How To Use Deviation In A Sentence

  • The areas of troilism and coprophilia are covered in some detail to establish to what degree they belong to the deviation of voyeurism.
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • Experiments show that the results of correlation method agree with thosewith a deviation of 1.5 %.
  • The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
  • But archæological research having established the fact that phallicism has, at one time or another, been common to nearly all races, it seems probable that the Arunta tribe represents a deviation from the normal line of mental evolution. Bygone Beliefs
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  • the deviation from the mean
  • Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire, Norfolk, &c., shows remarkable deviations in local organization and justice (lagmen, sokes), and great peculiarities as to status (socmen, freemen), while from laws and Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The thickness of the liquid crystal and the arrangement of liquid crystal molecule are flexible, there are no deviation in the outgoing beams.
  • The top selling non-fiction book Blink is coining mucho bling for Malcolm Gladwell, yet in 1997 Gladwell wrote a New Yorker article called "The Sports Taboo: Why blacks are like boys and whites are like girls," which made exactly the same argument as Larry Summers made about what is innately different in the capabilities of males and females -- that men have a larger standard deviation on many traits, so there are more men at the top and bottom of the bell curves. Archive 2005-02-27
  • To discipline him, rumours by highly placed security sources began circulating to the effect that certain members of his cabinet connected with the "deviationist tendency" would shortly be arrested. Ali Rahnema: Ayatollah Khamenei at Unprecedented Religio-Political Summits: The Hidden Imam's Infallible Representative
  • In a particular brand of beverage, any serious deviation from the target sugar content could result in loss of consumer acceptance, the ultimate nightmare of any marketing organization.
  • The result: a 42 percent increase in productivity and a 70 percent decrease in errors or deviations.
  • Their scalar product formula is used for the calculation of trajectory deviation.
  • But, under Lenin's brilliant leadership, the Bolshevik party was able to resist all such deviations.
  • We can estimate this deviation by measuring the same step height with different offsets, or different average positions, of the scanner relative to the surface.
  • It is pretty clear that they were to some extent under the influence of pique and irritation when they noticed his deviations from the established faith, and applied to him the epithet of "babbler;" but Paul was not the man to be put down either by irony or insult; and at length it was found necessary to allow him a fair opportunity of explaining his principles. The Ancient Church Its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitution
  • This unapproved, reckless deviation from the study protocol endangered lives, Kusel charges.
  • It is easy to see that metaphor is regarded as deviation from normal language use.
  • And there was no statistically significant deviation in incidence rates of other cancers attributable to radiation exposure from the accident.
  • The deviations should not exceed 25 Cal.
  • But Frederick utterly rejected the idea of decreeing on his own authority innovations which would constitute a deviation from the great Christian Catholic Church, more especially as opinions were not agreed on them even at Wittenberg. Life of Luther
  • The purchaser has accepted the risk of any deviation attributable to factors which were unforeseeable, unknown or incalculable at the time of the forecast.
  • There would be no deviation or hesitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The model uses mean absolute deviation of return as measure of the risk and gains a optimal portfolio by solving the linear programming.
  • Lafferty's red herring usage of her favorite "paraphilia" or sexual deviation instead of sexual orientation or gender identity is a dead giveaway that she is attempting to feed off her readers 'fear and confusion. Bil Browning: TVC's Andrea Lafferty: A zombie queen in pastel
  • Often, that level of probability is arbitrarily set to a value like 95%, or two standard deviations, two sigma, which is about 98% for a normal distribution. Archive 2007-10-01
  • The final sanction will be given after completion of the construction only if there are no deviations from the original plan.
  • Are there deviations at very strong curvatures, or for that matter very weak curvatures?
  • The margin for continuous variables is defined as a one standard deviation increase from the weighted mean.
  • Nor is there much deviation from the well-worn formula. Times, Sunday Times
  • After that the deviation from linearity is increasingly large. Economists Too Linear?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Optimised for measuring cylindricity and other deviations of form and position, the MMQ 200 Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • There was no apparent deviation in the ordinary progress of the pustule to a state of maturity from what we see in general; yet there was a total suspension of the areola or florid discolouration around it, until the scarlatina had retired from the constitution. On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • There is a kurtosis measure, a fourth moment as standard deviation is a second moment, for this variation. A Dark, Misleading Force
  • But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value.
  • Note: Very few reels may exceed the maximum permissible deviation listed above.
  • The answer is take the request for deviating from ‘the policy’ to someone who has the authority to permit the deviation.
  • Correlations between initial growth and final growth in the field suggested that substantial deviations of the original root to shoot transition from at-grade planting was more of a factor in initial establishment of lacebark elm than the up-canning practices associated with planting depth during container production", the researchers concluded. - latest science and technology news stories
  • This index represents cumulated deviation between the variance-adjusted culture score of partner countries.
  • The artist's subjects - taken mainly from the city's streetlife and bohemian subculture - included portraits and scenes of sexual violence and deviation (particularly shoe fetishism).
  • Values are means of triplicate measures and error bars represent the standard deviations.
  • His missionary teachers sternly announced the message that deviation from normality was a sin against the Emperor.
  • Paralleling this, I observe significant reductions in implicit bias (0.20 to 0.57 standard deviations) among Hindu children. Matthew Yglesias » Neighborhood Diversity
  • Deviations from ideal mixing have long been observed in molecular areas of monolayers containing phospholipids and cholesterol.
  • Modern examples of this type of weaving showed little deviation from traditional patterns.
  • The liminal status of a given character is frequently signalled by deviations in his/her observance of everyday communal rituals.
  • The concentration of a manager's attention and effort on significant deviations from expected results is known as management by exception.
  • The joint zero position deviations of joint type CMM, which result from assembly technology errors, have an enormous influence on the pose errors of probe end.
  • The maximum likelihood estimators(MLE) of means and standard deviations and the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio statistic are given.
  • Sigma is the Greek symbol used to denote deviations from the mean.
  • One study that identified 25% of women had a bone mineral density more than 2 standard deviations below normals.
  • Modern examples of this type of weaving showed little deviation from traditional patterns.
  • Traditional rhetoric holds that metaphor is lexically a kind of contrast and substitution of meanings, and it is a deviation of the normal rules of language use.
  • The conventional formula for the Sharpe ratio is: (Rp/Rf)/(SDp), where Rp=expected portfolio return, Rf=risk free return (10-year Treasury), and SD=standard deviation of the portfolio. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Nobel Prize in Economics
  • The greatest deviation from a good fit between the component figures occurs near the proximal end.
  • Generation of Quality Deviation reports, Rejection reports, Vendor rating.
  • Deviations noted at the right side of these plots are likely to represent both a) true case vs control differences and b) nonnormal differences in the distribution of t values from the bona fide data. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In those plants which present this deviation from the ordinary condition with the greatest frequency, it often happens that the axis is normally more or less prolonged, either between the various whorls of the flower, as in the case of the gynophore, &c., or into the cavity of the carpels, as in the instances of free central placentation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value.
  • This paper introduces the method of online performance analysis of generating units used in the optimal operating management, which is called Heat Deviation Analysis(HDA).
  • Conservatives have disagreed with the President before, on issues like “No Child Left Behind”, domestic spending and the Harriet Miers nomination, but this deviation from rightish orthodoxy was treated as the Unforgivable Sin. Immigration
  • I hope that these deviations from sphericity are not terribly large for sn1's. Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
  • Calculation of theoretical tool setting position is presented which resolves the problems such as deviation on tool setting point and machining interference.
  • Any deviation from the party's faith is seen as betrayal.
  • They were the last social group to accept Islam, and some of the earliest deviations from orthodoxy matured in the Muslim countryside.
  • Associated standard deviations include a variance correction factor to account for variability as a result of the imputation process.
  • The average experimental residue pKs are slightly stabilized relative to what is found in small peptides with a modest standard deviation.
  • There must be no deviation from the normal procedure.
  • Complete "locked-in syndrome," which is sometimes characterized as "living eyes in a dead body" and was the condition described by Jean-Dominique Bauby in The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, [1] is identified by tetraplegia (the paralysis of all four limbs), paralytic mutism (an inability to speak), the oculomotor deviation known as lateral gaze palsy, and the inability to breathe unaided. The Case of Theresa Schiavo
  • So in fuchsias, a very common deviation consists in a trimerous and rarely a dimerous symmetry of the flower. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The sequences were analyzed for randomness in dinucleotide frequencies and no statistically significant deviation was found.
  • Actual deviation of height of the spherical plain thrust bearing.
  • What is significant in the term heterosexism is the fact that it describes discrimination and/or violence perpetrated by heterosexuals against those perceived to be in deviation from heterosexual norms. Heterosexism and the African American Community
  • Now you can see why in Chapter 7 we discussed the calculation of expected return and standard deviation. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • In forex, as in the stock market, any deviation from the norm can cause large price and volume movements.
  • Calculate the standard deviation using the fields that match the search criteria.
  • This is by no means an attempt to negate the faults, hypocrisies and deviations of the American system.
  • On that job interview you mentioned, where you honestly expressed to a school principal your objections to journalism, you were punished for your courage, for your leftist deviationism, for ‘not playing the game.’
  • Deviation from the norm is not tolerated.
  • For precognition, that is not the case whether a study subject gets the right answer 100% of the time or the wrong answer 100% of the time, the result is the same: a significant deviation from random chance in response to a future-stimulus. Boing Boing
  • If there is any Deviation on this heading, adjust the cast iron cylinders (called Quadrantal Correctors), which are on each side of the compass bowl, by moving them toward or away from the compass until the ship's head by compass is North-east at the proper time and bearing by pelorus. Lectures in Navigation
  • With a few deviations, the open standards of the World Wide Web have been pretty much maintained.
  • In this paper, the influence of normal forces on bending damage of rectangular beam is studied, and the deviations of neutral axis and the damage limit curves are calculated and discussed.
  • The Sun is massive enough, Einstein calculated, to cause a measurable deviation in the direction of distant starlight passing near it.
  • While this was a deviation for the English population (particularly the middle-class English), who had come from a legal tradition of primogeniture and impartible inheritance, it was less a departure for the Irish population, for whom communal property and partible inheritance had been long-standing customary practices. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • All maps show electron density contoured at 1 standard deviation[Sentencedict], with the current model displayed for comparison.
  • Some of these people, the ones I work with, must have I.Q. scores that are a standard deviation off the mark or something. * not that I place much faith on I.Q. scores* but I mean I've been teaching teacher's how to teach science, for the better part of 2 years, and I see no progress, I'm such a crutch. Madrigle Diary Entry
  • The model therefore implies that the deviations of output from its natural rate should also be unpredictable and exhibit no pattern.
  • Soybean production was estimated assuming that yields of irrigated soybeans follow a normal distribution with a mean of 45 bushels per acre and a standard deviation of 10.
  • In multicomponent DM scenarios, a dark force would preclude large shifts in the rate for Higgs decay to two photons associated with DM-multiplet loops that might otherwise lead to measurable deviations at the LHC or a future linear collider. Dark Forces Revisited
  • For those who veer off schedule, the app has an option to recalculate, taking the deviation into account. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other ways also, it became clear that coenogenesis could not suffice to explain deviations from the rule. RECAPITULATION
  • Furthermore, he had an acute sense of deviation from the norm in any society.
  • We considered as positively correlated only those values clearly showing a marked deviation from the average seismic activity.
  • The paranoia reading was low for someone with the prisoner's apparent intelligence, nor had he scored high in psychopathic deviation, schizophrenia, hypomania, depression, hysteria, masculinity/femininity, psychasthenia, or social introversion. The Girls He Adored
  • Already slight deviations are enough to drive the image into gray and to falsify color fidelity, in particular on the vertical plane.
  • They have shown that two quart bottles of ketchup invariably sell for twice as much as one quart bottles of ketchup except for deviations traceable to transactions costs, and that one cannot get a bargain on ketchup by buying and combining ingredi-ents once one takes account of transactions costs. Matthew Yglesias » Efficient Markets Hypothesis Rhetoric
  • Of or using only the eight tones of a major or minor scale without chromatic deviations.
  • With finite sample sizes, the curves deviate from this straight line and the deviation increases as the sample size decreases.
  • Standard deviation is a statistical concept that denotes the amount of variation or deviation that might be expected.
  • When examined closely, we see that a software failure is a deviation of the execution of a program from its intended behavior.
  • Things that would otherwise be impossible to say are precisely suggested by just the degree of deviation from the expected or the customary.
  • In the early stage the patient complains of pain and stiffness in the back; later the spine becomes rigid, and gradually develops a kyphotic curve, sometimes accompanied by lateral deviation. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • E. coli SSADH was purified and crystallised in the presence of the reducing agent β-mercaptoethanol, and accordingly, the structure we report most closely resembles the active form of human SSADH (2w8o) and superposes with a root-mean-square deviation of 0.79 Å over 472 Cα (2w8o and Monomer A, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At the shore station, there is placed in deviation a galvanoscope, K, whose needle is deflected. Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • Unless the deviations from the parallactic line of the stellar motions balance one another on the whole, their discussion may easily be as fruitless as that of observations tainted with systematic errors. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Follow the revolutionary line of the Third Internationale in the heroic struggle against left deviationism!
  • Then up, straight up, the deviation of a fraction of an inch being a certain precursor of disaster, the snowshoe must be lifted till the surface is cleared; then forward, down, and the other foot is raised perpendicularly for the matter of half a yard. The White Silence
  • This is why a fair number of modern people are pushing into the future by building a bridge to the first century--by embracing the earliest forms of Christianity, as opposed to modern deviations such as fundamentalism which are in fact extremely exteriorized. Sri Aurobindo: Reunification of two streams
  • It smooths or blurs the image so that local deviations from the overall trend are removed.
  • Deviations from the standard stratification of privilege were never permanent or absolute.
  • The antenna is a (Yagi?) impedance 50 (ohms? looks like a headset sign); residual wave radiation, - 60dB; Transmission current 1500mA Modulation frequency deviation, 5KHz (mas/minus). Where can I get the antenna I need?
  • Traditional rhetoric holds that metaphor is lexically a kind of contrast and substitution of meanings, and it is a deviation of the normal rules of language use.
  • The counterproof in the southern hemisphere, where the deviation of the pendulum must be counter-clockwise, has not been made to this day. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • With respect to consensus, the average standard deviation of 0.73 is evidence of dissensus rather than consensus.
  • Parental size and peripregnancy variables by pattern of change in weight standard deviation scores between zero and two years.
  • The means and standard deviations of triplicate samples are shown.
  • We calculated means, standard deviations, medians, and interquartile ranges as appropriate.
  • Test scores, presented as unadjusted means and standard deviations for the major groups tested, show the magnitudes of the mean numerical scores.
  • The standard deviation between the predict data and the original data was 1.88. It can conclude that the Bezier function is available to fit the washability curves.
  • The usual measure of this spread is the standard deviation or variance. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The specific dictionaries show a standard deviation of 9.95%, whereas for the general dictionaries this figure is only 5.95%.
  • Profits per employee is the deviation from industry mean of the ratio of a firm's operation profits to total employees.
  • One such deviation occurred when a child could not reproducibly produce maximal peak flows.
  • The data were analyzed in several ways, incorporating frequencies, percentages, means, medians, and standard deviations.
  • -- Defects and abnormalities in the development of the embryon produce all degrees of deviation from the typical human form. Plain Facts for Old and Young
  • If the standard deviation applied to cx affects shot string length, what about the shot strings of mixed pellet loads like the Black Cloud, for instance? A Shotgun Myth
  • The direction and magnitude of deviations of the guidewire from the anatomic center of the posterior horn were determined after disarticulating the knees.
  • The connection with the SuIa Sgeir Fan is clearly marked by a re-entrant at the shelf edge, shown by the landward deviation of the 150 m isobath.
  • Not only did they pull off an immensely difficult logistical task, they also managed to attract and please three very different target audiences: mainstream folks who wouldn't know a hobbit from a bantha, hardcore Tolkien fans that were prepared to comb through every frame of film in search of the tiniest deviation from their Holy Texts, and critics who generally frown on anything that doesn't involve grainy photography, trailer park settings, or subtitles. Simple Tricks and Nonsense: Oscar thoughts
  • As with most careful plans, this one started off with deviations from the standard fly-by.
  • Multi-scan program recipe capability standard with statistical report generating software to calculate standard deviation and mean.
  • Milutin M. Milankovich, a Serbian mathematician, developed the idea that the Earth's rotational wobbles and orbital deviations have combined to affect in a cyclic way global climatic changes.
  • Throughout Soviet history, every new leader claimed to be going back to pure Leninist principles, while labeling his predecessor a deviationist.
  • Calculation of theoretical tool setting position is presented which resolves the problems such as deviation on tool setting point and machining interference.
  • There was little deviation from his usual routine.
  • Centralized uniformity expressly forecloses such deviation, in the name of equality.
  • This method can detect and diagnose sensor fault with fixed deviation by establishing linear equations utilizing the residual characteristics of energy conservation equation and solving them.
  • No deviations from this basic pulse are indicated - no accelerando or ritardando - but the avoidance of repeated rhythmic patterns prevents the emergence of any phrase-structure comparable to Schumann's.
  • Many devout Muslims dislike the term moderate, too, saying it suggests deviation from the tenets of the Quran. Burning a Bridge Between Faiths
  • One indexing line on the disk equals one centimeter deviation at 100 meters.
  • Sexual perversion is rather a stereotype of sexual psychological deviation than sexual psychological block, which is a distorted derivative of infantile sexuality, and is attributed to two causes.
  • Usually we demand five sigma, that is five standard deviations from the peak, to claim “discovery.” Bump Hunting (Part 2)
  • This does not mean that every deviation from procedural regularity and legal correctness vitiates a jury's verdict of guilty.
  • There were more deviations from the normal pattern in the pointed experiment, where dyslexies had to process both graphemes and diacritic signs than in the nonpointed experiment.
  • All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching.
  • Sudden leaps of logic, intermedial dénouements and deviation from the beaten track were typical, as in the Celtic Twilight Zone where 'Gospel truth' met 'myth'.
  • Standard deviation is the measurement of how scores are clustered or dispersed in relation to the mean.
  • In the unsubstituted compounds, and particularly in cobyric acid, the deviations are in the same sense as in the nickel corrin derivative and as in this molecule, C-5 and C-15, which carry C-35 and Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • It is a deviation from the party line, but a murmur of assent goes up.
  • If there is no systematic deviation in either the higher or lower end of the LT range, then the overall slope will be one and there will be no significant difference in the slopes between data sets.
  • Finding “that deviation is permissible when, due to circumstances unanticipated by the settlor, modification of an administrative requirement would advance the trust's purpose,” the Court permitted the Church to sell the building it had outgrown. "Equitable Deviation" Applied To Permit Church Sale
  • A bootstrap method is then applied to estimate the standard deviations of the regression coefficients.
  • The Islamist party's Selangor leader Datuk Hassan Ali has been at the forefront in policing what he called deviationist movements like the Ahmadiyah and stopping the sale of alcohol in Muslim-majority areas. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • His missionary teachers sternly announced the message that deviation from normality was a sin against the Emperor.
  • Means and standard deviations of the variables used in the subsequent analyses are presented in Table 1.
  • It is true, that in the prospect of the desolations which were foretold by the Saviour and were about to be poured out upon Jerusalem, 'for the present distress,' 'the short time' Paul advised, not commanded, a temporary deviation from the order of naturelike an eclipse of the sun or moonfor a 'short time' which no one could wish to be prolonged. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • His method is rather to suggest ambivalences of meaning by subtle deviations from expectation.
  • It also provides the absolute negative deviation measure and the semi-variance measure of the pure risk and sets up the multiobjective decision-making models of the portfolio investment.
  • The cusum chart is designed to detect small changes in a process, in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 standard deviations, more rapidly than a standard individual control chart. Paul Linsay's Poisson Fit « Climate Audit
  • What's more, the relationship between the replacing errors and the standard deviation of demand, fraction of demand returned as well as the order lead time were analyzed.
  • His route seemed never to alter from Lancaster to Preston with occasional deviations along lanes quite close to the A6.
  • There are four data sets per amprenavir concentration, which were fitted simultaneously, shown by symbols with standard deviations from triplicate runs, from top to bottom over 6 h.
  • It is common to quantify changes in response to the intensity of selection in terms of units of standard deviation.
  • The young fans were a mite disappointed, though, as the movie progressed, at the ‘deviations’ that the movie took from the book.
  • The tonsils were moderately enlarged with no deviation of the uvula.
  • Examine his nose for any obstruction, such as polyps or septal deviation, and whether unilateral or bilateral.
  • Respiratory symptoms were analysed by multiple logistic regression and lung function standard deviation scores by multiple linear regression.
  • At this moment the circuit of the galvanoscope, K, is closed, and we ascertain whether there is a deviation of the needle. Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • Further, the radio includes a single discriminator circuit wherein, in the FM mode, the discriminator tank circuit is used to convert frequency deviation to baseband audio and, in the AM mode, the discriminator tank circuit is used as the frequency-determining element for the voltage controlled oscillator.
  • Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, medians, percentages and frequencies were used to summarize the data.
  • As Andrew Sullivan noted this week, the current GOP "purges dissidents, it vaunts total loyalty, it polices discourse for any deviation. Eric Boehlert: How Fox News Is Destroying the Republican Party
  • Aristotle believed that virtue is a rational middle way and evil is the deviation from mean.
  • This causes a deviation from the usually radial septal arrangement to a more bilateral one in transverse thin sections.
  • Then the Neogrammarians patched this theory by adding reasons for reinforcing the deviation such as simplification of sounds, or children imperfectly learning the speech of their parents.
  • We students will discover two deviations from this ideal this week.
  • Deviation with pathology the very tall who may have endocrinopathy or other aberrations, e.g., xyy The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • As expected, loop regions show more motion than helical regions, which is reflected in the larger deviations from the starting point as indicated by peaks in the graph.
  • How could they not be, since all of the GCMs give very different results by all measures average, standard deviation, trend over any given period, IQR, autocorrelation, etc. ad infinitum. New WSJ Article « Climate Audit
  • Descriptive statistics, including means, medians, range, standard deviation, and frequencies, were used to enumerate the TAT process.
  • Mike Hansberry says: whit: i have to agree. 33+ standard deviations difference? noWAY. the sad thing is that people are so unfamiliar with basic math concepts that they can read something like that and not go “WTF?” it is as unbelievable as a statement like “in 2 days, mary gained 350 lbs of bodyfat”. people would go WTF? if they saw that, and rightly so The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • There was little deviation from his usual routine.
  • They corrected deviations of internal clocks by comparison with radio controlled wristwatches.
  • The deviations from the customary arrangement have been very generally attributed to suppression, or to chorisis. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The reason for it is this: that fair hair and blue eyes are a deviation from the type and almost constitute an abnormity, analogous to white mice, or at any rate white horses. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • Scatter diagrams and the statistical criteria of relative error and mean square deviation were used to evaluate this model.
  • Sample means, trimmed means, medians, standard deviations, minimums, maximums, skewness and kurtosis are reported.
  • Data are described as frequencies, medians with ranges, and means with standard deviations.
  • The relative standard deviation for the major PCBs for repeat analyses of plasma samples was approximately 20% for most congeners.
  • Some even feared deviation from their own narrow path, as if deviants were excluded from heaven or segregated.
  • The septal deviation may be so severe that it partially or completely obstructs the nasal passage on the cleft side.
  • The standard statistical measures of spread are variance and standard deviation. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • What it does entail, however, is the methodological point that doctrinal deviation from tradition should not originate from some unanalyzed conviction about what ‘modem people’ can or can no longer believe in.
  • As for those with a more weird taste in religious deviation, they can join an exotic religion with saffron robes.
  • One is the average or "expected" return; the other is the variance or standard deviation. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • In the unlikely event that the chip-based clock is slow, the deviation will also be reflected in the departure time shown on the ticket.
  • Sound: Born of Osiris have come a long way since their deviation from the metalcore sound they employed prior to getting signed by up-and-coming label Sumerian Records. All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • We calculated means (standard deviations) or medians (ranges or interquartile ranges) as appropriate.
  • CPUSA elements from SDS leadership and declared the refurbished SDS leadership would be responsible for the correct Marxist-Leninist line and would exclude non-Maoist, "deviationist" views. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • If we introduce two terms and call the person from whom the sexual attraction emanates the _sexual object_, and the action towards which the impulse strives the _sexual aim_, then the scientifically examined experience shows us many deviations in reference to both sexual object and sexual aim, the relations of which to the accepted standard require thorough investigation. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex

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