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  1. in an offensive and hateful manner
    I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably

How To Use detestably In A Sentence

  • This situation was detestably rectified, as could be clearly seen in face as she jarred forward.
  • Oh! he was spiteful, acrid, savage; and, as a natural consequence, detestably ugly. Villette
  • All of you that take the time to be so pompous and detestably smug about this and the like are inept . Think Progress » Ted Haggard on homosexuality:
  • You cannot attack someone with so much obvious detestably for them then absolve yourself by saying “Oh, yeah, but I forgive them.” Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Kay Granger Feeling the Heat
  • Richard Haryson (1535) was fain to confess, in the deed of surrender, that the monks had, “under the shadow of their rule, vainly detestably, and ungodlily devoured their yearly revenues in continual ingurgitations of their carrion bodies, and in support of their over voluptuous and carnal appetites.” {243b} We cannot but suspect that such language was that of their enemies, put into their mouths, when resistance was no longer possible. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • To suggest that critical gender studies is correcting an imbalance in favour of women is either shockingly ignorant or detestably insulting. Women’s studies vs critical gender studies « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • The thing is, is not cowardly, but profoundly and detestably wicked.
  • The woman was detestably sensible, opinionated, and outspoken and her son trusted her reasoning above all things, except, perhaps his own.
  • Hey, Nancy & Harry, why are you detestably betraying America? Where have Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi spent their 30 pieces of silver?
  • He spoiled her detestably, he always had and she took advantage of that fact at every opportunity.
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