- the nucleus of deuterium; consists of one proton and one neutron; used as a bombarding particle in accelerators
How To Use deuteron In A Sentence
- If the laser frequencies are high enough, the deuteron effectively feels the proton's force in all directions, and the repulsion cancels itself.
- The presentation of the Commandments in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 is followed, in both cases, by more detailed statutes and ordinances.
- It reminded me of Green Regent's 1975 concept album Pentateuch, with its epic side two, ` Deuteronomy '. MUSIC FOR BOYS
- In Deuteronomy, chapter 5, these demands get trimmed to 14, as God apparently lost his whole appetite for altars (whether constructed of unhewn stone or dirt). American Beat: Just How Many Commandments Are There Anyway?
- The researchers studied the production of neutral mesons when a neutron is captured by a proton in a hydrogen target to form a deuteron.
- Even the Bible talks of this pantheon in Deuteronomy when it talks of The Most High (El) and the sons were called elohim which means sons of El. But most people are content with just letting the preacher tell them what to think on Sunday morning rather than discovering the truth for themselves. Think Progress » GOP Lawmakers Use Christian Hate Radio To Concoct Conspiracies, Build Opposition To Health Reform
- The spectral shift indicates that the hydrogens are completely replaced by deuterons.
- On top of this we are told that we will always remain few in number Deuteronomy 4:27, which is certainly a hindrance to eternality. Rabbi Adam Jacobs: Understanding Prophecy: Moses Vs. Nostradamus
- Both Christian and Jew are forbidden to participate in the occult practices listed in Deuteronomy 18: 10.
- It is not without reason that the Christian bible warns against real witchcraft and spiritism, for example Deuteronomy 18: 9.