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How To Use Devote In A Sentence

  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive. Walt Disney 
  • A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive. Walt Disney 
  • One page of the menu is devoted to cheeses (domestic and imported), another to charcuterie, salads, meat and fish, the third to items from the wood-burning oven.
  • Records, is among the thousands of devoted followers who have raised figure skating to new heights of popularity.
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  • After this she was not strong enough to work in interventional cardiology and devoted herself to clinical and diagnostic cardiology.
  • I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary. Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
  • Based on the available methods, this paper devoted to more extensive researches of reliability methods and reliability growth methods. The main innovations are listed as follows.
  • Greg Wood is one of only 150 men and women in this country to devote themselves to the welfare of our horses' gnashers.
  • After too much airtime is devoted to the quartet's training, the contest itself throws up an unexpected hero. Times, Sunday Times
  • She gave up work to devote more time to her children.
  • After the main presentations, an hour will be devoted to breakout sessions in which executive development hurdles and needs would be explored.
  • The devotees were also treated for their excruciating pain in their shoulders, neck, back, thighs, knees, calves, ankle and foot.
  • In addition to weekly episodes of our human rights broadcast, we were also producing 'fortnightly' (a word we had picked up from Anita and begun to employ widely!) editions of Body Shop Television -- a unique, in-store television magazine devoted to internal communication among Body Shop employees and managers. Rory O'Connor: There Was Nothing Like This Dame
  • She had never been brought face to face with her great-uncle, and never devoted any conscious thought to him.
  • The budget devoted $29 billion to the war on terrorism and $9 billion to unconventional arms like pilotless spy planes carrying missiles and laser communications system for troops.
  • But he is also a devotee of literalist "textualism" in interpreting laws. Here Come The Justices
  • It is the Internet's largest site devoted to vexillology (the study of flags).
  • The practice at which I am a patient devotes one eighth of its doctors' time to acute care. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book devotes 30 pages to cucurbits, from giant pumpkins through marrows, zucchinis and cucumbers to back-scratching loofahs.
  • 'By gar,' he says, ''tis a disgrace to th' mim'ries iv thim devoted dead who died f'r their counthry, 'he says. Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen
  • Probably he felt an attempt to demonstrate the scale of Flaubert's achievement would be otiose and would, in any case, take up too much space in a short essay devoted to another topic.
  • Everyone should own the original movie, but we've rounded up a few clips that only the most devoted fans will have seen before. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the cup of human life is so overflowing with woe and pain and misery, it seems to me a narrow dilettanteism or downright charlatanism to devote one's self to petty or bizarre problems which can have no relation to human happiness, and to prate of self-satisfaction and self-expression. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • The lad and devoted dad must overcome corruption and indifference as they strive to make it in the rarefied world of the concert musician without connections.
  • He was a loving husband and devoted father. The Sun
  • The Harvard center will strive to develop new technologies for genomic molecular imaging, while the Johns Hopkins center will be devoted to advancing the emerging field of epigenetics.
  • A significant look was exchanged between the devotees, but no words; the friar departed, and the nun, still silent, conducted her through many solitary passages, where not even a distant foot-fall echoed, and whose walls were roughly painted with subjects indicatory of the severe superstitions of the place, tending to inspire melancholy awe. The Italian
  • Maison Française which is sort of a monthly event we started some two and a half years ago in which we applied a conversation between a French writer and myself and which is devoted to his actual work. Blog of a Bookslut
  • That is why I use the term devotee because it brings a different connotation; someone who is dedicated to following a specific faith rather than simply acknowledging it because they were born into it. The Nation: Top Stories
  • Both common-law national and civil-law national devote high attention to this.
  • Indeed, before entering the first of two main spaces devoted to the exhibit, you encounter five 1968 lithographs inspired by the poet Pablo Neruda's epic work, "Canto General," an all-embracing distillation of Latin American history, geography and culture. Siqueiros in Unfamiliar Terrain
  • The web sites devoted to Brigitte are of course legion.
  • The couple have become devotees of the mystical sect of Judaism - Kabbalah.
  • In a book appropriately entitled Konturen einer Geistesgeschichte der Mathematik (1946), Bense devoted a whole chapter (ch. 2) to articulating how the notion of style applies to mathematics. Mathematical Style
  • As an unrepentant internet devotee, I spend a lot of time rootling around cyberspace seeking out the edifying and unusual.
  • He devoted himself to the reconstruction of lost orthographies and grammars, developed a distinctly Japanese poetics. 井の中の蛙 » Renaissance Japan » Print
  • It is certainly not a convincing retort to point out that: the argument is inconsistent with the existence of a Board having powers as specified under Section 11 of the Broadcasting Act. However, in assenting to the Act, Parliament either did not know what it was doing; or was making an idle gesture, not expecting the Board to promulgate any regulations respecting standards of programs, the character of advertising, the amount of time that may be devoted to advertising, and other matters specifically referred to, in the Act; or as I believe to be much more likely, Parliament consciously denied the argument that broadcasting can be left to the normal criteria and judgments of the market place. A High Standard
  • More than three-quarters (77%) admitted they spend less than 5 minutes reading each resume; 56% devote less than 60 seconds to each one.
  • For example there are several magazines devoted to only hairstyles and hair care.
  • He has a bunch of books and a ton of websites and a seemingly huge and devoted following.
  • I devote myself to helping the poor.
  • Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef has devoted many responsa to this subject. Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef.
  • The back portion of the hardware store was devoted to guns and fishing tackle.
  • He began writing plays, essays, short stories and then film scripts declaring that he planned to devote his life to art as a force for social change.
  • I am in exclusive intimate spiritual communion with each of my devotees.
  • Ruby's overanalytical, fast-paced and authentic narration will win over new devotees, while her loyal fans will no doubt hope for more. E. Lockhart's Blog:
  • He has become similarly devoted to helping young musicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We have several officers whose jobs are entirely devoted to crunching numbers for mandarins in Whitehall,’ he growls.
  • He has not given a speech devoted exclusively to xenophobia.
  • The concept of durbar reveals the jagadguru's benevolence for the welfare and well being of the devotees who participate to gain the acharya's blessings.
  • He formed an order of ascetics devoted to develop a sense of community with the help of religious injunctions and instructions.
  • The final section of this exhibition is devoted to works executed by artists after they had left Rome and the Villa Medici.
  • Determined to forget his past, he is finally able to devote himself to the more elevating aspects of earthly existence.
  • It's a very devoted listenership. Times, Sunday Times
  • Agenda-setting front-page splashes started reappearing as well as longer inside reads devoted to issues not normally touched by the Record.
  • He purchased a new queen-size bed for the bedroom and constructed a small library, its bookshelves filled with biographies as well as volumes devoted to history, political science, and New Journalism, including the works of Hunter S. American Legacy
  • One reason the small companies do so well is they can devote more personal attention to each project.
  • The controversy reached such a pitch that the paper devoted a whole page to it.
  • Devoted specifically to the scholarly, cross-disciplinary study of plagiary and related behaviors across the disciplines, articles in Plagiary address the issue of fraudulent contributions to disciplinary discourse communities and the potential (and actual) corruption of the professional literature and other genres of discourse as a result of such derivative and/or fraudulent "contributions" to discoursal interchange. November 2006
  • The fact of the matter is, Albert, I have devoted my unfortunate life to two arts: the military and the potatory. Greener Than You Think
  • At length, the soloist and the orchestra meet on the same spiritual plane, a process aided by the quotation of the plainsong Adoro te devote.
  • In May, Alan had to devote more of his time to his paid positions and stepped down from the executive directorship.
  • Catholic Church over which Cæcilianus presides, who give their services to this holy religion, and who are commonly called clergymen, be entirely exempted from all public duties, that by any error or sacrilegious negligence they may not be drawn away from the service due to the Deity, but may devote themselves without any hindrance to their own law. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture.
  • The succeeding days were devoted to a general reconnaissance of the place; but I must say that Roustchouk, although capital of the pashalic of Silistria, and containing thirty or forty thousand inhabitants, pleased me less than any town of its size that I had seen in the East. Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844.
  • They serve as an important contemporary counterpoint to the cases below that are devoted to Africa's long history of agriculture, metallurgy, and ceramic production.
  • Critics, TV executives and its devoted audience raved about the show, making it seem more influential in Britain than perhaps it really was.
  • She has endless fan sites and blog posts devoted to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • For, although the said Giovanni and others have carried them to absolute perfection, it is none the less true that the chief praise is due to Morto, who was the first to bring them to light and to devote his whole attention to paintings of that kind, which are called grotesques because they were found for the most part in the grottoes of the ruins of Rome; besides which, every man knows that it is easy to make additions to anything once it has been discovered. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 05 ( of 10) Andrea da Fiesole to Lorenzo Lotto
  • He had to devote all his attention to the routine task of driving, finally pulling over to recover.
  • While the catalogue is a compendium of information on the artist and her work, it does not devote sufficient attention to one of the most extraordinary aspects of the exhibition.
  • Also returning to the bosom of his family was Tod, who devoted eight years of his career to Dunfermline.
  • Krishna devotees ardently look upon him as the Godhead, more emotively evocative than most of the other avatars.
  • Why devote a chapter to him in a book which explicitly encourages its readers to pay attention to this music?
  • The finale featured solo turns by some of Glover's student devotees, young and old, and a joyous shim-sham dance by the entire cast.
  • And there's not a word devoted to discussing the hatefulness Crooks and Liars
  • They retained a devoted following long after they ceased production. Times, Sunday Times
  • That ought to be enough to scare away even the most devoted private-sector champions of better training.
  • It is ironic that in an issue devoted to the preservation of salmon you glorify the ritualistic hunting and consumption of them.
  • Baxter admitted he was not pleased with the previous day's training, where too many players showed their poor finishing during a lengthy session devoted to shooting practice, in which he tried to sharpen matters up in front of goal.
  • His sudden hot desire thickened the air between them and gave it a honeylike scent that only Brynna and her unwanted devotee could smell. Highborn
  • The youths are, inevitably, a feeder team for the adult side - hence the attention being devoted to them.
  • If we historians were to devote all our attention to the collection of facts and the collating of evidence and to nothing else at all, if we were to neglect the imponderabilia, the spiritual and human sides of life because we have no scientific scale to weigh them in (as indeed we cannot have), we should cease to attract the ablest minds of the rising generation into the army of historians. History and Literature
  • And I had come to be oppressed by what seemed to me the futility of art -- a pompous legerdemain, a consummate charlatanry that deceived not only its devotees but its practitioners. CHAPTER II
  • She was dynamic, a bit high-strung, of strong character, and completely devoted to the cause.
  • It is composed in a hand that could equally have penned the Chinese calligraphy to which he devoted his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was trained by nuns and devoted her life to prayer and austerities, but spoke rarely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charter states that the press shall be devoted to printing and publishing in the furtherance and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Just as rock and roll is here to stay, so are the academics devoted to studying it and all the other sounds contained under the ‘popular music’ rubric.
  • What could have been more natural, then, than that Ballard the student should devote himself to classes in anatomy, spending quality time with corpses, some of whom, in life, had been dedicated professors in the department. The Catastrophist
  • I can foresee a long cult career for Andrew W.K., devoted acolytes swearing he is the best thing ever, and everybody else ignoring him because they don't know how to do anything else.
  • This edition devotes itself to exploring multicultural vibrancy in Britain today.
  • Founded in 1916, The Endocrine Society is the world's oldest, largest, and most active organization devoted to research on hormones, and the clinical practice of endocrinology.
  • Relying on savings and severance, McDonald, 36, decided at the beginning of 2003 to devote his energy to new career goals.
  • In Canadian retail grocery stores, more space is devoted to fresh produce than to any other food sector.
  • Then devote yourselves to relaxing together and maybe sharing a sensuous massage. The Sun
  • It's the ultimate dilemma for the indecisive: two women, attractive, intelligent, devoted.
  • Why was George so interested in the history of economic thought that he was willing to devote a substantial amount of his time and energy to helping a new, struggling, rinky-dink journal get on its feet?
  • The yatras have in the past sparked clashes in Ahmedabad as Hindu devotees - armed with swords, tridents and spears - hurled anti-Muslim insults from atop chariots and trucks.
  • Speaking to reporters, Mr. Obama said he would devote new energy to diplomacy and other nonmilitary aspects of U. S. global power.
  • It wasn't a Tuesday, the real day for devotees, so one could walk inside after a fairly short wait in a queue.
  • Now it resembled a low fortress wall with blocks of stone evenly cut and dressed, and white lines to guide devotees on moonless nights.
  • The only motive to devote myself to study Nepenthes viking in habitat is curiosity. Its existence is quite interesting as well as its amazing pitcher shape.
  • The Arab countries devote the highest percentage of gross domestic product in the world to arms.
  • Their dedication to quality has paid off - with a devoted band of customers throughout West Yorkshire.
  • The central "aisle" is devoted to "Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico," which in fact features masterworks from roughly 1400 to 400 BC, ranging from the massive stone portrait heads of rulers ... Peter Clothier: Big Day at LACMA
  • In the Enquiry he called Catholics ‘devotees of superstition’ and Catholic liturgy ‘mummeries.’
  • They were totally devoted to each other.
  • Engle makes Sherry adorably effective as an effable, devoted (brings his lunch to work) wife who deals reasonably well with that pesky little transgression and is funny as hell when she learns while drunk that Joe's old flame is married to the renegade preacher. James Scarborough: Bail Me Out, the Hudson Guild Theatre
  • Currently there are six divisions of Three Chimneys, four of which are devoted to mares and foals, one to yearlings, and one to the farm's 12 stallions.
  • British officers pencilled out amusing menus featuring horseflesh and one Major Stewart's ‘devoted batman was killed while bringing his mule-steak lunch to his dug-out’.
  • But he said he had observed I was sometimes hoarse — a little roopy was his exact expression — and it should be, every drop, devoted to the purpose he had mentioned. David Copperfield
  • Another night was devoted exclusively to a discussion of Patrick Roscoe - not the author but a computer-programmer friend of Heti's.
  • We are the Mr Clean society - devoted to eradicating every natural body odour and euphemizing every body function and its excretions.
  • Many of the financial resources were devoted to reconstruction instead of being given to evangelists or missionaries.
  • Personally devoted to Santa Anna, Marquez was waiting only for an auspicious moment to pronounce in his favor.
  • And his many devoted former research students testify most directly to his continuing influence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The practice at which I am a patient devotes one eighth of its doctors' time to acute care. Times, Sunday Times
  • A richly decorated palanquin, escorted by a band of priests and devotees, carried in the Kumari, dressed in her gold and scarlet finery.
  • I just wish a character who is wise and focused on a world outside her own desires could have joined this most recent blast of bling and couture to leave long-term devotees with any message other than aging is depressing, marriage is depressing, children are depressing, and complaining about all three relentlessly is boring. Shallow Gals
  • The wise men, the great sages and pure devotees, are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita.
  • My independent high school was the only one I know of in the region which actually devoted an entire term of English class to the study and memorisation of grammar and syntax. stick Says: Matthew Yglesias » Teaching Reading Right
  • The two boy cats are devoted to each other, and spend most of the night in mutual grooming.
  • They are gruesome and evoke fear in the minds of their devotees; not love.
  • But Wilson devoted just one track to the band and the other seven to vocals.
  • But there is no comparable academic industry devoted to studying the psychological underpinnings of liberalism.
  • Snarled hanks of colored line nest devotedly against one another and suspend euphoniously from a planar filigree of black over white.
  • Also, on a site called Sarah Et Cetera a page devoted to Rummy Name Calling gives examples such as doucheholster chowderhead twatwaffle The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s a “Rummy Name”?
  • Small companies can devote more personal attention to each project.
  • The DAR is a non-profit, non-political worldwide service organization formed in 1890 and is devoted to promoting The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • Two pages are devoted to Mexico's controversial matricular consular identification card. CNN Transcript Feb 21, 2005
  • So why then is a government supposedly devoted to fostering British science still insisting on forcing some of its leading researchers into Dickens's ‘perplexed and troublous valley of the shadow of the law’?
  • His immaculate lawn received his devoted attention even when he was working.
  • Psychologist Dorothy Tennov devoted her career studying this experience, and labeled this passionate form limerence. Leslie Davenport: The Health Benefits of Love: A Meditation for Deepening Connections
  • The word selfless is an adjective that defines a person who is completely devoted to others welfare or interest and not ones own. Carla Alpert And Diane Prefontaine: Words to Live By: Kindness is Contagious (VIDEO)
  • Therefore he appears as the Deity to accept the worship and obeisances of His devotees.
  • It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem.
  • The Civil War has generated a myriad of publications that address the interests of its devotees.
  • It promises a wide variety of cinema to suit both devoted French film fans and newcomers alike.
  • This is the first exhibition devoted to Ruskin's engagement with printmaking examining his use of various methods, etching, woodcut, mezzotint and steel and copper engraving.
  • In that case Tichatschek would be required for the principal part, and your most devoted capellmeister would, if you should think it necessary, take care of the rest on certain conditions. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt
  • This time she devoted herself to improving the quality of food and the diet of consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movement spread across Europe by means of lay associations devoted to education and to prayer, known as Brethren of the Common Life, and a religious order known as the Windesheim canons.
  • Much of the present book is devoted to ministerial orders, with an essay on the diaconate and several extended discussions on the episcopal office and the meaning of apostolic succession.
  • They tested their model by comparing its predictions with measurements from field projects devoted to characterizing marine stratocumulus clouds.
  • The morning is devoted to "stick and balling," or stick skills, while afternoons consist of chukker practice matches. Best Bets For Business Trips ...
  • Others make more explicit the objectives to which the government should devote itself.
  • My father was a scientist studying the virus and when Diana got it he devoted his life to finding a cure.
  • Through the beaded curtain she could see the devoted gaze of the women in the front row.
  • They devote an inordinate amount of time, effort and resource to developing high-calibre managers.
  • The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station devoted to classical music.
  • One volume per year is issued, and each is devoted to a single subject.
  • He would become her knight and devote himself to her service, though his passion for her would rarely be consummated.
  • She became a Dominican tertiary at the age of 16, and devoted herself to good works and to prayer.
  • It covers 4300 journals devoted to medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, healthcare systems, and the preclinical sciences.
  • A devotee of the sexual revolution, he remained in many ways an unreconstructed, 1950s male chauvinist pig.
  • What is probably the very first monograph ever devoted to Auriol deals with his conceptualism.
  • As a staple of the global diet the potato worth this digestible book devoted to its biology, history and social influence. Times, Sunday Times
  • A low-performing organization that continues to devote scarce time and energy to the pursuit of remote goals is courting disappointment.
  • Why do you think superheroes attract such devoted readers?
  • The less we spend on conspicuous consumption goods, the better we can afford to alleviate congestion; and the more time we can devote to family and friends, to exercise, sleep, travel, and other restorative activities.
  • The land area of the island is 538 acres, mostly devoted to agriculture. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no getting away from it: a lot of news media time in the coming year is going to be devoted to that most enervating of subjects.
  • It is devoted to the responsibility of universities in educating their students and preparing them for life in this century.
  • Quite the reverse: all the evidence suggests that we can feed and fuel that number with ease and still increase the land devoted to conservation.
  • These days whole web sites are devoted to this kind of black humour.
  • This article devotes itself to establishment of mathematical model and combination of derivative of shape function of such element type.
  • The text is devoted to roots and tubers, reflecting the importance which still exists in some Andean regions of the numerous members of the Cannaceae, Leguminosae, Cruciferae, Solanaceae, Basellaceae and other families which have edible roots or tubers. 1. Lost crops of the incas.
  • I shall take the nectarean water that has washed the lotus feet of such a devotee and carry it on my head.
  • But there were many cloistered Christians who studied the bible undisturbed by these shadows and doubts, and who, heedless of patristical lore and saintly wisdom, devoured the spiritual food in its pure and uncontaminating simplicity -- such students, humble, patient, devoted, will be found crowding the monastic annals, and yielding good evidence of the same by the holy tenor of their sinless lives, their Christian charity and love. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Afterwards the devoted husband scurries home for a quiet evening with his wife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asked why one heavy user ( "dweeb" was the term of art from the questioner) could slow an entire network, McSlarrow said that capacity is still primarily devoted to downstream information, but upstream capacity has been strained by the rise of peer-to-peer networks. C - Advertising News
  • Fortunately, this volume does not lose sight of the strangeness of the poetical perspective; neither is it entirely devoted to the tangible and the earthy.
  • She says she's selling her house to devote more time to this, as well as her philanthropic work and family. Times, Sunday Times
  • That idea had been around for a while but was too odd to devote the time to complete it. The Sun
  • Later, elaborate designs were carved on precious wood, ivory and metals, including silver and brass, and inlaid with gold and silver wire, and they became votive objects of veneration for devotees.
  • A whole chapter is devoted to handling the news frenzy if your partner is involved in a scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did you revel in Zuckerberg's intensity, passion, and joy in working so devotedly on one thing and being so stunningly good at it? Bella DePaulo: Facebook Movie: The Arrogance of Achievement vs. the Arrogance of Inheritance
  • At the age of five, the Jewish lad was sent to _cheder_ and his young years devoted to the study of the Bible. Rabbi and Priest A Story
  • HubbleSite has one page devoted to Discoveries, "the scientific leaps that never would have been possible without Hubble's farseeing capabilities. Hubble Chuptzah
  • It devotes nearly a chapter to Walsh and his crusade, and Lance chips in a few choice words about the man too.
  • Isabella was devoted to her brother.
  • She encouraged me to give up optometry and devote myself to photography, which I did in 1975.
  • She and other volunteers devoted a chunk of the day's efforts to double-checking the precincts students should report to.
  • We also learn that George III was ‘a genuinely faithful spouse… devoted to his fifteen children’.
  • The maid seems as devotedly attached to her charge as a foster mother could be.
  • There are thirty-two segments devoted to a particular muscle, such as temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii and so on.
  • Etymologists are uncertain about exactly when the word hippie came into existence, although it is clearly a variation of the term hipster, which had been in use during the forties, in reference to devotees of jazz music. The Typewriter Is Holy
  • A team of lawyers and staff from Hammonds have devoted time and energy to fund-raising.
  • Still, he became devoted to the idea of gifting Necromongers with the greatest ar'mada ever seen. The Chronicles of Riddick
  • A brainstorming session is devoted to creative thought.
  • Hugh Hefner has devoted a little bit of Playboy to his new bride, Kimberley.
  • We were taught that our lives must be devoted to reclaiming our land.
  • Kind, generous and good natured, she was a good friend to many and was devoted to her family.
  • It may seem tame in this context to devote time and technical skill to throwing up perfect spheres of glass in a vacuum and timing their passage up and down past two pairs of slits.
  • Cultural programmes by the Songs & Drama Division organized at Government Higher Secondary School, All India Devotional Song Competition at Shri Yog Ashram, religious discourses at Regunath Mandir, free langer by Seva Bharti and exhibition stalls by various departments were the other highlights of the Festival which is attracting thousands of devotees and locals. Navratra festival--1.70 lakh pilgrims pay obeisance at Vaishno Devi during first five Navratras
  • I called the appraiser, then devoted my attention to surfing for decorating ideas. Fat Chance
  • Heck, even the venerable New York Times devoted substantial ink to the whole overblown affair.
  • He was honest and devoted to duty, and his record easily withstood the most searching examination. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877

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