How To Use Devaluate In A Sentence
Japan denies any wrongdoing, and says allegations of vote-buying are meant to "devaluate
Yahoo! News: Top Stories
Trying to sell your home in this economy is hard enough but when the village allows someone to cause your property to devaluate, that is unacceptable.
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We're heading toward government devaluing its currency to devaluate its debt in order to survive.
Continually rising shipping fees and material costs while the products we sell devaluate.
Archive 2009-06-01
If China devaluates its currency 10%, the total revenue from this product will decrease by 10%.

The Taiwan dollar is under pressure to devaluate because the island's economy is slowing.
Uninsured property would devaluate faster if the risk of war increases, so there is a direct incentive not to free-ride.
Privatizing Defense vs. Socializing Medicine, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Yes, it is a competitive advantage to be able to devaluate, but it also is a tremendous cut for the people, so that depends on from where you are looking at things.
Iris Erlingsdottir: Democracy Weakening Everywhere
This threatens to devaluate culture in a way these authors may not wish.
It is the position of being devaluated or looked down on which gives you a very different view of the world.
Assuming the dollar devaluate across all currencies equally we would not loose any competitive edge against other currencies except the dollar.
The Mogambo Guru speaks
Plato's hostile view of pleasure, which led him to devaluate its positive connotations and its status of a good, was modified by Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics.
France renounced its previous obligations and refused any further payments with the result that the money quickly began to devaluate.
When the person in a relationship is devaluated, then the sense of self is also of low esteem and worthlessness.
The newspaper wrote that the increase could seriously devaluate the Belarusian ruble.
For a country as powerful as America, probably there is even no need for negotiations, it can just silently devaluate its debt.
Whose Debt is it, Anyway?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty