How To Use Devilry In A Sentence
One thing he does is get up to a little competitive devilry by unveiling the Google Pack, a parcel of software programs that you can download for free (if you have a Windows PC).
Oh I know why… it's because you've read the newspaper and you know my devilry and raid has begun.
Make-up is an art of adornment and concealment and vanity - three prongs of devilry - and is frowned upon in all its many forms.
This is a novel in which characters turn to one another and say things like ‘I suppose all this footslogging seems primitive to you, with your flying machines and thinking boxes, the marvellous war-making devilry of futurity!’
Archive 2010-01-01
It is not only Johnson's brute devilry which is missing, though when the Boks are scaling the ramparts a lashing of "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" wouldn't go amiss.
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He threw the broad sword and it hit right into the small face of the demon-beast that was using devilry magic.
Those thieves would stand for any kind of devilry, and were willing to undertake all risks at Grim's bidding.
The Lion of Petra
Though I lack words to describe such devilry, I will try.
Not since ITV's Brideshead Revisited, 20 years ago now, has an English country house been home to so many familiar names, and if Gosford Park life lacks the vicious streak of Evelyn Waugh's work, its playful devilry is a joy.
Tony had stepped into the room just as his mother had accused his friend of devilry, and knew that he had to interrupt before things got ugly.
As the moth leaves, the Isengard motif returns, driving itself like the machinery it represents as we see the devilry that Saruman is creating below the tower.
What is the point of having a family if there's so much evil and devilry implicit in it all?
The plan was intended to combat piracy, because the old sailors often took to that devilry after they could no longer get honest work; it was the only way they could feed their families.
Gretchen is his ideal with her delicacy and restraint, but Mephistopheles in all his fiendish devilry aims to thwart the lovers.
I imagine writing that I can't come this time because Ellen Cassidy is staying with me, but it is only errant devilry.
Slowly, his astonishment mutated into a face of contorted devilry.
He warrants the sounding-board neither breaking nor cracking; when he has finished one, he exposes it in the air to rain, snow, sun, and every kind of devilry, that it may give way, and then inserts slips of wood which he glues in, making it quite strong and solid.
The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
I attribute my senility -- let others say senectitude," he shouts in his cheery way, "to a certain playful devilry of spirit,
Essays in Rebellion
They may, however, have missed the real story - a tale of some very nasty political devilry.
‘… To think that she'd be able to conjure up such devilry as this,’ cursed the Archmage, as he struggled to compact the sphere further.
Master Bob, you're mazed by some devilry or other; the wind's in your teeth; you've been sailing against a norwester, or have met with a witch on a broomstick the other side of this old oak: Serves an oak right to wither up -- why wasn't it made into a ship?
The Buccaneer A Tale
Even the low-comedy scenes, in which Tom Smith's red-nosed Robin dabbles in devilry, emerge as a caustic reflection of Faustus's higher magic and demonstrate the futility of his quest for omnipotence.
But Orientals are aware that the period of especial feminine devilry is between the first menstruation and twenty when, according to some, every girl is a “possible murderess.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
But with the sudden arrival of two volatile hobbits, the nearby evils of timber-cutting, industrial devilry, and mass murder became too much for the Ents to stomach.
The artist that launched a thousand two-tone bands has dignity and devilry, vocal smile and varnished soul.
In some ways, their findings merely confirm the accepted image of a King lacking the drive and devilry of either his father or his son.
He had known how to brace himself for that other authority -- there had, at any rate, been consistency and even a kind of chiselled magnificence in that stiff brutality -- now there was degradation, crawling devilry, things unmentionable ....
They have treated them after a fashion which has intensified their treachery and "devilry" as enemies, and as friends reduces them to a degraded pauperism, devoid of the very first elements of civilization.
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
But, remember that the clincher in selecting the winners would be that spark of daredevilry that exemplifies the channel's spirit of action and adventurous.
An earlier authority, Dallas in Kettner's Book of the Table, had stated that devils were of two kinds, the dry and the wet, but had also commented: It is the great fault of all devilry that it knows no bounds.
The devilry exhibited by minibus drivers and their long-distance counterparts is fuelled by the inability of transport proprietors to maintain their fleets or single vehicles in reasonable condition.
It seemed to look back at her mockingly, and eventually, she realized that she didn't have enough malice to withstand such devilry and took her defeat gracefully.
Despite Cookie's ranting about the devilry of the Raleighs, I was still sure that there was a method behind their seemingly random cruelty.
He told the Privy Council, sitting at the Supreme Court, there had been an abuse of process through a variety of "devilry".
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They have devilry in their souls, and a movie like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban does not soothe them.
He carried on with his devilry not just because he thought it served a good purpose, but also because he enjoyed it.
Lorelei had become experienced with this devilry of trickery because this was what she had been doing for the 365 days since that day far, far away.
Is it to expose them to devilry and witchery at such a young, impressionable age, and all in the name of fun?
So, not much to behold of the left-footed devilry that terrorised defences around the globe and won him the coveted African footballer's award in 1988, but perhaps a different kind of magic to see.
Yet his historical grasp was not matched by real enthusiasm for making war, and he lacked that very seasoning of devilry which might have made him a great general.
The whole place had an eerie feel, it was over 250 years old and in that time there must have been plenty of devilry and scandalous behaviour.
It seduces the men of the world with the sweet temptation of wealth and power that binds them to a fate of devilry, torture, and death.
Masking the witches also moves them from a simplistic medieval notion of devilry and further towards symbolism.
But this conflation of good times with devilry is like something out of a 17th century Puritan ethic which goes by the dictum that someone somewhere is enjoying themselves and this must be stopped immediately.
Where Would Jesus Spend Spring Break?
Yellow eyes or a yellow complexion can be signs of illness (as in jaundice) or of devilry, or both: Frankenstein's monster had yellow, watery eyes.
The Presto vivace Finale, however, finds our conductor in joyous vein throughout, with a strong sense of devilry bringing added exuberance to those key points where Schubert urges his forces in other directions.
Buck Klinker, returning from some stag devilry at the hour of two A.M., and attracted to the Scriptorium by the light under the door, found the little Doctor pacing the floor in his stocking feet, with the gas blazing and the shade up as high as it would go.
A trade group for the US recording industry is targeting ISPs in its latest bid to rid the world of Napster-style devilry.
Thus the nightmarish devilry of the Symphonie fantastique is purely to be imagined, not seen; so too are the will-o’-the-wisps and the inhabitants of pandemonium in La Damnation de Faust.
devilry" I cannot speak too highly, and in this matter even the pudibund Lane is as free-spoken as myself.
Arabian nights. English
A deep laughter coming from beside me completes the illusion of devilry, and in imagining my assailant images of animalistic ritual costumes spring to mind.