How To Use Developing In A Sentence
The recent U.S. ranking by the World Economic Forum of 48th out of 133 developed or developing nations in quality of math and science instruction is a siren call.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Political Will
Thus, developing a vaccine directed against one or a few capsular polysaccharides may not be widely effective.
Nulliparous women are reportedly at a higher risk of developing complications of pregnancy and delivery than multipara.
It highlights key facets of presidential policies and priorities, difficulties and conflicts, while charting the developing nature of the office.
The Syracuse group is developing prototypes of software technologies which will accelerate the take-up of general purpose parallel computing.

Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-20 advanced and developing nations are meeting in South Korea Friday and Saturday to prepare for a summit of G-20 leaders next month.
Japan Calls for Currency-Market Cooperation
At any rate, there is a worrying trend developing along the North Mayo coast.
A constant tinkerer, Paul spent hours developing recording tricks like over-dubbing and guitar effects like reverb.
Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than do boys.
CRU (Corporate Relations Unit) is responsible for developing long-term sponsorship partnerships with business organisations.
[The site] consists of 'crudities': pieces of raw experience, regularly uploaded ... it aims at developing an extended version of the conventional weblog, one that allows users to upload visual input such as (streaming -) video-files and pictures as easily as texts.
Boing Boing: December 22, 2002 - December 28, 2002 Archives
He is also considering exporting to Britain and developing own label products for the British multiples.
The factory must aim at developing new models of machines.
In developing countries like India, it is the wealthier and better-educated who tend to be aspirational; the poor are not yet in a position to aspire to much of anything.
David's summation is simple: "In the very decade when it's clear that new antibiotics must be developed the industry has stopped developing them.
Family Affair
He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
Also, for some reason, interlibrary lending never did pick up in India (and most other parts of the developing world).
Its work figured in the arguments of advocates in this field that were based on the developing customary law.
Some of the components of the bioregenerative farm considered for application in rural regions of developing countries stem from results and experiences accomplished by using sophisticated techniques, such as algal systems for life-support space applications (3), for food production (4), for treatment of municipal wastes (5), etc.
Chapter 17
They build on and support changes that have been developing in critical theory during the postmodern era.
New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.
She said that while multiple sclerosis was not hereditary or genetic there was a greater chance of developing it if a parent was a sufferer.
The budget should reflect policy priorities of social needs cluster departments as a re-affirmation of government's strategic focus on developing the poor and underdeveloped communities.
Folds associated with intraformational faults in the Tertiary mudstones of the southernmost North Sea show a similar asymmetry, with anticlines locally developing into diapiric structures.
Publican John Keating is redeveloping the deconsecrated St Mary's Church on Mary Street in Dublin 1, which is due to open as a bar and restaurant at the end of the summer.
Scientists are constantly developing new terminologies.
The group claims the airlines neglected their duty of care by failing to take adequate steps to prevent passengers developing economy class syndrome.
Developing countries are attracting investment not by lowering their standards, but because they are making the best of their comparative advantage.
It appears the glee club diva is developing a schoolgirl crush on her admittedly dreamy teacher.
New 'Glee' clips: Will and Rachel do 'Endless Love!' |
The child is developing normally.
For good reasons, developing nations reject cap-and-trade solutions, in part because it is impossible to define comparable cap-and-trade policies for radically differing economies in a fair manner; emission taxes would be much more commensurable between different economies.
The Advantages of an Emissions Tax
Cells in the tumour seem to resemble the body's own cells soon after conception when a baby is still developing.
However, there is an inherent and consistent developing clue in these three interpretations.
The fruits or persistent pericarps of breeding seedlings during the viviparous developing were rich in the salt and this may do favorable to adaptation of seedlings to highly saline environment.
Dad gave the miracle drug to everyone in the family because he had friends in the company that was developing it.
The overall aim of the book is to help with developing activities which meet the needs and wishes of individual older people.
If bacteria cause the interdigital furunculosis, there may be several nodules with new lesions developing as others resolve.
A small beginning has been made to developing the theory of metapopulations of demersal fishes, frequently in the context of reef fish management.
They must also be assisted in developing their ability to critically assess information sources.
The people are feeling so terrified that they are moving into shells and developing a typical aversion towards any kind of agitational path or protest movements.
Archive 2006-06-01
His presence should fill the power vacuum which has been developing over the past few days.
Many of the aid projects in the developing world have been misdirected in the past.
While examining your irises, both in-person, and later when reviewing the photographs, the iridologist will look for subtle signs of developing illness, such as symptoms of stress or a build-up of toxins.
BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
It is the unmanaged Nature that stressed our developing beings to make us strong, that provided not only physical sustenance but the avenues for both love and loss: the genesis of human compassion.
Later in that same decade, he began developing the concept of sound on sound recording, first painstakingly overdubbing part after part on a 78 rpm record cutting machine, and then later on magnetic tape.
A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by more than three times.
Though the borough claims such a service is uneconomical, a best value review recently completed by the county council recommends developing park and ride around Bedford.
Green Capsicums contain lutein and zeaxanthin which help age-related eye problems, Orange Capsicums contain beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin which help reduce the risk of developing emphysema and lung cancer while Red Capsicums contain lycopene and beta-cryptoxane.
Weekend Herb Blogging #80
Also, we have been increasing the number of recruiters, enlarging bonuses and developing other initiatives to further encourage volunteers.
People with some types of heart defects are at greater risk of developing bacterial endocarditis.
The lead times for developing new technologies in the nuclear industry are very long.
The department also runs seminars on developing clinical and communication skills to reinforce the students' experience in the practices.
So now, from the very moment that someone picks up a foil to learn how to fence they can start developing the same skills that are associated with top level fencing performance.
The “right to privacy” meme, of course, is a strawman – by attaching some invented notion of “privacy” to the surgical process of electively vacuuming out a developing human life in pieces from the womb, the left thinks they make abortion a “right” – wholly and completely ridiculous.
Think Progress » Samuel Alito’s America
Leaked U. S. diplomatic cables show that the United States and Germany allegedly are developing together a spy satellite system despite strong opposition from countries such as France.
The pharmas have been very averse to lowering those prices in the developing world for fear that it will set a precedent.
In the fruit fly's developing brain, stem cells called neuroblasts normally divide to create one self-renewing neuroblast and one cell that has a different fate. - latest science and technology news stories
Starting in 1986, when she embarked on a fellowship in parasitology and vaccinology at the National Institutes of Health, she's dedicated herself to developing vaccines for AIDS and tuberculosis.
Travel widens horizons in more ways than one, and makes people wiser and more mature, besides developing the qualities of tolerance and forbearance.
Perhaps that will inspire some radically new approaches to speech understanding that will supplant the methods we're developing now.
It became clear that he wasn't developing like all the other little boys.
It would also provide a sound basis for targeting scarce resources and developing strategies for remediation and amelioration.
Clouds gather, sometimes developing into a cyclone but will a water-starved Chennai see its tanks, lakes, wells and reservoirs full this year?
For two women such as us, confirmed members of the jeans and T-shirt brigade, we were developing a surprising unspoken admiration for the seriously girly.
The Balinese tourism industry would be destroyed and the island, now poor but developing, would be plunged into primitive semi-starvation.
The past weeks have been spent developing his physique and his technique.
This review of chemical monitoring of agents that induce OA emphasizes the progress being made in developing highly sensitive detection methods for certain compounds such as diisocyanates, formaldehyde, and anhydrides.
Children with chronic hemolytic disorders generally have an increased risk of developing pigment gallstones.
Predominantly, as a developing recipient country, China have gained the actual effects since implementing reform and opening policy.
The company started developing a type of malicious software known as adware that hackers install on PCs, where they served up pop-up ads for travel services, pornography, discounted drugs and other products, including its flawed antivirus software.
IOL: News
The WHO said it has sent 2.4 million treatments of Roche's antiflu drug Tamiflu to 72 developing countries, according to Michael Ryan, the agency's director of global alert and response.
Mexico Says No New Flu Deaths
The gap between the haves and have nots - both between the United States and the developing world, and between the rich and the poor within the developing countries - was growing.
We use Vizard Virtual Reality Software and datagloves to interact with the NPCs, developing a gesture and speech based interface.
(NCKU), has been recognized for his excellent contribution to aquiculture and presented with the award - "2009 TWAS Prize in the Agricultural Sciences" from The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Oct. 20th. Aktuelle Empfehlungen
NASA funding would be adequate to engage in concurrent engineering for our new systems and programs if the people knew the potential impact of not rapidly developing our capabilities and understanding of the space environment.
Alan Stern on NASA's Cost Increase Problems - NASA Watch
“The savings would come from standardizing and simplifying all sectors of the health care system; implementing measures to reduce overuse and underuse of health care; investing in effective treatment and prevention; and reducing costs by developing technology and regulatory reforms.”
Duh pookie
Cooperative learning techniques, including heterogeneous grouping, are a central component of this approach to developing literacy skills.
These skills are crucial to developing social confidence and acceptance.
Our topsoil is disappearing, the materials we use for fertilizer rising in price, and other nations are developing their own mechanized agriculture.
Matthew Yglesias » Farm Blogging
We're making progress in developing the technologies that will be able to use corn or soybeans to be the feed stock for energy.
Both have committed themselves to developing education as an instrument of social change.
The next higher examples to be met are the frequently cited ants and bees, belonging to the lowly organized class of arthropoda, yet, through the advantage of association and mutual aid, developing actions and habits only found elsewhere in the human race.
Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
The role of the Sertoli cells is to nourish the developing and maturing germinal cells which are eventually released into the lumen of the tubule as spermatozoa.
In addition, the physiatry staff should be consulted about developing a customized off-loading orthotic device for Mrs R's right foot.
The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
These were the Marshall Plan days, which sadly ended in the '70s, and the US became even more kind of insistent on pushing these wrong policies on the developing countries and some other countries.
Democracy Now!
Drumming is a good way of developing your sense of rhythm.
The company is spending $650 million on developing new products/technology.
Teachers of martial art are shouldering the sacred task of and developing it in and universities.
It is unlikely that the remaining unsampled areas of the developing countries in tropical climates, or other highly populated parts of Europe, could significantly increase the overall urban bias above 0.05C during the 20th century.
The 1930s are getting Colder « Climate Audit
Developing countries think these procedures are abused by rich countries to keep out their goods.
The tool is simple and convenient, high efficient, and is a necessary tool for high voltage transmission lines. Its developing prospect is well anticipated.
She noted a lack of segmentation in the developing nerve cord.
Patients with these conditions have a greater risk of developing a malignant tumor of the kidney known as nephroblastoma, or Wilms tumor (WT).
WT1-Related Wilms Tumor (WT) Syndromes
There is no challenge more pressing nor more fundamental than developing a genuinely sustainable way of life for humankind.
Support Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries With Kiva: Kiva is an international non-profit organization that facilitates "microlending" for ...
Consumerism Commentary: A Personal Finance Blog Since 2003
Others have countered that small land-dwelling dinosaurs learned to fly without ever developing arboreal habits: no trees were needed.
With this trove of information in hand, patients will be able to ask presymptomatic questions to minimize their risk of developing disease.
The $1,000 Genome
The department is interested in developing closer links with industry.
He was a prime mover in developing a new style of customer-friendly bookshops in the UK.
The government wanted to boost the growth of Indonesia's textile industry by developing rayon fibre production in order to reduce dependence on imported cotton.
I set the goals for the territory after analyzing and developing a strategy for our segment....
In Bradley, the work will also identify ways of redeveloping the Riverside Mill site, how to improve housing and the general environment, including the gateways to the town in Scotland Road and Leeds Road.
They are developing marketing network.
Finally, this paper concludes that lexical chunk approach is a practical way to reverse current less effective English teaching status and lead English teaching to a new developing platform.
The exegesis, far from being new, sloppy in concept, or un-researched, now has its own developing history and rigor.
Prompted by this discovery, researchers are developing biomaterials specifically for the regeneration and repair of tissue, shifting the emphasis from replacement of tissues to regeneration.
They are mostly out of luck, Mr. Lees said, because the company isn't spending much time developing applications that will do all this "automagic" stuff on other phone platforms.
One key is developing better technology; another is placing proper economic values on the ecosphere and its components.
But it was simultaneously stultifying, keeping me from developing the very objectives I sought.
He met members of staff and all those who had been involved in redeveloping the complex.
The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.
Gradually the call to preach ‘the glorious gospel of the blessed God, the gospel of the good news to lost sinners’, had been developing in Richard.
A substantial aid programme aimed at promoting sustainable economic and social progress and good government in developing countries will be maintained.
Does the activity provide an avenue for goal setting, developing plans, and empathizing with others?
Scientists were optimistic about the prospect of developing an AIDS vaccine.
He's also developing valuable career experience as a global expert for his company.
To minimize competition for resources between developing fruits, treatments were performed on separate umbels, regardless of how many extra flowers per umbel were produced.
When you start developing your narrative, choose photographs of your personas.
Developing interfaces that make sense to geeks is easy.
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The report points out there are at least 1.5 million skilled expatriates from developing countries employed in western Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan.
Objective: Provision of food aid and emergency relief to developing countries.
Mask director Scott Glosserman was developing home invasion busser Playing House at Paramount Vantage but that seems, sadly, to have gone away.
Sequel To Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Taking Shape | /Film
The provision of good public transport will be essential for developing the area.
This reduces the chance of getting pressure ulcers (bed sores) and of developing a deep vein thrombosis.
The Palo Alto startup is quietly developing an online service that will help businesses and consumers choose and manage health plans.
Most, if not all, of the leading fixed-income underwriters have or are developing their own software to conduct online auctions, but few are yet prepared to use it for fear of cannibalizing their existing underwriting business.
Agricultural industry structural adjustment is rural economics developing again revolution.
The device we are developing will allow the neonatologist to monitor blood in a noninvasive manner beyond the period of umbilical artery recording.
Their reading skills were developing at a rapid pace.
This is seen as an opportunity for developing software and technological industries and providers through the stimulus of opening up education markets.
The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills.
To help gain entry into new outlets, toymakers are developing more exclusive products and packaging.
This is exactly what they've done on a macro level to the developing countries of the world.
I hope this series introduced a new perspective - one that inspires you to take the necessary steps toward developing a coherent, long-term CSR strategy.
Gregory Unruh: Part IV: Capturing - and Sustaining - Value
By developing suitable tests with embryonic stem cells as they differentiate to germ cells we can investigate the action of these chemicals in the laboratory.
The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault.
There are grants available towards costs incurred while developing a business idea.
Then gradually it assumed a specific regional identity in the West, developing a strong imaginative appeal to both easterners and westerners.
Monsanto and other companies are developing new seeds designed to resist older herbicides like dicamba and - latest science and technology news stories
Honor your relationships by developing listening skills. Allan Lokos
A method of preparing a roll of film for development and developing the film is also disclosed.
The International Labor Organization said in its report that about 80 million net new jobs will be needed over the next two years to return to precrisis employment rates—27 million in advanced economies and the remainder in emerging and developing countries.
OECD Cuts Forecasts For U.S., Euro Zone
An intercellular space is developing, but it appears filled with unidentified material.
You might call it tilting at windmills, but don’t say that to Neal Saiki, who holds a masters degree in aeronautical engineering and worked as a project manager at NASA developing high-altitude research vehicles, before founding Zero Motorcycles.
Zero Motorcycles Electric Offroad Motorcycle
The true path that leads to this is, firstly, developing the motivation of bodhichitta, which is expanding or opening our hearts out to all others and to enlightenment, the state of a Buddha to be able to benefit them all.
Lam-rim Structured According to the Four Noble Truths
Developing countries are expected to account for half the worldwide emission of greenhouse gases by 2035.
Academics are developing ways to replace satellites and mobile telephone masts with solar-powered airships for better and cheaper telecommunications.
A more integrated theory of design and analysis has been established for the sake of developing the condensing lens type large aperture Frensnel lens.
I've never heard any really compelling justification as to why a lunar outpost is a more cost effective means of developing the technology needed to go to Mars.
Moon Outpost or Bust - NASA Watch
The United States is now considering developing a new generation of nuclear weapons, smart nukes which could be used to bust open bunkers and destroy weapons of mass destruction stockpiled by rogue states.
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The expanded literature search was very coincident with the initial search, providing most of the same reasons, purposes, and impetuses for developing peer institution selection systems.
Although the plans focus on developing China's high-tech sector, they also include increases in state funding to popularise science, and to improve scientific training in rural areas.
Next month we take a look at athletes who have demonstrated business savvy by developing thriving enterprises while still making moves on the gridiron, baseball field, or basketball court.
The developing fetus, newborn, and young children are most susceptible to the effects of an iodine-deficient diet.
Engelbart was embarking on a crusade to augment human capabilities by applying new technologies and developing ways to interact with that technology.
The group is currently working on gaining protection for the lands and developing corridors that suit species from big cats to tiny voles.
The aim of this work was to assess the fertility and breeding potential of the triploid and aneuploid hybrids with a view to developing an improved vine cactus crop.
Nowadays domestic automobile company mostly adopted regulated power supply, when electric vehicle is carried developing and testing experiment.
This practice of profiling is mischievous and harmful to a tolerant and developing society.
Stagnant water can be prevented from developing by stopping water collecting in places such as gutters and flat roofs by removing debris such as leaves and twigs.
People have argued that Einstein grew up as a scientist while he was developing the general theory.
Jim will also be concentrating his time on developing a pilot for a family sitcom for BBC ONE with Carla Lane and on new ideas for a late night series for the channel.
Commissioned by the U.S. government to create a powered aircraft, Langley spent a fortune developing airframes and engines.
Using a schematic drawing or developing a conceptual framework is another strategy that may be used to facilitate reporting the findings.
Mr Brown also announced plans to provide developing countries with cheap vaccines against childhood diseases.
It may be suggested that saponin is thus a constructive element in developing the plant from the multiplicity of floral elements to the cephalization of those organs.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
Placements provide a simple yet powerful mechanism for developing understanding and stimulating change through addressing the heart of the cultural divide.
This was a single overhead cam 2 litre engine, developing up to 140 BHP and mated to a five speed gearbox.
She was uncomfortably aware of her son's developing sexuality.
New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.
Michael was originally commissioned to research information for a documentary on Braddock, but this was later expanded when interest in a film on the boxer's life began developing.
There has been some controversy in sexology about which is more important for healthy sexuality in couples: increasing the security of the bond or developing more differentiation and my position is that we need both.
Linda E. Savage: Enhancing Sexual Energy
CARIBBEAN VIEW: G20 Summit Did Nothing for the Caribbean: Developing Countries Failed to Act Collectively
Cliffs expects to spend more than $800-million (U.S.) developing what would be the first mine in North America to produce chromite, which is a key ingredient used to make stainless steel.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Robert Deposada, a GOP operative from the failed Bush Presidency, has crossed a critical line this week by developing and placing ads urging Latino voters to stay home and not vote during this important election cycle.
Mario Solis-Marich: Suppression of the Empire -- Robert Deposada's Adventure
There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees.
There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS.
With more than 230 years developing, the machine tool world has entered into the CNC machine tool era.
If parents are encouraged to be involved in school, there is less chance of a them-and-us situation developing.
Getting quality, flexible people is important, but just as important is developing quality, idiot-proof systems for the important functions of the campaign.
Sales to mobile phone operators are developing well in Europe and the company continues to develop its suite of products.
These were leading cases in an important and developing field, and after a week of submissions the Court of Appeal understandably reserved judgment.
He added: ‘There is a risk of developing an uninsurable underclass, who will not be able to get affordable cover or perhaps even get it at all, unless we can be sure that no one will feel under pressure to reveal their genetic data.’
And rather than trust the author to go on developing and learning her trade, they dumped her.
Chevron is developing five multibillion dollar gas projects in the Asia-Pacific region that will ship supplies to major economies like China and Japan.
Woodside Names Coleman as CEO
Consequently this section deals with identifying the needs that drinking fulfils and developing alternative ways of satisfying those needs.
We intend to persuade the Church to engage in policy studies with the aim of developing people-oriented policies for the communication task.
A study conducted by scientists at Yale University and published in 2008 reported that, compared to pregnant women who ate less than one serving of chocolate a week, those who consumed five or more servings of chocolate each week during their third trimester had a 40 percent lower risk of developing the dangerous high blood pressure condition known as preeclampsia.
In most of the developing countries too many people are living in bad housing.
Her passion for paleobotany was already developing by this time, and after graduating she went to the Botanical Institute in Munich, where she was the only woman among five hundred students.
Ground-based data as well as the latest information from the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are used in developing both physical descriptions and theoretical understanding.
Unlike Turner, who's accustomed to publicly displaying his developing work, Isaac has previously kept her dances under wraps.
But forewarned is forearmed, and four armed is usually a defect in early limb development related to abnormal patterning of the developing limb bud.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger lite.
It stood in stark contrast to what became known as "developmentalism" or "Third World nationalism" in the post-war developing world.
Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"
The same message goes out from sports team managers, some of whom are developing very bad sideline manners of late.
They devote an inordinate amount of time, effort and resource to developing high-calibre managers.
The exhibition reassures us that the weaving tradition is alive and well, and developing in new and interesting fields.