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How To Use Devolve In A Sentence

  • This principle, however, affords a safer means of navigating than the orthopter type, because the blades of such an instrument can be forced through the air with infinitely greater speed than beating wings, and it devolves on the inventor to devise some form of apparatus which will permit the change of pull from a vertical to a horizontal direction while in flight. Aeroplanes
  • He has identified ways to cut its 600m supply chain spending by 12% and devolved more responsibility to regional management teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Governing Body, in its wisdom, devolved decision making for the trophy's route to its constituent bodies, the counties.
  • Upon the death of Charles, the third viscount without issue in 1739, the title of baronet devolved to Charles, elder son of Dr. William Graham, some time Dean of Carlisle, fourth son of Sir George, the second baronet; but it was not, we believe, for some years claimed, nor is any account of this family inserted in the baronetages of 1741 or 1773.
  • As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".
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  • Stray too far in one direction and you devolve into saccharine sentimentality, go the other direction and you risk crass exploitation.
  • I'm not saying that sexual responsibility devolves to women.
  • At the revolution the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but _they are sovereigns without subjects_ (unless the African slaves among us may be so called), and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America _are equal as fellow-citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty_. An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting
  • He said leadership had become a huge preoccupation because organisations had changed over the past few decades, with power and responsibility being devolved down the organisational chain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Managements took steps to decentralise budgetary control and devolve the management of the labour process to establishment level.
  • The title devolved upon his brother, Sir Howard who had married, in July 1799, Anne, eldest daughter of James Dundas, Esq. The Letter-Bag of Lady Elizabeth Spencer-Stanhope — Volume 1
  • Unless we devolve powers to county level and abolish the quangos, we will fail to energise local government to the challenges of the 21st century.
  • This rant then devolves into a general pasting of popular music and is not especially coherent, but then, what do you want out of a one-eared, stuffed deer.
  • When the company president is ill,most of his work will devolve onhis deputy.
  • The Holtham Commission, one of the most thorough reviews of the distribution of public expenditure in the UK, concluded that if the formula used to apportion public expenditure in England were applied to the devolved administrations, Wales would receive nearly £400m more per annum, and Scotland around £4bn less, compared with the apportionments dictated by a creaking Barnett formula. We are still a nation divided by shameful economic injustice | The big issue
  • The virulence of sectarianism here remains a major threat to the newly devolved institutions.
  • This removed land in intestate estates from the repercussions of primogeniture and stipulated a division along the same lines as chattels: one-third to the widow for her lifetime, ultimately to devolve to the children of the marriage; two-thirds equally divided among the children. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Until effective power is devolved from supra-national and national decision-makers electors act rationally in withholding their vote in protest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interestingly, this has now devolved into a potential stoush between the Mayor and his Deputy.
  • Westminster could change the position but this might be against the will of the devolved administrations, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Learn from it and never again devolve into this shameful mockery of justice. Primaries over, Democrats promote unity
  • But the hui gave impetus to a new approach where services would be devolved - delivered by locals, for locals.
  • Career Girls never devolves into soap opera, but remains a focused, complex portrayal of a friendship.
  • The council executive believes the tactic would deter petty criminals from bad behaviour, and it wants the decision to be devolved from the Met to borough police commanders.
  • At their worst, they devolve into a sort of constant New Yorker navel-gazing that is three parts cinema verite, one part melodrama (See In Treatment). Recent Adventures in Televised Entertainment
  • To be a good manager, you must know how to devolve responsibility downwards.
  • In lesser hands, it could easily have devolved into something dull and uninteresting.
  • They stressed education so that people would better understand the faith, and the responsibility for education devolved on the home, the church, and the state.
  • Additional powers will devolve to the regional governments.
  • Let me stop here, before this devolves into another frenzied and unfounded rant.
  • The result is that thinking becomes so mechanical that it is best done by managers and machines; reason devolves into a technology of control wielded by the wealthy and powerful.
  • Thus half the effort of benefit-cost analysis would devolve upon the firm, whose owners' best interests dictate accurate cost estimates.
  • Either way, the effect has been that a crucial part of the machinery of devolution remains undevolved and largely unreformed.
  • Since just about anyone can make a citizen's arrest, many situations quickly devolve into free-for-alls.
  • All the responsibility has devolved upon him.
  • The first major test of the new devolved system appeared within three months. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • More power is to be devolved to regional government.
  • At a time when cereal marketing has devolved to price-cutting and me-too line extensions, that's an aggressive marketing push.
  • If we devolve or get to a two-tier [alliance] it will weaken the alliance and we will have much work to do.
  • All the King's Men let its protagonist, a charismatic and power hungry politician who loses all restraint, grow into his detestability, and Willy Stark devolves into the mire of corruption gracelessly. DVD Times
  • When he was ill, his duties devolved on his deputy.
  • Upon his death his titles extinguished; but his estates devolved on his nephew, the Lord John Fitz Maurice, in whose favour the title of The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • When a standoff between ATF agents and Five Points quickly devolves into a violent cataclysm explicitly recalling the 1993 fiasco at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, Smith critiques the horrors of an overreaching, inhumane government that cares more about avoiding bad press than the lives of innocents trapped inside the compound. Cathleen Falsani: Kevin Smith's 'Red State': Masterful, Spiritually Powerful
  • Hal, I didn't mean to imply I didn't like Lynch films anymore, they're still a hoot, but for me they've devolved from a serious work of cinema to more of a period piece of youthful camp ... Brokeback Tree Stand
  • It would be for the devolved administrations to decide whether to match the guarantee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Westminster could change the position but this might be against the will of the devolved administrations, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • But since all are created equally in the image of God, there is a duty that devolves upon the ‘haves’ to give of their substance to the ‘have-nots’ in order to effect justice.
  • Originally introduced as a potential love interest for both Dan and Nate as well as a one-time Bass boink, the hippy-harpy character has devolved from a borderline interesting counterpoint to all the glamour of her surroundings to a sniveling buttinsky with nothing better to do than meddle for the sole sake of spoiling everyone's fun. Watercooler: Gossip Girl's Vanessa Needs to Go!
  • For me there's an ambiguous element, ie it's possible that the AMs mean they want to see Wales legislate independently within devolved areas. Fifth Column?
  • There are uncertainties about staying in the union (how many more powers will be devolved? Christianity Today
  • (UKNSC), which advises the government and the three devolved administrations on screening to detect conditions such as foetal abnormalities and cancer. The Guardian World News
  • It followed a round of talks between the PM and heads of devolved administrations. The Sun
  • With regard to those who have already passed147 the vigour of early manhood, and on whom the highest magistracies henceforth devolve, there is a like contrast. The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians
  • A large portion of this cost devolves upon the patient.
  • If the detectives are of differing abilities it devolves into a situation where one player is deciding the best move for everybody else.
  • Hedges witnessed arguments over the origin of heart-shaped gingerbread cookies that almost devolved into violence. Bloodlust
  • Money was both a lure and a problem, though, for the publishers -- and just as whole industries saw the rise of mergers, takeovers and "multi-nationals" that came to dominate what had once been multi-owned, geographically dispersed, independent firms, so mainstream publishing gradually devolved onto a few international parent companies, who amassed subsidiary imprints and benefitted from the supposed economies of scale. Nigel Hamilton: Apocalypse in Print
  • And I was really happy that you see her kind of devolve into her own chaos and struggle with this choice. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2002
  • We will continue to devolve power to our regions and localities wherever we can.
  • All the responsibility has devolved upon him.
  • In another, an abstracted cutaway view of the landscape devolves into a pattern that suggests a bar code.
  • So our sessions devolved from bodywork to this bizarre form of primal therapy.
  • The goal of the welfare bill is to devolve power and responsibilty to the states.
  • With Scottish elections due next year and the devolved parliament already under fire for costs overrunning on its new building, that would be a severe blow to devolution.
  • Yet another law was passed, in first reading, to devolve some powers of the central government to regional councils.
  • They have legislated to expand trial by jury, devolve powers to local councils and ban the police from entering universities.
  • Additional powers will devolve to the regional governments.
  • More powers are gradually being devolved to the regions.
  • The company president has devolved decision-making to the department managers.
  • The 60's, a decade fashion forgot, also began a trend of informality that devolved over time from slovenliness in the 90's to dishevelment in the 2000's. Roger Stone: StoneZone's 2011 Best and Worst Dressed
  • But it is not our ambition to devolve from the centre those resources and responsibilities necessary to protect and advance our nationwide economy. Ontario's Role in Confederation
  • When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice - President.
  • He did not prohibit smoking - only the advent of our new, democratic, accessible, devolved parliament has provoked this beneficent prospect.
  • The first half is pretty cool, as we meet the central character and see his peculiar behaviour, however in the second half it pretty much devolves into a boring conventional thriller with nothing especially interesting to say.
  • Turnout is also very low in elections for local councils, devolved institutions and the European Parliament.
  • England, the same order of succession which justice required, was also the most conformable to public interest; and there was not on any side any just ground for doubt or deliberation: that when these three princesses were excluded by such solid reasons, the succession devolved on the marchioness of Dorset, elder daughter of the French queen and the duke of Suffolk: that the next heir of the marchioness was the lady Jane The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
  • A celestial organ devolves into the shrill shrieks of swooping banshees, and deep rumbles sound like the dyspeptic gurgles in a huge beasts' stomach.
  • Why is it always that responsibilities like this devolve on me?
  • Or should responsibility only devolve on two or three of them who bought the last rounds?
  • The frank realism of his writing devolves from his experience working with violence prevention in prisons and schools in New York.
  • The song devolves gradually, with a descending keyboard figure.
  • He called for Labour to devolve power to local people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities.
  • And since the ashes of sacrifices burnt upon the altar of God were carefully carried out by the priests, and deposed in a clean field; since they acknowledged their bodies to be the lodging of Christ, and temples of the Holy Ghost, they devolved not all upon the sufficiency of soul-existence; and therefore with long services and full solemnities, concluded their last exequies, wherein to all distinctions the Greek devotion seems most pathetically ceremonious. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • You know, we've seen instances of people, you know, handing out food or handing out bottles of water, and all of a sudden, it can very quickly kind of devolve into something else. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2010
  • The federal government has devolved responsibility for welfare to the states.
  • Ok, that didn't take long to devolve into totally pointless snark.
  • But when you devolve responsibility to regions you can't then try and control them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is understood that the title devolved on James, (third Earl of Hopetown,) who, however, did not assume the title but took the name of Johnstone in addition to that of Hope. Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians
  • This practice was also founded on the notion that a fief was a benefice, and that, while the heir could not perform his military services, the revenue devolved to the superior, who employed another in his stead. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
  • Calls for alternative settlements for the devolved administrations are on the agenda for the meeting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The counterpoint becomes increasingly intricate as the set progresses, but Frescobaldi never lets the music devolve into academic dryness.
  • The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities.
  • Such a coalition or pact will no doubt be based upon a public agreement, as has been the case with devolved administrations in Scotland. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we're doing well, our over-confidence can devolve into complacence, thinking that our future will continue on the same trajectory as our past. Ron Ashkenas: When the Invincible Become "Vincible"
  • The devolved administration is facing collapse over the failure of Unionists and nationalists to agree controversial welfare reforms. The Sun
  • If it doesn't, the obligation devolves upon the member associations and therefore the member associations are free to do so if they have a reasonable prospect of doing so effectively.
  • Because of the devolved nature of National Certificate assessment, much more feedback is available than from a traditional external examination.
  • And yes, there's a risk that the trial will deteriorate into a more circusy spectacle in New York than it would otherwise devolve. Adam Hanft: Quakers and Shakers: Giuliani and Paterson Unlikely Bedfellows in the Axis of Anxiety
  • One search devolves into a myriad of cross-link sites for a video game, and another search lists links of knitters 'blogs about an inability to finish objects once they get on the needles. Progress, slow and steady
  • Calls for alternative settlements for the devolved administrations are on the agenda for the meeting. Times, Sunday Times
  • From here on out, responsibility for my apprenticeship as a feeder devolved to me alone.
  • The company president has devolved decision-making to the department managers.
  • The current settlement devolves substantial power and funding to the Scottish parliament and compares well with most other sub-national jurisdictions of the world.
  • And here, not all the guiltlessness of her intentions could exonerate her from blame with that finely scrutinizing monitor to which Heaven, in pity to those evil propensities that law cannot touch, nor society reclaim, has devolved its earthly jurisdiction in the human breast. Camilla
  • The reauthorization debate is the domestic policy opportunity of the near future, but it will be a lost opportunity if it devolves into an argument over whether this or that element of the 1996 changes succeeded.
  • What started off as a nice satire of Big Science and weapons research devolves into an unpleasant story of corruption involving a large cast of unpleasant characters.
  • What no science fiction writer before the moonshot anticipated was that the Space Race would start out as a contest between two military powers for ascendancy in the 'high ground' of outer space, which then devolved into a prestige project, whose prohibitive costs were bourn for such imponderable goals such as national bragging rights. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
  • The first major test of the new devolved system appeared within three months. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • The virulence of sectarianism there remains a major threat to the newly devolved institutions.
  • The first major test of the new devolved system appeared within three months. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • Such a coalition or pact will no doubt be based upon a public agreement, as has been the case with devolved administrations in Scotland. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to step up the pace of engagement on the issues so devolved institutions can be established next year without delay.
  • He said: ‘If you are going to devolve power to local communities, giving them a list of who should be involved is counter-productive.’
  • A committee or coalition cannot instigate true love; the responsibility for this devolves to substantial human exemplars.
  • It also has devolved responsibility for elements of the PCT's budget, including prescribing, orthopaedics and A&E. Letters: Communication breakdown over health service reforms
  • By then, as a writer of a later generation, David Foster Wallace, remarked, the “brave new individualism and sexual freedom of the 1960s devolved into anomic self-indulgence” for the so-called Me generation of the 1970s. Raymond Carver
  • But when you devolve responsibility to regions you can't then try and control them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sirs Fitzhugh, Carroll, and Rochester, composed the company; but the management of the business devolved almost wholly on Col. Rochester, whose wealth, enterprise, and intelligence well qualified him for the undertaking; and as it had been assigned him to cognominate the new village, I have heard it said that he jocularly gave his reason for selecting its present title, as follows: "Should he call it Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
  • Although local concerns need to be fully taken into account, central government should not devolve responsibility to local authorities, nor to unaccountable transport grandees.
  • On me, a mere prosperous tradesman, and busy politician and man of the world, devolves the delicate and responsible task of being the first to write the life of the greatest literary genius this century has produced, _and of revealing the strange secret of that genius_, which has lighted up the darkness of these latter times as with a pillar of fire by night. The Martian
  • Consensus-based constitutional conventionsdevolved tothe bioregional level, rewriting their constitutions to reflect a directly democratic, bioregionally-based confederation, with acentral coordinating function for common defense andfair trade, and including economic and cultural, as well political rights. TEN-POINT PROGRAM FOR SYSTEMIC ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION
  • The trick is to extend the frontiers of devolved responsibility, without falling over the edge into separatism.
  • I don't mean to have this call devolve into a 'relationship' call," Davis said, before leading the pack of journalists down precisely that trail -- bringing up and distorting Obama's description of Bill Ayers as "just one of my friends in the neighborhood. McCain Compares Obama Small Donor Issue To Ayers And ACORN
  • Star Slinger is helping DC9 celebrate its eight-year anniversary with his spaced-out electronic music, which should allow the audience to quickly devolve into a dance party. Ben E. Kessler: Concert Whereabouts (Feb. 6 - Feb. 12)
  • On the contrary, it seems there will be even further politicisation of HM's 'boys in blue' (or 'boys/girls in dustman flourescent/helmeted riot gear/Stasi social spies' with the front line essential responses devolved to inexperienced, under-trained and underpaid council workers). Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Perhaps more to the point, however, Heidegger's secularized meditation on the imminence of death and the responsibilities that devolve to us as a result owe more to the heroic literature of Ernest Juenger.
  • The devolved administration is facing collapse over the failure of Unionists and nationalists to agree controversial welfare reforms. The Sun
  • We have no choice but to fight on until the ANC/SACP aliance and its partner, the National Party, are prepared to devolve significant powers to the regions and not just powers which enable the regions to determine their own sport, animal disease or abattoir policies," Mr Buthelezi said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Will a new McCarthyism devolve from the current "Tea-Party" movement that exists only to attempt to deny the fact that Barack Obama is in fact a United States Citizen and has legitimately been elected President of all Americans? Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • When the company president is ill,most of his work will devolve onhis deputy.
  • One reason why it was not found is one considers the comment that we had breached our duty or our duty had devolved upon us so as to call for us to act some time long before November 1996.
  • Upon his retirement, the business devolved on his son.
  • Already, Labour MPs are making complaints about this and hinting darkly that they won't do interviews if they are asked questions about devolved matters.
  • (I mean the law Epopoeian), and devolveth upon the poet as his property, who may take him and deal with him as if he had been dead as long as an old Egyptian hero; that is to say, embowel and embalm him for posterity. The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 2
  • It was inevitable that spiritual power should devolve on the urban temples.
  • But clearly Internet needs to "devolve" to a human scale since it is not just going away. Judy Shapiro: Judy Consumer Wonders: What the Heck Did Prince Mean When He Said "The Internet's So Over"?
  • In fact, states that want to devolve some power to counties and municipalities are nonetheless constitutionally required to maintain proportional representation at the state level. Matthew Yglesias » Malapportionment Is Destroying the Planet
  • We expected more from this Government, which came to power promising to devolve power to the regions.
  • That devolved responsibility includes pricing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we have taken genuine steps to devolve power and authority to the interim government, and if that continues I think we'll hear the term occupation less and less. The Iraqi Handover
  • By the Section 38 Order, this property would devolve to Highland.
  • The local education authorities have devolved financial control to individual schools.
  • The central government has decided to devolve authority on the regions.
  • Maybe you need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out, because to this citizen it looks as if we devolved from a space-faring species into a spacecraft-building species. Bolden Update - The Waiting Game - NASA Watch
  • Calls for alternative settlements for the devolved administrations are on the agenda for the meeting. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was agreed at the meeting that control of access to the records was your function as Secretary to the Inquiry, but that ultimately the responsibility would devolve on the Treasury.
  • Going on leave, he devolved his duties on his deputy.
  • I'm here to bring you to your census … Later on, the training devolves into a Skull-and-Bones-type ritual: During training, the [enumerator] recites and signs an oath of secrecy, ensuring that no personal information gleaned from contact with citizens may ever be passed to anyone in the remainder of your lifetime -- even should you observe a household grow-op or a bound and gagged kidnap victim through the window of a basement suite. Enumeration 101
  • In seasons of great and imminent danger to the commonwealth, it was the custom of the Romans to appoint what they called a dictator, that is, a supreme executive, who was clothed with absolute and unlimited powers; and it devolved on him to save the state from the threatened ruin by the most prompt and energetic action. Hannibal Makers of History
  • The central government has decided to devolve authority on the regions.
  • I cannot boast of the friendship or favour of princes; the patronage of English literature has long since been devolved on our booksellers, and the measure of their liberality is the least ambiguous test of our common success. Memoirs of My Life and Writings
  • It is just a given, so the whole thing revolves and devolves down to the national interest.
  • Egger were the contract administrators and that duty devolved on Mr Dent.
  • When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice - President.
  • The awesome task of creating a modern, democratic Afghan state - and in the process turning 3,000 years of historical development on its head - devolves on him.
  • His duties devolved upon his collegues while he were abroad.
  • We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.
  • Architecture devolved into primitive geometrics some time ago, but actually appears sober in comparison with the delusional self-parody of modern sculpture.
  • Issuing a message to unionists, he also urged them against alienating nationalists by collapsing the devolved institutions.
  • No charge will be as important as the charge that you conspired to devolve and dissolve our "outdated" ground forces; that you two conspired with Rummy and the top echelons of civilian and military of DOD did knowingly deploy ground forces and by following illegal orders, attrit those forces with all due speed in an illegal war. Dead Demos -- The Emperor's Media Hos -- No More G.I. Joes?
  • In the late nineteenth century, feminism, suffrage, political action, self-culture and self-help devolved in the women’s club movement, which enjoyed a heyday from the 1890s through the 1920s. Lifting As We Climb: the Women’s Club Movement | Edwardian Promenade
  • My inflamed eyes broadened as with a wise smirk and an abrupt halt, the master himself, for somehow I was certain, devolved his solemn requiem into the lively capriccio it had been born as.
  • The fundamental issue is that if you devolve power and money down to the local level you get programmes going in different directions, ineffectiveness, and on occasion corruption.
  • Scotland has unfinished political business, with a devolved Parliament that pleases some and not others.
  • Wherefore I have resolved to demit this mine high office, so that the order of these matters may presently devolve upon Father Eustatius here present, our well-beloved The Monastery
  • There are uncertainties about staying in the union (how many more powers will be devolved? Christianity Today
  • What starts off as an interesting premise quickly devolves into a melodrama that cannot be sustained by a cast of actors who look like they would rather be somewhere else.
  • He called for Labour to devolve power to local people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The federal government has devolved responsibility for welfare to the states.
  • The governor's call for a non-binding referendum means this responsibility will ultimately devolve upon us.
  • Today, technology, ownership and choice all point in the direction of more devolved power and a smaller role for government. The Global Marketplace
  • This is a business which has also contributed to our low carbon agenda - the One Wales government's programme emphasises our decision to cut carbon emissions by 3% every year by 2011 in devolved areas. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Today, technology, ownership and choice all point in the direction of more devolved power and a smaller role for government. The Global Marketplace
  • A large portion of this cost devolves upon the patient.
  • Consistent with Hitler's disdain for democracy, all power and authority devolved from the top down. Archive 2008-07-01
  • It would be for the devolved administrations to decide whether to match the guarantee. Times, Sunday Times
  • The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital
  • He called for a system of "devo default", where the Government must have a very good reason not to devolve powers on any issue.
  • When they came to an end, the property would revert to Mr Derby, or, if he was dead, would form part of his estate and devolve according to the terms of his will, or by the rules of intestate succession.
  • George, second Lord Clifford, the eldest surviving son, dying unmarried in 169O, the title devolved upon his next bro - ther, Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice - President.
  • The Cabinet cited a need to address ‘practical problems’ that reform might present and to devolve certain powers in such a way as to optimize local autonomy.
  • CEO made the whole decision - making, implementation will devolve power.
  • I don't mean to have this call devolve into a 'relationship' call," Davis said, before leading the pack of journalists down precisely that trail -- bringing up (and distorting) Obama's description of Bill Ayers as "just one of my friends in the neighborhood. McCain Compares Obama Small Donor Issue To Ayers And ACORN
  • Through conferences, debates, panel discussions, lectures and publications, Danforth hopes that as the 2012 presidential campaigns begin revving their engines next year, the center can have a calming effect on a debate that some say has devolved from thoughtful to thoughtless. Danforth Centers Hopes to Set Tone for Civil Religion
  • The toils of state shall from this moment devolve upon thee; and from this moment, the delights of empire unallayed shall be mine: I will recline at ease, remote from every eye but those that reflect my own felicity; the felicity that I shall taste in secret, surrounded by the smiles of beauty, and the gaities of youth. Almoran and Hamet
  • The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead
  • However, government ministers, the devolved assemblies, local authorities, quangos and all public bodies will be subject to the Convention.
  • It would be for the devolved administrations to decide whether to match the guarantee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shielding programs from Congressional oversight allows for small programs to devolve into gigantic, often bizarre, schemes that would never pass muster with Congress.
  • The devolved administration is facing collapse over the failure of Unionists and nationalists to agree controversial welfare reforms. The Sun
  • The devolved administration is facing collapse over the failure of Unionists and nationalists to agree controversial welfare reforms. The Sun
  • In 1986, the government of India passed a bill which increased the punishment for accepting dowry and decreed that in cases where a woman died an unnatural death, her property would devolve on her children or be returned to her parents.
  • Unfortunately, that intensity's exactly what's lacking in Yellowknife, a stylish road movie whose early promise devolves into a hash of bad sex and worse plotting.
  • Either way the film ruined all its best quotable lines by allowing them to devolve into platitudes. Christianity Today
  • We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.
  • It devolved from the strategy called leaderless resistance that was invented by a leader of the Aryan Nations named Louis Beam. CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2009
  • Her piece then devolves into a long remembrance of her history, that of a working class girl who became disillusioned with her chosen party because it ceased to care.
  • Upon his retirement, the business devolved on his son.

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