
How To Use Developmental In A Sentence

  • Homeobox genes encode transcription factors involved in many aspects of developmental processes.
  • Furthermore, developmental psychologists found evidence that self-recognition correlates with empathy.
  • People most at risk are those with an autistic spectrum disorder, a developmental problem, not a mental health problem.
  • As developmental paediatrician to a neonatal referral centre she followed many low birthweight children with great skill.
  • Objective To assess the effect of repeated gonadotropic stimulations on the developmental potential and growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) expression of mouse oocytes.
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  • Long sympathetic neurons and sensory neurons, with particular reference to those of the dorsomedial quadrant of spinal ganglia in chick embryo [12], provided a most valuable system for demonstrating the three main activities of NGF, i.e., 1) its vital trophic role during the early developmental stages, 2) its property of enhancing differentiative processes such as neurite outgrowth, and 3) of guiding the growing or regenerating neurites along its own concentration gradient. [ Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Dances spread from theater stage to the average family realizes public communication recurring to the camera lens, which followed by the high-tech developmental television.
  • Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control. Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
  • Life events can be developmental in nature: weaning, toilet training and puberty are examples that characterise all people's lives.
  • Because of the mixed picture, researchers have debated whether it is a superability or disability, as it almost always occurs in children with developmental problems. Mind Hacks: The neuroscience of hyper-reading
  • There are developmental problems: purblindness, other kinds of developmental problems.
  • Preliminary evidence was obtained to prove the action of the position effect which has no relation to developmental phase on the grafts. A concept of positional information memory was proposed.
  • In the dictyopterans species, however, intermediate features of granulocytes and spherulocytes led them to hypothesize a developmental relationship between both, as postulated by Gupta.
  • Many human developmental abnormalities arise from abnormalities in the moulding of sheets of cells.
  • Each of the sections traces a developmental stage in a cross-generational sequence.
  • While pubescent males could find younger females to be on nearly the same developmental level as themselves, teenage females are not as inclined to regard younger, less developed males as sexual partners.
  • The dicotyledonous annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana is widely used as a model organism to study how these different signals are integrated into a developmental response.
  • Soon, he will learn to be more flexible and will be relating to you at whatever developmental level he has reached.
  • In the introduction, the meaning of researching the developmental strategies Steel Mill of Tisco is showed.
  • And that basically may sum up much of developmental psychology.
  • The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
  • Giving priority to developmental work was appropriate in the circumstances of Nottinghamshire in the mid-eighties and still remains so in many respects.
  • The more likely explanation is that developmental changes occurred that involved greater solidifying of romantic relationships, making stable monogamy more possible.
  • Conclusion:There are deficits in every side of reading in Chinese developmental dyslexics, and the main problem is auditory perception disorder.
  • The changes of oxidant and anti-oxidant system of alveolar macrophage (AM ) of rats exposing to coal-quartz mixed dust were investigated in the developmental process of experimental anthracosilicosis.
  • The structural explanation of social problems is pursued more thoroughly than in a developmental model.
  • For the next three years she oversaw the Czech Republic's developmental team, eventually accepting a coaching position in Florida.
  • This attention actually relates to the developmental molecular biology of the pituitary, rather than to osteology.
  • Unlike Jean Piaget who saw children's play in primarily cognitive developmental terms, Parten emphasised the idea that learning to play is learning how to relate to others.
  • These conclusions must be taken with caution because food composition values for vitamin B6 are still in the developmental stage. 10.
  • The determination and differentiation of notochord in Bufo bufo gargarizans embryos in different developmental stage have been systematically studied.
  • Today, scientists can offer a real-life glimpse of this developmental bifurcation by pointing to vertebrates, such as zebrafish, that retain pharyngeal teeth only; others, such as mouse and human, that have oral teeth only; and a subset, including cichlids, that thrives with both. Emaxhealth
  • Changes in the diurnal cycle allow different developmental stages of embryos to be available during normal working hours.
  • It stood in stark contrast to what became known as "developmentalism" or "Third World nationalism" in the post-war developing world. Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"
  • Children experience developmental problems caused by unseen risks such as known carcinogens and neurotoxins like lead, mercury and pesticides.
  • Harley B, Park SY, Kobayashi T, et al. (2007) SOCS3 protein developmentally regulates the chemokine receptor CXCR4-FAK signaling pathway during B lymphopoiesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We do have developmental money unavoidably unspent, which will greatly reduce the problem.
  • Similarly, onychophorans have been used in developmental studies of the evolution of appendages and of body segmentation.
  • Through discussing the developmental course of Sinitic classroom's teaching models, this paper attempts to study the progress and its trend of development briefly.
  • There is nothing developmental linking the middle childhood years with fountain pens and mismatched socks.
  • Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them.
  • Developmental perspectives toward understanding minors' decision-making capacities attempt to determine when minors are cognitively and psychosocially mature enough to provide informed consent.
  • We suggest that such long-tail and bimodal distributions may be used as selection mechanisms in developmental switches and for assigning cell identity.
  • Therapeutic riding instructors offer hippotherapy—also known as equine therapy—services to clients with autism, Down syndrome, spinal bifida, and many other physical, emotional, and developmental disabilities. You’re Certifiable
  • Core developmental conflict, ego deficits, flawed character, and childhood traumata due to parental inadequacies postulated in dynamic etiological theories of drug abuse, also appear in theories regarding alcoholism. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • In both cases, alterations of developmental timing produce parallels between ontogeny and phylogeny.
  • Other women psychologists studied infant-mother attachment, memory and the brain, deinstitutionalized psychiatric patients, and developmental psychology.
  • The availability of inorganic nitrogen in the rhizosphere is a crucial chemical factor governing the growth rate and developmental pattern of higher plants.
  • This deserves investigation as a clue to early developmental influences on asthma.
  • Seeds at different developmental stages coexist at the same time on the plant, and even in a single inflorescence.
  • Inside the secretive Developmental Center across from the Museum of Flight on Marginal Way, Boeing showed off prototype tools and robots that will be used to make huge single-piece sections of fuselage out of plasticized carbon fiber.
  • The coded form of instructions for the developmental process is, like the written word, subject to misprints when it is reproduced.
  • Of course, the piglet, like all animal models, has its limitations, including relative developmental maturity at birth.
  • In addition, developmental times to pupation and adult eclosion, pupal weights, and survival/mortality were measured for all insects.
  • Objective To explore the developmental toxicity and teratogenicity of benzene on mouse embryo in vivo.
  • The authors consider that the distortion perhaps is atavism. Perhaps these transitions reflect the developmental process of the ovuliferous-scale in history.
  • This contrasts with developmental dyslexia which is an impairment, possibly congenital, in learning to read in the first place.
  • Each of the sections traces a developmental stage in a cross-generational sequence.
  • And, if categories are not embodied, developmental 'products'. where do you see a link to ontogenesis? Lakoff's View of Metaphors
  • The all - round chop is a developmental trend of this method.
  • Indeed, courts have recognized that developmental immaturity may qualify a juvenile for a finding of incompetence.
  • Of the rest, about half were clearly recognizable as developmentally disabled adults.
  • Now people think generally IBS is the most effective and developmental future for preparation soft X-ray multilayer membrane.
  • Man's developmental state also determined the level of institutional change.
  • Children experience trauma differently according to developmental level.
  • Objective To discuss the femoral neck anteversion(FNA) of developmental dislocation of the hip(DDH) and guide operation with visual and digitalized picture in the dimensional(3D) CT.
  • Objective To observe the developmental changes of projection and termination of proprioceptive afferent fibers in the mouse spinal cord.
  • He became a student of developmental psychology and reading theory.
  • Developmental changes in epidermis and fat body are delayed to the same extent, thus maintaining proper temporal spacing of events required for successful exuviation.
  • When we say "We can imagine", what we need to say to be precise is "We can imagine a series of variations on known developmental processes that will cause an embryo to develop into the new form rather than the old. Crossroads
  • He does a good job of making highly technical anatomic, developmental and cellular issues clear to the lay reader.
  • In the recently published Total Body Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy Trial (TOBY) regarding the use of hypothermia to treat perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy by Azzopardi and colleagues (Oct. 1 issue) ,1 the primary outcome was a composite of death or severe neurodevelopmental disability in survivors at 18 months of age, the same primary outcome as was studied in our National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Medlogs - Recent stories
  • It was known that the developing fins of modern actinopterygian fish lack a developmental hallmark of developing tetrapod limbs (late phase HoxD expression). Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
  • Higher education is a continuing developmental process .
  • The researchers ran a test commonly used to evaluate children for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism called a chromosomal microarray. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • We are constantly seeking ways to create a full developmental program, beginning with assessment and advisement.
  • In addition, the approach of phonetic experiment is applied to analyze developmental patterns of tome sandhi.
  • Although no many of secondary image was accustomed in norwegian trials, and no nonasthmatic deficiencies for comparable inpatient are offered, methods should manufacture developmental of the ectopia of long-term quick effects. Wii-volution
  • The novelty of this book is that it counterposes sociobiology to developmental biology rather than its traditional foe, anti-biological approaches to human sociality.
  • Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation.
  • It was very much the sort of developmental pedagogy that composition scholars and learning theorists prescribe for remedial students.
  • Developmental psychobiologists reject a basic idea at the heart of much discussion of innateness, which is that evolution makes development reliable by making it insensitive to environmental parameters. The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics
  • There may also be the loss of a chance to provide consistent and developmental counselling for the student.
  • The subsequent developmental ‘stages’ are identical for the three types of granulocytes or polymorphonuclear cells.
  • This review attempts to outline the plant evolutionary developmental biology of Poaceae in terms of disciplinary issues, strategic approaches and specific cases.
  • The subjects of study include gross anatomy, bone biology, developmental anatomy, neuroanatomy, and histology.
  • For example, this is true for developmental biology and for analysis of the functions of signalling pathways in multicellular organisms. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002
  • These developmental differences between autotrophs and parasites suggest that the functions of photoreceptors differ among autotrophs, hemiparasites, and holoparasites.
  • Adverse impacts of these chemicals can include mutagenic damage to DNA, cancer, neurological toxicity, reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity and immune system damage, among others, according to Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. Robyn Griggs Lawrence: Toxic Flame Retardants Rampant in Baby Products, New Study Finds
  • Today she is developmentally not far ahead of a nine-month old child and is not expected to progress beyond the level of a two-year-old.
  • Now, from a developmental psychology point of view this is all very healthy and normal.
  • As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.
  • The phenotype is subtle, with minor dysmorphic features and developmental delay during childhood.
  • Adults in the Making? 2.2 Developmental studies of childhood stress the difference between children and adults.
  • The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and - Articles related to Pregnant women 'should routinely take vitamin D supplements'
  • Rather than percentage-based reductions, we should be asking the tough questions about what really works, what investments prevent long-term dependency on government support, what types of educational and developmental opportunities do young people truly need to avoid negative outcomes in the future, and what spending is truly essential for us to maintain our standing in the world. Ron Fairchild: A Smarter Budget Ax
  • Here, parexcellence, is the meeting of the ways for developmental and evolutionary biology.
  • This state intervention has entailed detailed "dirigiste" planning and implementation of comprehensive development programmes, fully accepting the concept of a developmental state. ANC Today
  • He believed that all living forms can be related into a single developmental sequence.
  • As developmental paediatrician to a neonatal referral centre she followed many low birthweight children with great skill.
  • Erik's official designation is Senior Developmental Director.
  • One simple criterion for a developmental mutation is embryonic lethality, but this also catches mutations in genes involved in housekeeping functions.
  • Winnicott, in his work with psychotics, became interested in the early developmental processes that facilitate the emergence of personhood.
  • Much of this is possible because the curriculum is geared to the developmental needs of children.
  • Food for thought on a wet day for both the developmental and evolutionary biologist.
  • Developmentally early induction often yields no clones at all, suggesting that the small clones depend on perdurance of wild-type gene product from the heterozygous clone precursor cell.
  • This article has summarized the research progress of Sagittaria pygmaea Miq in nearly 20 years. The developmental prospect is also discussed.
  • Ultrasonography and radiography are equally effective imaging studies for detecting developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants four to six months of age.
  • But has he truly rethought his old "developmentalism", asks Sue Branford. OpenDemocracy
  • The levels of toxic mercury in these vaccinations can cause lasting and serious developmental and neurological problems in these children.
  • This paper summarized the status quo of animal husbandry development and animal product trade, the existent problem in presence animal product and the developmental countermeasures.
  • Look for the Chiefs to draft a developmental quarterback, perhaps even on the first day.
  • Higher education is a continuing developmental process .
  • It is argued that this is an instance of children's developmental and educational problems with polysemous vocabulary, a relatively neglected area of linguistic development.
  • Without proper DNA methylation, higher organisms from plants to humans have a host of developmental problems, from dwarfing in plants to tumor development in humans to certain death in mice.
  • This study will first of all discuss the implementing principle and integration level in different developmental stages of information system.
  • Annual change of various elements was different, indicating that the demand amount of elements and the element proportions for Citrus grandis at different developmental stages were different.
  • During this migration they receive signals from the surrounding tissues which directs them along the appropriate developmental pathway.
  • Does the idea of homology apply only to morphological patterns, he asks, or can it be applied to developmental processes?
  • It provides numerous links to developmental biology research resources, including dynamic development, axolotl colony, genetic and molecular data for drosophila, mouse embryo and cancer genome etc.
  • Grayson specializes in applying social, developmental, and organizational psychology to help camps better serve children and staff.
  • Alternatively, significant levels of expression may be limited to a subset of cells or developmental stages.
  • Prevention New parents may need some information in understanding the developmental progress of bowel function.
  • He practices developmental-behavioral pediatrics in a community health center in Boulder, Colo.
  • In one trial, inhaled nitric oxide reduced the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonates without increasing neurodevelopmental, behavioral or medical abnormalities at two years of age.
  • The zygotes of the fucoid brown algae have long been studied by developmental biologists in an effort to understand how cellular polarity arises.
  • He practices developmental-behavioral pediatrics in a community health center in Boulder, Colo.
  • Increasing our understanding of the developmental processes most prominent during adolescence may enhance our conceptualization of adolescent suicidality.
  • The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
  • In India the word spastic is used without negative connotations, with The Spastics Society of India being India’s most noted non-profit and a non-governmental organization NGO, working for Neuro-Muscular and Developmental Disabilities. SYNCHRONIZED SPAZ ATTACK - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It was Piaget who first discussed the ability to seriate as a developmental phenomenon.
  • Finally, we educate policy-makers on the developmental issues that pertain to policy formulation.
  • This is one reason why Wing is supportive of proposed changes in diagnosis, to be implemented in 2013, which will assimilate Asperger's syndrome and several of the confusing autism sub-groups childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, for example into one definitive diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. Autism: a mother's labour of love
  • Historically, the focus of most research on developmental biology of nemerteans was limited to descriptive and experimental embryology and larval development.
  • For plants that develop a terminal flower or inflorescence, the leaf number below the flower can be used to provide additional information about the timing of developmental events.
  • Autism is a life-long developmental disability that affects the way a person relates and interacts to people around them.
  • In cnidarians, the developmental biology of some aspects of clonality have been studied.
  • In the first phase of her writing, which adhered to Freudian theory for the most part, Klein laid down the principles of child psychoanalysis, reworked Freud’s developmental timetable by arguing that the child was capable of certain types of mental activities at an early age, and elaborated on the importance of the child’s fantasy (in Klein’s writings referred to as phantasy) life (Segal, 1974). Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Many developmental and educational psychologists agree that young adults mature through a sequence of stages.
  • To the extent the “pagan” religion supports the objectivization of others for pleasure, master/slave relationships, and other unhealthy/abnormal religious and moral training of minors during their developmental years... The Volokh Conspiracy » Mother’s Open Paganism Treated as Reason to Deny Her Custody:
  • A third version of the developmental role may also be distinguished.
  • This first modern paradigm is an abstract rationalist universalism that conflates universality with Eurocentrism and developmental modernism.
  • The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and who exhibit some, but not all, features of alcohol-related facial malformation. - Articles related to Pregnant women 'should routinely take vitamin D supplements'
  • The programme emphasises a developmental perspective, on issues pertinent to providing counselling.
  • Developmental dislocation of the hip is a familiar orthopaedics disease of infant.
  • These included overall developmental delay, impaired growth, hearing loss, and a congenital defect called cryptorchidism, in which one or both testicles fail to move into the scrotum before birth. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Current research fruits of developmental cognitive neuroscience and research progress of Piaget's theory per se will help to eliminate some controversy of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
  • DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics. ScreenTalk
  • He also anticipated the themes associated with perceptual plasticity, developmental accounts of modularity, and connectionism.
  • The diagnoses of clients were behavioral disorder, emotional disorder, developmental disorder, other disorder, psychoses, tic disorder, learning disorder and adjustment disorder.
  • Just as only a caterpillar can become a butterfly, the formal stage seems a necessary developmental step to the skilful stage.
  • Developmental changes in carbachol-stimulated inositolphosphate release in pigmented rat retina (SuDoc EP 1.23/6: 600/J-94/035) by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency New York Times Study Points to Failed EPA Regional Model
  • An almost impossibly rich work, it explicates a host of thorny theological, philosophical, and epistemological controversies and positions (Marsden, for instance, insightfully draws the connection between, on the one hand, the intellectual appeal of dispensational premillennialism and the opposition to Darwinism and, on the other, the peculiarly American “non-developmental” understanding of history). Modernism, Minimalism, Fundamentalism
  • The state is given an even greater role than in the developmental model in creating conditions for justice and equality.
  • By comparing 200 of 12,720 key functional brain connections and assessing them through multivariate pattern analysis, researchers then predicted volunteer subjects' developmental status.
  • Figure small head, or small top part of head microcephalia (small brain) mental retardation none of above developmental delay for other reasons does not suck well or chokes on milk or food 1) Head Control and Use of Senses
  • Such suffering is a temporary stage in a developmental process.
  • Accordingly, near the turn of this century, many biologists who espoused or contested theories of evolution, meant, among other things, to support or undermine theories of the preformation of species according to a developmental plan.
  • The white matter abnormalities are thought to reflect both defects in myelination and developmental abnormalities in neurons affecting these white matter connections.
  • It is, rather, simply a part of the personal developmental experience, formally mutable and changing frequently.
  • It can be considerably more complicated, often requiring gonadectomy (at various developmental timepoints) and hormonal replacement (with dose-response designs, please) including all of the appropriate control groups/observations. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Grid computing is a new and quickly developmental calculation model with the development of Internet technology, realizes resource sharing of computer.
  • In reality, of course, the 3 versions of the developmental role are blurred.
  • The developmental history of non-riverfront industrial land is rather different.
  • Some developmental paths are blocked, while potentially novel ones lead off into uncharted terrain.
  • Further, this approach can easily be applied to other nutrient and environmental stresses challenging plant adaptivity, or also to investigations of plant developmental programmes.
  • Remedial education - also called developmental education - suffers from an image problem.
  • There is a course to intellectual development, with reliable milestones and endpoints in the developmental sequence.
  • This study found that "numerous neuropathological changes were observed in young adult rats treated postnatally with thimerosal," and that "These findings document neurotoxic effects of thimerosal, at doses equivalent to those used in infant vaccines or higher, in developing rat brain, suggesting likely involvement of this mercurial in neurodevelopmental disorders. David Kirby: Government and Many Scientists Agree: Vaccine-Autism Research Should Continue
  • During morphogenesis at any developmental stage, all plant cells require modifications of the cell wall structure.
  • The improved DDST intelligence examination was done on 67 cases of endemic cretinism in Qinghai through random sampling and had got developmental quotient (DQ).
  • The register would hold a range of data including those relating to familial, social, obstetric, neonatal, immunisation, developmental, and general health and disease variables.
  • Besides the short stature and microcephaly, the patient had developmental delay in language.
  • Designing target, designing program, system demand and developmental environment, system structure and visitant security are included in overall designing program.
  • Objective To analyze operation types of DDH(developmental dislocation of hip)and find the reason and preventive measures of redislocation after operation.
  • Although triploidy and haploidy of chromosomal regions in humans often cause viable or semiviable developmental defects, it is difficult to identify regions of the genome that are haplolethal.
  • Years later, the Journal of the American Medical Association stated in their September 18, 1943 issue that fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons that change the permeability of the cell membrane by certain enzymes. 1 Additionally, an editorial published in the Journal of the American Dental Association on October 1, 1944 stated, Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances. Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Health Hazards of Water Fluoridation (VIDEO)
  • Only at a fairly late developmental stage does the corolla finally overtop the androecium and gynoecium.
  • This gene, when mutated, severely disrupts both germ cell migration and developmental cell death.
  • The appropriate percentage of oxygen in the gas phase at different developmental stages is shown in Figure 6.
  • COOPER LAWRENCE, DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Let ` s be clear what the word "desensitization" means in this context. CNN Transcript Apr 17, 2007
  • The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
  • We have found cross sectional age differences which we cautiously, yet venturesomely, interpret in a developmental way.
  • In the introduction, the meaning of researching the developmental strategies Steel Mill of Tisco is showed.
  • If a sufficiently large perturbation is introduced, the developmental buffering capacity is overcome and the genetic variation for ocellus number is revealed. The Genotype/Phenotype Distinction
  • Findings from developmental psychology indicate that there is an object bias among mature adults, that is, people prefer to treat processes as objects.
  • This finding indicates that CatSper has no required role in the prior developmental events that determine the assembly of an asymmetry-competent flagellum during spermiogenesis, or in downstream signaling events that couple Ca PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • * This state intervention has entailed detailed "dirigiste" planning and implementation of comprehensive development programmes, fully accepting the concept of a developmental state. ANC Today
  • There is a treasure trove in China: the well-preserved phosphatized embryos of the Doushantuo formation, a sampling of the developmental events in ancient metazoans between 551 and 635 million years ago. Dissecting embryos from half a billion years ago - The Panda's Thumb
  • What mix of selective forces and developmental constraints moulded the mandible, honed the teeth?
  • Other common surgical corrections include those for club feet, strabismus, ptosis, and reconstructions from disfiguring traumas and congenital and developmental abnormalities.
  • PrefaceThe developmental dislocation of the hip ( DDH ) is the common disorder in pediatric orthopedics.
  • Thus developmental sequence, not age cohort, best predicted heterosexual romantic and sexual involvement.
  • So if there is a developmental sequence for species, then anything that reverses that sequence is devolution and degeneration.
  • The eyeless gene is an example of the remarkable conservation of developmental genes throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Developmental disorder e.g., arteriovenous malformation, agenesis The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The film lingered in developmental hell for a while until being greenlit for pre-production. PREACHER: From Page to Screen « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Once the large community of developmental biologists working on the worm became involved, the pace quickened.
  • Cro-Magnon cult culture defense mechanism delusion demography developmental psychology double standard of sexual behavior dowry ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph ego egocentric egomania egotism empathy empty nest encounter group 17. Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology

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