
How To Use Devolution In A Sentence

  • For Scottish criminal cases the court can be used only when cases relate to "devolution matters", a term covering the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in dealing with human rights issues. WalesOnline - Home
  • For Scottish criminal cases, the court can be used only when the case relates to "devolution matters", a term covering the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in dealing with human rights issues. Evening Standard - Home
  • Rather, it invites ridicule, contempt and cynicism towards the whole devolution project.
  • No one in either country has voted for more asymmetric devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have heard quite specifically that there will be further devolution for those that have not got it.
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  • Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.
  • Felix, though an offshoot from a far more recent point in the devolution of theology than his father, was less self-sacrificing and disinterested.
  • If a measure of devolution is good enough for the Scots, Welsh and Londoners, then it's good enough for us as well.
  • Also a coincidence is the moving of devolution-friendly Huw Irranca from the Welsh Office to DEFRA. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The devolution of political power to Scotland, and to a lesser extent to Wales, has changed the political landscape.
  • Even after devolution, local government had little autonomy.
  • Yet if anywhere in England should feel ripe for semi-detached regional devolution it would be us in the northeast. Times, Sunday Times
  • A long-time supporter of devolution while an economic moderniser, he provides unsentimental analysis of heavy industry's demise.
  • It is the vision of an Englishman, a sportsman and a visitor yet not that of a superficial tourist, and, irritating as it might be to the Scottish nationalist in the age of devolution, it still exerts a powerful appeal.
  • If he had, he would have known with an awful clarity that devolution of power to a local level does nothing at all to reduce coercion or gross unfairness.
  • Now Scotland on Sunday can reveal that the hut that helped fan the flames of devolution has itself been consumed by fire.
  • Nevertheless, for gradualists, who hoped that devolution would provide a workable and stable form of home rule that could endure for years before coming under question, recent developments have been sobering.
  • The malpractices, incompetence, cronyism and corruption he rightly castigates are not a product of devolution.
  • To add insult to injury, he goes on to burlesque one of the iconic phrases of devolution: ‘I do not favour a Scottish solution.’
  • The argument conveniently ignores the political reality of devolution, ie that we are Europeans through contribution, not derivation.
  • In the run-up to devolution it was widely expected that one of the main challenges would be fiscal constraint.
  • Also, at best, vestigial organs could only prove devolution (loss of information), not evolution.
  • Examples include 'devo' (short for devolution), 'obvs' (short for obviously), and 'ridic' (ridiculous). Times, Sunday Times
  • The new Commons will be smaller than the old 659-seat House, which has been shorn of 13 Scottish constituencies because of devolution.
  • The lack of an overarching threat meant devolution of power away from central authorities.
  • None the less, as Miller reminds us, devolution does not mean absolute separation from Westminster and the creation of independent new nations.
  • Residents will have the final say on the proposals as part of next year's devolution referendum.
  • It looks increasingly likely, therefore, that devolution will be suspended. Times, Sunday Times
  • A former leader of Aberdeen City Council, Sewel was offered a seat in the Lords in 1995 specifically to pilot the devolution bill through Parliament.
  • As both critics and proponents of devolution have pointed out, devolution is a process not an event.
  • But this month's emphatic rejection of limited devolution powers by the people of north-east England appears to have put that plan on hold.
  • Liberal Democrats in government in Scotland have set the new agenda for devolution.
  • Even those who remain sceptical of devolution must grant that, now the thing is established, the division of responsibilities makes sense, at least in some areas.
  • They achieved a tremendous amount in the run-up to devolution and since 1999.
  • The devolution of power under the new regional autonomy laws has had an impact on fisheries management.
  • Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto (S. Mary's Abbey) and masshouse (Adam and Eve's tavern): the proscription of their national costumes in penal laws and jewish dress acts: the restoration in Chanah David of Zion and the possibility of Irish political autonomy or devolution. Ulysses
  • We have to sort out some sort of devolution settlement now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Either way, the effect has been that a crucial part of the machinery of devolution remains undevolved and largely unreformed.
  • A sudden clearing of the fog of confusion on the Tyne is English devolution's last hope.
  • Devolution was neither inevitable nor did it happen by chance, but rather as the result of a positive choice for change.
  • In this real world of politics and journalism, there can be little room for the devolution of newspaper power to journalists.
  • The muddle, fuddle, blunder and guddle that followed has only helped turn devolution into a source of national embarrassment.
  • Now, one word, for those who are actually and sincerely interested in fostering a unitary-state by supporting “devolution” as a means to achieve sustainable peace, please avoid thinking in terms of “devolution” and instead please try to think in terms of “sharing of powers”, rights, duties and responsibilities that cannot be taken back at any time by any government or individual by any method. Global Voices in English » Sri Lanka: Abuse, Disbelief And Bitterness Persist
  • We co-operated with the then Progressive Federal Party, later the Democratic Party, and we have taken similar stands since 1983 and throughout the constitutional negotiations process on issues such as devolution of powers. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • And devolution has transformed British politics.
  • All three parties this year have been talking about the growing importance of local government and devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The malpractices, incompetence, cronyism and corruption he rightly castigates are not a product of devolution.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.
  • Evolution of a smaller jaw would at best be a result of devolution, dysgenics caused by the accumulation of mutations.
  • That leader must be bold enough to say that devolution is working badly because it is inadequate, that the denial of fiscal autonomy makes for irresponsible and incompetent government.
  • So if there is a developmental sequence for species, then anything that reverses that sequence is devolution and degeneration.
  • In both cases it would be interesting not only to see what effect the emergence of a pro-devolution and pro-European centre-right party would have on the Tory share of the vote, but also to see what reception such a party would receive overall. EPP candidates needed
  • First, there are rules governing the devolution of property by will.
  • He speaks about mutualism, localism, devolution and the decentralisation of power.
  • Under this pact the government made some concessions to Tamil demands, including the devolution of power to the provinces.
  • Brown has made some pretty dumb decisions: pressing for devolution is one of them. Archive 2008-06-29
  • With Scottish elections due next year and the devolved parliament already under fire for costs overrunning on its new building, that would be a severe blow to devolution.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • The secretary of the Southwark diocese explains that centralisation of stipendiary obligations has taken place in conjunction with devolution of more day-to-day duties.
  • Health care, regional development and the devolution of powers to the territorial governments will figure prominently in all those meetings.
  • There has got to be a devolution of powers. Times, Sunday Times
  • That exception covers devolution of property on death or other matters of personal law [as well as] the application of African customary law in any case involving Africans.
  • The prospects of agreement on a devolution package in the near future appear slim, however.
  • Mr Trimble is visiting all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland this week to promote a return to devolution.
  • He was an independent at Highland council and was only inducted into the Labour party on the eve of devolution.
  • The document says Nunavut must work out a new formula financing agreement with the federal government, as well as a devolution agreement on the sharing of natural resource royalties.
  • That ensured the first defeat for a Budget in the ten years of Scottish devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Roberts Report, which commits the Tories to yet another full-scale review of devolution, is personally humiliating for Nick Bourne who has spent the last decade trying to convince us all that the Tories really have changed. Blood on their hands
  • This was a day John Smith, Devolution Minister in the 1970's Labour Government, the Labour leader who had bravely led his party into the all-party Scottish Constitutional Convention, had lived for - died for even. The Day John Smith Died
  • There has been devolution as well as confederation.
  • The headline says it all: ‘State stance on evolution a devolution into stupidity’.
  • Under these broad cultural practices, women became part of systems of inter-generational property devolution.
  • The former MP said the SNP's plan for a referendum Bill, which offers a say on degrees of enhanced devolution, will leave Scotland "shorn" of the power needed. Undefined
  • Scotland has changed immeasurably since devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trilogy traces Neo's evolution from man to god and Morpheus' devolution from god to man.
  • Devolution can only be discussed in Westminster if ALL parties have a devo option in their 2015 manifesto.
  • O'Neill - you will be aware that many ulster Tories share your scepticism about devolution - but it is here to stay. Twelve months on....
  • Branding is an effort at countering the devolution of a so-called proprietary good into a "commodity."
  • The report, The Dog that Finally Barked: England as an Emerging Political Community, finds evidence of what the authors call a burgeoning "English political community", brought together in no small part by a sense that Scotland is getting a better deal from the UK.A survey of English voters carried out for the report found 35% believe Scottish devolution has left the UK less well governed overall, a figure which has doubled since 2007. English voters grow resentful of Scotland's 'special privileges
  • Second, in historical conjunctures where social capital is strong across civil society and government, the resulting cooperation has led to more effective advocacy for devolution policies.
  • What he had to say will have real significance for the future of the devolution experiment.
  • The SNP retorted by demanding far higher borrowing rights, full control of taxes (including corporation tax), devolution of the Crown Estate (inshore seabed) and broadcasting. Let Scotland be a sovereign, mature nation and England benefits too | Neal Ascherson
  • Despite the mythology, sedulously disseminated by the complicit Scottish media, there never was a pro-devolution consensus.
  • As well as disagreement on the timing, there has been a clash on the referendum question, with Westminster preferring a straightforward yes or no to independence while the Scottish government is open to including an additional option of further devolution, known as "devo max". BBC News - Home
  • This is what I would also like to see happen throughout Great Britain, with devolution and regional assemblies.
  • The Union was based on the sovereignty of its seven constituent provinces, with the maximum devolution of power from the centre.
  • That has, to some extent proved successful, and the febrile atmosphere of the early years of devolution, with its perennial sniping and briefing, has disappeared.
  • For them, devolution is little more than a cynical Unionist plot to fob the Scots off with a toytown assembly and suffocate desire for ‘real’ self-rule.
  • Obviously now devolution is even more deeply entrenched with the situation in Scotland and Wales. Twelve months on....
  • An annex to the declaration sets out terms for the further devolution of security and government.
  • The value of the offshore islands as patterns for devolution was limited. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • Once elected, they would negotiate for greater devolution.
  • _allod_ of the person to whom it was paid, and followed a line of devolution in which the privileges of the agnates were neglected. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • Devolution of function from central government to the stronger local units would have involved an intensification of the land value charges at the expense of income taxes - a bloodless revolution!
  • In our judgement the power struggle within the TFG has ended with its devolution into factionalism.
  • One more step in the devolution of the human brain.
  • Do I take it then that Boris supports the repeal of devolution in Scotland & Wales?
  • The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.
  • The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.
  • Adam Price MP rightly points out that this is in fact the worst financial settlement for Wales since devolution, and that the UK government has "massaged" the figures. Archive 2007-10-01
  • This produces the following devolution of title to the legal estate and the equitable interest.
  • I recommend a full read, but below for me are the most striking paragraphs, especially as we mark ten years of devolution: The infamous 1998-99 selection process, when a Blairite London appointed committee, chaired by Rosemary MacKenna, supervised by Jack McConnell, and fully endorsed by Donald Dewar and Gordon Brown, ripped the intellectual and independent soul out of the Labour Party in Scotland before the new parly even met. Archive 2009-06-01
  • If Alexander has a central theme, it is devolution.
  • In most instances widespread corruption, relatively centralised health policy making, and poor devolution to local governments lie at the core of the problem.
  • There is, to be sure, a huge issue of accountability and another of devolution of power. Times, Sunday Times
  • One form of horizontal devolution has been a feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom for centuries.
  • There will then be further devolution to the islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only thing, did you notice as I did that the promoted few, Wayne and Chris, Mark and Ian tend to share the same vision as far as devolution is concerned as the Secretary of State Paul Murphy and his bosom friend, the former Under-Secretary of State Don Touhig? Hain's letter
  • At the same time, the media dodos who are still in self-denial over devolution continue to twitter, irrespective of the evidence.
  • Until Lockerbie, devolution had seemed a domestic quarrel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.
  • A telling sign of heightened stress within the patrilineal family is the rise of litigation over property devolution.
  • It was the period of the first surge of support for Scottish devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why, the logic goes, would we want independence when devolution is so bad?
  • It is therefore the anomaly in the devolution settlement. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This would help insure that any propagation of the human race worked toward evolution rather than devolution.
  • Scottish devolution was not accompanied by the political upsets that had occurred in Wales. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • This shows that devolution and decentralisation is the way of the future and I look forward to further initiatives under the Better Local Government programme.
  • Local government devolution is autonomy on a leash. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the decentralization and devolution of state power to ethnic groups it hopes to dilute ethnicity and fashion a cohesive society.
  • Last night deflated devolutionists were stressing that the question of how the Northern regions can improve their economies themselves without elected assemblies still needed to be answered.
  • Quebec's perennial threat of separation from Canada has only been forestalled by massive devolution of governing powers from Ottawa to Quebec City.
  • Postponing plans for a referendum on regional devolution has condemned Cumbria councils to a period of potentially damaging uncertainty.
  • Proposals to streamline the planning system, to go further with devolution and to improve broadband coverage were also welcomed by groups including the CBI. Times, Sunday Times
  • For decades, bitter arguments about devolution have bubbled away under the surface of a party fiercely proud of its unionist credentials.
  • The process of devolution and restructuring of local government in Ireland that generated the project has been under way for some years.
  • Perhaps it's a natural devolution of the animal rights movement.
  • It would be the fullest extension of devolution; in political shorthand, it is known as "devo max". SNP hopes a new wave can carry Scotland to independence
  • The cutbacks would mark a halt to the massive expansion within the civil service and local authorities since devolution.
  • Both are now looking for a Plan B and I suspect that the next crucial battleground will be local government reform and devolution to smaller and more powerful councils.
  • From a near fifty-fifty split on the devolution proposals in 1979 the referendum in 1997 provided a three to one majority for the Parliament and a clear majority for giving it tax powers.
  • It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.
  • Of course further devolution must include taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it any surprise that in most parts of the world there is so much pressure for local government and devolution? Times, Sunday Times
  • Stewart never voted for devolution - he was in Dubai on business at the time of the 1997 referendum.
  • After all, Devolution was supposed to sink the Nationalist ship for ever and a day, ensure permanent Labour hegemony in Scotland and continue for another fifty years at least the practice of sending Gadarene Swine to railroad Labour laws through in The House of Commons. Archive 2007-09-02
  • The manifest need for leadership sits oddly with the current vogue for devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do not concede for a moment that this is a devolution measure.
  • Only a quarter said that devolution of further powers to Scotland was important. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the protests and violence, the issue that really has everyone worried is a planned devolution of power by the central government to the regions.
  • Mr Trimble is visiting all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland this week to promote a return to devolution.
  • There he embarked on a covert anti-devolution campaign and many respected journalists left as he imposed his middle-market editorial content and conservative values on the paper.
  • A written constitution would replace the present mass of verbose and indigestible devolution legislation.
  • The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.
  • The devolution ‘settlement’ is becoming less settled and more fluid.
  • But it does in a curious way confirm what the Foreign Office minister Brian Wilson was saying on the eve of this conference, that there is a danger devolution could be making Scotland rather more insular and introverted.
  • Examples include 'devo' (short for devolution), 'obvs' (short for obviously), and 'ridic' (ridiculous). Times, Sunday Times
  • It may cost a packet, but devolution should provide far greater powers of scrutiny to give ministers and civil service chiefs the chance to enact change more quickly.
  • Are we talking devolution to or devolution beyond local government? Times, Sunday Times
  • A special survey of Welsh voters shows next week's devolution referendum in the principality is too close to call.
  • In other words, a blend of direct rule complemented with devolutionary local democracy would allow for the next 18 months of a local administration to copper-fasten the Agreement.
  • Even after devolution, local government had little autonomy.
  • The Scottish election will confirm that there is a crisis of democracy in Britain today, in so far as nearly half of us won't even bother to get out and dignify the great devolution experiment with a vote.
  • She also points out that devolution as a salve to disunion is hardly novel. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the main impulses for devolution in the 1980s and 1990s was the need to defend the social democratic settlement in Scotland and Wales from the neo-liberal attack.
  • Michel begins with this last work, considering the artist not in terms of his evolution but, in an important sense, his devolution.
  • It is not difficult to trace a great number of the rules governing the transfer and devolution of the commodities which lay outside the _allod_, to their source in Roman jurisprudence, from which they were probably borrowed at widely distant epochs, and in fragmentary importations. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • What they do is bring fairness to our devolution settlement and it is fairness that will secure the future of our Union. Times, Sunday Times
  • In common with many Scots, Fraser has little faith in the Executive's va-va-voom, and sees a failure of leadership in its approach to many of the big issues facing the country post - devolution.
  • It started well, but devolution quickly became an end in itself rather than a start of a process of democratisation and self-government.
  • GeorgeBurnsWasRight: Wouldn't the term devolution be more appropriate than evolution to The Full Feed from
  • Pro-devolutionist" and Y-front model Chris Bryant MP accuses Plaid of being a "busted flush" (whatever that is) in Rhondda Cynon Taf. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Constitutional amendments have mandated devolution of powers to the third tier of government.
  • The review will take into account the increasing devolution of powers from Westminster to the regions as well as the growth in rail use. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bill is being driven by the government 's provincial devolution agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surely politicians who favour localism, devolution and parental choice should now correct this anomaly? Times, Sunday Times
  • Supporters of devolution have become inured to setbacks, diversions, embarrassments, disappointments and shocks.
  • My first close involvement with Robin was during the devolution referendum campaign of the late 1970s.
  • This last option is known as "devolution plus" or, at its most ambitious, "devolution max". Scottish devolution: what questions will future referendum ask voters?
  • Central to this absorption into the Roman system was the more or less universal devolution of the burden of routine administration to the local aristocracies that replaced the client kingdoms.
  • Il-Barrani to the pride of Brussels; from the manipulation of broadcasting to its pluralisation; from the arrogance of centralised power to its devolution through local councils, from extreme polarisation to a good measure of reconciliation ….
  • The whole point of devolution is to stand up for the people of Wales and not bow down to the first challenge from a group of MPs more interested in their cosy London jobs, than the needs of this nation. Too Blue
  • Strategic health authorities would also be disbanded and foundation hospitals would be redundant as the devolution of power down to the local level would exceed the current powers they enjoy.
  • In my novel Twenty Thousand Saints the protagonist, Viv, is so disheartened by the no vote in the 1979 referendum for devolution that she moves to a remote island and becomes a hermit nun. Devolution: the Welsh fledgling is ready to fly
  • One member of the commission, former Labour MP Ted Rowlands, said in an annex to the report that he does not yet believe Wales is ready for a new model of devolution.
  • Do you mean, what about regional devolution like that which might occur under a federal European government?
  • The creation of this new "21st Century devolution" is as good as a time as any to ask for the real opinion of the Scottish people. Calman- "imaginative" and "bold"?
  • The report said the new "decentralised" diocese would be split into five areas, each with its own area bishop and council, to achieve a "strong element of devolution". The Guardian World News
  • The centre makes no secret of flying the flag for devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because they do not want to acknowledge the squalor and the cronyism inherent in the devolution settlement, on which all their well-paid sinecures depend, is the answer.
  • The British system has reached the stage where it is totally unsuited to such devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leading the way in Scotland would have been using the powers of devolution to benefit the nation.
  • Others are furiously leafing through those, spotting scepticism about the "dangerous game" of devolution (not, perhaps, a huge surprise there) and how "desperately sorry" he felt for Ron Davies after the "boggling" incident on
  • Keng's devolution in the second half is made incredibly evident.
  • And Mr Davis warned that devolution would take power away from local communities and threaten ‘our historic counties, our ancient boroughs and our parishes’.
  • The political scene will be the liveliest since devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two main parties maintain that Thursday's elections are proof of their commitment to the devolution of power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Belgium's peaceful breakup, were it to happen, could set a precedent for other Western European partition movements, in places like Catalonia, Lombardy and even Scotland, providing within Europe a ready argument, leverage and encouragement for autonomist regions seeking more extensive devolution. The Belgian Breakup
  • He opposed devolution consistently, and with some asperity, precisely because of its potential to elide into independence.
  • Devolution from the paper paycheck historically excluded unbanked employees. Houston Chronicle
  • At Westminster their more thoughtful colleagues have started a debate about choice in public services and devolution of power to head teachers, hospitals and senior police officers.
  • The party also opposes the establishment of a separate Tamil state and the various devolution packages.
  • So it has suddenly discovered that, though the prospect is as yet still distant, its huge parliamentary advantage is under threat in a way that it never would have been had we never had devolution. Archive 2007-11-18
  • These dovetailed with the devolution of a familial model based on the territorial prince and a rule of law privileging the eldest son.

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