How To Use Detestable In A Sentence
detestable vices
[130] 'Sigismunda;' a detestable miscreation of Hogarth's pencil, admired by none but himself.
Poetical Works
Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in others, and no one is without himself. Henry Ward Beecher
HIGGINS explosively : Woman: cease this detestable boohooing instantly.
We find Giacomo Trotti, the French ambassador in Milan, writing to the Duke of Ferrara a fortnight after Roderigo's election that "the Papacy has been sold by simony and a thousand rascalities, which is a thing ignominious and detestable.
The Life of Cesare Borgia

To lose my temper with Charley, particularly when he was trying so hard to be kind to me, was detestable behaviour.
One other thing, the poor person must be utterly detestable, and may God bless their lives. The path winds along mountain ridges.
Serko will employ every means in his power to obtain the composition of the explosive and deflagrator, of which he will make such detestable use during future piratical exploits.
Facing the Flag
stinkhorn," extremely common in some districts of England, and obtruding on the notice of every one from its detestable odour.
The Land of Midian — Volume 2
And had it not been that they had very well antidoted their stomach, heart, and wine-pot, which is called the noddle, they had been altogether suffocated and choked with these detestable vapours.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
I, too, could call for small beers and minimise by two - thirds the detestable freightage with which comradeship burdened one.
Chapter 9
Fifty years old and self-made, likes to dress when not obliged to be togate in a full-length robe of Tyrian purple, and full of detestable affectations of speech and manner.
Fortune's Favorites
Catholic religion that she put to death in various ways a hundred thousand men accused of Manichæism — “this being,” says the modest continuator of Echard, “the most impious, the most detestable, the most dangerous, the most abominable of all heresies, for ecclesiastical censures were weapons of no avail against men who acknowledged not the church.”
A Philosophical Dictionary
It will have rid the world of a detestable dictatorship.
I have sent our folks out to gather fruit at a venture: and now this misery will soon be ended with his illness; driven away by deluges of lemonade, I think, made in defiance of wasps, flies, and a kind of volant beetle, wonderfully beautiful and very pertinacious in his attacks; and who makes dreadful depredations on my sugar and currant-jelly, so necessary on this occasion of illness, and so attractive to all these detestable inhabitants of a place so lovely.
Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I
All terrorist crime is detestable, whoever the victims.
Fleury, in the strange jargon of the day, as "_the fosterer of a swarm of bad citizens, who were nourished in the anticivic prejudices_ de l'ancien régime, _and fostered in the most detestable superstitions, in defiance of the law_.
Tales and Novels — Volume 06
In that fatal list of monarchs one is reduced to apologizing for a Tiberius, who only attained thorough detestableness toward the close of his life; and for a Claudius, who was only eccentric, blundering, and badly advised.
The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VIII (of X) - Continental Europe II.
When the frost came to kill the detestable stegomyia, the poisonous striped mosquito, and the fever was finally routed, Sophie Wright was face to face with ruin.
My beloved South,
The jurors of our sovereign lord and lady present that he hath wickedly and feloniously used certain detestable arts, called witchcraft and sorceries.
The first is that racial and ethnic preferences are detestable; the second is that minority participation in mainstream institutions is desirable.
Gratia," answered by Gratitude, (observe Shylock's leaning on the, to him detestable, word, _gratis_, and compare the relations of Grace to
The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
Ho had come to the seat of my residence with the bricklayers and labourers I have mentioned; and, while he took care to keep out of sight so far as related to me, was industrious in disseminating that which, in the eye of the world, seemed to amount to a demonstration of the profligacy and detestableness of my character.
Caleb Williams Or Things as They Are
Barack intentionally, extraneously ventured into straw man land in order to define journalism itself as a detestable “old Washington game”.
Obama: the press’s abusive lover
Therefore, I can not say with absolute certainly that it was just seeing the revolting little gnomish face of the detestable Russell Hantz back on my TV screen that sent me sprinting to the bathroom for a sudden revisit from my dinner, but I can state without fear of successful contradiction that Russell makes me sick.
Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Rerun Island:
To lose my temper with Charley, particularly when he was trying so hard to be kind to me, was detestable behaviour.
Most people would agree that spying on one's neighbors is detestable.
The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again.
Bologna in Italy, anno 1504, there was such a fearful earthquake about eleven o'clock in the night (as [2155] Beroaldus in his book de terrae motu, hath commended to posterity) that all the city trembled, the people thought the world was at an end, actum de mortalibus, such a fearful noise, it made such a detestable smell, the inhabitants were infinitely affrighted, and some ran mad.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Further reflecting the Order's teachings, only the sinful were shown naked, so that all could see their detestable cankerous bodies.
Men Don't Leave Me
To lose my temper with Charley, particularly when he was trying so hard to be kind to me, was detestable behaviour.
This difference between the persons to whom Heaven, according to Orpheus, has granted 'the hour of delight,' [178] and those whom it has condemned to the hour of detestableness, being, as I have just said, of all times and nations, -- it is an interior and more delicate difference which we are examining in the gift of _Christian_, as distinguished from unchristian, song.
The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
When they had entered the council chamber and reached the tribunal where Pontius was seated, the fetial addressed him thus: "Forasmuch as these men have, without being ordered thereto by the Roman people, the Quirites, given their promise and oath that a treaty shall be concluded and have thereby been guilty of high crime and misdemeanour, I do herewith make surrender to you of these men, to the end that the Roman people may be absolved from the guilt of a heinous and detestable act.
The History of Rome, Vol. II
And about Godwin and Evans hovered an air of conspiracy they shared with the detestable Chambers.
And presently he too was going out into a world of change and wonder, bowed beneath a load of potatoes and patriotic insecurity, that merged at last into a very definite irritation at the weight and want of style of the potatoes and a very clear conception of the entire detestableness of Jessica.
The War in the Air
a member of the Committee of Public Safety, denounced Madame de Fleury, in the strange jargon of the day, as "_the fosterer of a swarm of bad citizens, who were nourished in the anticivic prejudices_ de l'ancien regime, _and fostered in the most detestable superstitions, in defiance of the law_.
Murad the Unlucky and Other Tales
And about Godwin and Evans hovered an air of conspiracy they shared with the detestable Chambers.
Nick Stahl does a good job portraying Bobby as a vicious, detestable bully (with perhaps just a hint of reptilian charisma).
I regret this, as the inventor will be the object of pressing solicitations, and as Engineer Serko will employ every means in his power to obtain the composition of the explosive and deflagrator, of which he will make such detestable use during future piratical exploits.
Cursed: So wicked and detestable as to deserve to be cursed.
Briggs would be half-way through his window dressing, and Gosling, the apprentice, busy, with a chair turned down over the counter and his ears very red, trying to roll a piece of huckaback — only those who have rolled pieces of huckaback know quite how detestable huckaback is to roll — and the shop would be dusty and, perhaps, the governor about and snappy.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
The common “stinkhorn,” extremely common in some districts of England, and obtruding on the notice of every one from its detestable odour.
The Land of Midian
Meanwhile, the thoroughly detestable Jordan - who's as warm as a Siberian winter and as human as the Megatron - has remained a lifelong twiglet with apparently effortless ease.
Archive 2009-06-01
Roderigo's election that "the Papacy has been sold by simony and a thousand rascalities, which is a thing ignominious and detestable.
The Life of Cesare Borgia
Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in others, and no one is without himself. Henry Ward Beecher
It is what I call selfishness, and selfishness is a most detestable thing, especially to any one of my temperament, for I am well known for my sympathetic nature.
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
To lose my temper with Charley, particularly when he was trying so hard to be kind to me, was detestable behaviour.
They're detestable creatures, certainly, but it's hard not to have a sneaking admiration for them.
Her sister is the symbol of all that is detestable, damnable and loathsome.
And about Godwin and Evans hovered an air of conspiracy they shared with the detestable Chambers.
It is not up to you, O non-scumbag Republican, to be responsible for their hate-mongering, lie-spreading, and all-around ultra-detestableness, which is a word my MS Word program seems to think actually exists.
Ellis Weiner: An Open Letter to Republicans
Hafner and Ardea have laid bare two detestable souls, the one of an infamous usurer, half German, half Dutch; the other of a degraded nobleman, in whom is revived some ancient 'condottiere'.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
Jibbing, or "balking" as the Americans term it, is a detestable vice.
The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
He would show, as Ibsen shows, and with an equal lack of malice prepense, various detestable features which the mask of good manners had concealed.
Henrik Ibsen
I felt I was a detestable person and I hated myself and had all the feelings of failure.
I've had it with all you unreliable, inconsistent, and detestable blockheads.
Octave de Malivert unites varieties of detestableness in a way which might be interesting if (to speak with only apparent flippancy) it were made so.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
The chronicler, however, who tells the story, considers the conduct of the monks of St. Albans in sending spurious relics was "pious," while the behaviour of the monks of Ely was "detestable and disgraceful" -- but then the chronicler was a monk of St. Albans.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Saint Albans With an Account of the Fabric & a Short History of the Abbey
This difference between the persons to whom Heaven, according to Orpheus, has granted "the hour of delight," [67] and those whom it has condemned to the hour of detestableness, being, as I have just said, of all times and nations, -- it is an interior and more delicate difference which we are examining in the gift of _Christian_ as distinguished from unchristian, song.
On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
In reprobating this detestable school, we certainly have no hope that our remarks will reform the French novelism of the day; but we call on the critical press of England to take up the rational and righteous task of reforming our own.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
‘If we do have to take military action, we do so in the sure knowledge that we are removing one of the most barbarous and detestable regimes in modern political history,’ he said.
The most vulnerable members of our society fall victim to the repulsive and detestable warlords and gang masters who conceal their depraved activity behind closed doors.
Seriously, that's the claim that the detestable "kos", AKA Markos Moulitsas, made today. long enough not to make fun of him directly.
The Sundries Shack
He contended that, as a loyal servant of the crown, he had been honor-bound to rid the country of a detestable tyrant who had perverted French royal institutions.
She stamped her foot for a final emphasis, but she was aware of her words all having fallen effectless, like blows dealt some detestable thing in a dream.
The Coast of Bohemia
Augustine was preaching on the duty his congregation had to conform with God's word: they must abstain from detestable pagan practices, divination, astrology, haruspication, and the like.
During this compulsatory voyage, he describes himself as affected with the most horrible sea sickness; and here his representation of a person labouring under that detestable malady was so accurate, that I almost fancied myself again in the cockpit of the Actæon, and all the terrors of the voyage across the
Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and Some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833
And about Godwin and Evans hovered an air of conspiracy they shared with the detestable Chambers.
Blanch wrote: ‘What detestable daubs his pictures are to be sure.’
He contended that, as a loyal servant of the crown, he had been honor-bound to rid the country of a detestable tyrant who had perverted French royal institutions.
Of all traitors they are the most aggravatedly criminal; of all villains, they are the most infamous and detestable.
History of the United States
Allen's characters, both the admirable ones and the detestable ones, are intensely alive, and we know this by their distinctive voices.
As to the question of hierarchy, it’s not directly based on the detestableness that I perceive, but the degree it is unwise for impressionable minds to blindly imitate, combined with those ideas that lack a rationally-based rationale so to speak... which, in turn, leads to the “detestableness”.
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