How To Use Deterrence In A Sentence

  • But it does not matter where issues of capital punishment and deterrence are concerned.
  • The second familiar objection to attempts at reducing nuclear reliance is the possibility of an adverse impact on deterrence. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • In fact, the arguments about the injustice of rehabilitation apply equally to classical criminology's advocacy of efficient deterrence.
  • This could lead to regular soldiers taking on permanent guard duties to provide extra firepower and deterrence at other barracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strategy of deterrence which served us so well during the decades of the Cold War will no longer do.
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  • Over the years, the main explanation of non-use has centred on the notion of nuclear deterrence: states have been deterred from using nuclear weapons because of the concerns of retaliation in kind by adversaries.
  • The sooner we quit fiddling with otiose sanctions against Iran, the sooner we can begin crafting containment and deterrence strategies that are actually effective. Michael Hughes: Who Cares If Iran Goes Nuclear?
  • Elsewhere in his treatise he reflects on the possibility of combining nuclear deterrence with conventional deterrence.
  • To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
  • We do know, though, that nuclear deterrence keeps the peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concern over the implications for deterrence of reducing the emphasis on nuclear weapons lay at the centre of many of the doubts expressed over minimum deterrence. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • What I did learn from my first year criminal law class, is that “there is astrong correlation with deterrence and high conviction appears to show that deterrence will be effective in reducing crime.” Jane/Finch Fatalities, By Car Not Gun… : Law is Cool
  • The impact of modern missile defense systems on the effectiveness of the classic nuclear deterrence triad - retaliatory strike, retaliatory strike / counterstroke, and preemptive strike - is highly topical in present day conditions.
  • I spent the rest of the day, indeed much of the rest of the conference, buttonholing leading nuclear figures of this and other nations with that same forbidden question: what happens if deterrence fails and you have to decide whether to kill millions of innocent civilians because you threatened to? How the End Begins
  • Many file-swapping programs are a haven for online porn and provide very little deterrence for minors.
  • Secondly, the centrality of nuclear deterrence to the current system of armed peace is dangerous and a short-term expedient only. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Sentencing is not just about rehabilitation, it also has to meet the needs of punishment and deterrence and short sentences have to be used for those purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Universal controlled disarmament must replace deterrence and arms control as the national defense goal.
  • Whatever the case-by-case reality, the popular notion that, through Mossad, Israel knows everything and can reach anywhere is one of the most valuable assets available to a state whose entire doctrine of defense can be summed up in the word "deterrence. Top Stories
  • The problem with conventional deterrence by denial is in ensuring that a potential aggressor does not perceive the chance of victory as a risk worth taking. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Technological change has produced numerous new weapons which could be destabilizing to deterrence and make verification more complicated.
  • Speaking on the drills 'fourth day, Guards commander Massoud Jazayeri said Iran had a deterrence plan which would make the enemy "regretful" if they launched any attack against the country, the official IRNA news agency reported. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
  • America prevailed because Congress funded containment, deterrence and employed the full spectrum of finite resources towards realistic and accomplishable objectives. Tommy Sowers: Who Will Pay for the Afghan Military? The Question Congress Must Answer Now
  • I can't say this enough: deterrence is not tit for tat.
  • Strong maritime capabilities contribute to deterrence in a broader global context as well. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • As an element of deterrence, on the other hand, the threat to kill ten of theirs for every minor inconvenience to one of ours seems useful and proper, since deterrence is supposed to be a little daft. digamma The Damsel Effect
  • To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
  • The military confrontation which represented this world order has to be viewed not as deterrence but as imaginary war.
  • It is another nail in the coffin of deterrence even if the first generation of cruise will be slow for such a role.
  • This led to the position of minimum deterrence outlined below. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Whatever the case-by-case reality, the popular notion that, through the Mossad, Israel knows everything and can reach anywhere is one of the most valuable assets available to a state whose entire doctrine of defense can be summed up in the word deterrence. Top Stories
  • These attitudes should be of great concern; for to be effective, deterrence must not only be credible to our potential adversary but reassuring to our own people. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • In the nuclear world deterrence became not merely an element of defence and military strategy, but its defining feature.
  • The problem with conventional deterrence by denial is in ensuring that a potential aggressor does not perceive the chance of victory as a risk worth taking. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • It is possible that there is some displacement from car theft as a result of security deterrence. Times, Sunday Times
  • United States and China are nuclear powers, nuclear deterrence forces in a confrontation Heng balance.
  • It is equally applicable to both nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence, especially with regard to ‘threats of the second kind.’
  • The length of that term was required to reflect the requirements of punishment and deterrence. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in some cases a court may predicate a death sentence on a finding of future dangerousness - a nod to the deterrence goal as well.
  • He summarized that imprisonment would not serve the goals of punishment, deterrence or rehabilitation.
  • All of these punishments were performed in the presence of the offenders' military unit and were seen simply in terms of minatory retribution and deterrence.
  • Accordingly, the hypothesized deterrence of ethanol to frugivorous vertebrates, or specifically primates, is unsubstantiated.
  • It is partly through this fear of technological instability that nuclear deterrence has promoted rather than restrained arms races. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • It is equally applicable to both nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence, especially with regard to ‘threats of the second kind.’
  • There are few in Washington prepared to run the risks implied in such a deterrence strategy.
  • Nuclear deterrence is less likely to fail than conventional deterrence, since the risks are so great. After Thatcher
  • In this respect Hirschi shared the long-standing positivist rejection of the central tenet of classicism: deterrence.
  • These are the circumstances in which robust conventional deterrence would settle the argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • The apologist for deterrence of this kind assumes a sort of Manichaean view that war is of its nature irrational and apocalyptic, avoidable only by threats of total annihilation.
  • Sovereign immunity frustrates compensation and deterrence. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • If the different compounds of a mixture act synergistically, greater toxicity or deterrence may result.
  • When change does occur, nuclear deterrence is not well equipped to meet the demands of a system in flux. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • In the deterrence of war and in war itself, will is important. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • It was assumed that any Soviet leader would recognize the logic underlying US deterrence policy.
  • As an element of deterrence, on the other hand, the threat to kill ten of theirs for every minor inconvenience to one of ours seems useful and proper, since deterrence is supposed to be a little daft. digamma The Damsel Effect
  • Mr. McCain appeals to those who believe that deterrence is the threat of striking back with ten times the blow. Second Obama Ad Focuses On National Security - The Caucus Blog -
  • Clinton understands that deterrence is worth the trouble. Clinton touts commander-in-chief credentials
  • There was a deeper concern about the rationality, not just of the actors in the process, but of deterrence as a whole.
  • When two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction.
  • This guideline stresses the deterrence of war.
  • But there is another, perhaps more promising category of deterrent effect: general deterrence.
  • Second, as questions of both national and societal security merge and interpenetrate, it is clear that possessing a reactive operational strategy alone is inadequate as a means of deterrence.
  • When there is a fair chance of getting away with these minor misdemeanors without punishment there will be not deterrence.
  • He also said the ‘old doctrine of deterrence’ was no longer enough and United Nations resolutions must now be backed by the threat of military force.
  • when two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction
  • There's no peace agreement, no policy of containment or deterrence that works to deal with this threat.
  • It gets to the mindset of this enemy of which you speak, and when you get to issues of proof, deterrence is obviously extremely difficult to prove as an effective strategy. It's Often the Cover-Up that Gets You
  • Deterrence and punishment are not rational options, and politicians who seek to inflame public feeling in these distressing cases are being forced to recognise this.
  • Strong maritime capabilities contribute to deterrence in a broader global context as well. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • The problem with conventional deterrence by denial is in ensuring that a potential aggressor does not perceive the chance of victory as a risk worth taking. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • But punishment and deterrence matters too. The Sun
  • Both emphasize law enforcement as the central police function, and adopt the rational deterrence model of classical criminology, albeit at different stages of the argument.
  • It is another nail in the coffin of deterrence even if the first generation of cruise will be slow for such a role.
  • When two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction.
  • This argument appeals to critics of nuclear deterrence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great thing about deterrence is that you can bluff it. Matthew Yglesias » The Missing Envoy
  • In the nuclear world deterrence became not merely an element of defence and military strategy, but its defining feature.
  • While judges may have associated severe sentences with deterrence, the connection was not necessarily valid.
  • General deterrence theory is often cited to justify punishments, sometimes in specific cases.
  • To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
  • The same is true of deterrence on the front line of the antipoaching struggle. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's not the kind of deterrence most people have in mind, but the plain fact is that the United States has on a couple of occasions exercised short - or medium-term deterrence to limit or alter Tehran's behavior. The New Republic - All Feed
  • This could lead to regular soldiers taking on permanent guard duties to provide extra firepower and deterrence at other barracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever the case-by-case reality, the popular notion that, through Mossad, Israel knows everything and can reach anywhere is one of the most valuable assets available to a state whose entire doctrine of defense can be summed up in the word deterrence - which doesn't mean Israel is the only country with a foreign intelligence operation inside Iran. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • At its heart, deterrence involves all of the imponderable elements of political will and decision making.
  • This is credible deterrence in action, the culmination of dogged hard work and specialist investigative techniques. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then there is Cold War nuclear deterrence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The presence of armour is reassuring protection and deterrence to hostile action.
  • Deterrence is a state of mind brought about by the existence of a credible threat of unacceptable counteraction.
  • According to one commentator, "MEJA is poorly suited to serve as an effective tool to shape contractor employee behavior and deter criminal acts ... because its design makes it nonresponsive to the deterrence needs of military commanders .... David Isenberg: Riding Herd on Cowboys in the Middle East
  • At the heart of minimum deterrence is the conviction that it is in no one's interest to go nuclear. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Sartori's thesis is interesting for theoretical reasons because it recasts the literature on extended deterrence.
  • Also, should deterrence fail, we would want to have a reasonable retaliatory capability available.
  • Under the Cold Wart concept of deterrence, clarity was a necessity.
  • Two distinct approaches to minimum deterrence can be identified. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • The first capability that armed forces need to achieve deterrence is an offensive capability.
  • As progressives, we reject the same justifications for the carnage that we heard ad nauseam from the supporters of the Second Iraq War: the so-called “war on terror,” the “clash of civilizations,” the “need to re-establish deterrence” – all of which served to justify a misguided and unnecessary war, with disastrous consequences for America and Iraq. Gaza: Does the BBC have a death wish?
  • It wasn't $20 million, but it was still more money than I imagine this woman had seen in her life - a pretty good payout and hardly deterrence to other parents in the neighborhood who felt entitled to shanghai the system.
  • One could argue that America's overwhelming nuclear deterrence, like Britain's navy in the 19th century, has been a source of global stability more than otherwise—and that Reagan's dream of missile defense which Mr. Taubman labels "quixotic" may turn out to be the real solution to preventing a rogue nuclear attack from one of the world's many despotic regimes. Fearsome Peacekeepers
  • The only purposes of sentencing which they recognise are punishment and deterrence, rehabilitation does not enter the picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Royal Navy is a very special asset, and if you want to use it, it doesn't come for nothing," he is said to have told the journalists, adding, "We're at a scale now that requires a certain amount of investment to maintain … You can't do deterrence unless you are a really professional outfit. Archive 2007-02-01
  • History tells us that deterrence and containment are the only answers.
  • His view is that prison sentences must be long enough to satisfy the requirements both of retribution and deterrence.
  • Deterrence's objective is secret, only for domestic consumption, or for later revelation by history.
  • But beyond is an anarchic order in which regional powers and non-state actors complicate traditional notions of deterrence.
  • It added that it was a'step towards reinforcing the policy of credible minimum deterrence '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its priority is on war avoidance by the removal of threats, rather than deterrence by the threat of punishment. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • At that time, some argued for containment and deterrence as the remedy for Soviet hostility.
  • Important as rehabilitation is, prison also serves the needs of deterrence and retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • He intimately understands the idea of deterrence insofar that once he has a nuke, he will be able to deter other powers from countering his ambitions in the region.
  • If pre-emption replaces deterrence as the fulcrum of global engineering, then the boundary blurs between the forces of civilisation and terror.
  • Without such military drills, capacity atrophies and deterrence withers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This meets only two of the three main purposes of prison: punishment and deterrence. Times, Sunday Times
  • How does that set an example to countries that he wishes to discourage from adopting nuclear deterrence?
  • A policy of containment and deterrence has worked up until now.
  • The housing market getting a second wind is something that unsettles the Reserve Bank and could even bring forward another dose of interest rate deterrence.
  • It is the inconsonance between the organs or within one or more of the three organs that causes turbulence in a nuclear deterrence relationship.
  • The previous bipolar world order, based on mutual deterrence between the two superpowers, engendered a sort of mutual neutralisation.
  • It seems to have finally resolved itself into an increased interest in practical deterrence and street-level prevention programmes.
  • The likely reason for the rate is falling is that, more than other types of crime, deterrence works in white-collar cases.
  • His view is that prison sentences must be long enough to satisfy the requirements both of retribution and deterrence.
  • That is why conventional deterrence is so important. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cucurbitacins are oxygenated tetracyclic triterpenes that have been shown to have emetic, antineoplastic, and cytotoxic effects on herbivores, resulting in feeding and oviposition deterrence and reduced growth of consumers.
  • And of course, as the theory of nuclear deterrence ordains, India and Pakistan, being nuclear powers, would never go to war again.
  • Different geographic perspectives tend to produce different attitudes to conventional deterrence. Warfare in the Twentieth Century

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