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  • We berate those who cross the line and leave the immature and underdeveloped open to the physical abuse of contact and collision sports.
  • This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ... Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch
  • The recent U.S. ranking by the World Economic Forum of 48th out of 133 developed or developing nations in quality of math and science instruction is a siren call. Jacqueline Edelberg: Political Will
  • All Slavic languages, to a greater or lesser degree, have developed from contact with the Urnfield culture.
  • Update: BB commenter DHC says, It's worth noting that his is an outtake from a TV show that Warhol developed and aired on Manhattan cable. Boing Boing
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  • To reduce the wing trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually converted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard which developed lift.
  • About a meter tall if it stood erect, it must use its short, bowed legs arboreally by choice, for it ran on all fours and either foot terminated in three well-developed grasping digits. The Rebel Worlds
  • I have returned to campus enlivened by a sense of professional renewal, and I have developed course syllabi, assignments, and activities that incorporate many ideas from my fellowship experiences.
  • This is a habit I developed surrounded by thick-skulled idiots.
  • Without slave labour the plantations of sugar and cotton could not have been as rapidly developed.
  • Unless you live in a developed city, you do your laundry by hand, and no matter where you live, you hang it out to dry.
  • Note the extremes of acidity and alkalinity in which macroscopical growth has developed (Range of reaction). The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • We have developed a very close, personal relationship, a relationship of trust.
  • The cap or diaphragm had been developed in the 1880's but its availability had been very much limited as people were kept in the dark as to its very existence.
  • These undeveloped land or uncompleted property projects have brought negative social and economic effects.
  • At the back door, out of inexorable necessity, in developed and convincingness and sincerity laid down by all authorities on the art of the short story. Confession
  • In the first half maybe evern longer, his art was much more clean, smooth, and linear, whereas much later, he developed the blockier style of Kirby. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #30-26 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Trees masking cameras will be pruned to improve the view and community groups such as Homewatch will be developed.
  • To that end, they developed numerous labor-saving devices.
  • This was also the heyday of the "capriccio," or architectural and landscape fantasy, established by Marco Ricci and developed by Canaletto and Tiepolo. NYT > Home Page
  • The miniskirt was the defining fashion statement for London in the 1960's and it was reportedly developed by Mary Quant, who ran a clothing store in Chelsea.
  • To overcome this problem, the Purdue researchers developed a means to create LEDs on low-cost, metal-coated silicon wafers, whereby the the silicon substrate is metalized with a built-in reflective layer of zirconium nitride. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Low Cost LED Technology
  • However, there have been no deaths recorded in Australia since an antivenene was developed in 1980. The Northern Star
  • Unlike Church, Turing developed his disproof of Hilbert's conjecture around the conception of a hypothetical machine which would decide the truth of statements by a set of well-defined sequential operations.
  • St Marie's in Bury will become a ‘gem church’, and developed as a focus for prayer and devotion within the deanery.
  • Had his career unfolded more smoothly he may not have developed the physique which will muscle him into Vogts' squad.
  • The corneas were coated in 250 nm of nickel using a technique developed at Penn State called conformal-evaporated-film-by-rotation. all content
  • Thus, the sheepdogs developed for use on the islands were bred for agility, brains and speed.
  • English pastoral was inaugurated by Spenser's verse eclogues in The Shepheardes Calendar and further developed in The Arcadia, a prose romance by Sidney.
  • When the Spanish landed in 1531, Peru's territory was the nucleus of the highly developed Inca civilization.
  • David's summation is simple: "In the very decade when it's clear that new antibiotics must be developed the industry has stopped developing them. Family Affair
  • It has since developed a programme which includes a regular schedule of rehearsals, sectional workshops and concerts.
  • We developed a customization of the software that allows people to view the data directly from the database.
  • There should be plenty of thunder left in the powerful arms and lower body he has developed since arriving in America as an underfed teenager with bright eyes and a voracious appetite for success.
  • Their tympanum is not homologous with the tympanum of mammals and saurians (extant diapsids) because it developed independently in all three groups.
  • Man, the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the supraciliary ridges or brow prominences usually project but little — while, in the Gorilla, vast crests are developed upon the skull, and the brow ridges overhang, the cavernous orbits, like great penthouses. Essays
  • The use of bioreactor in vascular tissue engineering is a newly developed technics in recent years.
  • George Bush developed a policy, he annunciated it in a magnificent speech 10 days after 9 / 11, and then he went into a war in Afghanistan that everybody thought was going to be impossible.
  • An effective and exact method was developed to evaluate intramuscular fat content.
  • Soldiers resemble worker termites, except that they have enlarged brownish heads and strong, well-developed jaws.
  • After all, claim of right developed in relation to the law of larceny and where one was taking something physically that you believed belonged to you.
  • There were weighty arguments against this theory, in particular the fact that people with great muscular strength and a welldeveloped panniculus adiposus were often attacked by the disease; and also that European crews, on a diet containing sufficient protein and fat, were not immune, even when they were given virtually no rice at all. Christiaan Eijkman - Nobel Lecture
  • They demonstrate that the orogen likely developed over a Neoproterozoic failed continental rift that was linked to the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • In America, Hollerith, working on census returns, developed a machine using electric current and capable of analysing returns at speed.
  • As the war debt lightened, the economy of the country developed quickly.
  • Europcar, which has developed the system with UK-based digital agency Fortune Cookie, will equip the system at a number of major outlets elsewhere around Europe from the end of the first half of 2010.
  • Furthermore, we have developed a background monitoring function which automatically protects your computer against heavy fragmentation without your having to get involved.
  • A new ELISA method was developed to detect Growth Hormone Releasing Factor ( GRF ) in this study.
  • Wisconsin Deer Baiting and Wildlife Feeding Regulations [PDF 243KB] pamphlet provides the regulations that are in place for counties where deer baiting and feeding is banned, as well as the regulations that have been developed in the counties where deer baiting and feeding is allowed, but regulated. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • Classical painters developed the use of animal hair, and the paint brush, as we know it, was born.
  • Leo and his friends also took the spinthariscope to an out-of-town astronomers convention and advertised that they had developed an optical system that could penetrate clouds.
  • Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals.
  • A series of molecules that Bennett has developed are unique because they have the potential to yield insulated nano-scale wires.
  • These results suggest the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation and subsequently developed mucosal haemorrhagic lesion.
  • The parents were permissive with or neglectful of their children, and the adolescents had developed a certain degree of independence.
  • We analyzed more than 3000 infrared thermograms acquired from 1256 admitted patients and developed a thermo-visual diagnostic method for estimating the severity of intracranial hypertension.
  • However, he is at pains to point out that there is no one author of the canonic interpretation of a particular building; it is developed collectively over time, the cumulative, filtered effect of many previous responses.
  • The methodology is applicable to the investigation of parentage for all progeny developed from parental mating without subsequent generations of inbreeding.
  • A method for separation and determination of cantharidin from the culture of medicinal fungi using capillary gas chromatography was developed.
  • One element is the bird's facial disc, also found in other owls but best developed in the super-eared barn owl.
  • The budget should reflect policy priorities of social needs cluster departments as a re-affirmation of government's strategic focus on developing the poor and underdeveloped communities.
  • Betty is a bundle of nerves, has a well-developed "New-England Conscience," and among other deviative (not degenerative) signs is possessed of an insatiate desire to climb trees. Why Worry?
  • Speaker / signature verification systems will be developed.
  • One must guard against the misinterpretation of this term impoverishment as compared with the state of affairs which would have developed in the absence of credit expansion and the boom. Is Something Better Than Nothing?
  • While the other threads were developed and resolved, leaving one rather exhausted and peculiarly unsatisfied, this one remained outstanding, haunting the reader's memory.
  • Improved protective designs for field fortifications and base camps have been developed for field forces.
  • New, faster methods for manual dehulling of beans at home have also been developed. 1. The jab-seeder a tool for manual seeding
  • By that time, the patterns of usage - still being developed as far as mathematics is concerned - will have become fairly clear.
  • Based on several large studies that demonstrated CRT can save lives and prevent hospitalization among heart-failure patients, professional guidelines were developed that recommend its use based in part on a measurement recorded by an electrocardiogram called the QRS duration. Scrutiny for Heart Devices
  • The three-layer system architecture of conflict detection based on fuzzy constraint network is put forward. A corresponding prototype is developed and its running process is described.
  • In the late nineteenth century these movements developed into forms of religious nationalism.
  • My group also developed bombesin antagonists aimed at decreasing Andrew V. Schally - Autobiography
  • Unlike the other two major ski resorts, Borovets and Pamporovo, which have been specially developed as ski resorts, Bansko is a town with centuries of history.
  • The second-generation antihistamines were developed principally to avoid sedative actions.
  • One rubber-tyred option was prematurely discarded by a now-disgraced former mayor as not developed enough, even though the cost would have been half that of lrt. Canada Line delivers a smooth ride « Stephen Rees's blog
  • It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed.
  • An account must now be given of the eustyle, which is the most approved class, and is arranged on principles developed with a view to convenience, beauty, and strength. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • The microwave irradiation ( MI ) process to extract lignin from straw had been developed.
  • My students became really interested in what all these idioms meant, so I developed an art/language unit on the usage of idioms, that would be appropriate for nearly any grade level.
  • In his final season, he again graded 93.5 percent for blocking consistency, but without the cast on his hand, he developed into a dominant drive blocker.
  • Developed by software engineer Octavian "Vivi" Costache as a Gmail Labs experiment, multiple inbox will split an inbox into selected windows based on what you want to see -- such as starred or draft messages. G4TV - The Feed
  • Almost three centuries later, the stock exchange is even more important in the economic life of a developed country than it was at the time of the above case studies.
  • Teachers actively engage in working for progressive education, defending the curriculum they developed and finding ways to expand it.
  • In part two, theoretic formulize is developed to Late Greek Privacy Philosophy.
  • They also offer a look into little-known innovations, such as precision artillery shells for howitzers developed for the US Army.
  • Much of classical astrology developed as a result of the Hellenistic perspective towards numerology and geometry.
  • They probably developed leaves both by enations and by planation of a branching system.
  • Feminist folkloristics, as developed in the United States and Canada, understands gender as a fundamentally sociocultural construct.
  • He developed a split personality after the crash.
  • Internationally, there is widespread concern with a break down in community values in developed countries and unacceptable levels of isolation, loneliness and social disintegration, to which Ireland is not immune.
  • Irvine and Martin have themselves developed a method of assessing the performance of some of Britain's most expensive scientific investments.
  • Even though her storyline - which follows João on the road to stardom, with several stopovers in prison - can seem underdeveloped, Ramos is always charismatic.
  • Without a developed national debt market, the central bank cannot utilize open market operation to adjust monetary supply efficiently and the fiscal policy also cannot be implemented successfully .
  • In some developed countries too, women were accorded the right to vote very late.
  • A woman who watched her frail mother lie in agony after she developed bedsores at a private care home has vowed to help prevent elderly and immobile patients from having to endure the same pain.
  • It also developed a new ideology of team and reciprocal protection of air combat formations, and cruise missile salvos by naval ships.
  • Rural and undeveloped land rings the metropolitan area, and Galveston Bay to the southeast (image lower right) provides access to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • As previously discussed, protocols have been developed for determining single lifecycle responses of mysids to xenobiotic chemicals.
  • I doubt whether the Scots, going it alone, would have developed the same ruthless instinct for self-preservation.
  • Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
  • While Bank of America has developed workarounds to integrate core systems, it has made progress on unifying operations on some fronts.
  • Cream Silk Hot Oil Therapy is a deep conditioner, developed to add strength and body to fine, flyaway hair.
  • This applies in particular to their secretariats that are tightly controlled and steered by a handful of developed countries.
  • As its top cooled and contracted, it developed narrow crevices more than fifty feet deep.
  • It is one of comparison between the northern, highly industrialised countries and the southern, less well developed economies.
  • No less impressive is the sound design, which is seemingly standard, but upon closer examination reveals a developed awareness of off-screen space and spatial relations.
  • The continent's rich linguistic diversity has been poorly explored, developed, and sanctioned.
  • When in a position allowing of direct examination, the contused portion of the nerve sometimes developed a palpable fusiform thickening, manipulation of which might give rise to formication in the area of distribution -- a favourable prognostic sign. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • He devoted himself to the reconstruction of lost orthographies and grammars, developed a distinctly Japanese poetics. 井の中の蛙 » Renaissance Japan » Print
  • The other experiments being developed in the hall focus on the possible energy values of antihydrogen atoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of the wounds developed an infection or became infested by blowfly.
  • Citizenship of the Union was to be established and close co-operation on justice and home affairs was to be developed.
  • Once known as the merchant capital, Osaka was the place where rice vendors developed sushi by mixing seasoned rice with other ingredients into a visually pleasing and tasty package.
  • I have several daylilies and tradescantias with well developed flower buds.
  • He developed the idea of Papal nuncios to represent the Church abroad.
  • Rothschild used the trading networks he had developed to become the provisioner for the army as well as its paymaster. Emancipation
  • There is little development of the lambdoidal crest but in some specimens it is slightly better developed than in others.
  • More recently, scab has developed resistance to the strobilurin as well as the benzimidazole classes, and now Alternaria leaf spot resistance to the strobilurin and carboxyanilide (boscalid) chemistries has appeared. Western Farm Press RSS Feed
  • How much better to see a redundant farm building re-developed for a new purpose than to let it remain unused.
  • By parallelizing the requirements to the developed system and the possibilities of the existing client database, we can say that some key basic features already are implemented, except the client per-user name indexing.
  • Services for SOAP are being developed at Enhydra and jBoss (two popular open-source application servers), as well as at many of the commercial application server companies.
  • Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) reinforced hydroxyapatite (HA) bio-composite coatings on polyimide (PI) substrate had been developed by R.
  • At this stage, primary roots were approximately 3-4 cm in length and lateral roots had not yet developed.
  • A conceptual framework for selective coding was developed that linked unrelated codes to the core category of providing.
  • But as knowledge of wave motions developed and the laws of governing them were better understood, the receiver was "tuned" to respond to the transmitter, that is, the transmitter was made to set up a definite rate of vibrations in the ether and the receiver made to respond to this rate, just like two tuning forks sounding the same note. Marvels of Modern Science
  • The crossdating of white cedar and jack pine snags was accomplished using previously developed chronologies from the same area.
  • Later, despite the efforts of her instructors at an Arica forty-day intensive, she developed an overnight obsession for Rolfing. TALES OF THE CITY
  • Instead she has developed a strict routine for short haul trips to get her across her pain barrier.
  • He's developed this captivating narrative voice that mingles his own sharp commentary with Peter's mock-heroic despair. Michael Cunningham's "By Nightfall," reviewed by Ron Charles
  • A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them.
  • From this he developed Ikenobo, the Japan's oldest school of Ikebana, literally translated as ‘The Way of the Flower’.
  • At eight months George developed a bloody discharge and the eye problem returned, together with a clear mucous discharge from the right ear.
  • These songs gradually developed a concomitant form of dialogue styled saturæ, a term denoting "miscellany", and derived perhaps from the _Satura lanx_, a charger filled with the first-fruits of the year's produce, which was offered to Bacchus and Ceres. [ English Satires
  • The cognitive capabilities of the adolescent with fully developed formal operations are qualitatively equal to those of the adult.
  • By the late 17th century devices were being developed to fire grenades from the muzzles of flintlock muskets.
  • The rule as it has developed in common law jurisdictions is in fact an exception to an exception to a rule of evidence.
  • In the 16th and 17th centuries, the cries turned still more colourful and clamorous, as a kind of auditory arms race developed between the vendors.
  • He claims that the morale he had developed during the double-header against Iceland and Canada in October, closely followed by the trip to Portugal, was unravelled by nearly three subsequent months without a match.
  • Kromek , based in Sedgefield, Co Durham, the company has developed a smart scanner, approved for use in airports, which can identify liquids in bottles without the need to open them. The Guardian World News
  • She has also developed a device for older children that reminds them to wash their hands after going to the loo.
  • Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
  • Insemineae include forms in which the nucellus is not developed, and therefore there can be no seed. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • America's first breakfast cereal was developed by John Kellogg in 1895 as a way to help patients at his sanitarium increase their intake of fiber.
  • He could tell the difference between reality and fantasy Language, under-standing, and logic were well developed.
  • Some changes in sovereignty have led to new forms of cooperation among the developed democracies in the North.
  • The method was developed as a wide cross-disciplinary collaboration between chemists, physicists and biologists.
  • The event is to finalise plans to screen off the old Larch Street site with colourful hoardings while it is being developed.
  • I can only conclude by saying that I am sorry the situation has developed the way it has.
  • It is essential that sustainable agriculture be developed in the areas already deforested and settled.
  • About that time Herter Brothers developed its unique version of the Anglo-Japanese style in furniture, rectilinear in outline and constructed of ebonized wood.
  • Their reasoning capacity must be developed.
  • So far, only the westerly part of the site has been developed.
  • And the airlift was the beginning of a better relationship, and finally, we developed a friendship with the Americans. Daring Young Men
  • The threshold amount is based on a definition developed by the Social Security Administration in 1964 and revised in 1969 and 1981 by interagency committees. The Population of the United States
  • A new method was developed to analyze the mechano electrochemical response of hydrogel, an intelligent material.
  • Shortly after this, the horse developed a thoroughpin and was kept from racing for the rest of the season.
  • At first, my goal had been to write out a precise 'demonology' of television using elements from Greek mythology as a teaching tool for my Media Violence class that could be developed into a workbook of sorts. Vamsee Juluri: Writing Mythology in an Age of Reality Crisis
  • He subsequently developed a left retinal detachment and was referred to the vitreoretinal unit for surgery.
  • The database schema needs to be developed in tandem with pseudocode, so that you don't wind up with orphaned code or database calls that are excessively resource-intensive.
  • It had been steadily gaining nutrients as his career developed, siphoning off its share of each ill-gotten gain. PROSPECT HILL
  • Ulcers developed in rats and canines when 150 mm Hg pressure was applied for nine hours or 500 mm Hg pressure was applied for two hours.
  • Comparison with his previous movies shows how Lee has developed as a director.
  • He had developed an interest in the chickens on his grandfather's farm, and at one time considered being a poultryman.
  • To Spilsby this morning, to fetch linctus, lemons and honey for Graham, who has now developed a full-scale summer cough.
  • Of course, we have not yet developed the necessary tactical doctrine for systems we have not developed and flown.
  • Bricolage is an actively developed content management system with a browser-based interface.
  • Yoga is an art which has been developed and perfected over the centuries by the yogis or wise men of India. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Surely, there had to be a highly developed public relations conspiracy orchestrated in the background.
  • The bulk cargo handling facilities for our inland harbours are considerably underdeveloped.
  • He hated waste and ostentatious consumption, and the car he developed at Ford, the Falcon, reflected his twin commitments to economy and safety.
  • Tops and belts were festooned with perspex, while prints were individually developed and printed on sweaters, T-shirts and more leather.
  • Most LDCs' affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system.
  • The quarrymen had developed long curving saws to make the rough shapes of the stones in situ.
  • A cute pattern developed: we'd hit a downhill, and all the people just behind us would pass us.
  • Health professionals' education consisted of a pamphlet and a technical guide widely circulated in the experimental areas, along with an audio cassette specifically developed for family physicians.
  • The science of planetary ecology is still young and undeveloped.
  • He developed the idea facetiously, whilst John regarded him as he might have watched a performing monkey. New Grub Street
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, powerful oral and parenteral inotropic agents were developed to increase CO, but their use was associated with greater and earlier cardiac mortality, primarily due to sudden arrhythmic death.
  • Pistillate flowers have the same perianth but the number of parts is more variable; staminodes are well developed with or without a rudimentary anther.
  • All three of these taxa exhibit fully developed turtle shells.
  • Lilly's pipeline setbacks have included the discontinuation of studies of an experimental Alzheimer's disease drug, and a delay in regulatory approval for diabetes drug Bydureon, which Lilly has co-developed with Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Alkermes Inc. Eli Lilly Profit Jumps 28% on Better Revenue, Margins
  • Finally I believe that we should ban exports of pharmaceuticals and licensing of pharmaceutical patents to developed countries which reduce through legislation the cost of a drug below what the manufacturer is willing to sell it in the US on the basis that this means that Americans are subsidizing, for example, drug costs in Canada. The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
  • My creaseless Gap khakis and limp white shirt developed an inferiority complex. A Kettle of Vultures
  • Perhaps the answer to future nuclear plants is not the "humongous" plants the author is against, but to utilize the highly developed, reliable, and effecient nuclear plants found on our carriers and subs. Jimmy Seidita: Ten Things to Consider Before we Start Building Nuclear Plants in Illinois Again
  • What's worse, none of these genres is given enough time to develop, resulting in a scattered and underdeveloped plot.
  • A dangerous schism in the Russian party developed with the emergence of the view known as Economism.
  • This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.
  • When seamless stockings were developed it changed the future of ladies hosiery forever.
  • Several years ago, a company developed a soybean with some genetic threads borrowed from the Brazil nut in an attempt to boost the bean's amino-acid content.
  • This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
  • Milanese fencing master Giuseppe Radaelli, is generally credited with having developed the light sabre and its technique.
  • The son of a Sydney grocer, Rosewall was a natural left-hander but was taught to play right-handed by his father and developed a peerless backhand.
  • He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.
  • They managed to restore the past glory of this forefather of the comic book industry - largely developed by American Jews after the Depression and reaching its heights in the '60s.
  • It details my unlikely climb from stay-at-home dad and freelance writer to Chinese rock star and the deep relationships I developed with my Chinese bandmates as we barnstormed across the country. Alan Paul: My Unlikely Journey from Journalist to Chinese Rockstar to Voice Actor
  • According to the theory of evolution, all flora and fauna developed from a single-celled being, something like a primitive bacterium. Modern Science in the Bible
  • A novel air-drying method that was developed specifically for this work, and which proved most suitable, is described here.
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • Some of the characters tat were chosen to be developed for this title bothered me to an extent of never gaining the urge to even consider selecting their picture on the roster screen. Undefined
  • Among the approaches being developed today are nanotubes, nanowires and nanocomposites for batteries.

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