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How To Use Detriment In A Sentence

  • Even the chief civil authority of the town was deterred from sallying forth by a remembrance of a predecessor in the provostship who had been buried in a stable mixen all but his head, to the detriment of his clothes and the still greater and more lasting hurt to his dignity. Patsy
  • As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish. Chapter 13
  • The first, which has even been recognised by Canadian law, is that freedom of speech should be subject to such limits so as not to be detrimental to peaceable society.
  • The detrimental effects of wind on vines are described under wind stress; installing windbreaks can provide a solution.
  • Robert Mueller, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, released a letter he had written to Mr. MacAskill in which he called the Scots minister's decision "inexplicable as it is detrimental to the cause of justice. Lockerbie Fallout Spreads to London
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  • And bids can be destroyed or go unrecorded so that a low bid from an agent's accomplice wins, to the detriment of the seller. Times, Sunday Times
  • The setting of projects and other large pieces of written and maths homework is pointless and possibly detrimental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our intuition tells us that using drugs use such as heroin, cocaine, psychedelics, hashish, and even marijuana and alcohol can have serious effects on our personal life and may have broader detrimental impacts on society at large.
  • Even if greater gains in proficiency are not made in later years, it is generally accepted that a stable faculty is one characteristic of a healthy, well performing school and that high teacher turnover is detrimental. Matthew Yglesias » Paying for the Experience that Counts
  • His lack of mobility and limited lateral movement were major detriments for the Jets' offense in 2003, when offensive coordinator Paul Hackett took repeated and unwarranted hits for his play design.
  • In a free country we ought to be able to cohabitate and fornicate (mm, or mf) but I'm not sure if it is detrimental to the family .... maybe it would make an interesting read, lol. McDonnell blasted for controversial research paper
  • Indeed, for many people it was and is, but my own opinion is that too many people allow the film's merits to overcome two very significant detriments - its length and the presence of Gary Cooper.
  • Not only is manufactured CLA not as good as natural, some of the factory-made stuff is in an isomeric form that has been shown to be detrimental to health. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and breast milk | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Too much emphasis on pleasing the judges is detrimental to the music, he feels.
  • A longing for home, and the memories evoked by the past, were no longer seen as detrimental to mental wellbeing. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Bill would have a significantly detrimental impact on the rights of women. Times, Sunday Times
  • For many years this bird was persecuted by game preservers who believed that it was detrimental to both pheasants and partridges.
  • Every time a player is forced into or places himself in a position of having to rely on raw strength he is at a detriment.
  • If, again, it is permitted to pretend that the passage has another meaning, and was written as it is from some reason unknown to us, this is no less than a complete subversal of the Bible; for every absurd and evil invention of human perversity could thus, without detriment to Scriptural authority, be defended and fostered. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • The problem is that sometimes stretching, just before competition, may be detrimental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spacing at the half-wavelength level would allow large-angle beam steering without creating this detrimental flyback effect.
  • He says if it happens consistently it will have a detrimental effect.
  • But the federation's shortsighted, almost mulish, policy of zeroing in on rank commercial stuff, with not even a trace of art or any other form of appeal, has been extremely detrimental for Indian cinema.
  • Excessive consumption of resources by one or more users can detrimentally affect the other users of the database.
  • Discretionary decisions by courts commonly involve weighing the benefits and detriments of a potential outcome.
  • Inadequate payments and arbitrary refusals to honor bills by government and private industry are financially starving the health care system to the detriment of us all.
  • The national infrastructure is too often poor, which has a direct, detrimental impact on growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • To an extent, tighter bank regulation will have a detrimental impact on British services exports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Director James Robinson provides only the most rudimentary blocking, often, as in the muddled party scene, to the detriment of the drama.
  • Human population growth on our planet is certainly detrimental to the environment.
  • If in Anatole France the savant has not lately flourished to the detriment of the fighting philosopher, why should he have spent years on the "Joan of Arc" at a period when Jaurès urgently needed intellectual aid against the doctrinarianism of the International Congress? Books and Persons Being Comments on a Past Epoch 1908-1911
  • If we were truly attempting to remove discrimination and treat people equally, same-sex couples should be taking the bad with the good - the detriments and obligations along with the benefits.
  • The psychologist may feel strongly that disclosing the information will be detrimental to the patient's welfare.
  • She added that any attempt to restrict the availability of parents could have a detrimental effect on children.
  • They saw political rights for women as detrimental to the Greek nation (ethnos) and the race (fili). Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Some detrimental effects were unavoidable. Why am I Afraid to Grieve
  • For example, besides the physiological detriments, cigarette use often precedes marijuana and alcohol use and is concurrent with other risk behaviors such as fighting.
  • Will he agree to investigate whether the granting of 200,000 work permits a year - that is a fivefold increase on last year - is in any way detrimental to the economically inactive in the UK?
  • Personally I regret that it has done so to the detriment of the more manly pedestrian exercises, wrestling, and the clever game of knur and spell.
  • Tin purifies water, has an attractive silver lustre symbolic of light, and has no detrimental impact upon other substances.
  • However, the House vote and the negative US votes at the UN will have long-term detrimental effects both on Israel and on the U. S.'s moral authority. Noura Erakat: Delusional Self-Defense, Delusional Congressional Vote
  • While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
  • These chemicals have a detrimental effect/impact on the environment.
  • Since then medical practice has been straitjacketed by its artificiality, to the detriment of the patient's own narrative.
  • The planet's influence will be detrimental while its power to express the influence is augmented.
  • Gravius contumeliam ferimus quam detrimentum, ni abjecto nimis animo sinius. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Some researchers warn that hooking up provides no relationship training and could detrimentally affect the ability of those involved to form committed partnerships over time.
  • Washington's dismissal deals another blow to the offense after slotback Marcus Curry, who tied for the team lead in receptions last season, left the academy in May after he was dismissed from the team for detrimental conduct. Mario Washington dismissed from the academy
  • A financial imbalance in the country has a detrimental effect on all aspects of economic and social life. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • A negative employee may have a detrimental effect on the workforce, spreading a feeling of discontent throughout the rest of the staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proposal would have a detrimental effect on the amenities of neighbouring residents due to noise and disturbance.
  • Regarding the mixing of cement and lime with saccharated water, the writer made some experiments several months ago by mixing neat cement and lime with pure water and with saccharated water, with the result that the sugar proved positively detrimental to the cement, while it increased the tenacity of briquettes of lime. Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
  • Increasing the age limit will have a detrimental effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many industrial activities impose external effects, usually detrimental ones, on the wider community.
  • The objector also fears that accidental leaks from hazardous materials on the site could be detrimental to health.
  • Through unique formulary technology, both detrimental attributes are eliminated in the described 60% ethyl alcohol hand gel formulation.
  • Politics decisions once again interfered with economic policy, and political systems were maintained to the detriment of the Mexican people. Mexico '95 & beyond - Up against the wall, once again
  • Nam id ego vehementer exo* pto, cum ut chro tuo consulas nomini, et ex ceteris operibus ho* nori jure parto, tum ut a Fideli Poputd maximum detrimentum arcea* tur 6 falsis Instruction ibus obventurum. Tractatus theologicus de charitate, in quo expenditur systema J.V. Bolgenj de amore Dei. Accedit ...
  • There is no evidence that isinglass is detrimental to health.
  • Nam plebs communis t鄊 Vrbana qu鄊 rustica metuebant qu騞 eo absente aliquod nouum detrimentum succresceret, quo pr鎠ente nihil tale timebant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It would also become an offence to abuse a position for personal advantage, or for the benefit or detriment of another. Times, Sunday Times
  • To a small extent, this can also happen in the stomachs of ruminant animals, such as cows and sheep, but without the same detrimental effect as the man-made variety.
  • Ventriculus plerumque frigidus, epar calidum; quomodo ergo ventriculum calefaciet, vel refrigerabit hepar sine alterius maximo detrimento? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Whining, complaining, blaming and making excuses are detriments to good communication.
  • It is a pity that they should wish to finance this by selling land for speculative building development to the detriment of our environment.
  • A bowler breaking down too often is not only a problem for the team but also detrimental to his own career.
  • The society became admirably stable, even if excessively stratified; this was not detrimental to progress but rather helped enhance it by systemizing it.
  • The UK legislation also allows the employer to refuse flextime if it produces a detrimental effect on the ability to meet customer demand.
  • As early as the mid-1970s, the desire of the polytechnics to be put on an equal footing with the universities was viewed by some, including the public press, to be detrimental to their mission.
  • Departments led Lord CREWE to express apprehension lest the country should be "doped" with new Ministries, to the detriment of the national health. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 19, 1919
  • I love what I do and I hate to be one of those people who harps on about how detrimental it is to development.
  • In too many comprehensives street culture is in the playground and the classroom - to the detriment of the children's education.
  • What this book reminded me of again and again, and to its detriment, was Geoff Ryman's 253, which started out as hypertext and eventually was published. 253 can be both or alternately tedious and addictive, but I generally feel that the writing is better than in 10:01, perhaps because it is less intent on creating various voices, a technique I find cloying unless the writer is a particular sort of ventriloquistic genius. LitBlog Co-Op
  • Certainly the myopia of focusing on oneself and one's own happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction alone is detrimental to any relationship.
  • The development of aquiculture (780 ha) creates reproductive and nutritive stresses to the detriment of local freshwater ichthyofauna. Cuban wetlands
  • Michigan's Liquor Control Commission deemed the beer's colorful label discreetly depicting a nude-beach scene to be "detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • The benefit of out-group hostility has not only expired, but is now severely detrimental to our well-being both as individuals and as a species. Ted Cadsby: Defying Our Maker: What The New Atheists Miss
  • This operation, also called prefrontal leucotomy or standard lobotomy, was performed widely, and soon its beneficial as well as its detrimental effects became apparent.
  • The detrimental effects of such solitude on health are well documented. Times, Sunday Times
  • Third, creating an Arab coalition to persuade Israel to adopt a 2-state solution is code for we want to ramp up the pressure to force you to do something we want, to do something that you know is detrimental to your survival but we don't care. Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • This is the activity that sucks up my time to the detriment of other things.
  • Nam plebs communis tàm Vrbana quàm rustica metuebant quòd eo absente aliquod nouum detrimentum succresceret, quo præsente nihil tale timebant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • It takes over your life to the detriment of those around you, whether dinner party guests or family members. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even researchers who have found that pot use has long-term detrimental effects, like the link to psychosis that was announced earlier this week, tend to qualify their statements by noting that the link is "by no means simple" and arguing that we need a lot more research. Fake-Pot Panic
  • The lack of a chairperson providing leadership has also had a major detrimental impact.
  • His only real fault was that his work ethic was so high and he worked so hard, that it could eventually have been detrimental.
  • Flooding by hydroelectric reservoirs is especially detrimental to permanently frozen peatlands because the overall permafrost regime is completely altered or obliterated.
  • With the exception of Alfie Kohn and a few others, our society hammers this detrimental zero-sum message into our children and their parents starting at birth. Ed Gragert: America's Educational Exceptionalism
  • However, the House vote and the negative US votes at the UN will have long-term detrimental effects both on Israel and on the U. S.\'s moral authority. Noura Erakat: Delusional Self-Defense, Delusional Congressional Vote
  • Councillors ruled last year that they were detrimental to visual amenity and had to come down.
  • They have a degree of impulsivity that is detrimental to them. Times, Sunday Times
  • I understand that abuse of the system will have long-term detrimental effects. Andy Schupak: Immigration Law Free-for-All
  • Cracks and splits can be detrimental to good accuracy, and could possibly cause injury to the shooter should the rifle decide to come apart when fired.
  • The one growth area under this current government is on law and legislation but with detrimental effect on humans.
  • The one person is there in whom God and man are one, without detriment to one or the other.
  • The existence of two governing bodies is anomalous and detrimental.
  • It would also help rebalance the economy, which has a southern bias that is detrimental to Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our real task is to maintain this position of disparity without detriment to our national security.
  • It is not difficult to envisage that the promisee may incur a factual detriment and the promisor a factual benefit meaning that enforcement of the bargain would sensibly acknowledge commercial reality.
  • The application with the particularly detrimental effect on operators' jobs was the biscuit dough mixing automation.
  • I am firmly of the opinion that we should live and let live as long as what we are doing is not detrimental and hurtful to others.
  • What they have done is cut a deal to the advantage of the bank and management and to the detriment of shareholders. Times, Sunday Times
  • She added that any attempt to restrict the availability of parents could have a detrimental effect on children.
  • The perception that we are an intellectual or cultural wasteland is so detrimental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forty years ago we had theories about equality - how it should be defined, how it could be promoted and how its detriments could be avoided.
  • Brooke-Rose was generally thought to have overdone the serious aspect of her tale to the detriment of its comic potential.
  • What if, say, I think the book I receive in the mail is a waste of pulp, a detriment to society and is frightening in the way that indoctrination literature always is?
  • If a planet is situated in a sign which opposes its own it is said to be in detriment, a word which literally means to be harmed or damaged.
  • Court TV demonstrates every day that we can broadcast without detrimental effects and then a case like Amadou Diallo where the New York judge threw out the notion of unconstitutionality, keeping cameras in a New York courtroom because we needed to see that. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2002
  • However, too much or little anxiety will always affect any performance in a detrimental way.
  • A mental health orientation places greater emphasis on the former to the detriment of the latter.
  • The perception that we are an intellectual or cultural wasteland is so detrimental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only electronic music can do this - to our great detriment. Music and the Elemental Psyche: A Practical Guide to Music and Changing Consciousness
  • I was determined not to cave in passively, as that would have been detrimental to both them and me.
  • I'm saddened by this media frenzy because a great opportunity to talk about the benefits and detriments of psychiatric care has been missed.
  • The application was initially refused on the grounds that it was detrimental to the area.
  • I cannot tell the difference, and I am mightily suspicious of those who claim they can, believing that such overdeveloped taste buds must be having a depleting, detrimental effect to some other bodily function.
  • The pretorian prefect, John, was a man of worthless character, and so skilful at devising ways of bringing money into the public treasury to the detriment of men that I, for my part, should never be competent to describe this trait of his. History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8) The Vandalic War
  • After all, HP's shareholders were split almost 50-50 on the Compaq deal at the time, and since then, it has become clear the detriments outweighed the benefits.
  • If she had lost the case, it would have had a detrimental effect on her career; her integrity would have been called into question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tin purifies water, has an attractive silver lustre symbolic of light, and has no detrimental impact upon other substances.
  • This must represent the child's presumed will and may be revoked at any time without detriment to the child.
  • This is why there is only one spiration; the spiration is always from the Father; but the Son is with the Father in the Spirit's being breathed forth by the Father, and thus distinctively interposes without detriment to the Spirit's full Godhead. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The lack of third-party multitasking itself isn't a pain, per se, but the way the phone quickly "dehydrates" third-party apps like Twitter or games once the lock screen engages is seriously detrimental to the overall smoothness of the experience, like smashing into a road bump every mile or so while cruising in Ferrari down the autobahn. Gizmodo
  • The castles themselves helped to fuel the growing schismatic power of the Barons in later years to the great detriment of the local populace.
  • It serves to split the working class, pitting unionized against nonunionized sections, to the mutual detriment of both.
  • And if it would be detrimental, the council will consider postponing the closure of the home.
  • Yet we have a policy that is to the detriment of New Zealand shipowners and seafarers.
  • Again, any unfair prejudice we might have towards tie-in authors is not to be confused with a prejudice we may hold against the tie-in business and its effect on the literary market, which I do think is in some ways detrimental. Point/Counterpoint: Media Tie-Ins
  • Much of this work is often done in their free time, outside of normal working hours and to the detriment of family and personal commitments.
  • Anxiety can be detrimental to physical and emotional recovery, can prolong hospitalization, and can contribute to poor treatment outcomes.
  • But chronic snoring can be a real detriment to getting a good night's shut-eye.
  • Is it up to the game operator to prove that botting is detrimental to game play, not only to ban it in the EUALA rules? WoW v. MDY: Copyright, EULAs, and Game Rules
  • Bed rest can closely imitate some of the detrimental effects of weightlessness on the body.
  • This baculovirus is highly specific for mosquitoes and isn't known to be detrimental to people, plants, or wildlife.
  • Studies - from the American Medical Journal to the University of New South Wales - have told us that there are significant physical health detriments to the individual from prolonged use of marijuana.
  • It is "to love only terrestrial life, to the detriment of the ascending and celestial path," to be "exteriorized," and to "love only outer things, to the detriment of moral and spiritual values. One Cʘsmos
  • He was blamed for this inappropriate exposure of secret material, and it had a detrimental impact on his reputation and mental state.
  • These types of communities could avoid the detrimental impacts of urban sprawl, including aggravation of the region's air quality problems.
  • Can a mere focus on theory and skill acquisition be detrimental to the effectiveness of family therapists?
  • In most cases, the rules are in place to ensure everyone can appreciate their homes and surroundings without the detrimental impact of unlawful buildings, developments or eyesores.
  • Constantly rubbishing residential childcare is enormously detrimental to the young people and staff who live and work in them.
  • That's a good thing, individually, but it can have short-term detrimental effects in an economy that's 70 percent based on consumer spending. April personal income up, spending flat
  • More than a quarter of all services providers said that uncertainty around the referendum was having a detrimental impact on their business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the fund executives derive direct personal benefit from short-selling to the detriment of their clients. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can be done without detriment to Israel and probably to its long-term benefit.
  • You have it reversed, detrimental is a (much) farther standard that unfit parenting. The Volokh Conspiracy » Adoption Over Parent’s Objection Requires Showing That Continued Parent-Child Relationship Would Be Detrimental to the Child 
  • Like in any other profession, there were detriments.
  • I'm not convinced this is a detriment to the game overall, but it provides a more repetitive feel than I'm accustomed to from a platformer, which is highlighted by a repeated cut-scene that shows the Rabbids taking your trash from a toilet to the junkyard pile. 1UP RSS feed
  • These new tax plans will have a detrimental impact on their businesses and will hit them hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • So while hiking the cover price may increase subscription revenue, it may well do so to the overall financial detriment of the paper.
  • Table scraps and human food can lead to excess weight that is a detriment to your dog's overall health.
  • Risk is conceived as the possibility of triggering unexpected, unlikely, and detrimental consequences by means of a decision attributable to a decision maker.
  • Not seeing the need to improve musical sound or a specific technical aspect of playing, or an unwillingness to try new approaches or make changes in playing became a detriment to some students' overall musical progress.
  • It would also help rebalance the economy, which has a southern bias that is detrimental to Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ascorbate treatment also attenuated the detrimental effects of the silver nitrate on the plant tissue, considerably reducing the necrotic lesions.
  • There was a time when police officers looked smart, were uniform in appearance, had somewhere to display their medal ribbons, and all without detriment to comfort or personal protection.
  • Its closure has had a detrimental effect on the whole town centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The forwards are not lacking in skill and spirit but their lack of physical strength may prove detrimental against a stronger outfit.
  • The factors that affect the porosity in transversally cast ingot are related, porosity is very detrimental to the mechanical properties and surface quality of sheet.
  • And what about Brown's mild-mannered demeanour, wondered Gray; could his intelligence and articulateness have been detrimental to doing the job properly?
  • It seems inconceivable that an operation that inflicts severe harm on women would continue to be practised wholesale, despite medical evidence of its potentially detrimental effects.
  • Their previous incarnations were varied, and some of them potentially detrimental to Mary's reputation.
  • If the unapproved building work has detrimental impacts on others then there is a strong probability that the court may issue orders for demolition.
  • But these are the detriments of attracting foreign investment.
  • The result of such behaviour is a lack of vigorous competition with higher prices to the detriment of consumers. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • The emphasis is on aromatherapy massage which is one of the finest techniques available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress.
  • As someone with a background in microbiology, I am well aware of the various bacteria, mycotoxins and other natural but detrimental elements that may be found in our food.
  • Further, detrimental is not a standard that money alone can solve in this society. The Volokh Conspiracy » Adoption Over Parent’s Objection Requires Showing That Continued Parent-Child Relationship Would Be Detrimental to the Child 
  • Unfortunately the modern diet and lifestyle tend to cause an acid overload, which if not neutralized, develops into an acidotic state that can be detrimental to health. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • Nowadays, women who are doing much work out in the big world -- the so-called "enfranchised" women -- are many of them proving that they find housework no detriment to their careers and some even admit that they enjoy it. American Cookery November, 1921
  • Beyond the immediate harm that's considerable, the West Bank's geographical division causes severe long-term detriment to the entire Palestinian fabric of life - affecting their economic, political and social welfare. Denying Palestinians Free Movement in the West Bank
  • He was almost prototypically raw, often taking too many touches, to the detriment of his game. Times, Sunday Times
  • The emphasis is on aromatherapy massage which is one of the finest techniques available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress.
  • The tremendously high count of positive ions found in most modern offices is detrimental to health and well-being. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • Organic pollution results when large quantities of organic matter are discharged into a watercourse to be broken down by microorganisms, which utilize oxygen to the detriment of lie stream biota .
  • I wonder if at this point the value of any particular airstrike is dwarfed by the detriment to public opinion. What The Thunder Said | ATTACKERMAN
  • He works long hours to the detriment of his health.
  • This experiential gap is, I find, dangerous and detrimental to the sort of work that I want to do.
  • She is now extremely frail and the intended move is certain to have a detrimental effect on her physical and emotional well being.
  • It is usually assumed that albinism would be detrimental for a wild snake, but documented instances of albinism in natricines, and other colubrids, make this unclear.
  • While nickel and copper do not affect hardenability nearly as much, they segregate to graphite nodule sites and do not form detrimental carbides.
  • According to the report, district managers are obsessed with control and compliance to the detriment of student achievement.
  • Detrimental factors will quite likely outweigh the benefits of rising automobile usage.
  • Cumulative dramatic structure is all-important in Mercadante, a younger contemporary of Verdi, and the excisions proved detrimental.
  • Whether or not this would have a detrimental effect on the tourists in the long run is a matter of conjecture.
  • Honest people do not intentionally deceive others to their detriment.
  • Not only does he smoke heavily, but he has made a substantial fortune out of selling and marketing tobacco, to the detriment of the health of many people.
  • This proves that the presence of ASP effluent in the Knostrop influent is not detrimental to settlement and that the Knostrop influent is capable of good settlement with proper operation.
  • Microsilica is a by-product of the production of silicon and ferrosilicon alloys for the IT industry and, as such, does not constitute a big detrimental effect on the environment. MIT Discovery Means Next-Gen Concrete Could Last for 16,000 Years | Inhabitat
  • They are people who have focused on their career to the detriment of their relationships, so they don't see that this is a challenge to do at all.
  • Likewise in the Eclipse being darkened it is manifestly prooued that it is not god, for God is altogether goodnesse and brightnesse, which can neither be darkened nor receiue detriment or hurt: but the Sunne receiueth both in the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • More perplexingly, there is an entire chapter on what the book calls "the prison of keeping it real," or the idea that black individuals constantly—and to their own detriment—measure themselves against standards of racial authenticity set by others. The State Of Race
  • For example, besides the physiological detriments, cigarette use often precedes marijuana and alcohol use and is concurrent with other risk behaviors such as fighting.
  • Once again, agriculture was used to solve social problems to the detriment of the industry.
  • Sugar is positively detrimental to bodybuilding.
  • No evidence exists that occasional use of carbonated beverages, including cola, is detrimental to bone," they note. Cola Linked to Weaker Bones in Women | Impact Lab
  • I do love what I do, sometimes to the detriment of me as a person.
  • The rappers express all kinds of aggression into the air as a substitute for an actual battle, a way to settle disputes, grudges and conflicts without physical violence, gunplay, or other detrimental behavior.
  • Microsilica is a by-product of the production of silicon and ferrosilicon alloys for the IT industry and, as such, does not constitute a big detrimental effect on the environment. MIT Discovery Means Next-Gen Concrete Could Last for 16,000 Years | Inhabitat

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