was renowned for her piety, sponsoring the publication of devotional literature.
  • Being a mum is seriously devotional work. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the chaos of a recent move and exciting reunions with old friends I did very little ritual or devotional work at all.
  • Under a blanket of darkness, we set off in our twin-hulled craft, paddles slapping at the water, as Nitish sang devotional songs.
  • Some of the stalls have devoted a good deal of space to cassettes and compact discs containing devotional music, inspirational songs and recorded discourses.
  • Among the lay population, confraternities were an important source of devotional association, mutual aid, and charitable assistance to the poor.
  • His work crosses the boundaries of philosophy, theology, psychology, literary criticism, devotional literature and fiction.
  • He also leads devotional songs and has captured the interest of the young and old alike.
  • When with devotees of other sects, they enthusiastically join in their devotional songs.
  • a devotional exercise
  • His work crosses the boundaries of philosophy, theology, psychology, literary criticism, devotional literature and fiction.
  • Every day of the week, Sri Gopalan teaches tabla, mridangam and devotional singing.
  • It is well indeed that our churches, sadly given over to the laxity and carelessness of a bygone age, should be renovated and beautified, the tone of the services raised, and the "bray" of the old clerks, unsuited to the devotional feelings of a more enlightened day, silenced, but still a shade of regret will be mingled with their dismissal, if only for the sake of the large stock of amusing anecdotes which their names recall. The Parish Clerk
  • Guanyin possesses the attributes of a devotional icon, at the same time that she appears to be a visionary manifestation.
  • In the Hindu tradition, a favorite devotional practice is the clothing of the images of the gods.
  • Indeed, majoring in devotional theology is akin to a religious calling as well as an academic pursuit. United we stand...
  • Growing from the subsoil of peasant culture and shaped by folk religion, they are seraphic, as in Oleksy's devotional works and devilishly rebellious, as in Mucha's powerful carvings.
  • Through a high level of devotional art they enact stages of the contemplative game - indeed provide means of play.
  • Willing to take responsibility . Be devotional. Good ability in personal communications, cooperation and team work.
  • Registered parishioners were more likely to attend Mass weekly, receive Communion, and participate in a variety of devotional activities.
  • The distinguishing feature of the Psalms is their devotional character. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Sound boxes blare devotional numbers, priests chant mantras and, as evening descends, one can find people of all ages flocking the pandals.
  • This makes it excellent for those practicing bhakti or a devotional religious path.
  • An intense meditativeness, a devotional ecstasy and an insight of true heavenly wisdom is the ideal of life to which the Hindu has been called from time very remote. India's Problem, Krishna or Christ
  • Anyway, after reading a section from one of Hine's books about devotional magic I decided to make a shrine for Ganesha.
  • The virtues are illustrated in important devotional treatises and theological tracts, as well as deluxe Gospel-books, sacramentaries, lectionaries, and the like. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Nevertheless about 10 per cent of the early convicts were Catholics, and a network formed among emancipists to pray the rosary and maintain other devotional practices.
  • He makes a living by teaching affluent housewives in Bombay how to sing devotional bhajans and ghazals.
  • And paintings too, lots of them, some beautiful, some bland, some clever, some featureless, some inspiring, some slapdash, some devotional, and some so dull that even I could have painted them.
  • Enterprise Spirit : United , devotional, and loving XX as our won families.
  • Hollywood - the cesspit that is poisoning the world via cultural globalisation - has incongruously produced what may well be the most devotional work of art in this decade.
  • I developed a liking for devotional songs of the Goddess from childhood.
  • To unsubscribe from the Above Rubies Devotional, send a blank email to [email protected] The Communion of Dining
  • They sing devotional songs in praise of the lord, and holy texts are chanted throughout the night.
  • Disciples of sorts, they would imitate and elegize the "breath-force" of an old master's brushwork, his aesthetic doctrine, and his way of seeing nature -- with a devotional zeal bordering on religious passion. An Encounter With the Sublime
  • To the careful training of his good mother he was indebted for the exquisite taste and truthfulness with which he interpreted nature; for the nice sense of honor which distinguished him through life, and which often rose to a weakness; for the delicate reserve which made absence from home a self-imposed hermitage; and for the deep, devotional feeling and healthy habit of moral reflection which ever shaped and inwove the pure current of his thoughts and writings. Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886
  • The idols that have originally been introduced to serve as devotional media had got elevated to the status of divinity.
  • Worship of Vishnu and his various avatars especially Rama and Krishna in a profoundly devotional form is the basis of Vaishnavism.
  • Suspended from a rod attached to the frame of what must be a devotional picture, the bucket has been turned into a container for holy water with the addition of an aspergillum.

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