How To Use Devotion In A Sentence
Gervinho might prove to be another classic Arsène Wenger bargain, an athletic and pacy ball player raring to step up a level, spirited over from France for a fee that doesn't make a certain manager with a well-documented devotion to cautious housekeeping choke as if he was asked to fix the Greek economy before breakfast.
Premier League preview No1: Arsenal | Amy Lawrence
While poor excommunicated Miss Tox, who, if she were a fawner and toad – eater, was at least an honest and a constant one, and had ever borne a faithful friendship towards her impeacher and had been truly absorbed and swallowed up in devotion to the magnificence of Mr
Dombey and Son
I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary.
Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
The calced Augustinians also made their elections -- but not so quickly that we could avoid sending to them to remind them not to allow the disturbances of other times to occur in their chapter -- by having made them beforehand through their devotion to the outgoing provincial, who managed the succession for another as worthy as he.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
Until his death, on November 16th, 1272, the King continued to rule and to conduct his customary religious devotions.
Those cuddly bears, ponies and dogs that show total devotion to their owners.
Times, Sunday Times
The irony in Anglicanism’s devotion to its new substitute god, inclusivity, is that the only thing those who are not excluded have in common is that they are with a bunch of other people who are also not excluded.
Diocese of Toronto: a Good Friday exclusive « Anglican Samizdat
St Marie's in Bury will become a ‘gem church’, and developed as a focus for prayer and devotion within the deanery.
His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.
The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion to duty.
their devotion to each other was beautiful
As a devotional photographer a very tough man in terms of the handicraft of photo making.
Their devotion, if extreme, is driven by one goal to reclaim their neighbourhood.
Auntly devotion must go decorously unvoiced, but it is no less compelling for that.
Times, Sunday Times
Devotion to the Sacred Heart was the characteristic note of the piety of Saint Gertrude the
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Her emotion expressed itself in her earnest performance of her reverent daily devotions.
Emily Fox-Seton
It could be viewed as old-style, Communist pomp and ceremony aimed at boosting the morale and devotion of the people.
Thus to this congregation of excellent, undeceiving refuge, we pray that by the power of this prayer expressed from a heart filled with fervent devotion and humility, may the body, speech and mind of the sole of the Land of Snows, the supreme Ngawang Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso, be indestructible, unfluctuating and unceasing; may he live immutable for a hundred aeons, seated on a diamond throne, transcending decay and destruction.
The Long Life Prayer for the 14th Dalai Lama
For the inarticulate Trevor, ‘I think you're really cool,’ is a major statement of devotion, and ‘buck up, little camper’ is the best consolation he can offer.
Their history is replete with heroic deeds of selfless devotion and supreme sacrifice over the years.
Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be.
Rehnquist the Great?
Much of Abu Hurayrah's time would be spent in spiritual exercises and devotion to Allah.
His mother - whose preference for himself, devotion to himself, he had always taken for granted.
Through forty-five songs interspersed with dialogue and scriptural verses, the play emphasized the Saint's complete devotional self-surrender.
An organization that accepts the antipsychiatry mantra that we have medicalized everything, and their devotion to confronting abuse, but rejects their position that mental illness does not exist.
DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
Nothing and nobody could come between him and his devotions.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.
Softened by the events of the past week, affected by the melancholy beauty of the autumn day, Soames came nearer than he had ever been to realisation of that truth — passing the understanding of a Forsyte pure — that the body of Beauty has a spiritual essence, uncapturable save by a devotion which thinks not of self.
To Let
Composed of hundreds of ephemeral objects, from sugar cookies to vials of cheap perfume to devotional candles, popular santos, kitschy trinkets and cans of Goya beans, ‘Infinito Botanica’ is a vast still life.
This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen.
Archive 2008-06-01
The love of the Sacred Heart was the fire which consumed her, and devotion to the Sacred Heart is the refrain of all her writings.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Both her father and mother were pious Christians who regularly conducted home devotions and faithfully attended church.
Almond calms the reader, suggesting that we can only do our best and trust that our ambivalence is more than compensated for by our devotion and love.
"The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Motherhood," by Barbara Almond
If, however, we include in the term morality the transitory display of certain qualities such as abnegation, self-sacrifice, disinterestedness, devotion, and the need of equity, we may say, on the contrary, that crowds may exhibit at times a very lofty morality.
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Yet as an atheist and Marxist can we expect that she would understand or appreciate Hindu devotional or yogic practices?
After years of devotion to perfecting his art, it is no wonder Jiggy takes his career to heart.
Her deportment was the subject of reams of scurrility in prose and verse: it lowered her in the opinion of some whose esteem she valued; nor did the world know, till she was beyond the reach of praise and censure, that the conduct which had brought on her the reproach of levity and insensibility was really a signal instance of that perfect disinterestedness and selfdevotion of which man seems to be incapable, but which is sometimes found in woman.
The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 2
Others say his devotion to Korean farmers was so passionate that he would willingly have laid down his life for them.
Three motives animate them all: loyalty to the king, devotion to the cross, and the _pundonor_: that sensitive personal honour -- the "Castilian pride" of "Hernani," -- which sometimes ran into fantastic excess.
A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
I am sometimes tempted to claim there is an inverse ratio of religious devotion to natural beauty.
Christianity Today
Christians are urged to practice agape: love not as sexual desire, not as a devotion to something transcendent, not as friendship, but as charity.
There was a strong strain of Anglophilia in the Alsop clan, and a consistent devotion to the politics of moderate conservatism.
They are created through the act of readerly devotion and skepticism.
Jerusalem might carpenter a cross for Him, but the world would weave its heartfelt devotion into a crown of love for Him, bestudded with the dewy tears of its gratitude, sparkling like diamonds in the light of His face.
Quiet Talks on John's Gospel
Although Moulsworth professes "love" for the "virgin Muses" (l. 41), she also realizes that too exclusive a devotion to them would have left her "a virgin to this houre" (l.
My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
One day while I was husking maize, after my daily devotion, my father's mother came and sat by me.
To achieve this, we will have to put an end to our single minded devotion to material pursuits.
Shakta devotionalists use puja rites, especially to the Shri Chakra yantra, to establish intimacy with the Goddess.
The visual stimulation of this wall of images finds a serene counterpart in a small room opening to the right, re-creating the devotional sanctum of a Mouride holy man.
A lady of strong religious faith, Ita never wavered in her devotion to her church.
She has their total devotion and they worship the ground she walks on.
The Sun
At the proposed arrival of the young Queen, who was well worthy of the most ardent devotion, the "leal" heart of Scotland swelled with glad anticipation.
Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 1
They contain, according to him, mostly proper names, with devotional formulae, similar to those of the Sinaitic inscriptions and the Kufic and later epigraphs which we discovered.
The Land of Midian
She has authored articles that range in topics from pilgrims’ maps to devotional arts, gender and ethnicity issues in Buddhist patronage, cults of saints in Asian traditions, and images of Buddhist cosmographies.
This includes a survey of the artwork from the nuns 'houses while considering how images may have been employed in devotional activities.
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
Can the beyond part of individual devotion to public charity be deducted next time?
To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. Individuals like myself are often called "workaholics". I question this term because that implies a pathological condition or an illness. If I do what I desire more than anything else in the world and which makes me happy, such work can never be an aberration. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
The ceremony began with a procession from the local community centre to the church followed by special devotions in the church.
Florence was a frequent visitor ... and had many of her ideas adopted in Parliament through the devotion of her brother-in-law.
The practice of infanticide, for selfish reasons, was, as we shall see in later chapters, horribly prevalent among many of the lower races, and even where the young were tenderly reared, the feeling toward them was hardly what we call affection -- a conscious, enduring devotion -- but a sort of animal instinct which is shared by tigers and other fierce and cruel animals, and which endures but a short time.
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Our business, academic, and media elites, says Kurth, are united in their devotion to global consciousness, transnationalism, multiculturalism, and other dissolvents of American identity.
Perhaps because of this, but also because of the devotion his mother showed as a trade union activist before her death from a brain haemorrhage, Larsson demanded very high standards of behaviour of himself and others.
Stieg Larsson, My Friend by Kurdo Baksi – review
Concepts of fire and damnation have given way to more sanguine personal exhortations to love, service and devotion.
In front of these symbols, we place offerings that are an expression of our devotion.
In the early stage of their friendship, Anna's romance with the widow Lehntman involves their common ‘goodness’: their embodiment of Christian caritas and selfless devotion to others.
This week's devotionals are from Buddy Owens, teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and author of 'The Way of a Worshiper'.
Which notwithstanding being first allowed for private devotion, they were by little and little brought into the use of the church, _permitted rather than allowed_ to be sung before and after sermons; afterwards printed and bound up with the
Notes and Queries, Number 184, May 7, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Essentially, the azad were itinerant mendicants who regularly practised extreme ascetic styles of religious devotion, as a mark of their ‘other worldliness.’
The washing of dishes and the preaching of the word could both be construed as material expressions of devotion.
Julia had a great devotion to her Christian faith and was steadfast in her beliefs which fortified her throughout her life.
To thee, at thy birchen altar, with true Spartan devotion, I have sacrificed my blood.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
THE devotion of football fans still amazes me.
The Sun
Truly, "warlike, manly courage and devotion to duty" seem the flowers that flourish hereaway.
From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
Leading opening devotions, chairing the discussion, and leading closing prayer are rotated among committee members.
Cultural programmes by the Songs & Drama Division organized at Government Higher Secondary School, All India Devotional Song Competition at Shri Yog Ashram, religious discourses at Regunath Mandir, free langer by Seva Bharti and exhibition stalls by various departments were the other highlights of the Festival which is attracting thousands of devotees and locals.
Navratra festival--1.70 lakh pilgrims pay obeisance at Vaishno Devi during first five Navratras
He looked like a schoolboy socialist's dream - the leader of the left whose selfless devotion to democracy exposed his enemies as unprincipled cads.
By simple definition, meditation is engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.
They are affectionate and uninhibited and their lifelong devotion to each other is touching.
Heterogeneous elements, taken from all the religions of the Orient, were combined in the uranography of the ancients, and in the power ascribed to the phantoms that it evoked, vibrates in the indistinct echo of ancient devotions that are often completely unknown to us. [
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
Always an example of devotion to duty, and as unflinching as a hero in a book.
THERE is in the Church an abundance and a rich variety of what we call devotions -- practices that express our respect, affection and veneration for the chosen friends of God.
Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
_Andy-Johnsonese_ into constitutional phrase, to give these versions some show of logical arrangement, and to carry out, as best they may, their own objects, while professing boundless devotion to his.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 109, November, 1866
The reverse also holds, that failure to live morally betrays and invalidates religious devotion unless there is genuine penitence.
The statue of the emperor became an object of devotion.
Yet I've always admired Doctor Who; not only for its values of intellect and empathy, but also for its often overlooked ability to explore deistic themes – both in the show and through the ardent devotion of fans.
Does Doctor Who feature a god for our times? | Stephen Kelly
You say me is you a lifetime of devotion, don't belong to love.
Of course, this is part of Coolidge's larger view of history, a view that may be termed "Augustinian," with elements of a devotion to "manifest destiny" in it.
Webster's defines fetish as ‘an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion… an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification.’
The Montreal native was weaned on hip hop, living and breathing beats and rhymes through his teen years, a devotion that paid off when, as a 17-year-old, he was invited to join Canadian rap pioneers the Dream Warriors.
Yet this handful of churchmen is habituated to a life of devotion, worship, and communal living that gives them a depth of character that is lacking in their secular counterparts, most of whom live in a solitary sufficiency.
Only idolatrous devotion could keep such brilliant minds from acknowledging the irrationality of crediting the blind force of nature with such teleological precision.
Like all the best soldiers he had inspired love, devotion and fierce loyalty in his men.
Times, Sunday Times
So for me loyalty is right up there with the biggies like ‘devotion’, ‘trust’ and ‘love’.
More on Ascot Tina Gaudoin on Style: A Flashy, Positively Ghastly Spectacle A Week at the Races This devotion to the Platonic ideal of the horse's head, rather than to representations of, for example, individual racehorses, readily distinguishes his sculptures from the rather pedestrian, often slightly kitsch, bronzes so often found decorating the houses of "horsey" people.
A Magnificent Obsession
Politics was an abiding passion and he retained a constant devotion to his father's Liberal Party.
He does this out of solemn devotion to the truth, he says, and not because he has been crazily obsessed with her.
Science Friction also draws a parallel between the biogenetic pursuit of outward, bodily perfection and the religious pursuit of inner perfection of the soul through devotion to God and prayer.
Instead of becoming angry at his assaulter, the Rebhe of Talno reached out and caught the stone, keeping it as a cherished reminder of the loving devotion of a hassid for his rebbe.
When such cases are found, it remains to be shown that the child so reared is proportionately benefited by this unremittent devotion of its mother.
Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
Lascivious desire, and no religious devotion, made him draw neere her, and whether under shrift (the onely cloake to compasse carnal affections) or some other as close conference to as pernitious and vile a purpose, I know not: but so farre he prevailed upon her frailety, and such a bargaine passed betweene them, that from the Church, he wonne her to his Chamber, before any person could perceive it.
The Decameron
God is not interested in halfhearted commitment, partial obedience, and the leftovers of your time and money. He desires your full devotion, not little bits of your life.
The count inspires utter devotion from his wife and can tame any animal.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether they are actuated by folly and anile devotion, or whether by arrogance and malice so that they alone may be held to possess the secrets of God, I know not: this much I do know, that I find in their writings nothing which has the air of a Divine secret, but only childish lucubrations.
Theologico-Political Treatise
These places of worship were stuffed with devotional images, which were adorned on festival days and adored on others.
In 1683, aged 18, she was married to Prince George of Denmark, a distant cousin, and their relationship quickly blossomed into one of lasting devotion.
Des Progrès de l’esprit humain, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: Le zèle religieux des philosophes et des grands n’était qu’une dévotion politique: et toute religion, qu’on se permet de défendre comme une croyance qu’il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus espérer qu’une agonie plus ou moins prolongée.
Essays of Schopenhauer
Throughout, these figures mirror humanity in all its pomposity and haplessness, calculation and honesty, devotion and infidelity, profanity and piety.
If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion---- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free.
My peers and I grew up on tales of his courage and caring, her beauty and strength of character, their appreciative and untroublesome in-laws, their mutual devotion in a time of polygamy.
Uncertain Objects of Desire
He was steadfast in his devotion, firm in his beliefs, and constant in his prayerful entreaties.
His success showed his magnetism of courage and devotion.
What makes the programme so uplifting to watch is the utter, naked devotion of the family members who surround each patient.
Times, Sunday Times
Shows last week had discussions on Marian devotion, purgatory, and other Catholic doctrines.
The incident is passed on so that, over time, the betel nut becomes a symbol of eternal regeneration and devotion.
If, however, we include in the term morality the transitory display of certain qualities such as abnegation, self-sacrifice, disinterestedness, devotion, and the need of equity, we may say, on the contrary, that crowds may exhibit at times a very lofty morality.
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
They remained centres of the devotion of their flocks, and the "curates," hastily gathered, who took their places, were stigmatised as ignorant and profligate, while, as they were resisted, rabbled, and daily insulted, the country was full of disorder.
A Short History of Scotland
Kirtans (devotional songs) rendered the air while the faithful paid obeisance and listened to the kirtans and the Gurbani (Guru's voice).
This is all outweighed by its tiny size and serious devotion to high-end features for the price.
The high-octane pace only slows for us to catch our breath as Stover shows how well a fight scene can be executed – probably a result of his own devotion to the martial art of jeet kune do.
Review: Heroes Die by Matthew Woodring Stover
He is adorable for his devotion to science.
His positive attitude to life and his devotion to help people in need is illustrated throughout the book.
We will conclude this second part by giving a brief notice of some of those who, in the early days of aerostation, fell martyrs to their devotion to the new cause, and sometimes victims to their own want of foresight and their inexperience.
Wonderful Balloon Ascents
Principal-part participation is a behavior with tendentiousness and devotion as well as a guiding ideology of all teaching strategies.
In addition to the need for humility, discipline and singleminded devotion in the quest for Truth Gandhi lays stress on prayer.
Such emotionally fervent piety was also provided with a catalyst in the devotional use of images.
His office has been _attorned_ to me by _Saving Scylla_, who would doubtless see his _protracted devotion_ rewarded with that _freedom_ from _concerns_ which is the _perfumed ointment_ of _superannuity_.
Exodus From The Long Sun
Let us remember, in our judgment of what may appear to us even grave errors of opinion in the book, that its author has fought for every step of ground that has been gained of late years by spiritual religion in Germany; and, while we lament the "dimness" which this great man confesses with such Christian-like humility, let us acknowledge the grandeur of his idea of the kingdom of God, and the earnestness of his devotion to it.
The Life of Jesus Christ in Its Historical Connexion and Historical Developement.
If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion---- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free.
We need to bring together the devotional and mystical and scriptural pieces.
These ancient domains of the old Burgundian empire seem to throw up a type of Frenchman more passionate in his devotion to a certain idea of France than any other.
“Your argument is illogical,” I cried, “if the girl is jealous, it is because she has given herself more completely: her exclusiveness is the other side of her devotion and tenderness; she wants to do everything for you, to be with you and help you in every way, and in case of illness or poverty or danger, you would find how much more she had to give than your red-breeched soldier.”
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
In the Hindu tradition, a favorite devotional practice is the clothing of the images of the gods.
He encouraged devotion to the Host as well as daily almsgiving.
I use the word devotion specifically as it indicates love: these artists loved their patrons, they didn’t just serve them.
The Poet Prince
Few doubt either Ratzinger's stature as a theologian or his deep piety and devotion to the church.
They can be excessive in their devotions to Carlyle and Henry James and their denunciations can at times be annoying in slighting great writers such as Thackeray and Jane Austen.
To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. Individuals like myself are often called "workaholics". I question this term because that implies a pathological condition or an illness. If I do what I desire more than anything else in the world and which makes me happy, such work can never be an aberration. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
As I brooded over this strange tale of a daughter's devotion I watched the sea and sky for something that would give me a clue to the inevitable sequel that the tillicum, like all his race, was surely withholding until the opportune moment.
Legends of Vancouver
Concepts of fire and damnation have given way to more sanguine personal exhortations to love, service, and devotion.
She will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause of the poor.
I quote an account of a compilation of ‘Celtic’ prayers and devotions, published in 1994.
McCain shows an almost religious devotion to his causes - like campaign finance reform - and is brashly outspoken.
Her lips on this part of me unaccustomed to affectionate contact were strong with devotion, with the powerful will to console.
Author of five books, he has also compiled an equal number, including ‘Arul Maalai’, containing devotional hymns and articles on religion.
Sometimes it has seemed difficult to separate the primordial pagan origins of holy well veneration in specific localities from the orthodox church-approved beliefs and devotional practices.
He that burns incense to God, and so puts contempt upon the incense of Christ's intercession, is as if he blessed an idol; it was as great an affront to God as if they had paid their devotions to a false god.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
They have, says the reverend author, what one would not expect, many light toyish books (novels and plays, doubtless), others on Rosycrucian subjects, and of an abstruse mystical character; but they have no Bibles or works of devotion.
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
All these ideologies although they reflected in fact the sentiment directly due to social antitheses, that is to say, the real class struggles, with a lofty sense of justice and a profound devotion to an ideal, nevertheless all reveal ignorance of the true causes against which they hurled themselves by a an act of revolt spontaneous and often heroic.
Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History
His iron public spirit, his inevitable devotion to duty, unconscious and instinctive and uncensorious, combined with a guilty sense that her youth and beauty had been uprooted by him, and put into a dusty distant soil.
They concentrated on his childhood, his professional success in the City, and his devotion as a son and brother.
Gifted with an incredible voice, and a great sense and ability to sing, Bhanu has sung a number of devotional songs written by saints such as Kabir, Brahmanand and Guru - Articles related to 5 held with AK-47, ammo in Amritsar
[Page 27] hair which trails on the floor as she kneels, her wan, brown, pathetic face raised suppliantly in devotion, is one of the prettiest, though most common, sights in Mexico on Sunday morning.
Six Months in Mexico
He decided to show some signs of devotion to what he had been accustomed to call the grossest of superstitions; to reveal symptoms of latent Roman proclivities.
South Wind
Normally he performs his devotions twice a day.
Burnett to restrain the roving eyes of the congregation and make gallants better attend to their devotions; all these, in addition to the memorial slabs and tablets, and weeping angels over cinereal urns, tend to give the church that air of ugliness and comfort which the modern churchman detests.
She and I, Volume 1
In a stunning reversal of laissez-faire and a repudiation of the American devotion to free and competitive markets, the NIRA and the National Recovery Administration NRA, which put the law into practice, suspended all federal antitrust laws and created cartels of businesses in every major industry that—instead of market forces—decided how much products would cost, how much workers would make, and how much companies would produce.
A Renegade History of the United States
He habitually revealed that reverence for God which in Jewish devotion is the natural climax of true piety.
This process is an example of a structural contradiction: a strong sense of devotion and commitment to one's tribe that is incompatible with cooperation between tribes.
This devotion to narrative, character, detail, art, comedy, drama, and everything that makes a great movie is why Pixar is unlike anything in moviemaking that’s come before.
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From Bikram, I branched out to Jivamukti, a school of vinyasa yoga, which links poses together in a callisthenic-like flow, employing music (jazzy, jivey, new agey devotional - think Zero Seven, but with repeated references to Hindu gods), incense, a bit of massage and brief lectures ( "dharma talks") on yoga philosophy.
Lauren Cahn: From Cancer To Yoga: 10 Year Nap, My Ass!
In what ways are devotional images quotations?
What perversity would inspire a busy corporate spokesman to lavish devotion on such an inert and - let's face it - steadfastly unlovable personage for more than two decades?
Despite her filial devotion, Moore did not leave college expecting to spend her adult life with her mother.
Its artists broke every boundary they could find, mixing up art and life with almost religious devotion.
This is the high place of Chinese devotion, and the thoughtful visitor feels that he ought to tread its courts with unsandalled feet, for no vulgar idolatry has entered here.
Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
The sages 'religious-devotion, which is lovely because it overflows with the nectarous waters of the knowledge of truth," and "the lusty undertaking of touching with one's palm that hidden part in the firm laps of lovely-limbed women, loving women with great expanses of breasts and thighs.
India: The Place of Sex
The organ of today is devotional, churchly, vital and filled with tonal charm.
In Halle, birthplace of George Frederick Handel and once a center of Lutheran pietism that preached the personal devotion to the Redeemer, only 10 percent of the inhabitants belong to a Christian denomination.
After only three years her natural frailty and the rigours of her ascetic devotions killed her.
The most adored relative, the cherished lover, the dearest friend may inspire devotion, yet remain untrustworthy.
The edging of sea-shells along the Virgin's cloak is partially inspired by Clarke's work, and also refers specifically to St. Bernard's devotion to the Virgin as Star of the Sea; the saint is thought to be the first to have invoked the Virgin under this title.
New Illustration: The St. Bernard Triptych, Part I
(Although that downplays my 'hipness' -- I do enuf Chapl-aware to make mention of Him in order to win the hearts and minds of my kids ... if not affection, devotion, and fifty more years skimming ten percent of their Official United States paystubs into FICA -- 'Soc.
Dave Chappelle at Pioneer Courthouse Square at midnight? (Jack Bog's Blog)
In addition to the seven devotions, the CD has Scripture readings, prayers, hymns and church information.
And of you I think much and anxiously since Mrs. Channing, amidst her delight at what she calls the happiest hour of her absence, in her acquaintance with you and your family, expresses much uneasiness respecting your untempered devotion to study.
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
Other people 's devotion to religion moves me.
Times, Sunday Times
Once there was devotion, piety, fervor, religion, holy priests, purity of heart.
He encouraged devotion to the Host as well as daily almsgiving.
I don't ask much of the people who read this blog, only for their undying devotion and the occasional backrub.
24: Garofalo lives to annoy another day
And—being human—we responded in kind, seeking out dogs for their obsequiousness and unconditional devotion.
From the Cave to the Kennel
Buddy's gentleness was almost childlike, verging on the ridiculous -- his doting on dogs and little children, the love letters he had written to his dead wife Momi, his devotion to Stella's ashes and the green flash at sunset, his assiduous attention to his flowers.
Genius, devotion, and courage; the adornments of his mind, and the energies of his soul, all exerted to their uttermost stretch, could not roll back one hair's breadth the wheel of time's chariot; that which had been was written with the adamantine pen of reality, on the everlasting volume of the past; nor could agony and tears suffice to wash out one iota from the act fulfilled.
And he could be no less firm about aspects of liturgy of which he disapproved: his theology was never angular or sectarian (remember his generous support of the liturgical experiments of his successor as Dean of Clare, John Robinson), but there was a clear, eirenic but firm foundation in Protestant principle that made him very uneasy with what he regarded as the drip-feed of some sorts of Catholicising devotion into Anglican practice.
Sermon for the Life and Work of the Revd Prof CFD Moule
They'd spot my fascination for Hollywood's formative years, and my devotion to the novel.
Among the 20th century authors whose works I find mostly unreadable are two who inspire many people with a devotion and respect which are, to me, quite inexplicable.
When he would quench his thirst, he disdains to apply the earth-born beaker to his lips, but lets the water fall into his solemn swallow from on high, -- a pleasant feat to see, and one which, like a whirling dervis, diverts you by its agility, while it impresses you by its devotion.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
They are separated by nice questions of doctrine, especially as to the nature of prapatti, resignation or self-surrender to the deity, a sentiment slightly different from bhakti which is active faith or devotion.
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
A male clergy found a way of harnessing the devotion of women, whether in congregations or not, to promote the cult of the Virgin, both as a way of feminizing Catholicism and of legitimizing the virtues of womanhood and motherhood.
This willful perversion of the prevailing practices of late medieval spiritual devotions is reinforced by Bosch's use of the very form traditionally devoted to altarpieces: the triptych.
The motion sickness of recycled devotion pulls you, Kalahari way, into all reentrant forms.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
And yet all are confined to small pockets of devotion and none is able to command the assent of the nations of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Transition to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd - 7th Century A.D." offers a corrective to the rampant consumerism of our day with a condign lesson in Christianity's classical roots and intense devotions while also reminding us that a trade in objects flourished from its earliest times.
Transformational Objects
Her lips on this part of me unaccustomed to affectionate contact were strong with devotion, with the powerful will to console.
A person on his or her face has surrendered their persona or ego identity in repentance or in petition or in adorational worship of that which is greater, be it to a person in fealty or to God as devotional prayer.
Hogwarts Professor
However, a minority let their admiration and devotion to the great saint go a tad too far.
It was a joy to sit amid thirty or so girls and give a devotional talk as two of the housemothers translated my English into Tagalog.
The 80-year-old great grandfather inspires devotion second to none.
Times, Sunday Times
As a serviceman he was reliable, displaying grit, fearlessness, and devotion to duty, as well as being cheerful and optimistic.
Another item of interest the team will inspect is a small silver-encased prayer book in the mayor's parlour - Queen Katherine Parr's Book of Devotions.
Parker was applying Herbert Spencer's law of social evolution and the current devotion to organization to the denomination.
A picture of Christ in the mourning widow's chamber; a "mater dolorosa," in the distracted mother's home; a "kerchief" of the Holy Virgin, spotlessly white, like the glorious spirit, above the bed of olden times, are surely elevating, and honorable presences, the recollections which lead us to them are holy and imperishable, as is the devotion which bows the knee before them.
Debts of Honor