How To Use Devoir In A Sentence

  • Surtout de devoir ressupporter ce regard qui dit "t'es en trop chez nous on te foutrai bien dehors espece de sale faineant de merde Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • YOU were executing YOUR roster of devoirs when YOU - If IT Were YOU
  • Even if that were not the case, it is very difficult to complete your six-year-old's devoirs when his devoirs is writing out in words the numbers one to 100. Help! My children have grown up French
  • Even Fritz appeared to be impressed with the belief that the shikaree was the most important personage in the party: for every time that the latter descended from the cliff the dog had paid his "devoirs" to him, frisking around, leaping up, and looking steadfastly in his face, as if congratulating him on being their deliverer! The Cliff Climbers A Sequel to "The Plant Hunters"
  • Je vais devoir vérifier les journaux de demain pour savoir quel village a perdu leur idiot ...... parce que je suis perdu. Steven Clifford: Since Obama Is Turning the U.S. into France, it's Time to Prepare for the Gallic Coup
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  • * La seule defiance donc a amene cette coutume de deshonorer les saints au lieu de les honorer, faisant ce que jamais ils n'ont fait ni demande; mais l'ont rejete constamment, et selon leur devoir, comme il appert par leurs ecrits. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • La seule defiance donc a amene cette coutume de deshonorer les saints au lieu de les honorer, faisant ce que jamais ils n'ont fait ni demande; mais l'ont rejete constamment, et selon leur devoir, comme il appert par leurs ecrits. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • For yet another year, indigenous performance arts showed incredibly minimal growth, with creativity seemingly dedicating itself to the devoir of producing perplexity rather than refinement.
  • During the perusal of this devoir, she sat placidly busy, her eyes and fingers occupied with the formation of a “riviere” or open-work hem round a cambric handkerchief; she said nothing, and her face and forehead, clothed with a mask of purely negative expression, were as blank of comment as her lips. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The others again addressed themselves to conversing and carousing; and, when the wine get the better of them, the eldest lady who ruled the house rose and making obeisance to them took the cateress by the hand, and said, “Rise, O my sister and let us do what is our devoir.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Je vais devoir vérifier les journaux de demain pour savoir quel village a perdu leur idiot ...... parce que je suis perdu. Steven Clifford: Since Obama Is Turning the U.S. into France, it's Time to Prepare for the Gallic Coup
  • Except that, with a speed which denied his lazy air, while she and Hugo were making their devoirs, he had taken her dance card from her nerveless fingers and scribbled his name thereon, using the little pencil attached. The Outrageous Dowager
  • He then offered Cecilia his hand; but the black gentleman, raising himself upon his knees before her, paid her, in dumb shew, the humblest devoirs, yet prevented her from removing. Cecilia
  • Je vais devoir vérifier les journaux de demain pour savoir quel village a perdu leur idiot ...... parce que je suis perdu. Steven Clifford: Since Obama Is Turning the U.S. into France, it's Time to Prepare for the Gallic Coup
  • Apres des journees absorbees tout entieres par les devoirs que sa place lui impose, il reunit les pauvres, les ouvriers, leur donne des cours gratuits, et trouve encore le moyen de les amuser en les instruisant. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • When brought before Ferrand, he raised his vizor, and said, “Is it well, my lord, to make captive an adventurous Knight, for doing his devoir against a personal challenger?” Anne of Geierstein
  • “Mes devoirs, Mon Général,” I say, giving him the respect that he desires. In the Shadow of Freedom
  • Edgar, to whom this was communicated, saw with terror the ascendance thus acquired over her judgment as well as her affections, and became more watchful and more uneasy in observing the progress of this friendship, than all the flattering devoirs of the gay Baronet, or the more serious assiduities of the Major. Camilla
  • MONTREAL - When Quebec politician Henri Bourassa proposed to call his fledgling newspaper Le Devoir - or The Duty - there were doubts even in his elevated circle as to whether a paper by that name devoted to harping on the theme of "public duty" would find a sustaining readership. Top Stories
  • La sage conduitte et la prudence de Monsieur de Champlain Gouuerneur de Kebec et du fleuve sainct Laurens, qui nous honore de sa bien - veillance, retenant vn chacun dans son devoir, a fait que nos paroles et nos prédications ayent esté bien receuens, et la Chapelle qu'il a fait dresser proche du fort a l'honneur de nostre Dame, &c. Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
  • I said 'devoirs'!" returned the kinglet, turning upon him in anger. John Dough And The Cherub
  • Sir, of your valliance you should have held to your good vow, -- quoth the damozel, for now you see me sore perplexed and that you did not your devoir is my affliction. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 1
  • The crafty Lethington, the deep and dark Morton, have held secret council with me, and Grange and Lindsay have owned, that in the field I did the devoir of a gallant knight — but let the emergence be passed when they need my head and hand, and they only know me as son of the obscure portioner of Glendearg.” The Abbot
  • 'Help is needed there,' cried the kind heart just now, and then the blood did its 'devoir'. Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • What is important in this affair is that the devoir d'ingérance the right to violate the sovereignty of a country if human rights are being excessively violated has been recognised. Libya: Bernard-Henri Lévy dismisses criticism for leading France to conflict
  • The hedge was laid by a veteran Yorkshireman, and the lord of the manor's bailiff was present to see the devoir properly carried out.
  • REFERENCES: un rouspéteur (une rouspéteuse) = moaner; le devoir (m) = homework; le souci (m) = worry Words in a French Life
  • An Indian captain was taken prisoner by the Spaniards, and for that he was of name, and known to have done his devoir against them, they cut off his hands, thereby intending to disenable him to fight any more against them. Short Studies on Great Subjects
  • Sir Sedley Clarendel made up to her, with public smiles and courtesy; even Lord Newford and Sir Theophilus Jarard, though they passed by Mrs. Arlbery without speaking to her, singled out Camilla for their devoirs. Camilla
  • Face Factory manager Li that eyeball boils aglowly, of the reporter excited arise spontaneously with devoir.
  • Je vais devoir vérifier les journaux de demain pour savoir quel village a perdu leur idiot ...... parce que je suis perdu. Steven Clifford: Since Obama Is Turning the U.S. into France, it's Time to Prepare for the Gallic Coup
  • Armons-nous donc de courage pour faire face à nos devoirs, et comportons-nous de telle sorte que, si l'Empire britannique et le Commonwealth durent mille ans encore, les hommes puissent dire "C'était leur plus belle heure". 70th Anniversary of Churchill’s Famous Speeches
  • Now consider, first, the difference in their influence over the armies of France, between the ancient word "devoir," and modern word "gloire. Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • Arnott, who had been her former refuge from this persecution, grew so serious and so tender in his devoirs, that unable any longer to doubt the sentiments she had inspired, she was compelled even with him to be guarded and distant. Cecilia

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