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How To Use Deviant In A Sentence

  • The Ahmadiyah were explicitly "warned and ordered" that "as long as they consider themselves to hold to Islam, to discontinue the promulgation of interpretations and activities that are deviant from the principal teachings of Islam, that is to say the promulgation of beliefs that recognize a prophet with all his teachings who comes after the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Heritage Foundation Papers
  • We need to move people from deviant gangs to socially constructive ones. Christianity Today
  • Since the dangers of passive smoking have been highlighted and smoking is becoming regarded as socially unacceptable, that is, deviant behaviour, many more people are trying to stop, and succeeding.
  • Was it a deviant thirst to find a lifelong fascination with such things? Times, Sunday Times
  • Until recently online dating was considered a taboo and the domain of sexual deviants.
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  • Norms use the clubs of stigma and shame to punish deviants, nonconformists, and radicals.
  • Poor people were looked upon as deviants within society well before the 20th century.
  • All human beings (except for the handful of deviants who call themselves naturalists) have an inborn sense of shame.
  • The consumer society hungers for the deviant and unexpected.
  • The audience get to spy on the activities of the guests and staff - some of them lonely, some of them deviant, some of them rompingly exhibitionist. Culture |
  • We mentioned in the Introduction that earlier sociological studies of deviant behaviour provide notes of caution about investigating phenomena like heroin use.
  • Partisan entrenchment is not an exceptional or deviant feature of presidential nominations, but rather a fairly standard practice. Balkinization
  • These deviant beings, placed in the holiest part of the church, may well serve an apotropaic function; yet again, they embody models in nature to be avoided.
  • Latin American families which are often extended and matrifocal often appear in the media or popular literature as being ‘deviant’ or ‘in crisis.’
  • Late Friday, the military rulers issued a stern warning that they will crack down on what they called "deviant groups," which they blamed for a spike in crime and violence. Mubarak's wife in hospital after arrest
  • Were you saying the behavior is deviant or they're deviants?
  • In terms of language, sexism refers to a bias through which patterns and references of male usage are taken to be normative, superordinate, and positive and those of women are taken to be deviant, subordinate, and negative.
  • deviant ideas
  • Objective To evaluate diagnostic value of CT Virtual Bronc ho scopy (CTVB) on deviant substance in trachea and bronchia of children.
  • Deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.
  • All women are supposedly naturally maternal and any woman who rejects this role is seen as deviant and abnormal.
  • Sure, there are drugs and infidelities and deviant sexuality, but that's the exception for this otherwise decent lot.
  • In this strategy I am thankfully aided by Floyd, who is doubtless the most perverse sexual deviant ever to reside in our fair city of Wellington.
  • The term antisocial personality is often used interchangeably with psychopath or sociopath and is connotative of many forms of deviant behavior.
  • In other words… the less he sees it as kinky or deviant, the more he'll be willing to do it.
  • I've worked in institutions where 70 and 80 year old ladies have been incarcerated since they were in their teens because they were a bit promiscuous and society had labelled them deviants.
  • People who have true family values live by them, while deviant phonies incessantly talk about them.
  • It has been suggested that snowballing may undersample social isolates, those of low education, social class, or income, as well as social deviants.
  • Cricket, in fact, is so pervasive and powerful some non-believers (yes, these deviants also exist) complain that we are a country only of cricket and more cricket.
  • Gays who were once considered deviants can now benefit from the security of legally sanctioned marriages.
  • Visit the site and you can read the "truth" about King -- communist, wife-beater, plagiarist, sexual deviant and all-around fraud. Keith Thomson: White Supremacist Site Marks 12th Anniversary
  • Are you saying that doing what you have suggested is in someway an act of deviant perversion? Think Progress » Health Insurers’ Duplicitous Campaign Confirmed: Industry Covertly Gave Millions To Fund Anti-Reform Ads
  • It may seem odd, but this deviant definition of homosexuality contributed greatly to the rise of gay liberation.
  • It has long been established that there is a strong association between crime and deviant behavior and the breakdown of social bonds or norms.
  • Child sexual abuse does not only include the acts of a tiny minority of sexual deviants.
  • Not sexually -- let me get that out of the way because I know my readers, and you are all sick, deviant people and I love you for it -- but seriously -- I'm apeshit for puppetry. Vanessa Becknell: The Greatest TV Trial Coverage EVER
  • Those of us who have absorbed these ideas without question should pause for reflection before modern deviants branch off at further tangents and we lose the connection with first principles entirely.
  • Firstly, it can be argued that advances in technology bring new opportunities for crime and other forms of deviant behaviour.
  • How much more comforting it would be if the perpetrator were easily recognizable, obviously deviant or disturbed. Trauma and Recovery
  • Novas experiências no Bryce, utilzando um truque muito simples aprendido na galeria e tutoriais de um utilizador do DeviantArt. ...
  • Noting, correctly, that few scholars actually finish The Historical Novel, Maxwell points out that it "fixates" 66 on the historical novel as modeled by Scott, and treats all later attempts at the form as sad deviants from the original; when Lukacs shifts his attention from Scott to Balzac, the historical novel qua form simply vanishes into contemporary realism. The Historical Novel in Europe, 1650-1950
  • I sincerely hope that she never again has to endure the horror of entertaining the kind of deviants who value moral principle and compassion over social conformity and sensual indulgence.
  • Although the leadership has central power in the village organizations, a dozen or more council members secretly work with the leaders to hear cases involving thievery and other deviant acts.
  • Not because they were inherently "deviant" and thus dangerous -- a view that still taints our discussions of hermaphroditism or intersex today. Elizabeth Debold: Caster Semenya: When Gender Is Not Sex
  • Strong extended family ties tend to exercise a restraint on deviant behavior, and family meetings are often called to settle problems before they become public.
  • The former -- when we're talking about homosexuality, rather than your bugaboos of incest, etc. -- is a variant behaviour which is used to mark out another group as deviants to be abjected by the unethical who justify their prejudice as morality. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Chrome Frame, first unveiled last year, is already used by Google's own services such as Docs, YouTube, and the Orkut social networking site, as well as third-party sites like DeviantART, the Hootsuit Twitter application, and github. Google tries to fix Microsoft's Internet Explorer with Chrome Frame
  • As an initiator, it lures the young and old into subcultures such as illicit drug use, and to deviant behaviors such as sexual promiscuity and/or prostitution.
  • What is called as deviant behaviour by the majority of the society is so much of a taboo that we do not even acknowledge the existence of it.
  • Far fewer women with convictions then will have a dominant deviant identity.
  • Why should people deny the co-operative principle by being deviant, making their meanings less accessible, their transactions therefore less effective?
  • In a recent editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, this author decried the need for government and pharmaceutical industry support for research in the treatment of sexually deviant behavior.
  • Most people have violated one or more important norm at some time in their lives, but most people escape discovery, are not stigmatized, and generally do not even regard themselves as deviant at all.
  • The study also said the johns place significant value on the notion that paid sexual encounters are normal and nondeviant. News Feed
  • In the early 1980s, skateboarding existed as a fringe sport, a kind of deviant activity undertaken by disaffected youths in California, breaking into abandoned lots or backyards to skate in empty swimming pools or on crudely constructed ramps.
  • Blindness is also a major handicap to the recognition of a potential mate, as is deviant colouration.
  • The deviant is the one to whom that label has been successfully applied; deviant behaviour is behaviour that people so label.
  • Detection of the deviant elicits additional evoked potentials.
  • People who have true family values live by them, while deviant phonies incessantly talk about them.
  • Some of our sources are Shiites and Sunnis from non-Wahhabi traditions -- people condemned as "polytheistic" or "deviant" or "bad" in these texts -- others are simply frustrated that these books do so little to prepare young students for the modern world. This is a Saudi textbook. (After the intolerance was removed.)
  • If they fill their minds with weird and wonderful activities, with pornography, then it is no wonder that we turn out far too many deviants and perverts in our society.
  • They are best understood not as occasional deviants on the peripheries of legal practice, but as experts entrenched at the centre of literary and intellectual culture in the twelfth century.
  • By accepting diversity we challenge these principles on which the deviant is excluded as abnormal, contaminating. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Maybe even oh please, oh please sexually deviant or deliciously filthy in the eyes of a panicky, manic depressive Christian God, something that would make priests swoon, Mormons moan and more than a few Republican senators run off to the bathhouse for a hot sweat and a rubdown? Mark Morford: Hello, Sinner! What Are You Guilty of Today?
  • We need to move people from deviant gangs to socially constructive ones. Christianity Today
  • There were the philanderers (serial and otherwise), the cads, the love children, the sexual deviant, the cash-for-questions johnnies and the perjurers. Sir John Fluffs It Again
  • Without tampering with the deviant sentence itself, we can investigate the effects of placing it in variously elaborated discourse contexts.
  • The authors of such works are regarded as deviant, hostile to "ordinary" readers, just plain contemptuous of good order in matters of storytelling and style. Style in Fiction
  • One of their mutts ill-advisedly chased the deviant, and by the time the owner caught up, the man had engaged the pet in some hot heritage dry moating. The Register
  • Further, it lowers inhibitions, spurring individuals who are inclined towards sexually abusive or deviant behaviors to act on their fantasies.
  • Tian Guisen (1998) applies recent theories of linguistics to the analysis of incongruent and deviant form at pragmatic level, i. e. "Pragmatic Metaphor".
  • He discusses different kinds of deviant phenomenal models of reality such as agnosia, neglect, blindsight, hallucinations and dreams.
  • Some even feared deviation from their own narrow path, as if deviants were excluded from heaven or segregated.
  • In all these examples we can see that whether a particular act is judged to be a crime or to be deviant is not explained by any quality of the act itself but by other considerations that enter into the process of labelling or definition.
  • I can understand, read and sing in Tagalog, wroth is a long standing deviant dedicated to our community in many ways. Popular in the last 8 hours
  • It's unsurprising that in a course on deviance, we might talk about deviant stuff and I don't accept that at a university, we should have to trim our sails so that the local happy-clappies are satisfied with our absence of moral turpitude.
  • But he could not ignore the roar from the Taiwanese tourists in the audience when the ravishing kimono-clad kathoey completed her expert lip sync to a song by Sally Yeh, nor could he ignore the thunderous applause from the Latinos when a group of deviants in sequined, feathered, flame-red dresses performed an elaborate dance routine to the song “Baila Amigo.” THE MOONLIT EARTH
  • It doesn't imply a value judgement of the proclivity to admit candidly that these are deviancies, and so-called "asexuality" is even more deviant, even more fundamentally at odds with basic human norms far more so than the two just listed. "It's hard to imagine what would push me to having sex. I'm not afraid of sex, it's just not something I want to do."
  • The current business models, private and public, have largely mismanaged resources, produced a sense of insecurity, and a kind of hopelessness that shows up as deviant behaviour.
  • Emile Durkheim pointed out long ago that even a society of saints would produce its deviants.
  • Deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.
  • The magazine shows people engaging in deviant sexual acts.
  • Thomas and Loader, for example, argue that new technology inevitably leads to new forms of deviant behaviour that arise in order to exploit new opportunities.
  • The sheer insouciance from the IRS towards all tax-deviant clerics following Pulpit Freedom Sundays in 2008 and 2009 leaves little precedent for a change in policy this year. Stuart Whatley: Pulpit Politicking Returns for 2010 Election Cycle
  • Homosexuals and heterosexuals are both natural people, with no difference between them in humanity, make or nature … The real deviant is the one who is always trying to oust the other. Global Voices in English » Arab World: Trouble for Gay Travels in the Muslim World
  • It is important to recognize that not all deviant acts are criminal, and that not all criminal acts are universally regarded as deviant. Sociology
  • Positive deviant behaviour is an uncommon practice that confers advantage to the people who practise it compared with the rest of the community.
  • And how long have they been screening against such rare deviant behaviour? Times, Sunday Times
  • If you want to put it in terms of deviations and norms, then anacoluthon is more like the deviant conflation of two syntactic norms, or the interference of one syntactic norm by another. On anacolutha
  • Arbus was also masterful at capturing the normalness of those that mainstream society branded as deviants or freaks.
  • Thus you have a feedback loop in which prejudice against those identifiable as deviant is validated by the very disgust that motivates it, and propagating that prejudice is validated by the pride that results. Archive 2009-08-01
  • (ii) as a nondeviant result of this awareness, S is in a dispositional state whereby if he were to focus his attention only on his evidence for P (while all else remained the same), he would focus his attention on E. The Epistemic Basing Relation
  • They will, however, be loath to permit deviant minorities to wander from widely acknowledged paths of rectitude.
  • For the very vulnerable it gives them a platform, a licence to express their extreme and deviant behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the so-called Albigensian Crusade, the Vatican sought to stamp out deviant Christians—the Cathars—in southern France. Bloodlust
  • Far from being elitist, this song hails even the so-called socially deviant members of society such as hustlers who perch on street corners.
  • In this manner, Suicide points toward a concept related to, but much broader than, that of crime - what today we call deviance or deviant behaviour.
  • The audience get to spy on the activities of the guests and staff – some of them lonely, some of them deviant, some of them rompingly exhibitionist. This week's new dance
  • The woman who introduced me to ethical sluthood proudly upheld her title, making eyes at everyone at the convention and seducing a few she’d known from her time as an administrator for the deviantART website. Poly people « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • I have a bachelor's in deviant behavior and social control and an A.A.S in human services.
  • Second, the deviant cases whose level of democracy is unexpected for 1 993 may be temporary exceptions to the overall pattern.
  • Why should people deny the co-operative principle by being deviant, making their meanings less accessible, their transactions therefore less effective?
  • And it's at the core of a breakdown in the society that appears to be irreversible unless and until deviant parents are made legally responsible for the equally deviant behaviour of their children.
  • Certainly as this drama deepens, each character bypasses normal human interaction degenerating into deviant behavior.
  • Welcome to the thirtieth edition of the still awesomely named depthCORE. com Collective are proud to present our 36th exhibition, a freestyle collection of sins, crims and good old fashioned booty entitled wroth is a long standing deviant dedicated to our community in many ways. Popular in the last 8 hours
  • He calls himself ‘a problem drinker, a user and occasional abuser of narcotics, a high school dropout, a pessimist prone to loose women and no stranger to prostitutes and deviant sexual behaviour’.
  • Why should people deny the co-operative principle by being deviant, making their meanings less accessible, their transactions therefore less effective?
  • This, in turn, reinforces the idea that children who exhibit any kind of sexual behavior are deviant in some way.
  • As a subversive alternative, the architects propose a row of deviant shirts, some misbuttoned, some configured like origami petals, all unwearable.
  • For some reason, "deviant" has been given a negative denotation, similar to "ignorant" that it does not connotate by current society. Swarthmore, conquering heteronormativity with pornographic chalkings.
  • If government allocates more resources to rekindle that spirit, that sense of responsibility to protect the society from deviants, it would find the returns are much better than expanding the security forces.
  • With almost no more native and very few foreign Protestants to prosecute, inquisitors began to target other sorts of religious 'deviants'.
  • While there is a culture of revering rebels in the West, rebels, outcasts and deviant behaviour are really frowned upon here.
  • I sorry but such social deviants cant just squat down anywhere you feel, I may go down there tonight and give them a good kicking.
  • Psychiatric labels that define certain behaviours and beliefs as deviant are particularly sticky and difficult to escape from.
  • This was not an aberrant, deviant test thrust on the wife by an unusually suspicious husband.
  • Strong extended family ties tend to exercise a restraint on deviant behavior, and family meetings are often called to settle problems before they become public.
  • After the Production Code was lifted lesbians and gays began to appear in more films, but generally as perverts, psychopaths, or deviants who were to be pitied.
  • P.S. - I set up that foot-tall figure of Pope John Paul II, and it's a tad disconcerting at first to be engaged in deviant sexual practices while he stares blithely on, but then you figure it's cool that he's watching and still just blessing it, and that's pretty cool. July 13th, 2006
  • Dr. Wollert testified that if an individual were to commit 100 rapes over greater than a six-month period they still would not likely fit the definition of paraphilia deviant sexual disorder," Small wrote. The Seattle Times
  • When deviant behaviour exists with the cowardly behaviour of leaders, calamity is the next step. Why front-line police officers are glad about Dizaei « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • After a pitcher of sangria, the pitch is: look at me, I'm out of control, I may need therapy, I'm damaged, deviant and different.
  • How do deviant peer groups form , and how peer groups influence adolescents'aggression or antisocial behavior?
  • Given these contradictory insights from the literature, the issue of deviant behaviour and informal social control in peer - to - peer networks needs more empirical research.
  • Why should people deny the co-operative principle by being deviant, making their meanings less accessible, their transactions therefore less effective?
  • Stereotyped deviant behaviour is inevitably a social phenomenon, and concerns us almost as much as it does social psychologists or psychiatrists.
  • Resistance to control makes Nicky a problem, a deviant, a troublemaker.
  • There is also what we call obscenity, that is hardcore pornography that is also illegal, even for adults, and that includes graphic sexual acts and also the deviant forms of pornography like bestiality, torture, rape. CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2002
  • Far fewer women with convictions then will have a dominant deviant identity.
  • The approach builds social competence, prosocial behaviors, antidrug use attitudes and behaviors, a nondeviant peer network, and more developmentally facilitative family relationships.
  • Today's deviants have declared war on the society as a whole, so we have no choice but to wage war against them.
  • Since deviant behaviour can be associated with the wearing of baseball caps we are politely asking those people who enter our premises not to wear caps.
  • And for that, we are called misfits, and deviants... and criminals. Archive 2005-01-01
  • If most people portray their sexual behavior as conforming to a double standard, then behavior inconsistent with this double standard will appear deviant.
  • Over a forty-year career as a smut-finder, Comstock boasted the confiscation of fifty tons of books and four million pictures, as well as four thousand arrests and at least 15 moral deviants driven to suicide.
  • Many other studies show marked changes in aggressive and deviant attitudes resulting from pornographic desensitization.
  • If the variant is bilateral the deviant muscle plate has a raphe in the median line.
  • With the advent of interactionism and labelling theory in the 1960s, attention turned to the importance of societal reaction in constructing deviant or delinquent acts.
  • Well, clearly, they are nascent criminals, lawbreakers, and deviants.
  • ‘Normal’ travel patterns are discovered, and deviants from that normalcy are subjected to greater scrutiny at the airport.
  • Strip clubs are not a festering hive of perverts and deviants.
  • The great majority of revolutionary populists resolutely rejected the deception and unprincipled adventurism of a few untypical deviants like Nechaev.
  • If we are to achieve a full understanding of deviant behaviour, we must get these two foci of inquiry into balance.
  • How much more comforting it would be if the perpetrator were easily recognizable, obviously deviant or disturbed. Trauma and Recovery
  • But this kind of stuff is just lazy, designed to influence people's opinions in the most insidious way - akin to painting all Tories as closet Nazis/hooray henries/sexual deviants. Army Rumour Service
  • Why is it illegal, deviant, and cause for imprisonment for some farmer to engage in bestiality inside a barn if he's doing it for personal enjoyment, but perfectly legal for that same farmer to do it as part of "standard agricultural practices" used to put animal corpses on our nation's dinner tables? Bruce Friedrich: Does Eating Meat Support Bestiality?
  • Far fewer women with convictions then will have a dominant deviant identity.
  • You do not participate in lascivious deviant sexual behavior Worst Apartment Rental Ad Ever - The Consumerist
  • No, he was merely a sexual deviant, a paraphiliac "with sexual obsessions rooted so deeply that once he gave them rein, they took over his life. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Everybody has them and this research will attempt to determine whether sexual fantasies play a significant role in the occurrence of deviant behaviour of adult males.
  • A powerful deterrent to deviant behavior is that such behavior brings shame to one's family and kin and is considered sinful.
  • There are many other deviant roles whose scripts exclude women.
  • But the fact remains that Spokane was buggered into bankruptcy by priests known to be deviant, and the underlying causes could have been avoided by unexacting prudential decisions well within the moral compass of an ordinary parishioner. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Deviant sexual preference as measured by sexual arousal tests may show evidence of a deviation, but no evidence of severe paraphilias such as sexual sadism.
  • James, well I think that anybody who engages in deviant sex be it women and underage boys or child molesters or homosexuals should be punished for their action. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • The group went on television and condemned the demonstrators as 'deviants' and came out unequivocally in support of the prince.
  • Everything was off, outlandish, and unnatural, from the stream to the stars to the sun that had abandoned the alien sky with deviant precipitousness. The Howling Stones
  • Many other studies show marked changes in aggressive and deviant attitudes resulting from pornographic desensitization.
  • In the final section an analysis of the fifteen deviant cases is undertaken.
  • Lawrence's Women in Love, for instance, deliberately appropriates deviant sexualities in the construction of an alternative form of society.
  • Those who indulge in deviant behaviour like smoking, drinking, drug abuse and breaking the law are also more prone to becoming pathological gamblers.
  • It may seem odd, but this deviant definition of homosexuality contributed greatly to the rise of gay liberation.
  • S's believing or assenting to P is based on his justifying propositional reason Q.= df S's believing or assenting to P is causally sustained in a nondeviant manner by his believing or assenting to Q. and by his associating P and Q. Moser limits this account of the basing relation to instances of inferential knowledge, unlike the more general characterization of the basing relation given above. The Epistemic Basing Relation
  • In contrast it is difficult to think of a deviant female role which is not perceived as damaging to its protagonist.
  • Regular blog columns include: All Tomorrows (sci-fi glories from the deviant age), Better than Coffee (Monday morning audiovisual stimulants), Zo! Boing Boing
  • In this view the whistle blower is the defender of the organization's true values and the management that punishes the behavior is the deviant.
  • Last night the military rulers issued a stern warning that they would crack down on what they called "deviant groups", which they blamed for an increase in crime and violence. WalesOnline - Home
  • How much more comforting it would be if the perpetrator were easily recognizable, obviously deviant or disturbed. Trauma and Recovery
  • In fact, to a remarkable extent popular media such as the press, films and television do depict deviant women.
  • Eddie himself loves telling stories to everyone about the deviant behaviour of all of his family members.
  • Moral entrepreneurs engage in the process of establishing moral rules by attempting to define certain actions or forms of behaviour as deviant.
  • To justify the argument that it was the migraineurs ' deviant response to stress and not the amount of stress per se to which they were exposed, we asked all subjects about their amount of daily stressors.
  • There were the philanderers (serial and otherwise), the cads, the love children, the sexual deviant, the cash-for-questions johnnies and the perjurers. Archive 2007-12-16
  • If you're abnormal, I guess I'm way out there amongst the deviants.

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